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22059200 No.22059200 [Reply] [Original]

I told this girl In into cryptocurrency and she blocked my number and then said this

Stupid bitch

>> No.22059243

because there's too much goddamn toxic masculinity mixed into crypto/investing in general. it's a big dick swinging contest most of the time.

>> No.22059270

Do women know about crypto?

>> No.22059273

are you shilling crypto to random girls? lmao

>> No.22059308

what a dumb bitch

>> No.22059313

dox her

>> No.22059316

Whoa nigger faggot Karen-kike.
I know you want more tattoos to distract from other unwanted traits but you have to hold yourself accountable at some point, otherwise you deserve all the negative assumptions you earn.

>> No.22059322

yea i wish men would tone it down. incels ruin crypto and i wish more women would be into it. Better products would probably be made

>> No.22059325

who else would be dumb enough to buy link right now.

>> No.22059326

Post the whole convo faggot

>> No.22059334

>tries to help her make it
>gets rejected
>she misses out on moon mission
>he misses out on love
Modern tragedy of our times

>> No.22059337

Wow what a stupid fucking bitch. Hope you keep her number so you can text her monthly what the price is. Show that stupid bitch what she missed out on. Hope her next boyfriend drowns her in the bathtub

>> No.22059352

you're trying to tap her pussy by shilling crypto????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ARE YOU A CRETIN?

>> No.22059355

This is our 1980s cme floor, don’t come and complain about “toxic masculinity”

>> No.22059361

Why would you mention that to girls? Dumb of you.

>> No.22059364

Top notch bait

>> No.22059372

I feel like you were overly keen to share this gem of a community with a smooth-brained less human (woman). You're both a fault here.

>> No.22059373

You did something totally autistic and got blocked?


>> No.22059381


it’s actually really shitty to imagine all of the innovation and creativity we’re missing out on solely because crypto is seen as a white dudebro thing and that intimidates BIPOC and LGBTQ+ folks who don’t want to deal with that shitty environment.

>> No.22059391

You reap what you sow.
I wish women would own up to their unfair expectations of getting away with dishonorable shame and not having an argument when emotionally flailing and failing.

>> No.22059397

>tap her pussy
Niggers not welcome. Go away.

>> No.22059405


you ACTUALLY think a random instagram thot will care about your internet monies that you might not even be able to cash?

ahhahahhaha keke

>> No.22059410


>> No.22059411

>Stupid bitch
She dodged a bullet.

>> No.22059421
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>toxic masculinity

>> No.22059422

>Okay, have a nice day!


>> No.22059435

Why don't girls like talking about investing or crypto?
They're big money makers, aren't girls into money?

>> No.22059440

Don't talk to women about money, they're stupid and harmful

>> No.22059491

> Text her the monthly price.
I would make a python script for it, but with randomised smug pepes.

>> No.22059496

Your niggerfaggots arent any more creative than the ones currently actually building the blockchain world.

>> No.22059503

Kinos for this feel?

>> No.22059526

You sound like a faggot. Stop forcing investments on people.
Granted if I were a grill and you tried this shit on me I would invest.
>BTC ges up, I make profit
>BTC goes down, I take you to court for handing out investment advice that lost me money

>> No.22059564

>"i'm not the girl for you"
i know lots of you guys grew up without dads so struggle with girls, but i didn't know it was this bad.
when she says: "i'm not the right girl for you" she is saying: I wanted you to fuck me and tell me i'm pretty.....i dont care nor pretend to care about your dungeon and dragons money. things can never work because you wont just fuck me and tell me i'm pretty....

>> No.22059566

I tell girls I am dating with zero intentions of marrying I am in crypto. They are wow you are a nerd. Then they see I make more in staking rewards than they do at Macy's. Then I have sex and leave.

>> No.22059572
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This one got me laffin.

