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22010262 No.22010262[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are we in bull market? When does it pop?
Give me explanation now no bullshit.

>> No.22010305

we’re not, bull and bear are just like the left right political spectrum, they don’t mean anything or reflect reality, just vaguely convey sentiment on a transient basis

>> No.22010497


>> No.22010584

How much DMG does one need to hold to have the confidence to talk to women like this?

>> No.22010590


Left = totalitarian government in control of everything

Right = no government at all, just cooperation

>> No.22010610

FOMO is at ATH
Look at yield farming

>> No.22010662

This. We will have a crash like June 2017 then come back even stronger in two months.

>> No.22010687

You're a fucking idiot

>> No.22010783
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>> No.22011013
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Its called predictive programming. Most people here (99%) are below 140 iq and are still within the system and cannot see what's making number go up or down.

By buying into BTC (Bit Tender of China) right now, or by extrapolation, most of the crypto market due to its current status as the proof of work standard, you are betting on China & the Epstein branch of the elites prevailing in this global mafia war. The signs are pretty clear to me, it's a bad bet.

Because the fact of the matter is, BTC COULD have gone up forever, Chinese entities as a whole generate 65% of the hashpower, 80% of the exchange volume dominance, and anywhere from 60%-70% of mined tokens. Its a fraud market, the main value it provides to the Chinese currently (well, prior to currently) is money laundering to world elites with an unprecedented safety, speed and low cost.

But it only works as long as you keep putting your fiat into their global coin mixers *ahem* exchsnges. (Binance).

They control the market, they can make sure the prices continue to rise on trend forever while having the inside info to make sure they always hold onto their coins.

Something happened though, I don't know what.

>> No.22011031

I see butthole
and it is glorious

>> No.22011047


>> No.22011071

She looks terrible
What the fuck is wrong with you people
You... you coomers

>> No.22011105

Defi and yield farming are the new buzzword scams of 2020 bringing in new money . Yes it will all dump to oblivion and they are nothing but Ponzi scams that will never be used for anything , but just make money while you can and set stop losses . In a few years there will be some new buzzword protocols which do nothing that will also generate billions and then collapse . The cycle will keep repeating . The key is to get in early and get out before they plummet

>> No.22011160

yield farming is gay but it is enabled by tech that is actually useful and will be later leveraged for a better purpose. defi is extremely useful

>> No.22011165

My pp is hard
How can she change her hair color like that?

>> No.22011268

Very simple anon. 7 trillion dollars were printed in combination with a stimulus plan in March. Along with other countries having their own stimulus plans are causing ALL assets to rise. Stocks, Crypto, PM'S and Real Estate as well as some commodities. In other words: "Worldwide Inflation"

Bubble pops if virus 2.0 happens in October or if Fed raises interest rates.

Otherwise inflation will accelerate with another stimulus and possible Negative Interest Rates.

>> No.22011289

faggots like you giving her attention, therefore money and free license to continue acting like an unrestrained gorilla, confined to sexual degeneracy.

>> No.22011353

it’s a wig goofball

>> No.22011399

What an amer*can thing to say

>> No.22011597


crash will be soon

>> No.22011670
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t. mutt

>> No.22011683

Right = Catholic monarchy
Left = satanic bureaucratic dictatorship

Everything in between is cope

>> No.22011684

she looks very happy falling deeper into the degeneracy rabbit hole

>> No.22011686

Why is the left one in the wrong way lol

>> No.22011725


you only like women with manly faces because deep down you are just another faggot.

>> No.22011789

The right existed before Reagan and its philosophy has more to say than basic bitch libertarianism.

>> No.22011794


>> No.22011892



Bitcoin hasn't even mooned yet and you are saying a crash will be soon??

>> No.22011968


not tomorrow but sooner than you think

>> No.22012471

>Something happened though, I don't know what.
link happened

>> No.22012539

QE weakens dollar, bond market is fucked, which leaves no where for cash to go other than equities and commodities. It isn't flooding in to real estate yet because the prices remain inflated.

Also Belle has aged.

>> No.22012593

so what's next?

>> No.22012599

i thought this bitch never showed her pus kek. or are those pics photoshopped?

>> No.22012868

That would be FOMO among crypto nerds though, right? It’s not like Joe Sixpack, who at best has vague plans of buying some bitcoin if they suddenly read it’s not dead again, would try to get in early in yield farming gems on uniswap right now. And it’s not institutions, that’s for sure. A few crypto whales, sure, but the FOMO is just some /biz/raelis and some confused twitter followers of some random bribed e-celeb.
If any of these defi adventures turn out to be legit (I don’t doubt some might, and I’m sure legit options will eventually emerge, I believe in defi generally) then a few of you well researched guys will end up rich, and I can only congratulate and compliment you. But this was not the bull run. This was you and then a few of your weaker handed/slower /biz/ colleagues buying in and taking positions very early. There are several steps of growth to go before any normie would even dream of investing in, say, STA. Probably several bull runs.
Btc, eth and possibly link have a shot at reaching normies this bullrun. Maybe some random other coin available on coinbase (my bet is on tezos, cuz staking on coinbase). But although the promise of defi will be what drives this bullrun, it’s not anything the normies will pick up on, they’ll just see “whoa, crypto again! Where’s my coinbase, I know I have 0.04 btc, time to buy more! And maybe some eternium!” and so that’s what the hype will be about there. Institutions will go into btc big, possibly eth, and perhaps link. So while this is all about defi, there won’t be any flipping btc mcap by some alt.

>> No.22013845

left: bigger redistribution -> bigger corruption, bigger waste of economic power and higher standards for living for the 99%
right: lower redistribution -> lower corruption, lower waste of economic power and lower standards of living for the 99%

right favors the rich but it also makes more sense economically. left is just wasteful inefficient but at least it does something for the poorest to maintain human dignity living.

>> No.22013924


this is correct.

no crash, we're going much higher still.

>> No.22014011

A spectrum where both Left and Right end up in the same position cannot exist. That is quite literally circular reasoning.

>> No.22014579

>Source; my asshole

>> No.22014771

Remove this thot

>> No.22014855
File: 45 KB, 720x720, 1598204136738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a bit depressing, friend

>> No.22014882


are these real? where did she post them?