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File: 203 KB, 750x608, F8A2BA76-D168-4A2F-A031-6368D31424B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22049484 No.22049484 [Reply] [Original]

Until all you shitcoiners are ultimately BTFO forever


>> No.22049518

ive been waiting for three years when?

>> No.22049527

The bsv whales really kiked the shit out of the graph. It was doing great and then had to dump in March. Idiots

>> No.22049550

So when will Craig go to jail?

>> No.22049594

im gonna be too busy playing tony hawk’s pro skater 1+2 remake to follow whatever happens but I’m sure it will be entertaining

>> No.22049664

i wish i was as stupid as bsv retards, the world must be so comfy as such a mongoloid

>> No.22049673

Satoshi Nakamoto is Sergey Nazarov
Screencap this post and godspeed

>> No.22049717

imagine being a bsv tard that also is bullish on xrp.
peak bliss ignorance.

>> No.22050684

Why doesn't he just release the fucking coins then

>> No.22050766

Didn't this fucking beta bitch pussy bawl his eyes out in court in a desperate attempt to beg for mercy from the judge

>> No.22050800

You dumb faggots are STILL waiting for this lying faggot to prove he isn't a fraud?

>> No.22050924

Craig is probably going to fail this part of the case that you're trying to hype up.

>> No.22050969

Everyone knows why. Assuming you aren't a complete retard.

>> No.22050992
File: 255 KB, 1153x985, csw_no_sig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Identifying documents =/= signing and providing real proof

>> No.22051097

Someone give a quick recap of what we know

>> No.22051121

You don't know jackshit but you wanna be spoonfed

>> No.22051157

craig isnt satosh

>> No.22051185

>t. doesnt know jackshit either, so tells ppl to dyor

>> No.22051423

craig is satoshi and it's quite easy to see if you look for real information about him and not opinions from retarded/shill journalists who know nothing about the findamentals of what bitcoin is really supposed to be. We are currently witnessing the world powers who have a vested interest in preventing the true bitcoin to prevail do their classic smear campaigns to create distrust from the public and then reinforce it over and over again with tertiary layer opinions that, again, arent relevant to the fundamentals. Craig is currently showing the world how his invention and protocol is supposed to function within the law by getting it on the record through the slow and tedious process that is court and legal systems. With this, any and all alleged keys that were stolen will be rightfully restored, showing the legality of the tech, and exposing further how completely incompetent and easily manipulated media pundits are

>> No.22051460

despite the constant negative press, covfefe!

>> No.22051478

satoshi would for sure cry in court if he had to prove he was himself

>> No.22051513

prime example of a non argument that has nothing to do with what actually matters for successful "cryptocurrencies"

>> No.22052041

oh boy, another fake date

>> No.22052464

Even posting anonymously, i would be extremely embarrassed to makes posts like this hyping bsv and being wrong time after time after time. Bsv shills are more shameless than people who eat shit on camera for money.

>> No.22052730

OP, you are an angel.

>> No.22052937

can't for all you fags to be btfo when we blow to an ATH again in september
>omg how is this scam pumping again
i laff everytime

>> No.22053736

only in your dreams

>> No.22054582

imagine turning into an unironical cuck because you think you're being ironical