>> No.22059582

Before this we were texting and I told her that the USD is just Monopoly money and going to collapse due to hyperinflation

>> No.22059603

Wtf is the context? Post the preceding messages fag

>> No.22059605

Trying to pick up girls on the Internet is cringe. Don’t give them the ego boost of you wanting to get with them. All women are whores in 2020 and deserve zero attention and to die alone and miserable for being whores. It’s what they get for their feminism and sexual liberation movements. Let them enjoy the end result of crushing loneliness and eventually suicide that is to come post wall after they’ve had their “fun”.

>> No.22059613

kek, good personality and smile will get you everywhere.

>> No.22059619

Omg I was talking to this guy on messenger and it was going great and then he brings up his wallet. Lol like what am I, a whore to you? Whatever he only has 12000 dollars anyway broke ass bitch I earn that everyday from my onlyfans xoxo

>> No.22059623

Snowflakes dont deserve money. Digital survival of the fittest. Imagine missing an entire new asset class because you can be easily offended and hurt by words

>> No.22059624
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>> No.22059640

um do you even have a lambo to show her, bought with your crypto ventures?
girls not going to like a guy in crypto unless he's actually making money.

>> No.22059670

quoting it like that with the frog doesn't NOT make it real

>> No.22059681

>it happened before with bitcoin
>it gotta happen again this time for my favorite shitcoin!
nice logic, retard. stop shilling your bag to normies it’s really cringey and nothing good comes from it

>> No.22059686


>> No.22059690

99% of girls don't want to talk about money or investing

>> No.22059703


>> No.22059754

they can make more money on onlyfans
that weird bathwater bitch with the cross eyes makes more money not showing her pussy than any of us will from our shitcoins

>> No.22059761


>> No.22059768

>Seeing so many "I'm so lonely bros..." threads daily on /biz/
>read some of the comments here

Not even a simp but no money in the world can cure your ugly personality desu. How do you guys expect honest love and affection when you always talk so negative and so rude?

>> No.22059775

>Why don't girls like talking about investing or crypto?
>They're big money makers, aren't girls into money?

Girls like having money, not necessarily carving out the pathway to actually earning it through time intensive, focused activities.

Can someone YOLO into a coin and see if it goes up or down? Yes.

For actually risk-managed investing in stocks/crypto, you're looking at putting in significant effort to understand the fundamentals, starting with things like "what is money supply?", "why is cryptography to be trusted?", "what is a database?", "what is a currency?".

Then you have to actually find an implementation of these concepts and form an investment thesis.

Compare this to hopping on seeking arrangement and flying to NYC, Dubai, Tokyo and partying on a yacht at age 18-25.

>> No.22059785


you are a retard.

>> No.22059832

You're a fucking moron. You might have incidentally made it by buying Internet money and selling at a higher price but you're no economics professor alright, you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.22059866


How is this meme still alive. Of course we can cash out.

>> No.22059870

send her a pic of you in your lambo in a few years

>> No.22059888

Woman detected. I can smell your fishy cunt from here.

>> No.22059914

Damn bro, there's no need to shill crypto to someone who doesn't care never buying attitude.

Every heard of the phrase: don't toss your pearls at swine?

>> No.22059916

because r9k spilled onto every fucking board like 5 years ago and those retards look for anyone or anything else to blame on their problems besides themselves.

>> No.22059950

Why would you talk to women about crypto or money in general? I dont get it

>> No.22059952
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>> No.22059962

>talking to women about bitcorns
OP, you're the stupid bitch.

>> No.22059965

What kind of fucking simp brings up crypto with chicks? Keep your missions private. They don't give a fuck about you, it's only your turn.

The less you give, the more they will wonder what youre up to. Because you have more important shit to do than telling them about biz pump and dumps.

Fuck me why did I write this, simps gonna simp.

