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File: 9 KB, 250x231, heads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21992531 No.21992531 [Reply] [Original]

How to make it starting with $4k

>> No.21992562

buy rkt stock

>> No.21992569

martingale kiss my ass

>> No.21992608

Either swing or hold

Hold: research all projects, find the gems, market buy the projects you picked

Swing: buy low sell high. If you use binance, head on to aftervalue.herokuapp.com first to find your opportunities. Perlin looks like a good buy -- no sellers anymore

>> No.21992624

well find a decent project and go all in
but also depends on how much time u have
i bought nimiq on aprox 10 sats for around 10k$ and now its 50 sats. was even 150 sats. scroll some yt channels for defi gems.. one of them made x15 on binance last week

>> No.21992633
File: 67 KB, 600x492, Monsiau_-_Alexandre_et_Diogène.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


probability is 1 in 3.

>> No.21992660


>> No.21992709

This guy gets it. The answer is 1/3 not 1/2 given the wording of "at least 1 is heads" implying you do not know which one of the two was heads.

>> No.21992817

Correct. 4 possibility flipping 2 coins. HH,HT,TH,TT.

If at least 1 is H that eliminates TT leaving 3 possible outcomes. HH is 1 or the remaining three options

>> No.21992856

This is where I started two months ago.
Portfolio now above 10 btc

You need to go "all in" early projects and just hold
Do not diversify until you have at least 20k, you should have at least 10k per holding for meaningful gains

I recommend DEC, OM, or DIA

Good luck

>> No.21992867

Didn't you retards have to take a statistics class?

>> No.21992876

the product of both outcomes: 1/2 * 1/2 = 1/4

>> No.21992923

Follow large crypto accounts on twitter, but be wary if they are shilling when it's already up a lot

Key is NEW projects. You will not 2x 3x 4x etc off of the major coins

Learn technical analysis

>> No.21992940

it's clearly 1 in 5 retards
you are all making the gambler's fallacy

>> No.21992994

A minor change in wording will change it:

You flip 2 coins. The first comes up HEADS. What is chance that second also comes up HEADS?

>> No.21993040




>> No.21993064

Pretty sure it's 50% retard. One of them is already heads

>> No.21993158

does it say that faggot?

you can literally change the questions to fit your answers or you can just answer correctly

>> No.21993188

3 equally likely cases with at least one heads, one of them has two heads.

>> No.21993336
File: 118 KB, 660x450, sadhi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

. | Coin 1 | Coin 2 |
Possibility 1 | H | H |
Possibility 2 | H | T |
Possibility 3 | T | H |
Possibility 4 | T | T |

Possibility 4 =/= one of them head.
1 2 and 3 = one of them head.
only 1 is H H. so 1 out of the 3 outcomes.
Both coins can be the "at least one of them is head" It does not say "you throw one its head what is the change of the next one being head too? " No learn to fucking read.

>> No.21993488

>discussions of math problems triggers him
how do i know you grew up without a dad?

>> No.21993534

>can't do simple math
how do i know youre american?

>> No.21993864

The question is worded badly. If this was an official test you would have to accept both 1/3 and 1/2 as correct answers
t. 200 iq with math background

>> No.21993915
File: 107 KB, 996x1000, 1598033187215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% because i never lose

>> No.21993959

your forgot the probabiliy that it may land on its side.

>> No.21993999
File: 259 KB, 600x1080, 1597409188810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek youre right

>> No.21994012

Again it has to do with the wording. I cannot tell if you are trolling or brainlets?

If you say, "the first one is heads, what are the odds the 2nd is also heads?" Then ut is 1/2.

But they said "if AT LEAST one is heads..." and this is what we learned in both entry level college stats and in advanced maths

t. assistant prof in systems modelling and stats at CMU.

>> No.21994035

The answer again is 1/3

>> No.21994074

What plays did you make to go from fucking 4k to 120k in 2mo?

>> No.21994111
File: 1.53 MB, 319x249, 1466643282985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the probability finna be zero cause I stealin dose coins whyte boi

>> No.21994121

>he forgets about quantum effects.

Joke time: Cop pulls over Schrodinger driving down the street. Cop says "mind if I search the car?" Schrodinger says "sure go ahead, but just be aware my cat is in the trunk"
Cop opens the trunk and says "hey do you know this cat is dead?". Schrodinger yells, "well now it is, asshole"

>> No.21994148


>> No.21994182
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>> No.21994218
File: 1.27 MB, 202x196, 1595196609245.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only correct response

>> No.21994305

Dec as in decentr?

>> No.21994888

I kekked.
the kind of joke I'd make and then and up explaining quantum physics for 30 min while the date im with is trying to look for an opening to gtfo

>> No.21994912

>does it say that?
yes. literally says "at least one is heads." if you know one is heads, the other coin is 50/50

>> No.21994934

It's a bat competitor with 45 times LESS the market cap

It hasn't done anything yet but definitely will
Keep that on your radar if you don't buy now

>> No.21995003


You will probably make faster gains going with om or dia

I recommend buying those, selling later, buying into DEC

>> No.21995124

But you don't know which coin is the heads. It could be the first or it could be the second.
Or it could be both.

First Heads, Second Tails
First Tails, Second Heads
First Heads, Second Heads

>You flip two coins, at least one is HEADS. What is the probability that both are HEADS?

Now do you see that it is a 1 in 3?

>> No.21995163

Purchase 1 sDefi token

>> No.21995228

Yes but it could be 1, the other, or both. That is 3 possible outcomes

>> No.21995300

But you don’t know which one. It it says the first coin is head then you are right, but since it says a coin is heads you don’t know which one. So there are three possible outcomes HH, HT, TH

>> No.21995462

So the real test is figuring out that the question refers to a Coin A and Coin B situation

>> No.21995846

given that we know for CERTAIN the first flip is heads, then the proceeding probability is 1/2 for the second

>> No.21996341
File: 11 KB, 240x369, 97051-240x369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Time to trigger someone by suggesting that there is a 50% chance for (HT | TH) and a 50% chance for (HH) due to abitrary clauses that deviate from X-outcome probability.

>> No.21996407

it doesn't matter which one is heads, first or second, only that at least one is heads. that's your starting presupposition.
you flip two coins and they land but you can't see either of them, so a third party tells you that one is definitely heads. the other coin is Schrodinger's coin, both equally heads and equally tails until the third party tells you the answer. the odds of the other coin are 50/50.
I see your argument, but think it's intentionally ambiguous.