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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 88 KB, 1280x727, EgK1x4gXgAAn6u9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22041368 No.22041368 [Reply] [Original]

QNT solves interoperability.

>> No.22041440

I would rather take a 95% loss while supporting a real project than make 50x being a moonboy in scam projects on cowboy exchanges.

We're here to change the world, not make millions of dollars in a few months.

Anyone not happy with the situation can fuck off and chase a quick buck elsewhere. In the end, quant will hit $20 and our patience will be rewarded.

>> No.22041472

i think it will go a lot higher than $20

>> No.22041814

QNT will 10x this year. Another 10x next year is certain.

>> No.22042215


>> No.22042292

He sold at $4 topkek

>> No.22042455


>> No.22042603

This is bait

>> No.22042633

The scam that lingers forever, each pump getting smaller snd smaller.

>> No.22042685

Why are you so,concerned? Still hoping to accumulate below $100?

>> No.22042716

Elaborate, what problem does it solve? Who is it geared towards? Team and their credentials? Tokenomics? Token NEEDED?

>> No.22042746

Yeah init for tech and to fund Gilberts private jets

>> No.22042952

It solves interoperability between blockchains, protocols, legacy systems at scale. At scale is the key thing here, no other project has done this.

Quant is being used by Oracle, 580+ banks, central banks and many other enterprise. The token QNT is essential for every part of their Overledger OS, from staking to level 2 payments.

They have the best team in crypto. That’s why the board of directors includes the ex-CEO of Comcast, current board member of Qualcomm and a Rockefeller.

>> No.22043082

Delusional Quantards being delusional, almost sad.

>> No.22043284

Thanks for your concern

>> No.22043572

They basically made a google spreadsheet that tracks transactions on different blockchains then called it a day. Since its not a blockchain itself they came up with the name "operating system" and hoped that would make it sound complex / interesting enough to shill. Oh and "muh partnerships". Ask the shills what consensus algorithm their spreadsheet uses and watch them squirm, trying to weasel out of it.

Of course its "scalable and fast", its not even a blockchain. They should spend some money to hire their first real dev instead of trolling 4chan and reddit a la REQ before fizzling out.

>> No.22043734

talk about opportunity cost - you can make 10x on literally any random uniswap coin in a week.

>> No.22043751

>Quant is being used by ... central banks

No it’s fucking not.

>> No.22043774


Reddit tier delusion

>> No.22043823

Quant is a QNT>RSR>QNT>RSR forever scam coin. It won't ever do anything.

Buy Suterusu if you want big boi gains.

>> No.22044387

You read reddit? What a fucking retard.

>> No.22044418

Yeah, who wants 1000x when a DeFi 10x is available

>> No.22044498

I'm curious, how well will a coin that's called cunt perform in the long term?

>> No.22044571

I’m curious as to why you are triggered? Did you sell your QNT position to chase pumps and now find you can’t buy back in without spiking the price?

>> No.22045719

Lol cuck

>> No.22045826

All the quant admins are now busy shilling their new projects.

>> No.22045961

Holding QNT which is guaranteed a price of $1k gives people confidence to invest in other, lesser projects. What’s the problem?

>> No.22045990

Well, everyone except Luke. Best admin IMO, in charge of the only telegram channel that matters. Unironically, the one channel that’s completely dead.

>> No.22046078

Iexec already solved it

>> No.22046105

Go back to Lounge moon boy. BTW Gilbert doesn’t like moonboys in case you didn’t know. Try having meaningful discussions in main and dev channels, and maybe a Gilbert will come back.

>> No.22046114

Sounds like the most Jewish team in crypto. Not touching this shitcoin.

>> No.22046135

We got a schizo here!

>> No.22046151

You sound like a Jew. It doesn’t work, retard

>> No.22046259
File: 5 KB, 250x224, qnt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the irony of your statement being that Quant is a scam project on cowboy exchanges. the pumps of this scam are petering out and there are fewer and fewer retards convinced that banks are buying erc-20s as a payment to use some vaporware operating system.