>> No.22059972

how oblivious can one be? Don’t you see how hurtful your sexism and mansplaining is to women? You invalidated her opinion based on her gender ALONE, while telling her to “just do what I say or you’re gonna miss out”. Yikes, try to be more open and inclusive and think of the other’s feelings before spouting your toxic masculinity. And above all that you came here looking for approval from hecking incels? And posted that screencap without blurring her face? Jeez and y’all complain why you’re single...

>> No.22059981


>> No.22059995

I'm not a woman. But someone having a longterm girlfriend and some female friends. Whatever man, do what you do.

>> No.22060012

>coming across like a pajeet scammer

>> No.22060013

>it's only your turn
Internalized cuckoldry

>> No.22060019

I’ve never been poisoned as a result of being a man, could you explain more about this toxicity

>> No.22060032

Kek this. Muh redpill cucks are sad.

>> No.22060055

Don't be a faggot, no woman on tinder wants or deserves investment advice, especially not a weird androgynous-looking thot like this
Get your shit together anon

>> No.22060075

desperately trying to impress women with money he doesn't have and then he gets to come to 4chan and complain about women.

>> No.22060090


>> No.22060104

Women are subhuman scum, why even bother talking to them about anything. Money to them comes risk free and easy, they have no interest in earning it. If you had 1m+ from crypto she would have been all over you because all women are gold digging trash.

>> No.22060166

Dude she politely turned you down
What the fuck was she supposed to say, "eat shit poor asshole"?

>> No.22060176

cringe. no wonder you’re all incels. nothing dries a pussy up faster than talking about shitcoins.

>> No.22060189

get a life

>> No.22060227

Name one industry other than makeup that has improved since the introduction of women into the workplace

>> No.22060277

Women are for having sex with not trying to have real conversations

>> No.22060283
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had this convo last night. girls just want one thing and it's fucking disgusting.

>> No.22060285

this anon has never seen a vagina irl guaranteed

>> No.22060308


>> No.22060317

Stop with your womansplaining. Why didn't you consider our emotions before posting this toxic femininity? Get back in the kitchen where you belong you brain dead bitch!

>> No.22060324

You're a fucking loser bro, why are you even mentioning bitcoin to random girls lmao

>> No.22060339
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>> No.22060346


>> No.22060348

this is a safe space, please check your pussy pass at the door.

>> No.22060358

Kek this only matters to faggots programmed by SJW bullshit like yourself.

>> No.22060378

Be a mystery about your money. Women do not want to know how your ponzi schemes. It's worse than talking politics.

>> No.22060381

>You made it so you could punch higher than your current sexual market value.
>You can't show your wealth because you'd attract the gold diggers.
Any solution bros?

>> No.22060383
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>> No.22060385


>> No.22060394

>Talking to women

>> No.22060404

Unironically I want girls into crypto too just to increase volume/adoption. But why do I keep hearing that crypto is sexist or somehow stacked against girls? Literally anyone can make an account and buy some btc/eth... Does it need to be explained on the Oprah network or by Ellen DeGeneres or something first? Why can't girls just google how to do things? Do they need a "gurls only no boys allowed" coin or something?

>> No.22060443
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imagine if niggers were in the vanguard of blockchain tech, we'd still be buying niggercoin and paying 200000 kwanzas to transfer a bread loaf

>> No.22060452

lol why are you talking to this girl like you'd talk to a biz anon?

>> No.22060454

Lmao she probably going to fomo in when the news hype the bullrun and lose it all

>> No.22060458

Kek underrated

>> No.22060473

You retarded incels act like women would not be able to earn bitcoin by the thousands easily because you faggot simps will just give it to her. No woman has to invest unless she’s bored and has nothing else to do between dick rides.

>> No.22060526

This guy can scale way back on the hatred, but he's mostly right.

>> No.22060537

You sound like a fkn recruiter to a ponzi

>> No.22060552

you need a hug man?

>> No.22060557
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Wtf kinos for this feel?

>> No.22060568


>> No.22060578

unironically, I had a girl over on a date a few years back, she started a convo about finance/work.

