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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 1280x724, cbdao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22004096 No.22004096 [Reply] [Original]

Well... maybe some of you know.

I got my start on this board when someone tipped me off to the LINK ICO... since then I've come across too many gems to count, and enough shitcoins to kill an old lady

But... I don't think I've ever been this excited for a launch in literal years. I literally just sold my last actual bitcoin for this and am going to sleep sound as fuck. I cannot. Fucking. Wait.

>> No.22004124

Amazing graphic I wanna frame this on my wall

>> No.22004183

I’ve been frantically chasing pumps to accumulate 500 Bree... fucking stuck in some crap right now but will farm with my SNX until I get to 500 if worse comes to worse

>> No.22004240
File: 252 KB, 334x506, 1562355533502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you know, you know. we're gonna make it anon.

t. 1k sBREE holder.

>> No.22004255

Got my 1K make it stack... sucked to buy in the $20s I shouldve got more at $7 but... thats life sometimes you gotta DCA up lol

>> No.22004277
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>> No.22004320
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>> No.22004345

Life is gonna be good when you bought BREE at 20 in the future.

>> No.22004350

ok schizo retard not buying ur bags

>> No.22004415

You've bought plenty of my bags over the years anon... I don't plan on selling these I plan on staking them so don't worry

>> No.22004519

500 locked and loaded

>> No.22004733

I’m not even close to 500, but just gnna ride the pump with my little fishy stack

>> No.22004736

I got my breeding stack also.
Harem secure.
Together we will decrease liquidity!

>> No.22004924
File: 102 KB, 500x500, 1585957012212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much potential do you guys think this project really has? I mean xDAI STAKE is only $30 after a Chico video and the Reddit contest. Serious question, not FUD, I just don't comprehend how this could moon if it's already like $25. I'm holding 30 SBREE, and I expect it to be profitable, but I have doubts that it can go parabolic.

>> No.22005019

No offense at all but the fact that you are asking this question is precisely why you only have 30 BREE lol


>> No.22005111

Well yeah, I'm a poorfag, that's why if I'm gonna gamble a lot of cash on obscure alts I like to have some confidence that there is reasonable risk/reward ratio.

>> No.22005141

Yeah, and? What does this really mean? If you tell me dyor ill crash this token

>> No.22005168

Please crash it I sold once it hit $12 lol, desperately trying to get back in

>> No.22005200

Lmao crash it right now bitch please. Dyor. Dyor. Dyor. Faggot cuck

>> No.22005218

ok david but wasn't mainnet supposed to be end of August? there is no way they make the deadline with the code revisions they had to do after audit....i'll buy the dip around august 31st once people realize they're gonna be late

>> No.22005224

you know what else is a sandbox for daos? rinkeby

>> No.22005248

DYOR!!!! DYOR!!!!!!!!

>> No.22005250

where do you buy this shit?

>> No.22005267

I personally could care less if it launches on the 31st or even an entire month after. I won’t stop accumulating. I’ve been in this shit a loooooong time, nothing new for me

>> No.22005357

1660 Bree at $12. Over a week in my wallet. Ready to stake on release.
I’ll dump at $70-$80 range and be happy..

>> No.22005359
File: 243 KB, 440x600, WinkyCrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

03:30 EST hold onto your pants, from hence forth I shall be known as Bandicoot. Will you laugh or cry?

>> No.22005396

2nd qtr 2021.

Hopefully the farming is good upon launch and stays lucrative till then.

>> No.22005411

plz no

>> No.22005415

You don’t have enough to matter fuck off

>> No.22005558

why would a dao sandbox have a parabolic coin
Question remains even ignoring the extreme inflation
Shut the fuck up

>> No.22005575

Crash it, kike.

