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2202436 No.2202436 [Reply] [Original]

So basically out of nowhere when I was watching the garbage truck take my trash the other day an idea for a new invention struck me like a bolt of lightning. Now, this invention might not be relevant for 15 years, maybe even 30 but how the fuck do I go about patenting this shit? I come here to ask because I'm hoping some of you have experience with patents.

>hurrr durrrrr u stupid

No, this shit will be billions of dollars if I live to see the day it can be used.

tldr I thought of a great idea, what do?

Pic somewhat related. My view when I got the idea.

>> No.2202483
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let me guess you are going to license oxygen or some shit since you live in commieforina
might not be a bad idea in china they have vending machines with flavored pure oxygen with nitrogen

>> No.2202506

No. And I live in Arizona.

>> No.2202554

I have a patent, and know a bit.

Getting the patent is no big deal, costs money though.

Its getting someone to build what you want to sell that is the big deal. If you are thinking "this is so great someone will jump all over it and build it and pay me royalty" you are wrong.

People with the money and resources to bring something big to fruition are already involved in something, and could give a fuck about your piss ant start up.

Everyone has an invention in mind, and tons are legitimately good ideas. So having a light bulb go off really isn't special.

Sorry if I sound discouraging, don't mean to be. I own a small manufacturing company. People come to me all the time and ask me to build their shit on speculation for shares of what it will be worth some day. I tell them I have my own ideas I don't have time to build... and I have the resources. I'm not building someone elses shit on spec.

>> No.2203031

I understand everyone has good ideas and only few are good enough to be used. It really isn't about money with me. The thing is, I know someone will eventually invent this and I'll be pissed if I don't do anything about it. So do you need a working prototype in order to patent something? I'm fearful if I do patent this, some waste company can modify it ever so slightly and call it their own. Anyways, I just need to get some money to patent this shit. Any tips for a first time patent?

>> No.2203069

OOOHHHHHH I think know what you thought of. Thanks sucker, gonna go patent it right now.

>> No.2203095

>tfw you go to file and realize the idea has already been patented

>> No.2203148
File: 26 KB, 274x400, 1489164690511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not if i beat you to it

>> No.2203244

1. There's threads like this every single day. You're not special and you lack the relevant education to have an idea that will make millions. That's just how it is.

2. Even if your idea is good (probably not), and you get it patented, someone smarter and with an actual degree will engineer an alternative way to do the same thing so they don't have to pay you shit

3. Getting a patent is really fucking simple, if you knew anything about inventing things you would know this. In fact if you weren't dumb you would know this, because it's on google.

4. You're probably so retarded that you haven't even done a database search to see if you overlap with already existing patents/known technology. You just assume that you're so fucking brilliant that nobody could have already worked this out

>> No.2203273


i already bought the domain

>> No.2203298

Self driving garbage cans. Am I correct?

>> No.2203463

No, TrashCoin. The trash is metered and the more shit you throw away, the more TrashCoin is issued to you. It's literally garbage, it's brilliant.

>> No.2203512

I take it back, it's OutCoin, inspired by the OP when he realized it's a nice sunny day and he's inside gambling his money away on a Mongolian facepainting board. It's a small crypto running log with a solar sensor, and the more time you spend physically active outside, the more that the log is able to decrypt new blocks. It will bring all the pasty fat guys outdoors, causing them to lose sight of their memebux, so that the Chad CEOs can swoop in and steal their BitCoin gainz.

>> No.2203520

Brilliant. When is the ICO?

>> No.2203527
File: 24 KB, 480x318, 1489128479008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro your missing out, what if someone hjad asked you to build Facebook?

"No thanks man i arkledy have my own ideas"

bro yyou got fuckin gyppped loool

>> No.2203539

5 minutes

>> No.2203563

Search for prior art on lexisnexis or some shit

Get a lawyer to file a patent for you


>> No.2203580

Make sure you use LexisNexis Gold(tm) Edition, or they'll sell your search query to prospective buyers

>> No.2203583

t. A Literal Nobody Who Knows Nothing

>> No.2203604

>A Literal Nobody
>Who Knows Nothing
in this case "nothing" is still a lot more than OP

>> No.2204215

If there is anyone out there with knowledge about getting patents done, I can link up with you if you'd like. I don't give two fucks what anyone thinks, this idea is going to be amazing. Maybe won't be used in my lifetime but maybe in my child will be able to use the money.

Just sucks because I don't have the money to throw at a patent right now. I'm going to do more research tonight. Anyone who thinks they'll be on biz in the next few years, screen shot this. It'll be one of the greatest inventions of the future.

>hurrr DURRR it won't make le money

Probably not in my lifetime but it'll definitely be passed onto my children.

>> No.2204246

No lol. I just got the idea while watching the garbage truck pick up my trash can.