Showed her my investment accounts (I was like 18 bro, was over 100k at that time) and she was unironic asking for like 500 bucks to buy some shit.

Kicked her out, don't talk girls about direct wealth. They don't care, they understand too emotional/demanding. You need to show you have wealth via indirect means (like cars, etc bullshit stuff)

The issue with that is if u go all out down that route, you get poor on paper and rich in consumer trash.


>> No.22060592

That's what they have a man for, to make money and take care of them.

Remember your role, you have to be the breadwinner.

>> No.22060615


>> No.22060619

We're not your bro, buddy.

>> No.22060648

i've dated more girls while I was unemployed and NEET than when I was in college and doing internships, and the girls always wanted to split the bill on food and drinks

>> No.22060672

shut the fuck up incel

>> No.22060677
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This isn't the 50s anymore grandpa, women our age actually earn more on average and are more educated thanks to the myriad of government programs and massively artificially inflated wages they receive. Not to mention they offshored a metric fuck ton of male dominated jobs and flooded the rest with immigrants.

>> No.22060695

women are stupid.

And you all just prop them up to be the role they play.

So just as stupid.

You're all morons.

>> No.22060701

Woman have no idea about investing or making money. They are only good at spending it.

>> No.22060707
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You are fucking stupid, how can you not realize you sound like a snake oil salesman Nigerian scammer by shilling bitcoin to people on tinder? That is literally something scammers do on these apps. The worst part is your condescending tone in the conversation, sure you may have done your research and whatever and are sure of yourself but you have no reputation or credibility in her eyes so she has no reason to trust you at all, talking that way makes it sound like you only shill to her as a thinly veiled flex to hide your insecurity. Please tell me you are a teenager because at least that way your complete lack of social awareness could be attributed to immaturity.

>> No.22060805
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chekd and based. OP you have to gain some credibility with these hoes first. Take them out, make sure they enjoy themselves and want to see you again. Then start shilling. Bonus pts for referral programs.

>> No.22060825
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What choice do we have bro? We can't fight biology.

>> No.22060914


>> No.22060941
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Women higher pays only exists in the wage cuckery roles/companies.

When it comes to joins that actually matter, like business ownership, CEO, investors etc. Its male-dominated and always will be.

That article actually means *Trash wage cucks earning less than female wage cucks*, big surprise? The cream of the crop of females.

>> No.22060949

>pls respond

>> No.22060974

They think its an autist scam

>> No.22060989

Why would you ever talk about this shit to a random woman or really any woman for that matter? I hate how long it took me to realize this, but a woman's priorities and thoughts in life are absolutely nothing like a man's. So don't even bring this shit up with them, ever.

>> No.22061019

I know, I've been dumped by plenty of roasties who didn't like the fact I was earning less than them despite the fact this is what they've been lobbying for for decades now. Every single thot that dumped me had a free ride scholarship despite having a much lower GPA than I did and had a soft sinecure waiting for them the moment they graduated despite having a degree in something completely useless.
>When it comes to joins that actually matter, like business ownership, CEO, investors etc. Its male-dominated and always will be.
Name anyone under 50 that is a CEO, investor I will give to you but not many people make it doing this unless they are lucky or had a lot of capital to begin with. The CEO thing will change once the boomers and jewish boomers begin dying off.

>> No.22061039

Mein neggar

>> No.22061044


>> No.22061086

When I see CEO, that includes business owners in general. Also myself in that case lol. Male-dominated, I'm under 30

>> No.22061151
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You know CEO can apply to like all limited companies right haha lol.
Doesn't just mean jewish stock listed companies.

Women simply don't exist in the self-employed/small business sector. Those that do worked for it in almost cases just like the men, but they are vastly outnumbered.

The wage gap issue is a wage cuck issue, it does not apply to normal people who don't salve 9-5 for some shit job because they too dumb to do anything else/scared.

