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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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22040870 No.22040870 [Reply] [Original]

just went all in bzrx. let's go.

>> No.22040891
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Thoughts and prayers my fren

>> No.22041133

Buy high sell low

>> No.22041276

cute. are you ready for your life to be economically changed?

>> No.22041352

You are basically buying a better Aave at 200m cap, based anon.

>> No.22041388

this is the most absurd one
tvl of $646k... yes k
exploited two times, incompetent devs
token still pumps

>> No.22041413
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>tries to fud AAVE at 200m market cap the eve of launch
t. seething retard

>> No.22041451

Nice FUD

TVL has been locked since Feb. New platform has been audited more than any other defi platform

BZRX whale here 31k stack

Yeah I’m a whale, I’m top 7% of wallets. Wish I had 100k or 150k like others on here

>> No.22041513

also their developer documentation is almost nonexistent. for a 'protocol' that's pretty bad.

>> No.22041521
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>security mining
>Security mining is an approach that allows BZRX holders to stake their tokens to a ‘token pool’ which they have selected to support
>permissionless listing

which shit token are we gonna list first bZx bros on our superior platform?

>> No.22041536


>> No.22041555


>> No.22041569

I'm a small clown fish compared to you, but can I ask what makes this token so special? I want to buy more, but I don't understand what makes it so appealing.

>> No.22041572


>> No.22041581


>> No.22041590

SUSHI, support our DEX brothers

>> No.22041673

renBTC, margin trade BTC on a ETH dex?

>> No.22041678


>> No.22041687

>he's in boys, lets dump it

>> No.22041699

>which shit token are we gonna list first bZx bros on our superior platform?
we can list link as its out right scam and but our low iq biz buy it

>> No.22041705

Basically the small market cap. It has the potential to do a 5x before it catches up with other big defi names (which all have potential to do a 10x in the future defi bull run). Also because it's an open protocol you have the opportunity for other projects to use it, increased usage = increased token price. But otherwise their products don't do much differently than AAVE or dy/dx.

>> No.22041872

yfi, pnk

and lend so i can short the shit out of lend.

>> No.22041891

Thanks for the helpful reply. I'd buy more but god damn coinbase is holding onto my eth. Any brave anons willing to lend a poor fag small fish 1 eth? Promise I'll repay, just want to get in on this early.

>> No.22041908

31k is a whale stack? I dont feel so bad about myself anymore.

>> No.22041911

Bought 5k at 0.34c and another 5k at .9c

>> No.22041941

This is going to get insanely degen

>> No.22041955

>buying after 200%
congrats enjoy the dump lad

>> No.22041990
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>> No.22042061

sent :)

>> No.22042100

Lol you're cruel, but I respect such.

>> No.22042148

Its not lol. 300K+ is whale status. Top 50 wallets is 400K+

>> No.22042179

Do the math

>> No.22042482

Sorry ahead of time, but real whale here needs to flex. 300k bzrx 800k vbzrx checking in. And it's not even close to being my biggest bag.

>> No.22042505

Where else are you going to margin trade on Ethereum?

BZX is the only game in town, son.

>> No.22042515

Well done. I went for a six figure BZRX stack at .30. I couldn’t get much vbzrx though because there was zero liquidity and nobody would sell me OTC. Still happy with my stack though.

You plan to sell after launch or stake for dividends? I’m doing the later, I think this coin could go 6$+

>> No.22042547

how high you think we're going whale?

>> No.22042565

I'm flipping my bzrx stack at $5. Trading back into my pnk stack i pulled from, and all the profits will be going into polkadot parachain offerings. My vbzrx i'm holding all 4 years (you can stake vbzrx and get vested rewards as well.

>> No.22042864

Another whale here.

I recently bought 2m BZRX OTC.

I plan to stake my BZRX long term and live off the platform fees.

Centralized exchanges, including Bitmex, are all adding more and more KYC.

This will drive more trading volume onchain. BZRX will be the premier protocol for margin trading onchain.

The only other protocol for this is dy/dx. It lacks liquidity mining. It lacks support from whales (like me) who will LP/trade millions through the protocol.

BZRX is also a lending platform. I fully expect it to be the #1 highest valued defi token.

>> No.22042907
File: 522 KB, 1280x720, bzrx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any other burger wake up to watch the binance charts? They just listed bZrx 21 minutes ago.


>> No.22042945

what about aave

>> No.22043178

Why not hoard vbzrx? I mean some guys are selling OTC (check telegram)

>> No.22043195

Seethe harder Nicholas

>> No.22043230

bZx will have first mover advantage for margin trading and liquidity mining.

aave will probably add these features soon too.

Most traders aren't going to risk 100% of their capital on 1 protocol. We will be trading using both protocols.

>> No.22043259

so we gonna see some >margin trading aggregator< project in the future?

>> No.22043481

What do you think about CBDAO?

>> No.22043526

2021 EOY prediction?

>> No.22043545

thoughts on vbzrx?

>> No.22043580

Its a good buy if you believe in the long term success of this platform. Its like a stock warrant. I personally would rather have the flexibility to sell if I think a competitor will end up winning

>> No.22043710


you guys see this?

>> No.22043790

Yeah i know this is a larp. No one has 800k vbzrx.

>> No.22043939

i do

>> No.22043986

Dude there's people out there with 1mill+ vbzrx, i'm not even in the top tier.

>> No.22044054

This is either Kyle, Chris, or Paris.

Do you want me to spank you?

>> No.22044127


>> No.22044147

>This is either Kyle, Chris, or Paris.
nope :o)

>> No.22045279

BZX has no competition yet:


>> No.22045378

Nice one, thanks for buying my bag bro

>> No.22045437


>> No.22045695
File: 781 KB, 802x500, PowerTradeno1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ex Liquid CEO & Founder - Launching Power.Trade . Anybody else heard of this project? https://medium.com/@mario.gomezlozada/powering-forward-2d9c8eb40360

>> No.22045726