>> No.22005590

This is some tard shit. I’ve been in 50+ coins that have gone parabolic in my crypto career and the same thing wad said about every one lol

>> No.22005616
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Ima cum looking at the mother fucking graphic. Between sbree and stake.... fuck me dude please let me make it. Also got a nice suicide stack of akro

>> No.22005656

If i had a fucking dime every time someone on this retarded board filled with racist preteens who are afraid of women told me my coin wasn't going to explode, I'd have way less money than I have now

>> No.22005815
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>I cannot. Fucking. Wait.

>> No.22005823

Dude the delay is already priced in lol. That’s why it went from $37 to $19 ... back to $26 now

>> No.22005939


That's because your brainlet of a brain can't understand its utility.

>> No.22006134

Yea shit goes parabolic for nonsensical reasons all the time
Doesn’t mean this shitcoin will
Also you guys are trying way too hard to shill it. It’s disturbing.

>> No.22006176

There is literally 0-1 threads on bree a day lol

>> No.22006210


>> No.22006240

What the fuck does this even do?

>> No.22006284

I just used the farming APY calculator on this.

Even assuming the largest supply and largest staking rate, and a $25 USD price (worst case scenario) And I farm with all of my DMG it comes to over 1,000% APY ... I’ll believe it when I see it but, damn.

Plus staking all my BREE too this is going to be ridiculous passive income

>> No.22006370

Yeah nah, I think I’m calculating wrong that can’t be correct.

But the 40% staking will be nice for sure regardless of what my farm yield is

>> No.22006464

Farming rate changes based on many things.

>> No.22006520

Count the amount of LINK, STA, and PNK threads per day and then count the CBDAO threads retard

>> No.22006897

Just leave them be. No one is here to make the unworthy rich. There is a reason it isn't spammed and that's because we already know.

>> No.22007260

>fuck me dude please

>> No.22007277

I think that cbdao is a consortium of the farmable daos to implement a SANDBOX where they can test new GOVERNANCE without completely fucking their existing DAOs in the ASS.
That's why the anonymity. They wanted to attract people who were interested in GOVERNANCE first before the moon crew.

>> No.22007372


Either you’re a 17 year old with 2 ETH, or you’re a top 10 holder who spends his Saturday nights on 4chan doing some weird countdown to give everyone better entry to BREE

No matter which, it’s kinda sad and also what are you waiting for, just do it now?

>> No.22007557

learn how market cap works

>> No.22007648

Price x Circulating Supply = MCAP?
Price, or the value of the coin, determines the market cap, not the other way around.

>> No.22007710

I only have 215. Will I halfway make it?

>> No.22007717

what coin am i buying to be rich? please help a poor fag out with wisdom

>> No.22007721
File: 58 KB, 640x639, ps1_crash_team_racing_ctr-120314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know which of those two scenarios is much more likely, yet you also feel as though I very well am that fat wallet. Oblige me, else you'll fall into the cry camp as mentioned above.

In regards to the droptime; IYKYK, as the ripplets say

>> No.22008157

We ready and hoping you do it.

>> No.22008515

if you do i'll unironically send you a nice stack when i make it

>> No.22008711

So this is an insane concept, but consider this. BREE is at 25mcap, and there is no 4chan autists that could buy it at this point to sufficiently pump our bags. Now consider that people like myself that own 3k SBREE actually believe in the project and are convinced it will be the actual next YFI (if not better) and don't want other austists on this board to miss it. I know you're a stupid piece of shit but try and consider that for at least 15 seconds.

>> No.22008885

I cannot follow this post. I must be autist.

>> No.22008902


>> No.22008921

I completely see 1 eth= 1 Bree but yfi? That’s getting ridiculous

>> No.22008935

Imagine YAM without the code bug. Do the math, YAM was heading to 1billion in 2 days and CBDAO is YAM, YFI and a sandbox DAO combined.

>> No.22008969

Then chuckle with me boys
as I toast faggots like this

>> No.22009008

Do it Edmund you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.22009009

Yfi has a 30k supply. Bree has over a mill

>> No.22009018

I don't have much to lose do I all in?