>> No.22061152

You must've had good parents if you're a business owner and under 30. What business are you running? Honestly aside from mega-corps most small businesses I see nowadays are immigrant run pawn shops and tobacco stores, things are absolutely dire in the US right now.

>> No.22061189

I started from 0, and no parents are wage cucks, in fact they were against it.

I run a gaming company/Community. over 200k saved now, I'm 22 specifically.

>> No.22061190

Well wage cucks are the vast majority of the population so this is a problem, not everyone can just open a business anon.

>> No.22061194
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>this thread

>> No.22061225

This what men raised by single mothers looks like

>> No.22061232

XRP has the most female investors or as of early this year it did. that's why it will never moon,

>> No.22061254

Once a girl I was getting along with really well on a night out, basically going to fuck her - she said she held link. I said I had crypto as well. How much? 7 figures. She looked at me in horror and left the club right then.

Saw her the next week in a bar and she literally ran off on sight.

Never mention it,it's fucking autistic more than we can imagine.

>> No.22061276
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Not a problem, its a punishment for being a slave.
Even Women end up above you.

>> No.22061378

Women are more risk averse than men. They can't handle big shifts in their net worth so they only put their money in socially accepted safe places. There is also this meme going around that noone can outperform the market consistently even expert analysts so women play it safe and don't try.

>> No.22061482


>> No.22061538

jesus christ the autistic incels on this board...

>> No.22061544

This sounds like a larp

>> No.22061596

Nope. Mentioned it a few times before.

>> No.22061638

your parents not supporting your risky career choice isn't what people mean when they say you must've had good ones
frankly, having an intact family at all gives you a massive advantage over me

>> No.22061664
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best thread i've read in ages, some top contributors here. Not all the best posts got a (you) so if you were one, this is for (you)

>> No.22061670

must be real then

>> No.22061708

If it's real she didn't run because you told her you own alot of crypto it's because you came off as a lying untrustworthy sperg. She couldn't believe that you had 7 figures let alone that you had it in crypto.

>> No.22061731

lmao dude please have sex

>> No.22061772

you're supposed to treat girls like shit anon, not give them stock tips

>> No.22061835

are you seriously shilling crypto to women on dating apps? get a life

>> No.22061918

Lmfao why the fuck are you shilling crypto to some roasty off tinder, I have no idea what your end game is there

>> No.22062032


>> No.22062093
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>orbiting a girl and trying to make her rich while she shows negative interest in your faggy ass
You are a true cuck

>> No.22062434

Why would you say you have 7 figures in crypto, are you autistic? The fact that you don't consider that odd puts everything else you said into question.

>> No.22062509

more like OP is based

>> No.22062854

less than 1% of crypto is owned by women.
overwhelmingly women are not investment class ppl
as in they just spend money and never invest in anything other than a 401k

theyre financially illiterate retards and have a tendency to manipulate men into spending their fortunes on stupid shit.

>> No.22062895

meant to say anyone who takes financial advice from a woman deserves to be poor.

>> No.22063037
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What are some games?

>> No.22063333
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made me reply

>> No.22063455

>toxic masculinity
Get the fuck out of my board you fucking qeer

>> No.22063558

Name 1 thing, thots havent ruined yet.
> women in politics
Everything went south
> women in the economy
Economy crash
> women wants to drive
SS card desapair for compact gay vehicles.

Women have no other use than cumdumpsters and babe raiser

>> No.22063683

Better than
>they get married
>buy link together
>he swings and lose it all
>she fucks his black friend as revenge
>have to sort it all out in Kleros court

>> No.22063732


>> No.22063974

I don't get why that would warrant such a reaction..

>> No.22064141
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>> No.22064204

>have a nice rest of your day
Is this passive aggressive burger speak?

>> No.22064258

this cunt gets it

>> No.22064293

ye, thats how wamen be like dont talk to me ever again

>> No.22064357

>Toxic masculinity
Not a real thing