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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 536 KB, 1646x1250, you-just-got-reserved.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21983094 No.21983094 [Reply] [Original]

Kindly address the points pointed out on the picture that is related.
thank u sirs

key wording: link, pnk, pete theel, nelvin gordon freeman

>> No.21983537

> no college degree
Like Gates and others? Not needed.
> tranny CFO
so? We're all human. Does an amazing job.
> no US adoption
Before mainnet. After mainnet it should all be doable. They have former SEC people as advisors. They know what they're doing.
> supply and minting RSR
You gotta have a large supply to become the next reserve currency. Also, a huge share of the total supply will be locked in arbing, so circulating supply will always be a lot lower. New RSR is only minted if there's a big need for scaling the supply of RSV and additional capital is required in order to maintain the target collateralization ratio. This means more RSV adoption which in turn means a higher demand for RSR. In the long run, this is bullish.

>> No.21983565

they have the worst QA on their website of all time

>> No.21983569

> reviews
Much higher now. First version had some loading issues with some users.

>> No.21983780

Why does Nelvin tweet, think im ass hole? great!

>US adoption after main
kindly provide source document for claim

is tranny not mentally ill? Trust with bank account?

Why does own team say probably not work???

>> No.21983823

She’s cis you jackass.

>> No.21983855

Nice spacing retard

>> No.21983894

how do people trust these people. it looks like a high school science fair project.

>> No.21984061

??? what is this word CIS and spacing?
pondering this currently

>> No.21984086

weak fud, borderline strawmen
Should have take a quote from their QA where they say "we literally have no idea how it's going to work out"

>> No.21984123

that quote is present in the OP picture that is related. thank you

>> No.21984800

Kill yourself retard thank you

>> No.21984867

People are so fucking stupid holding this junk, it's like the people holding bitconnect or yam

>> No.21985203

I’m saying she isn’t trans. She is an XX born female.

>> No.21985291

Is this english? Is she a he or not? I can't support mental illness.

>> No.21985312

What does this even mean, wtf I'm selling now.

>> No.21985342
File: 252 KB, 720x1024, 1C1894DD-D4A3-4B93-B018-59835CB32177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck kill yourself for being this stupid. At least get sterilized, please.
Good more for me

>> No.21985346

Xx female
Xy male
I don’t know why she looks like a man. She looks like a tranny.

>> No.21985403
File: 331 KB, 1437x2000, AED4DFC9-5C62-4ED8-8CD7-267F1C1D2E4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don’t know why she looks like a man.
High testosterone female == high IQ female == being ugly and mannish unfortunately.
If she were trans she’d as likely as not look less mannish from facial surgery, lol.
Ugly women are a buy signal.

>> No.21985430

Can't tell if such bad FUD is actually designed as reverse FUD to make fudders look bad?

>> No.21985467
File: 677 KB, 534x456, E904B331-57E7-4F81-9618-C599E6FB7080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And inb4 Melinda Gates is a tranny, their kids look exactly like both of them. She’s just high test as fuck.

>> No.21985496


Team doesn't believe it can work but I should listen to some random biz faggot who clearly knows better then the RSR team. Enjoy going to 0

>> No.21985517

yeah, even if this project works the price is not going to increase if they are minting 100 billion tokens

>> No.21985542
File: 5 KB, 600x600, 5ce4420d8b879ea9fe4b7414_RSR-stamp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear sir, I have looked up your requests with great swiftness as your concern of my financial well-being it has come to our occurrence that you claim my reserve rights are not what they meant to me, however I must tell you that I would like to thank you for your great concern and appreciation on lowering the price so I am able to acquire even a large amount for that, I sincerely thank you and would like a statement that I will not try to sell any of my rights to United States Dollars.

>> No.21986152

They have that many because it's intended to stablize RSV, being burned in the process of keeping RSV at a value of $1USD (or whatever else they peg it to eventually), and needs to be sufficient that it won't evaporate under load. The actual question is whether they can push their shitty "venmo for the third world" out to market in high enough adoption to be worthwhile.

>> No.21986350

Celo is going to have the majority of the on-chain managed stablecoin market cap by 2022 (yes, beating DAI). Feel free to screenshot this.

>> No.21986425

>> tranny CFO
>so? We're all human. Does an amazing job.
Most importantly is the fact it’s still a man but fills a quota for hr. you still get a competent worker and wokies leave you alone.

>> No.21986493

>She’s cis you jackass.
Ignore >>21986425 then

People do realise the circulation went up when binance listing happened but the price is still going up long term? It is going well I think :)

>> No.21987486
File: 331 KB, 828x1187, F939E37D-833B-4C39-BA33-21D066A11A66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the Pajeets in the Reserve telegram the dumbest people on the planet?

>> No.21987653

>actually believing this
FTMs are universally more intelligent than MTFs. There’s some wonky brain shit going on.

>> No.21988349
File: 94 KB, 1400x1050, 861ac75e6d034bedb4d25b5330f91e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see my freshie getting some paste

>> No.21989056
File: 293 KB, 305x362, Gordon Freeman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank u sirs for all responses to my queries. I've decided not to purchase this tranny token. Will be buying AMPL.

>> No.21989170
File: 43 KB, 650x435, 1314471770362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the exact settings you need to have on Uniswap right now for your transactions to actually go through? I set the slippage higher and add more gas but everything still fails. Help.

>> No.21990173

Lol fuck off rejesh

>> No.21990199

Or should I say Carl larping as Rajesh

>> No.21990225

Daughter on the left is unironically cute

>> No.21990244

Dubs confirmed for Carl

>> No.21990588

double dubs confirmed for Carl