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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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22001549 No.22001549[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you fear the black businessman, /biz/?

>> No.22001567


>> No.22001581

two of them have majority white blood looool

>> No.22001594

niggers are the worst at business, jesus anon get a clue

>> No.22001599

>(((White Male-Dominated)))

>> No.22001628
File: 32 KB, 657x527, 1543639946785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a signal equities are at their top.

>> No.22001642

>ayyy hol up
>I got this eye-dea tho
>it's already been done 1000x
>but imma make it nigger
every fucking time

>> No.22001645

this, its really sad that they admitted this

>> No.22001656

i laugh at them mostly

>> No.22001669


>> No.22001695

3 are mulattos at most lmao.

>> No.22001703


>> No.22001712


>> No.22001715

I've never met a single nig that had an original idea, ever

>> No.22001718


>> No.22001735

fucking niggers

>> No.22001745
File: 26 KB, 580x454, keeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is my main niggar Arthur?

>> No.22001757

the two on the right look like legitimate businessmen who are on their way to church

>> No.22001772


>> No.22001782

Yeah. Most black people's most successful business ideas add no value to peoples lives. Most the time it preys upon taking advantage of other black people who trust them because they are running a "Black business".

Just take a look at someone like Jay-Z.

>> No.22001788

My idea is a bank that has accounts that use loopholes to avoid being seized by child support court

>> No.22001808

Their VC firm is funding new research on more effective ways to commit domestic violence along with new flavors of watermelon and chicken.

>> No.22001826

bro... I get pitched nigger shit from dumb nigs all day. 100% I have never heard a single word that wasn't already done to death
they are beyond redeemable

>> No.22001909

>shaking up

What does this mean? I always see it used to describe the actions of young entrepreneurs or other underdogs related to business with products nobody has ever heard of. These black guys didn't do suit but insignificant dip their toes in the world of venture capital investment but because they're black they're shaking things up. I am so sick of clickbait

>> No.22001932

If you want to become a billionaire all you have to do is the opposite of them.

>> No.22001946

>What does this mean?
it means they have nothing new to offer, but are going to act like they're entitled to a long established market because
>muh dick
that's it

>> No.22001962

But no see imma make it black

>> No.22002006

nah bruh like bill gates right, he got rich cuz he did computer shit. we finna do computer shit, but we black, ya feel me?

>> No.22002011

>oh no as a white man I can no longer invest my money because black people are now investing their money in similar ways
>my stranglehold on being intelligent with my money is now ruined and I willl submit to the BBC
>consider me SHAKEN UP!

>> No.22002038

nigga get the squad and meet me in the garage, I found my grandmamas toshibur computa. we bout to take dat bitch apart and become the next microsoft playa

>> No.22002050

>The one black guy in the crypto sphere
>Turns out to be a con artist
Everyone threw praise upon praise at Arthur's feet for essentially doing no more than setting up a dice game on the street corner. Bitfinex is gambling.

>> No.22002059

>looks at me
>yeah you've done those things but have you had a dark skin tone in space/the white house/venture capital

>> No.22002084

75 avg iq. No I don't.

>> No.22002086

I gotta uncle, right, he worked at apple one time so we juss gotta make like a iphone, but its black truss me bruh he gon hook it up

>> No.22002087

Dis a good idea mang. See people use computers so we gonna put some cash in the computers and shyeet, when everyone starts using them we gon be in the money

>> No.22002132

No because niggers tongue anuses. Including and especially mine.

>> No.22002164

>be white
>sick of seeing black people take up the nigger/hood life path
>wish they would just get jobs and start families and be normal
>see this article
>"hruduru u scared white man?"

No, it's about fucking time they stop niggering around and start learning about finance like the rest of the world.

>> No.22002173

nigga you crazy! what's an apple got to do with phones?
check it though loc, what if we put phones in the computa? like you can call people and shit and use limewire at the same time!

>> No.22002202

>No, it's about fucking time they stop niggering around and start learning about finance like the rest of the world.
they're simply not capable you naive faggot
niggers are fundamentally incompatible with any semblance of peace and harmony
get a clue

>> No.22002212

Your larp slang is too strong. I think you're actually a self-hating black. Prove me wrong.

>> No.22002278

no, I'm a token white who runs several black businesses because I'm handsome and charming. Fuck they're dumb, ugly too

>> No.22002301

If I am invested in that company

>> No.22002309


>> No.22002324


>> No.22002345

That's two white men, a mutt and a black tho

>> No.22002354

homie wy u plyin my mans like that? u crazy dawg. check it tho boss, i got a couple of bad bitches cmin thru and we bout to have a little party. is u down or wut ? got the henney coolin in the bath tub

>> No.22002368

Nope, I welcome the healthy competition they'll bring to the space and wish them good luck and good hunting out there.

>> No.22002380

lookit this fucking nig righ errr trying be all fuckin hotboi n shit. fuck you nigga white ass cracker faggot

>> No.22002403

>stabs your secretary because you won't invest more money in their grift of the week

>> No.22002467
File: 166 KB, 566x355, project_pat_feat_lil_reno_bpz_i_salute_you_music_video.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now i know dis billy eyelash lookin mothafucka aint talkin to me. you got me fucked up son, you done got me fucked up and heated for no type of reason. you think you hard? you think you tough? you a pattycake ass nigga, all that yip yappin and jaw jappin; nigga you scared go to church

>> No.22002502

I acutally know billy eilish, faggot

>> No.22002543
File: 1.61 MB, 1584x2048, Screenshot_20200829-172303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello investors. Imma finna get 500 stacks for 10 percent of my nephew's gaming system business.

