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22054138 No.22054138 [Reply] [Original]

why do black people quit working only a few months into the job? Do they realize how much wage slaving blows?

>> No.22054175


>> No.22054667

They didn't evolve to do menial office work.

>> No.22054704


>> No.22054897
File: 179 KB, 819x1024, 4-956-04596-095460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they were breed by the anunnaki to mine gold

>> No.22055014

Well, yeah

>> No.22055153

>Do they realize how much wage slaving blows?
Also, they have other options available to them like becoming a drug dealer.

>> No.22055194

Fucking based

>> No.22055204

Many of them aren't able to do anything long term. it might stem from their language.

>> No.22055310
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>why does obsolete farm equipment have a hard time competing in a complex service-based economy?
do you even bother to think before you post?

>> No.22055561
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>> No.22055611

No, their language stems from them not being able to think long term.

>> No.22055672

Doesn't working a job occasionally help get you gibs when you quit?

>> No.22055673

lol what even are negroids? They cant be human

>> No.22055696

(((Complex service based economy)))

>> No.22055830
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because they are an evolutionary throwback to nomadic tribes who can't adapt to modern life

liberals are cruel as fuck by keeping them in school for so long and giving them unlimited funds to breed, rape, shoot and murder

>> No.22055916
File: 77 KB, 500x544, 1591175186067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average african adult has the IQ of an 11 yr old white child.
>africans can't think abstractly. the concept of future or past don't exist in south african languages.
>because of this, they lack self-consciousness, explaining their unfounded arrogance, and inability to self-criticize: "i dindu nuffin" (black children can't identify themselves in a mirror until age 6).
> This also explains why they revel in violence against the innocent, lack empathy, and revert to barbarism when morals arent forced on them-They can't imagine things from others' perspectives and therefore lack inherent capacity for morality.
>one explanation for this lack of abstract thinking is that Africans evolved in a climate where they could live day to day without having to think ahead. They never developed this ability because they had no need for it. Whites, on the other hand, evolved under circumstances in which they had to consider what would happen if they didn't build stout houses and store enough fuel and food for the winter. For them, it was sink or swim.

>> No.22055957

lmao this one cracks me up every time. that fucking vacant expression on her face

>> No.22056006

Theyre smarter than you think vanilla ice
They invest that cash into bricks and cut it then live few months like martin lurker kings

>> No.22056075
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>> No.22056102

*pushes in chair*
Haha based

>> No.22056133

Miner here. No... they weren’t.

>> No.22056189

>work office job in prestigious college
>hired black man in our office because of "muh diversity"
>he gets fired a few months later for very bad performance and general laziness (not doing as much work as others)

BASED. Colleges outwardly try to sound as diverse as possible to appear to liberal zoomers, but guess what, internally they only care about good performance. We seem to hire black women more than men at my college, maybe they are slightly less likely to be lazy?

>> No.22056234

Checked but you sound like a retard. How does working on modern mining projects give you the knowledge to say that ancient blacks weren’t genetically engineered for manual labor?

>> No.22056271

Actually maybe the high hiring of black women is to fulfill both a diversity employment requirement and a gender equality requirement. LMAO all those black women were hired just to get a baseline of diversity/feminism statistics. TWO IN ONE!!

>> No.22056668
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Lmao, never thought of it that way

>> No.22056677

She looks so...peaceful, happy even.

>> No.22056747

Top kek

>> No.22057110

Black women are smarter and more hard working than black men, but they also tend to have more extreme emotional outbursts than the men.

>> No.22057170

You're joke was wasted. And yes, they were.

>> No.22057368

I knew a black manager at Walmart they said you know you're in his job cuz he doesn't quotas compared to black women. It actually cost Walmart a quota to hire him because he was a man.

black women will work like dogs outside the house along as they get to neglect their husband (or baby daddy) and children. It's because they're stupid.

>> No.22057449

>why do black people quit working only a few months into the job?
Why do white people shoot up schools?