>> No.22009023

I mean in total market cap Jesus Christ you guys are literal retards.

>> No.22009101

I mean half the reason yfi exploded was because the supply is so small fuckface

>> No.22009107
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>> No.22009110

You're really really really stupid.

>> No.22009135
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>> No.22009177
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>> No.22009254

it didnt have to be this way fren but you guys couldnt let it go

>> No.22009265

There's at least 500 people waiting to buy your dump so no one cares.

>> No.22009306

Just bought back in, was I too early?

>> No.22009319

He's either larping or stupid. I know very large wallets waiting for someone to do something like that to buy in so it would literally be his loss.

>> No.22009586

I like his dedication to playing the heel, might as well egg him on.

>> No.22009597

I really hope he does, I just spread the word to everyone some retard might dump.

>> No.22009612

>large wallets literally
>500 lol
>he doesnt know
Ive already laid it out in this thread
And dont play coy, im not just dropping my bags but everything
Dude look in the mirror. I had really believed in the project

>> No.22009626

i would sell my losing positions if this dumps to 10$ or so to buy more

>> No.22009628

You're such an idiot. People laugh at you for being such an annoying faggot in a bunch of different groups, its hilarious.

>> No.22009671

Fucking what? Look this thing might go parabolic but that has to be the stupidest fucking rebuttal of all time

>> No.22009683

I don’t think you have it in you. Two threads all bark.

>> No.22009730

Yeah it's more like 2 RWS = 1 BREE

>> No.22009744
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>> No.22009765
File: 66 KB, 564x423, 14A7D1DD-4FAA-45AF-B396-E95583813819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22009766

I won't buy a single bree even if it has potential to $10000, not until they use Chainlink.
Not gonna happen, you can't convince me.

>> No.22009812

They're meeting with an oracle provider Sept 2 and LINK is mentioned on their github.



>> No.22009820

It’s staggering how stupid some of these people are. How fucking new are these people? They don’t understand mcap ffs. Stop spoonfeeding these retards. They don’t deserve any of this, and they’ll buy in at $500 with their lunch money.

>> No.22009845

okay wait, when the fuck did this happen, wtf? and bree didn't pump in the news? Or did chainlink pumped?

>> No.22009847

I don't care, the bread crumbs are there and its happening with or without them. I know a wallet with 350m inflow buying bree dips so people absolutely will be priced out. I just think its fucking hilarious.

>> No.22009858

Holy shit. An actual retard managed to find its way to biz and figured out how to actually post something here. Stay far away from crypto in general, Corky. It’s not for you.

>> No.22009873

This is all pretty under ground man, lots of people are using this time to accumulate, seriously.

>> No.22009882
File: 6 KB, 250x171, wheeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he refuses to buy the mother of DAOs because it isn't involved with a useless shitcoin

>> No.22009915

Oh as do I. Right there with you, anon. I’m working toward a 1k stack now and I know the potential here. I’m just amazed by the sheer stupidity in this thread from nonbreeders.

>> No.22009923

kys bani

>> No.22009925

That's it exactly. Enough with everyones bullshit, this bullshit token, lies
Laugh for the next hour and a half then comes the pain
Lol you didnt know
You missed the third thread. That is ok, it wasnt meant for you

>> No.22009934

Waiting for you to dump it redditfag...

>> No.22009939

This shit is 30x private sale. Buy Suterusu or get roped.

>> No.22009966

#5 wallet will be replaced and no one will care. Much smarter people will take your place and you'll watch your millions of dollars float away in front of you.

>> No.22009975

did you reverse search it? If so, im impressed

>> No.22010018

This will moon. Still a small market cap. Will be $100 mill token this year. Staking and farming on the way. A lot of og wallets own a lot of it. And it has a cult of hodlers behind it. Craziest community of any new coin I’ve see

>> No.22010020

Still waiting

>> No.22010034

is this true?