>> No.22002562

also, word to the wise, nigs never step to whites. shit never happens, you larpy fuck

>> No.22002586

fuck, ptsd vibes here bruh

>> No.22002594

-and nice digits

>> No.22002613


>> No.22002628

I can tell you've never ever been to the hood. By this one comment you've told me you know fuck all.

>> No.22002651

dark tank

>> No.22002653

you're right, I don't go to the hood - why would I? the hood comes to me you stupid nigger

>> No.22002686

Lol k, you must be 12 in your moms room on her laptop talking all badass. Bro you don't know fucking shit.

>> No.22002711

These niggas cap tables show lot else than african na sayin

>> No.22002720


>> No.22002722


Ashkenazi Jews are white...

>> No.22002735

Ay Yo
Buy mo kicks y'all!

>> No.22002738


>> No.22002751


>> No.22002752

Sheeeeeeiiit Do they take EBT?

>> No.22002759

its more impressive than "dark skin tone", what needs to be appreciated is the sheer odds that someone with black genes could do anything besides be a low-iq porch monkey. these guys are the select few from that gene pool that have the motivation to even act like businessmen, put on suits, and do a dance for reporters. its like the special olympics.

>> No.22002763

that may be, but I'll never be a nigger, nigger

>> No.22002765
File: 152 KB, 500x874, therapist-arnold-schwarzenigger-isnt-real-he-cant-hurt-you-arnold-46929454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.22002804

They literally beat the shit out of their own mothers, they’ll step to anything if they think they can win.

>> No.22002821
File: 180 KB, 690x1380, solid-black-suit-hero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We waz private equity and shit...

"The point is, my niggas, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms, greed for weed, for pussy, for money, knowledge and shit, has marked the upward surge in mankind and greed, you mark my words, will not only save black folk paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA. Thank you very much."

>> No.22002849

dude, imagine being a low Iq nig in the presence of a gorgeous white devil. they're transfixed, i can literally do or say whatever I want and they just go oooooooooooooooooooo

>> No.22002887
File: 2.10 MB, 931x576, 1579633801817.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are European/Middle Eastern mutts. High IQ from white genes and neurotic sociopathy from nigger genes. A dangerous abomination of a race.

>> No.22002889

>plays ps4 games
so he just installed an emulator

>> No.22002891

Actual black guy here
Jesus, how the fuck do you guys deal with this bullshit? People openly posting articles, videos and other shit always bitching about white men being the majority or framing them as a negative/the enemy?
it's one thing to be against anti-black racism but damn.....some of these people try way too hard
How sustainable is this anti-white men shit? It has to have some kind of long-term effect on future race relations and what American white men will be like a couple of decades from now

>> No.22002898


Who the fuck ever wants to go to the hood? Your parents and their parents failed you. Pathetic.

>> No.22002917

I bet every racist poltard in this thread probably doesn't know melanin has been scientifically proven to increase business performance in DLCs (diversity lacking corporations)

>> No.22002957

>hey thanks for the buiness advice cuz, next time we gon meet at my place bruh
yeah no

>> No.22003036

my black idea business is extracting melanin from niggers and selling it to white women as a homeopathic medicine

>> No.22003066

*my black business idea

>> No.22003086

Diversity is code for fuck white people.

>> No.22003125

>how the fuck do you guys deal with this bullshit?
the white man marches on

>> No.22003190

Do these idiots even realize that it's possible to praise black people who are succeeding in the business world WITHOUT also exposing their hate boner for white men?

>> No.22003205


>> No.22003241


>> No.22003263

long blacked inc.

>> No.22003273

White people will start being racist again, just like every other race is. Which does not bode well for non-whites, because we all know who creates the best societies. More and more whites are realizing that living with non-whites is a disaster.

>> No.22003318

>ask for meeting in white town
>say nigger
>be assaulted
>sue for ten mil
It's that easy. A monkey in a suit is not a businessman.

>> No.22003348

So how are they shaking it up?
Are they creating a paradigm shift?
Or is the color of their skin the only issue here and that's like woah so radical everything is different now?

>> No.22003351

>Which does not bode well for non-whites, because we all know who creates the best societies
I think east Asians will be okay
The rest will be fucked, though

>> No.22003373

The other two look like zoomer scum

>> No.22003427

I brought up based kyle to my ostensibly right wing family and was absolutely disturbed by the level of "it's not about race". Was thinking of just telling them I don't respect their political opinion next time they want to talk on anything important

>> No.22003446

they are really letting a lot of hues pass for black these days

>> No.22003451

Some of them sure, even though I still think our societies are much superior. But if we stopped trading with them they would take a large hit. We would be much better off, our job market would see a boom and normal people would finally start getting real wage increases.

>> No.22003521

It's a manifestation of woke people trying to one up other woke people with how woke they are with their ever elevating self righteous tickbox tokenisation and how it shows their ultimate superiority to those they deem beneath them
They don't see what they are creating and even if they do the lessers simply don't understand their gloriousness because they are too busy being morally superior in their blatant sociopathy, racism and savior fantasies
That's how I see it anyway

>> No.22003585

Boomers are generally fucked, they will never accept that their generation was tricked by globalists and their worldview is built on lies. The new generations are much easier to red pill. But there's an awakening across all generations among whites. The fear of being called a racist has had so much power over us, but it's like the emperor's new suit. All it takes is a brave few to speak the truth and soon everyone will acknowledge what is so obviously the truth.

>> No.22003602
