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2203335 No.2203335[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the cutoff age for which you should move out of your parents house by?

>> No.2203357
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I dunno whats the cutoff age for 4chan?
50 right guise

>> No.2203361

When it's financially feasible

Moving out at 18 and living in poverty for 8 years is not impressive or admirable

If you can, move out, if you can't, and your parents aren't complete cunts, stay as long as you can and avoid renting and burning money

It's a personal choice, not something you should shamed into

Past 30 if you've never moved out is when it gets concerning

>> No.2203371

This mostly

>> No.2203372


>> No.2203383

>tfw living with my fiancée who lives with her parents who live with their parents

It's a 5 bedroom house in the country. Not that bad but still kinda weird fuckin her sometimes.

>> No.2203393

anyone else find it strange how often this thread pops up here

>> No.2203398

>40k in crypto
>plan on prolonging moving out until getting to 300k

wish me luck

>> No.2203406

>uncle lived with his mom since forever
>has bought 4 cars in cash all
>supported a family of 8

implying it matters

>> No.2203448

Young adults starting their lives with questions relating to personal finance? Wow truly a mystery

>> No.2203450


I mean hey, props to the guy, a family of 8 that isn't mormon is impressive these days

Every family and person is different, with different goals.

Your uncle is living the life imo

>> No.2203456

Why would I do that? Contribute to the family, pay rent, do adult chores sure but move out? Nah fuck that, maybe when I have enough money to move to a better neighborhood or buy a house near them/ start my own family.

>> No.2203502

15-17: broken home mode
18-19: normal mode
20-23: failure to launch mode
24-28: eternal virgin mode
29+: why even bother?

>> No.2203523

>tfw in failure to launch mode

>> No.2203533

Only American retards move out before 22

>> No.2203556

Seriously not building a family compound/ buying multiple homes on the same street, economy of scale.

>> No.2203590

Are you in the US anon? This seems very uncommon for the states.

>> No.2203622

In many countries (and thus immigrant communities) it's perfectly normal to live with your parents until you get married and even afterwards, and to move back in or have them move in with you when they get older.
A lot of the headache over "who will take care of old people" in Western societies is due to nuclear families and individualism making it prohibitively expensive. Just stick great-grandma in a tiny room with a TV and a bookcase and feed her soup twice a day, jeez.

>> No.2203638

>living with a senile person

Good way to go crazy

>> No.2203669

Moved out right after high school. Worked 2 jobs and bought myself a car and am putting myself through college

>> No.2203709

Yeah no shit, but what I see happen all around me is people buying apartments for senile relatives and then having to go visit them all the time anyway because they can't live alone.

One family I know in particular, two daughter and one son, take turns checking on their old mother almost every day (they wanted to check every other day but real and fake alarms keep forcing them to visit on their "day off"), which means driving hundreds of miles every month for that purpose (it was even more before but they ended up moving her closer just to cut down on the trips), and there's also one nurse who mostly comes by to give her shots and make sure she takes her meds and so on. That's 4 people wasting hundreds of hours and probably like two thousands bucks every month just to check in on the old lady, and she isn't even infirm.

>> No.2203713

It's real fucking simple Opie:
>Stand in front of mirror
>Imagine you're talking to hot girl
>Say: "i still live with my parents"
If it feels weird/uncomfortable/whatever then you're past the cutoff. Permavirgin neets like to pretend they're not a failure, but this test will work on them too

>> No.2203735


>t. I'm 26 and still live in my mom's basement.

>> No.2203739

>Stand in front of mirror
>Imagine you're talking to hot girl
>Say: "hello"
What does it mean if I'm already dropping my spaghetti?

>> No.2203745

Old people need to be put in gas chambers honestly.

I'm never taking care of my parents when they're old fuck them

>> No.2203767

>tfw she probably still lives with her parents too

it's becoming the new norm. fuck paying 1 milli for a fucking bedroom

>> No.2203771

>22 if you're a goyim
>30 if you're upper-middle class or higher

>> No.2203777


So obviously white

>> No.2203795


doesnt have anything to do with becoming rich or a man

lived alone 24-30. had gfs and fun. now moving back in so i can devote 100% to crypto until i get my mba

and a certain point it actually becomes a virtue to live and take care of them

>> No.2203812

>it's becoming the new norm
No it's not. It's just that some people feel that living centrally in a popular city is some sort of human right

>> No.2203853

If you're still living with your parents at age 19, something has gone seriously wrong in your life.

>> No.2203857

i'm 26 and i only make $20 an hour as a contractor

i'm a fucking failure at life

>> No.2203914
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>own 25% of family business
>1.4M revenue & 460K income before taxes in 2016
>failure because I don't hand Mr. Goldstein 20% down + mortgage fees + insurance + utilities for a plastic & wood box
Hehe guess I'm a loser right.

>> No.2203933

>making things up on the internet

>> No.2203956


>own 4% of family biz
>get ~150 bucks a month from it, doing nothing

it's something at least, right?

[spoiler]my dad owned 25%
but my uncles cucked us when he passed away[/spoilersdon'tworkonbiz]

>> No.2203982
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Not bad for doing nothing. I'm working 55-60 hours a week though. I'm getting paid 5% in equity per year, no base salary it's an S-Corp so standard payout. I'll have controlling share in 5 years.

>> No.2203990


Sounds like your metrics for success were given to you.Failing to leave the safety of your parents hard earned stability, even after inheriting a sizeable portion of their business venture is pathetic.

You owe it to your folks and yourself to move out. Let them live the next chapter of their lives and see you do as they did. Clean your room bucko, and that's that.