>> No.22010057


>> No.22010075


>> No.22010085

oh you're dumping in the am i thought you meant tomorrow. kek

>> No.22010127
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>> No.22010169
File: 158 KB, 1813x2277, cbdao-logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay i am convinced now, will buy some hopefully it will give 2x in few weeks. Thank you

>> No.22010177
File: 185 KB, 597x451, 45C19875-06B1-40E2-83CE-FE5354A5882B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22010189

Its the real deal, I am prepared.

>> No.22010207

i am all in this last week...but this shit not mooing.

>> No.22010228

Honest estimate is Monday it starts. Mainnet launches next week, so this is prime accumulation.

>> No.22010230

Can you currently stake bree or is that planned?
t. new breeder

>> No.22010234

You dont get the scope of this, just stay out of it and go back to your groups

>> No.22010245

You're not Edmund I lied, you're shit head Bani. You own like 50 bree, go fucking die.

>> No.22010266

Next week is main net release and staking comes with it. They're also planning on waiving the whitelisting process for those that buy in the beginning.

>> No.22010293

David knows what’s up

>> No.22010307

A real chad whale would dump whenever, not at some arbitrary faggot time you came up with. If you aren't larping then why wait, crash it now. Unless you're a pussy. Are you afraid that all your bags will get eaten up in no time and you will have no choice but to watch as others moon with your bags?

>> No.22010318

Youre so worruied about my money lol ylu have no idea. Start focusing on your own
>floating away

>> No.22010331

I want your bree faggot dump it for me.

>> No.22010337
File: 1.62 MB, 320x240, C7A4EBBA-E4F4-4A19-B938-7C4D96F327C1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22010393

Which list are you guys using on uniswap to buy this?

>> No.22010413

>why wait
Figure it out
You have no idea who I am and who I am affiliated with
The opposite is also true fren

>> No.22010436

You seeing those big boy wallets accumulating underneath you? You shaking in your little boots bitch?

>> No.22010441

>figure it out
You're larping fag. Be man and dump it like you said or fuck off back to plebbit.

>> No.22010491

Someone needs to get to bed
Wait for it

>> No.22010507

Man you're such a pussy.

>> No.22010521

gotta say, being a penniless faggot unable to invest in anything is hard when quality threads like this one pop up.

>> No.22010524

Confirmed larp

>> No.22010570

If this violently moons in a week I'll give you 15 BREE, make a thread calling this ID out and I'll honor this.

>> No.22010577

Confirmed past beddybye time. What's wrong, your mommy is already asleep and cant tuck you in?
More like rolling in it. And money. Enough to burn you more than you know

>> No.22010594

Nope. I'm pretty rich man and will call you a faggot in every single thread for months to come.

>> No.22010596


>> No.22010628
File: 33 KB, 378x254, Grip-strength-exercises.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang tight

>> No.22010633

Dump it.

>> No.22010647

He's trying to accumulate at a lower price and is larping, 100%. No one is dumb enough to dump a chart that looks like BREE.

>> No.22010707

>shaking in your little boots bitch?
I wont be the only one dumping when this goes down, everyone will. Except you. i said crash, not dump

>> No.22010714

Less than 1 hour to go, hope you don't disappoint

>> No.22010719

No I just think you're a faggot and currently have nothing better to do than call you one.

>> No.22010747

You actually make me wince and cringe at your posts. I can't imagine how you are in real life. Crash it right now or you are forever a faggot. And don't deflect my challenge again you pussy.

>> No.22010749


>> No.22010758

Im just larping and really should get to bed feeling sleepy after that beddybye comment
Good night

>> No.22010774

I was staying awake to buy cheaper, hope you had your fun while I lost sleep

>> No.22010782

I just joined their trading telegram and you should too. People are saying one sbree will equal 2 ether, how realistic is it?