>> No.22046387

The irony is you got trolled.

Enterprise sign up to use Quant’s Overledger OS every day. Target price is $1k+

>> No.22046609
File: 14 KB, 267x189, scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Overledger OS

>> No.22046647

Thanks for the buy signal!

>> No.22046705

QNT is not going to 10,000 USD. You are fucking delusional.

>> No.22046737

It will go to $1k first, you’re right about that

>> No.22047273

With all the DeFi projects moving up the charts I doubt QNT will ever see the top 100 again. I made some money playing the pumps and shilling this but lets get the whole blockhain OS is a meme

>> No.22047310

QNT is going top 5. Don’t kid yourself.

>> No.22047697

>QNT is going top 5

> Top 5 coin
> only on IDEX

pick one. Gilbert refuses to list on any proper exchanges, this is THE bottleneck here.

If Gil even gets it on fucking kucoin, the floodgates will open as it will indicate a change of heart and direction. Until then, no one believes it will pump.

>> No.22047873

Uniswap volume has now overtaken Coinbase. No one expected DEX to take off so quickly, so we have to re-evaluate the situation.

With decent volume for Matcha, Nash and IDEX 2.0, QNT could launch from these venues alone. Either way, I expect we will see regulated CEX like Coinbase soon enough. Coinmetro is a wild card - could turn into T1 with the right marketing.

>> No.22048550

this fud makes me bullish, its like early eth days. Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.22048644

sold my mother on the streets to get more qnt

>> No.22048789

Just sold one of my kidneys to bought more qnt.
See you at 1000 usd retards.

>> No.22048894
File: 50 KB, 720x1280, photo_2020-08-31_14-41-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you only knew how quamfy things really are

>> No.22049378

Quant OGs are dumping their bags because his shit is going to zero.
Fuck Gilbert.

>> No.22049400

>the quant admins are now busy shilling t
haha, you again. It's saddening watching this level of fud. Ffs, if you try to buy in low, pleaaaassseeee put some work into it. This is just embarrassing.

>> No.22049401

$20 seems unrealistic now.
Much "$1000 eoy".
Lol. Dead.

>> No.22049426

lol, no they didn't. QNT is the only one to do so!

>> No.22049465

i guarantee you, it is. Quant will be the single most successful crypto. deal with it

>> No.22049468

This is a very interesting and non-faggy response, better than "we don't even want exchanges".

I will look into this.

>> No.22049473

Weak fud is weak. Try harder if you want to blow your $50 wage on some bargain QNT

>> No.22049487

The token is not essential. The only token use case is "the token will be locked up for licenses". That's it. There's no proof this is happening. There's nothing to stop Gil taking money for "licenses" and not buying QNT tokens with it. It's all based on belief. Have any tokens been locked so far? Literally no idea.

>> No.22049576

No chance. Crypto has moved on. There is no incentive to hold this other than 'bombs' which turn out to be nothing most of the time
>Got to go got a call with a central bank

>> No.22049577

Lol, someone hasn’t been keeping up. There are dozens of uses within Overledger and the Overledger Network that require QNT. Staking is one of them.

>> No.22049583

Omfg, before commenting would you take your time to read up on the tokenomics. It is used for every fucking thing, you absolute brainlet. QNT will be the most scarce token in all of crypto. Just watch!

>> No.22049619

How much volume is QNT doing on uniswap? Oh that's right, none. No one cares.

>> No.22049623

Someone hasn’t kept up. There are dozens of uses within Overledger OS and Overledger Network that require QNT. Staking is one of them.

>> No.22049670

You care enough to fud right? Strikes me you’re the biggest retard here if you haven’t bought back in by now.