>> No.2204247

>Maybe won't be used in my lifetime
Oh so your idea is FTL drive? Or catgirl genesplicing?

>> No.2204260

>Probably not in my lifetime but it'll definitely be passed onto my children.
Patents expire after 20 or so years (unless you create a megacorporation with your success and convince the FDA or whatever relevant regulatory body to abuse the safety approval system)

>> No.2204378


>> No.2204387

after you patent your invention, tell us what it is! :)

>> No.2205514

Fuck I didn't know that. When I get home late I'm going to research the fuck out of it. I have zero doubt in my mind that this will eventually be used. Whether I patent it or not.
I will

>> No.2205523

>what if i patent accidental sideways photos? I'll make a fortune

>> No.2205526

I really hope it doesn't actually involve garbage collection, because that industry is so regulated and union dominated that you will never have a chance with all the Koch monies that could possibly back it.

>> No.2205602

I am willing to steer you in the right direction anon.

I am a little familiar with the process anon, I've looked into this myself and have filed patents with the company i work for.

first off, there are several types of patents related to type of IP protected and also related to time enforcement. Also where the patent is filed is important too.

1. is it a product or something that will be made
2. is it a process or method
3. do you want to own the patent outright and take on all development and production costs?
4. do you want to license the product to another company and get paid royalties without additional investment in development and production?

lots of questions need to be answered before you decide on how to file.

>> No.2205656

the least risk is in getting a provisional patent (protected for 1 year) and then negotiating a royalty payment in exchange for IP rights. if you are in the US, the idea is protected regardless if you file a patent or not, because the US laws protect those who had the idea first. So if you can prove to a court you had this idea, you can "technically" fight for infringement. provisional patents are a cheap and easy way to accomplish this. However, as others have said. people are clever and can find ways around your patent by adding a bell or whistle and calling it something different. this is why patent attorneys are essential. they anticipate this and help you cover all imaginable patent infringements and build them into the patent.

key: find a patent attorney that specializes in your product idea (most patent attorneys have an undergrad in engienering or IT or whatever they specialize in)

>> No.2205709

a non-provisional patent is the traditional "patent" and i believe is good for 10 years depending on the technology involved. These can be pricey and run up to about 10,000 USD last i recall. in addition to these costs, you also need to have a prototype of your product in order to sell it.

prototypes come in different flavors:

working model, representation model, illustration, etc...

best to have a working prototype, but they are expensive to have made. Like the manufacturing anon said, most shops pay a premium for making 1 item if they will do it at all.

>> No.2205749

last thing to add... anyone you talk to regarding the idea, make them sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and have it drafted by an attorney to protect your rights and offer you a little more comfort in knowing you can disclose details about your product.

also, companies are not looking to steal your idea vs getting sued for breach of contract or infringment

>> No.2205916

It is a product that will be made. Not for sale to general public though.

It's a method I suppose

I wouldn't know how to develop this shit

License the product for sure. Maybe even just be bought outright by some waste company.

>> No.2205933

This is what fucking sucks. I have this master fucking idea that can help the future of the waste industry but I need a shit load of money to get it off the ground. I wonder how many fuckin people have had this happen.

It actually happened to my dad. I won't let it happen to me.

>> No.2205942

ok get the book "one simple idea" by Stephen Key, or better yet, get the audiobook version and listen all the way through - this will tell you everything you need to know/do from start to finish

>> No.2205960

Thanks for the tremendous advice. I'm on mobile until I get back to my house from a trip so this is helping me a lot. Just a fucking shame I have to be basically rich to do all of this shit. I promise by the time I save of 15-30 k for a traditional patent and a fuxkin working prototype someone will have already patented it. There is no way this can be undiscovered for much longer. I clenched my butthole when doing a patent search but no one has thought of this yet. I feel fucked already because o don't have that kind of money laying around.

>> No.2205970

you can get the idea off the ground for around 200$ just get all your ducks lined up before you file a provisional patent... meaning, research the companies you want to approach and get your NDAs ready. Don't let anyone tell you that you can't afford it or can't do it. just fucking do it and get organized

seriously listen to/read that book its very informative

>> No.2205972

Thank you very, very much anon.

>> No.2206022

no problem if you have any other questions, my throw away email is srsbizchan@gmail.com

>> No.2206035

Can't wait to see you at the top some day OP.

>> No.2206088

Will do, brother. I gotta ask you, when you got ideas for the things you patented, did it feel like a lightning bolt hit your brain? It was weird.
Got it.

Hopefully I can figure this shit out when I get home. My wife is about to give birth so it might be a couple weeks until I can wrap my head around it.

>> No.2206116

yes it was exactly like that, but mine started with a problem i needed to solve - it nagged me for months, then finally it hit me.