>> No.22010785

damn I'll hold you to that, thanks a lot based anon

>> No.22010798
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>> No.22010801

hehe nice one

>> No.22010835
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>> No.22010845


>> No.22010873

Now watch him actually dump

>> No.22010885
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>> No.22010934

Idk, 1eth is realistic (400m cap for this, completely achievable). 2eth in a few months maybe but I think we see at least 700mcap.

I hope you do. If BREE ends up being worth $100 you'll have a few eth from it.

>> No.22010952

take this childish back and forth to DMs please

>> No.22011001

Sorry mark

>> No.22011010

this is potentially life changing for me, not even kidding. What do I need to do in case it moons? should I make an eth wallet? Really not sure how all of this works since I never thought I'd be in the game.

>> No.22011030

Make the thread in the future and call me out, I'll hold your hand through the entire process, I give you my word.

>> No.22011049

If I'm not around just respond in the bree threads in the future and I'll eventually see it.

>> No.22011078

absolutely blessed, I don't even have a reaction image for this anon. Even if it doesn't moon you have my eternal gratitude.

>> No.22011082

l halfway wanted to believe but it was funny enough how many were triggered nonetheless

>> No.22011097

I've had an anon help me out in the past and told him I'd do something good for another anon in the future should I do well in crypto.

>> No.22011115

You have a meta mask wallet or something? Just make one and drop the address for the generous anon.

>> No.22011146

If good fortune comes my way I'll try and do the same.
not sure what a metamask wallet is, gonna google it

>> No.22011176

Good idea

your task is to figure out how to post a metamask wallet address and if you do this you earn 15 bree.

>> No.22011188

There’s “trust wallet” for phones too.

>> No.22011197

dang. A real life quest.

>> No.22011214

Its easy as fuck

>> No.22011261

Damn. I wish an anon would have offered me 15 sbree when I was first starting out a month ago. If you have iPhone like I do, get the argent wallet.

>> No.22011301

I have a very bad phone and apps run either very slow or don't run at all on it.
is this it?

>> No.22011324

thats it,check it if BREE hits $100 and BREE anon will hopefully have delivered a gift to you my friend.

>> No.22011325

$100 eoy easy

>> No.22011335

is the argent wallet better than the chrome extension?

>> No.22011364

I will unironically pray for BREE.
Thanks again based anon.

>> No.22011366

$100 eoy is fud

>> No.22011446

either or, I use metamask personally. I pray for bree too and I hope we make it, at $100 I'll have enough wealth to spread it to the community though. All I ask is you use it wisely and don't buy drugs.

>> No.22011478

No idea desu

>> No.22011512

Im too stupid to understand why is not another scam

>> No.22011522

I will senpai, I'm not going to throw the money away on drugs if we make it. Probably going to either reinvest in crypto or put towards a mutual fund, although the stock market seems to be running on borrowed time, so I'm not sure about that.

>> No.22011581

Either way, just knowing I have a horse in the race for once feels honestly great.

>> No.22011633

I don't know enough to make sure but some big wallets are holding it if it's indication of anything

>> No.22011763


>> No.22011766

Big wallets always buy shit that don't always work out too because they have the capital to gamble. It's not really an indication of anything.

>> No.22011920

pump this dogshit bros, all or nothing here. Want to make my parents proud

>> No.22011937

If bree goes to $150 I'll send you 5.

Sell it you faggot, only dogshit here is you.

>> No.22011979
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>> No.22012047
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>> No.22012092


>> No.22012154
File: 68 KB, 640x800, 31E8AC57-37A6-4738-BB7E-50E49AEEF1D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid writeup

>> No.22012177
File: 22 KB, 161x250, F19D3DA0-A318-4473-ABE5-35DD9EAA5574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22012284

If you know, you know. I know, do you know?

>> No.22012317

This is going to do a bzrx... anons don't wait to buy in until you see "what the fuck was that"s show up

>> No.22012474

“Oooooooooooooooo wtf was that?” Buy before this anons. Just don’t fomo in and buy on dips. Be smart, once you have a bag just hold. Swingers got fucked at the last consolidation period. We will rocket upto passed $30 that consolidate for a short while then straight to $50 small pull back to 30-40. Then it will consolidate around the 50 level and onwards.