>> No.22049679

There is no staking, no plan, it's barely been mentioned.
The token isn't used. The entire use case is 'buying for licenses' which there is no proof of. Show proof of the token being used for anything. Go.

>> No.22049722

What a fucking brainlet

>> No.22049727

Not an argument

>> No.22049730

because you are all fucking brainlets, lol. Most of you twats are prolly 16 years old, who is incapable of grasping the world of finance, hence QNT does not look appealing to you. You faggots have actually convinced yourselves that QNT won't be big. But just listen, i'll let you in on a secret: Quant is gonna be the most talked about project in crypto within half a year and there will be major, unprecedented FOMO!

>> No.22049763

So you don't have any proof then.
Trust in your Messiah.
Get dumped on.

>> No.22049769
File: 231 KB, 523x666, SIA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They use Choppork Coin for that.... -.-

>> No.22049829

Have SIA locked up any QNT? I bet Gil didn't even mention the token to them. It's all what you want to believe and no proof.

>> No.22049877
File: 111 KB, 1080x720, Keter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exchange argument is stale fud. Our partnership with matcha exchange (0x exchanges) will provide stupid liquidity from Dex's, which yes, are superior to cex's in that they are going to be the leaders in sourcing defi liquidity.

Cex's are going by the wayside, and gil just secured the channel that will allow for all of defi to interoperate with one another. I know none of you retards will buy, but when we are at 300-400 range in october don't say I didnt tell you so.

now CAP this

>> No.22049918

In regards to the use of tokens? well, Gilbert would be jailed for fraud if he suddenly made the QNT token useless? why the fuck would he do that? you are actually this fucking dense? and what are your proof that it is not being used? Gilbert says it will be used for everything. I would much rather listen to him than some random twat on 4chan, who's evidently stupid af, lol

>> No.22049921

Capped. See you in Oct at $2.

>> No.22049954

Yeah with Gateway running and staking....See you....

>> No.22049969

Don’t forget the > 2,000,000 QNT he owns which makes him a billionaire by EOY

>> No.22050048

Maybe Gil will drop some more 50k QNT "bombs" after his next "announcement".

>> No.22050077

I guarantee staking won't happen this year if at all.

>> No.22050183

He doesn’t know

>> No.22050257

haha, see... you are unable to counter it, so you simply change to another topic. fucking hell, you little knobhead, just fucking buy QNT and thank me later. No need to be a little salty bitch, lol. Anyway, why are you so desperate to FUD? want to buy in lower? you are more or less tthe only person fudding in this thread, so ofc i would like to know your motive.

>> No.22050378

There are about 5 useful posts in this entire thread.

I don't know who I hate more - the retarded schizo "it's a scam" fudders, or the drooling Cult of Gilbert fanbois.

>> No.22050403

Counter what? You didn't argue anything. Just more believing the token will be used when there is no proof. No proof of lockups, nothing.
The token was an ICO fund raiser, end of.
Imagine thinking he would be in jail with what the rest of crypto gets away with on a regular basis.

>> No.22050595

> He can’t reply to the right post
> He fuds, but it’s based on ignorance
> He asks for proof but he’s a brainlet

>> No.22050701

There isn't any proof and you know it. Seems like SIA would have locked up a lot of tokens if they are doing so many transactions. Strange it doesn't seem like any are locked up at all.

>> No.22051388

>Enterprise sign up to use Quant’s Overledger OS every day.

zero proof.

>> No.22051779

14 posts by this ID
5 posts by this ID

Asking for "proof", hilarious. ACTUAL proof, guys, not just the third largest software company in the world stating it themselves on their own website. You know, ACTUAL proof. Where is the proof? Tweets are easily faked and Gilbert is a pathological liar. Prove the token even exists. Pro-tip: you can't.

>> No.22051807

the token literally has no use and theres plenty of projects who are doing thise same points

>> No.22051989

QNT token has dozens of use cases. It isn’t optional. It’s an integral part of the Overledger OS.

