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File: 64 KB, 696x449, bitcoin-scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22001498 No.22001498 [Reply] [Original]

So now that the bull market revolves around defi, will BTC finally become irrelevant? We all know BTC only pumped in 2017 due to ICOs.

>> No.22001511

Nigger what

>> No.22001533
File: 145 KB, 798x644, 424tav.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We all know BTC only pumped in 2017 due to ICOs.
speak for yourself newfag

>> No.22001539

You don't need BTC to enter defi while BTC was the mainly used for ICOs in 2017.

>> No.22001560

You obviously weren't watching the market. Tezos alone raised 70k BTC

>> No.22001574

If anything defi will make BTC moon, with things like wbtc being wrapped up. BTC is here to stay. Not having BTC is like investing in PMs but not having gold.

>> No.22001608

Wrapped BTC makes the platform hosting it more powerful. It's not beneficial to BTC itself

>> No.22001774


What? Of course it does. It allows BTC to be locked up in defi too. And not just WBTC, a lot of cross chain tech will allow BTC to be the value base for many projects. Defi will moon BTC, along with ETH. BTC is king though.

>> No.22001790

the fidelity and other 401k hedges are literally whats going to cause the bull run retard 300B of liquidity injected into crypto from fidelity alone

>> No.22001812

t. retail retard who probably doesnt even have 6 figures in crypto

>> No.22001849

Maxis believe winner takes all. Having BTC as a utility on another platform is not bullish for BTC whatsoever.

Stable coins will be bigger than BTC within 5 years.

>> No.22001873

Been in crypto since 2015, brainlet.

>> No.22001922

>Having BTC as a utility on another platform is not bullish for BTC whatsoever.

Huh? It sounds bullish as fuck to me, thinking about all the BTC and ETH being locked up in defi.

>> No.22001963

agreed the liquidity pools are the only reason defi is huge guaranteed safe 1% a week, one of the only places you can make 500%-600% with 7 figures and scale your investments is in balancer pools

theres no reason why BTC would be irrelevent though, im a 2015er too youre literally one of the lucky retards

>> No.22001972

It's only bullish for the dominant chain. This is maxi logic I'm using btw

>> No.22002023

>youre literally one of the lucky retards
I was buying the capitulation and exchange hack crashes. I did not just randomly enter crypto

>> No.22002053


Why? For every WBTC there is a real BTC locked up. So as BTC gets locked up on other chain, so does real BTC.

>> No.22002165

BTC pumped because of Tether, Ethereum pumped because of ICOs

>> No.22002237

alright fair enough
but thats just retarded to say bitcoin only pumped because of the ICOS, the ICO tokens were completely illiquid without bitcoin

>> No.22002624
File: 35 KB, 709x527, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or maybe, just maybe, BTC pumped because the market was used to a certain amount of new coins being minted and when suddenly there are less with the same amount of demand the price goes up. Just fucking maybe.

>> No.22003584

It was the ICOs and huge mlm scams in China. Sorry to burst your bubble.


>> No.22004478

>Stable coins will be bigger than BTC within 5 years.

>He doesn't know that stablecoins are based on fiat that already have higher inflation than bitcoin.

>> No.22004881

wow, you must have a lot of fun things to due this Saturday.
like replying to your own thread 9 times with shitty plebbit tier mental aerobics

>> No.22005112

BTC is inflationary like everything else.
It's now Sunday afternoon where I live.

>> No.22005205

you have any idea how much synthetic BTC is in defi? 373 million WBTC alone according to defipulse

>> No.22005231


There is about 18.5 mil BTC, and the max is 21 mil which won't be reached for over 100 years, so I wouldn't call the "inflationary" especially if you consider the amount of BTC lost.

>> No.22005361
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 1598519509393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks all this other bullsit isn't about getting more btc

>> No.22005423


It becomes high once you realise how a small few wallets own most of the BTC.

>> No.22005548


I assume the top wallets are big exchanges, but the vast majority of bitcoin wallets will be temporary wallets holding nothing or dust from previous transactions, so that makes sense.

>> No.22005637

Theres no way you were "in since 2015" larping faggot. Wbtc is a fucking joke
>Give us your btc and we'll give you a representative token goy ;)))
Fuck you and your centralized dogshit

>> No.22005649
File: 11 KB, 261x189, 105429254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stable coins will be bigger than BTC within 5 years.
made me reply, 3/10.

>> No.22005732

The upcoming CBDCs will be stable coins, so yes, they will dwarf BTC. Also, look at volume on tether compared to BTC.

>> No.22005802

Have fun with your shitcoins newfag

>> No.22005946

>don't like things that I don't like
You're like a simulacra of Tone Vays. Seethe more

>> No.22005979
File: 8 KB, 480x471, 106670394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why in the fuck would any sensible person with liquidity want to continue being subjugated under a centralized system? That was the whole fucking point of the invention of block chain, something called decentralization, so you don't have to rely on trust. So that anyone can choose to not get stabbed in the back or screwed over by banks or financial firms or the government or whatever the fuck.

god damn, 8/10

>> No.22006011

You're clearly trolling, for what reason I have no idea. I refuse to believe anyone is this retarded

>> No.22006034

I'm not a very smart (or rich) man, but my crypto holdings are 50% BTC 50% XMR. I believe they're the safest bets. Should I stick with this plan?

>> No.22006066

Eth was still used for icos in 2k17

>> No.22006067

its pretty based anon

>> No.22006113

hold onto btc for 5-15 years and you'll be fine, just make sure its in an address only you have access too and don't fuck it up. There will come a time that institutions will implement heavy regulations on btc and unless you're holdings are off the exchanges you will get screwed over.

In the short term though, the DeFi sector is expanding rapidly, it's like the dawn of internet stocks, if you do your due diligence and read the white papers and research who's behind the protocols then you can stand to gain a lot of liquidity, and use that to gain a stronger position in btc a year or so from now.

>> No.22006175

I don't think you understand just how dumb I am and how easily I could fuck it all up. Waiting 5-15 years sounds like the plan, thanks

>> No.22006212

Most people will be forced to realise gains with those CBDC tokens - this is a new system of taxation. Sure, you can avoid shit out in the Caribbean, but not many fags are smart enough to go offshore.

So was BTC. There were also massive pyramid schemes in Asia going on at the same time. I bet at least 500k BTC was used in them.

>> No.22006321

>So now that the bull market revolves around defi, will BTC finally become irrelevant?
>We all know BTC only pumped in 2017 due to ICOs.
no. btc had some pretension of future functionality back then, now it has nothing but maxi cope

>> No.22006457

The only remaining narrative for Bitcoin is that it is the most secure network due to using 0.1% of the world's energy supply. If you just take that and wrap it into the super scam shitcoin network Ethereum, trusting it and whatever custodial service you're using in the process, then it is no different than any ERC20 token.

>> No.22006983

you are new kind of retard.
Have you not seen all the articles since 2017 about big investment firms/funds investing in BTC?
Do you think they are just dumb and don't understand?
Is that really what is going on in your brain