>> No.2204005

this. i literally became a millionaire purely because my parents didnt kick me out. my parents knew i was smart and let me do my thing and it paid off bigly. im a very singleminded autist; there's no way i could deal with having to cook food or wash my clothes etc all while thinking about business (which was on my mind 24/7).

parents who kick their kids out at 18 just because seem like A grade faggots. the only reason parents do it is to show off to other parents that their kid is so so mature and they raised them right. (even if they fucking didnt which is like 99% of the time in todays world).

i moved out at 28 ballin hard. probably going to buy them a nice holiday home or something.

i love my parents

>> No.2204038

not terrible, but i had to buy in

also, it's business rental property, so pretty much no body does anything and the customers are always the same and willing to pay

also, my uncles pay themselves 4k a month in salary for this "doing nothing"

kinda sucks

>> No.2204042
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>Jumping ship on profitable family business that continues to grow with few competitors

When I graduated University, I was the only one that wanted to work with parents and my 2 brothers went their own way. I got paid 15% in equity for my first year and then 5% a year subsequently. Figured 30K a year starting wasn't bad since I had 0 living expenses and nothing to lose. Business was making about 200K a year at the time and they thought I was an idiot. They make 50-70K a year now and waste the majority on living expenses. Guess I'm the one missing out?

>> No.2204047

parents that kick their kid out at 18 are (((brainwashed))) boomers

>> No.2204084

>i-it's not their fault the jews made them do it
bullshit, they just want their spawn to fuck off already so they can walk around in their underwear or fuck like rabbits again before they become so old and disgusting that they can't help vomiting when they look at each other

>> No.2204087

Not a day later than 7

>> No.2204091

lol, they fuck at every age tho

nursing home swingers are a thing

>> No.2204103

sure, but my point is that they just want freedom and the house to themselves and they know perfectly well what they're doing

>> No.2204112

>guess I'm a loser right
You still live at home, so yes.

Are you dim? That's the whole point of the thread...

>> No.2204482
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I am 22, I want to move out badly but I am currently running a shady business just so I can make enough money to sustain my parents. They don't want me to go, I can't stand the bastards but I know that if I leave, they'll end up in the streets.

Every-night, I go to sleep feeling like nothing is real, and hope that one day I'll just stop waking up in the morning for good.

>> No.2204495

damn that sounds like the dream

make sure you take good care of them in their old age. i'm gonna be in the exact same situation

>> No.2204534

Don't buy into the move out meme. I did and it sucks. I'm only going to be making maybe a 70-90% return on my home investment when I could have easily done 500% in crypto. I listened to normalfag investors saying real estate is less risky, but it's way more work let me tell you. Taking care of a home and yard eats up an average of 15 hours of my week. I feel like a slave to the property.

>> No.2204561

PhD student
20k/yr stipend
Autistic and previously-homeschooled so I'd never get gf anyways, had no friends through all of undergrad and when I thought I had a friend in grad school he sexually assaulted me in his dorm when we were drinking and playing vidya (blacked out)

I'm looking forward to moving out and buying a small home when I graduate, just because I can be as loud as I want and exercise more control over my life, but I have no desire to spend money on rent and food when it is of no advantage to me. I am a loser and I'm used to that fact, so be it.

>> No.2204837


>> No.2204841


>> No.2204846

I live in SF

I'm 25

living rent free is choice for a bit over here

>> No.2204862

>PhD student

which degree?

>> No.2204875

Ew.... If you are over 23 and still live with Mommy and Daddy, kys

>> No.2204893

What business?

>> No.2204917

I don't give out that info voluntarily but most girls I meet my age are either struggling to pay for their shitty apartment, live with like 5 other people or live with their parents. I've met two that live by themselves in nice homes but even then there's a reason they're chasing after me, which is they're working too much to have a proper social life.

>> No.2205304

Biochemistry (aka soon to be phased out by robots)
(different computer btw regarding ID change)

>> No.2205693


>> No.2205795


lol u r an idiot if you think biochem PhD's will be phased out by robots.

i'm in grad school for teh same thing.

>> No.2206237

moving out is literally a scam/meme perpetuated by Jews to atomise the family and milk every single individual as much as possible. Why have the families of goyim live together in a large home they own sharing resources with one another when you can make them rent homes from you and have to buy more things for themselves? If you want to survive goys, I guess you'll just have to move into the city where you can find a job working for me and rent this shoebox.

Hehehehehe *rubs hands*

>> No.2206240
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Thats rough bro. My mom works at dennys so I can kind of relate. I have to take care of my siblings financially cause shes financially disabled. Also have to send her money/pay her bills occasionally. Motivation for me to be successful to buy her a house and shut her up finally.

>> No.2206337
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You might resent them but theyre still your senpai. Tale care of them but don't neglect your own well being. Perhaps help and encourage them to regain their bearings. Government assistance exists for reasons like this.

>> No.2206383

fucking hiroshimoot pls get rid of word filters

>> No.2206441

are you stupid? I'm in biochem too, this shit is so rout there's no fucking way we won't be replcaed by robots

>> No.2206548
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We had a huge house in switzerland (also big family)
One of my bro got married with 32 and lived in our house with his wife and one kid. Left 2 years later because they got another kid.
Also have 2 other bros which also lived all together in the house

Im the youngest with 23 and still get rekt by my brothers.
We had to leave the house because it had mold problems. Now we live in gay ass appartments, divided.
One bro lives with my other bro who is married with his wife.

While I live with my other bro with my parents.

I dont know a single person in my age that doesnt live with parents. Its fucking expensive here. Everything is run by jews.

We are still all in the same town so its just a walk over there. But you clearly miss those chaotic, yet fun times with the family.

Always remember all the great moments with your family, senpaitachi.