Quant Network are the only project to solve interoperability at scale. No one else comes close.

>> No.22051996

So why token pump if no utility...why form 4 to 9 in no time? FUD is always a comic thread...LOL

>> No.22052174

>Asking for "proof", hilarious.

you made a claim, now back it up.

>Enterprise sign up to use Quant’s Overledger OS every day.

provide proof.

>> No.22052306

>you made a claim

I didn't, actually. Check who you're replying to.

>provide proof.

New game for everyone. Every time you see an ocean thread, ask for "proof" of every single claim or suggestion made in the thread.

>> No.22052363

>New game for everyone. Every time you see an ocean thread, ask for "proof" of every single claim or suggestion made in the thread.

What the fuck are you talking about, 'ocean'? is that a shitcoin? why are you trying to divert the conversation instead of backing up the ridiculous claims that are made in this thread by bagholders?

>> No.22052536

let me rephrase. theres no reason why it HAS to rise in price.

>> No.22052614

That's the problem, there can never be any real discussion
You have a bunch of fags using half real fud as a laugh and a bunch of spergs from the quamfy lounge who are incapable of looking at the real shortcomings of quant

>> No.22052713

the fact each time there's a quant thread, i see an enormous amount of low tier fud lol unironically bullish

>> No.22053695

>the ridiculous claims that are made in this thread by bagholders?

Any ridiculous claims being made are by baghunters.

>> No.22053862

Always like this yes.
Buy more QNT

>> No.22054012

Quant solves interoperability indeed! Quant team tokens get dumped by using a proxy account on gullible followers who are impressed by mainstream economy jargon and connections, meanwhile there is no substantial evidence to suggest Quant is going to get used by the big players for real. It's interoperabile in the sense that the team Quant tokens get converted into bitcoins and those bitcoins either get converted into other cryptocurrencies or it gets wired to Gil his bank account.

>> No.22054789


You are a fucking stupid nigger betting your fucking welfare check on a fucking photoshop diagram

>> No.22055585

>We're here to change the world, not make millions of dollars in a few months.
This is /biz/, not /g/.

>> No.22056577



>> No.22057067

ty gonna buy some of those QNt bags, im not 16 BTW, a young boomer, Cya on the moon fren

>> No.22057891

fuck this scam

>> No.22057958

Fucking Lol. It's only up in USD because of ETH.
QNT is taking vs ETH, again.

>> No.22058012

Ocean has got exchange listings, awareness and twice the market cap in half the time.

>> No.22058124

Are you thinking this is a scam, how can u do a transaction online without a financial institution?
@Bitcoincomgame Peer-to-peer Electronic Cash System allows online transactions with just cryptographic proof which will be a replacement for the trust that used to be instituted by the financial institution initially. As simple as that.

>> No.22058141

NOBODY and I mean NOBODY will use a solution called QUANT, no matter how solid the technology is. Why do you think garbage cryptos like iEXEC aren't going anywhere? Its logo is even worse. Absolutely disgusting and inappropriately designed. Quant makes me think of ducks. You want institutions to think of ducks when they hear about QUANT anon?

>> No.22058215

It's not a scam, they are legit achieving their aims I believe. But the QNT token is going to zero.

>> No.22058341

Fuck off Cobra. You really are insane. Cut back on the booze and get some exercise.

>> No.22058382

Kek, what a fucking retard

>> No.22058418

This isn't Cobra, quite funny you think it is though. Had a few run ins with him before he was kicked out of the lounge.
The reality is lots of quant OGs like me are losing patience rapidly.

>> No.22058543

Proof tokens are being locked up. There is none.

>> No.22059124

OK expert. So Quant doesn't sound serious enough to you? What about Polkadot? Does that sound like a legit coin? P o l k a ddd ooo ttt .. to me sounds like: Lets drink some vodka and hold our dicks

>> No.22059218

everyone who bought this bait is fucking retarded.