>> No.22012483

I want to breed

>> No.22012559

The only problem you're gonna have is that you didn't buy more

>> No.22012581

I’ve had sta, trustswap, esh, jrt, rsr. All of them I had early. Cbdao is my comfiest hold and i really don’t care about price swings at all.

>> No.22012600

I wish I bought more this things gonna fly.

>> No.22012634

You can always buy more now. I've been telling biz to buy since it dipped back to 20 for those who missed it at 13

>> No.22012637

Next week mainnet . Staking farming exchange listing .. this would be 300$ by end of September

>> No.22012643

Once staking and farming will launch, this is 100$. You have been warned.

>> No.22012661

Once farming and staking will launch, BREE will be 100$. You have been warned.

>> No.22012677

Every dip gets eaten up, this is under heavy accumulation. As soon as mainnet is released expect massive things

>> No.22012725

Stop posting these threads I’m still accumulating. I though we where keeping it quite until $50.

>> No.22012743

this kind of shilling is scammy, come on

>> No.22012785

Sick of these retards shilling it too early

>> No.22012806

Is this scam?

>> No.22012821

No but I don't know why people are shilling it like this, its too scammy for my tastes.

>> No.22012838

Reminder, SBREE is being chainlinked:

>> No.22012916

Smart fud is dumb fud, it checks out

>> No.22013102


Gains on gains

>> No.22013140

You do see how many Chainlink shill threads there is? This is nothing. Actually if you come to the TG you'll see that there is no coordinated shill campaign. Just organic growth

>> No.22013155

Organic growth is the best kind of growth

>> No.22013174

The only kind that actually makes you money. All these people buying absolute shit have no idea what a good token looks like. Clone after clone. Rebase after rebase. Fucking pajeet poor people chasing 2x's.

>> No.22013188

Im in both

>> No.22013277

Do you guys know how difficult it is to get an audit at the moment?
And how much it costs to get one done?
And the fact it is Somish who are auditing it? (they audited compound, maker, uniswap etc.)
This team isn't fucking around

>> No.22013299


>> No.22013495

Damb $26.29 again.

>> No.22013511

Damn $26.30 holding price level well.

>> No.22013516

where did you get that Somish audited all these?

>> No.22013566

It's been confirmed by Somish also

>> No.22013652

It doesn't mention anything about Somish auditing compound, maker or uniswap is what im saying. Unless im missing something they haven't audit them.

>> No.22013753


>> No.22013783

Do you know how to google?

>> No.22013802


>> No.22013814


>> No.22013827

Scams don't integrate with chainlink and they sure as hell don't get audited by a leader in the space you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.22013836

No more spoonfeeding.
We're all gonna make it

>> No.22013996

Words of a scanmer definitely

>> No.22014213

words of a fucking retard

>> No.22014255
File: 83 KB, 768x1024, EdKOMXtXkAcuY2z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

binaryhype just launched on uniswap. its the governance token from $LID. grab a bag while its cheap
easy 50x


>> No.22014363

Take your scam somewhere else

>> No.22014598
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>> No.22014610

Guys I have >1k been accumulating like a beast, even sold my girlfriend. Am I gonna make it?

>> No.22014632

Not if you sold your GF.

>> No.22014666

Hey I waited for that dump at 3:30 AM. But it didn’t happen. Thanks faggot.

Also I just hit up once of the team members, they said this should be all ready to go by end of this week.


>> No.22014679

Yes, if you know how to read you could have worked this out on your own,

>> No.22014699

Should YFLINK in there

>> No.22014714

Huh? I’m just excited that’s all

>> No.22014729

Yeah, but those guys are working hard and probably don't need to answer questions when they're all publicly available.

>> No.22014798

This is going to inch towards 4 digits over the next few months I think. I feel like there’s about a billion dollars worth of farming assets and Bree ready to pour into the platform in its first week of launching

>> No.22014830

I'd say in the next few weeks, personally, but we will see.

>> No.22014878

We still have this last week to accumulate I don’t see why there’s a need for this thread. I was happy buying the low $20s range still fuck you guys

>> No.22014954

Kind of felt the same but we've got some rogue employees at the DAO, clearly.

>> No.22014961

I'm new to crypto and I have 5k to invest. I want to buy my mom a house away from poor people, should I all in on this? Thanks for helping a new and poorfag.

>> No.22014978

Wow, nice to finally see a Bree thread on here, feel like it’s been pretty under the radar.

To the anons in here who said they can’t tell I fits a scam, I honestly just feel horrible for you. Literally read up on the project for 5 minutes, it’s not that hard lol. Plus Somish Labs is doing their audit, that isn’t just something anyone can do. Sigh. This board is detrimental to some of these kids’ brains.

>> No.22014979

I would, yeah. But wait for a retrace to like 25. You might get it there.

>> No.22015050

That was literally what the last 5 days was for lol

>> No.22015061

Be honest with me /Biz/
This coin is overvalued rn.

>> No.22015073

Lol. $30m mcap is overvalued for this? Don’t buy it then.

>> No.22015093

Could someone explain 8.5 million staking and farming supply, how many of these are likely to make it into circulation vs burned? meesa to bigga dumb dumb to read.

>> No.22015124

Wtf was that lads ooooooooooo

>> No.22015160

I don't think you understand anon, please do more research

>> No.22015183


>> No.22015241

Scam why it go up

>> No.22015279

ohh wtfwth.....any thing under 100$ is steal for this project. i am all in.

>> No.22015289

Doubled my stack this a.m.

>> No.22015290

Holding comfy.

>> No.22015291

Imagine being THIS stupid. FUCK. I hope you tried to FUD, I dont want to imagine there are people out there being SO FUCKING STUPID.

BTW: CBDAO partnered with LINK, stay poor.

>> No.22015295

Maybe because it's not a fucking scam you brainlet

>> No.22015296


I'm reading about it rn. I'm just saying the price is too high for me to go all in as of now.
But it's a candidate.

Is there any discord for this that's worth joining?

>> No.22015329

People will call this a scam all the way up to 4 digits and then ask why they didn’t know it was legit. All it takes is reading the whitepaper but nobody has the capacity to do that anymore. Especially with BREE since the white paper is fucking massive

>> No.22015452

I’m gonna breeeeeeeeeeeeed

>> No.22015494

The price is still actually super low, many people are still accumulating before it really starts to take off. There's a couple of groups on telegram to join

>> No.22015745

How 2 get?
You guys use uniswap?

>> No.22015783


>> No.22015844

Shit I was waiting for sub $20 again lol, I fucked up didn’t I

>> No.22015871

Just got 14 eth worth. Dont let me down boys

>> No.22015891

You won't be let down if you just hold it. Been through multiple pumps and pullbacks. Just don't panic.

>> No.22015935

Swing traders get fucked. Hahahah never below 30.

>> No.22015982

Get in here lads

>> No.22016001

Let them stay poor. No need to shill. This post has like 300 posts. It's a thing now and it sucks. I wanted more.

>> No.22016031
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>> No.22016084
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>> No.22016147

Is this actually going to hit thread limit? Holy fuck.

>> No.22016254

Why is mooing a scam like this?

>> No.22016272

Is thread limit 300?

>> No.22016342


>> No.22016369

Scams aren't always scams to smart people.

>> No.22016389

Something a scammer would say?

>> No.22016397

swingers get the rope

>> No.22016398

Probably true.

>> No.22016452

I tried to swing trade this and I wanna to actually kill myself, lost 40% of my stack and don’t have enough to stake anymore. Gnna have to farm more using my Link that’s the only way I guess. I hate myself. Patience is key in this game and I have non

>> No.22016472

Swingers get the rope?

>> No.22016491

40%? amatuer i lost 50%

>> No.22016524

I havent read this thread yet, but I went on the website. How is a sandbox for developers/etc profitable auto-org

>> No.22016568

Making me feel way better about losing 17%

>> No.22016588


>> No.22016683

Kys OP scamcoin shill

>> No.22016725

Thank you Bandicoot for crashing this scamcoin. Looks like a telegram discord invasion to try and pump a scam

>> No.22016762

500 make it stack breeder reporting in


>> No.22016766

Damn $30 dollars holding well.

>> No.22016792

Yeah the logo looks cool tbf. The name "cbdao" is kinda retarded though. Not buying cuz of that, it wont moon

>> No.22016931

Buy the dip

>> No.22017122

Best reason yet not to buy

>> No.22017212

Why is the team anonymous?

>> No.22017348

Because they want to be

>> No.22017393


Wow so trustworthy. Let me go ahead and entrust my live savings to them :)))))

>> No.22017437

More like 10m kek

>> No.22017440

I am praying for just 1 more dip to $23

>> No.22017479

Cause they’re shitskin scammers

>> No.22017514

Yes, real scam. No work.

>> No.22017539

Yeah I know. Like BTC.

>> No.22017733

Bought on the link news and i am up 20% already, whats the target sir?

>> No.22017796

is this the best fud you got?

>> No.22017837

Imagine missing out on the DAO of DAO's because you didn't like the name

>> No.22017875
File: 12 KB, 236x368, E5DD0A8C-7EEF-4103-8C19-BC3C80B561BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22017889

right so if you understood that you would understand that CBDAO isnt worth anything close to xDAI right now despite their token values being close. Lots of room to grow

>> No.22017924
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>> No.22017949

Target is 500$ mid-term sir

>> No.22017973

Edmund, Bani, fuck both of you. Faggots. Somebody teach Edmund to suck a dick, hes gonna have to learn because of him being poor and all. poorfagstaypoorfag

>> No.22018039

Very negative and hostile vibes from this biz community. I will not invest

>> No.22018054

tf are you on about?

>> No.22018151

fuck hollandaise $100 EOW

>> No.22018212
File: 1.90 MB, 260x325, 7B55D1D9-87F2-4F15-B1CB-0B00D1A5C6C7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22018262

Stop being a Thomas

>> No.22018350

FYI this will never take off because any time it moves 20%, there are hundreds of biz retards way too eager to sell every pump, dumping the price to oblivion. way too many bagholders and some presale buyers up 30x on this. just check the chart, literally every pump attempt fails, 20 days and almost no price movement on this trash. avoid, you can make much more with other coins while this will maybe make you 10-20% in a month since the 40$ resistance will never be broken with this many sellers

>> No.22018502

Wake me up when this shitcoin is on coinbase. Poloniex is a scam exchange and Im a burger that only wants to go through US regulated exchanges

>> No.22018514

inb4 stay poor etc. stay delusional then. this thread is proof, 300 replies, barely 5% movement in the end

>> No.22018636

Morning breeders! Maybe I will pick some sbree up today

>> No.22018652

Pajeets priced out with this one.

>> No.22018839
File: 64 KB, 658x901, 571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do I buy now and FOMO back in or wait for dip to $23.
I just want to get back my original stack before swinging. If I buy now i am down 100 SBREE but FOMO is real

>> No.22018863

wasnt meant to be reply to you

>> No.22018942

10 days ago we were less than $20 after correcting from a massive pump.
Now we're up to $28/$30 trading a synthetic token before mainnet. Once staking comes out a large majority of tokens will be locked up. Go ahead and chase some shitcoin that will rugpull at any moment, I'll stick with an audited contract. Patience pays and it looks like you don't have any.