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File: 18 KB, 256x250, qqqf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21966142 No.21966142 [Reply] [Original]

The whitepaper is officially out now! It can be retrieved from the new webpage. Its is very based.

Official Webpage:






Charts and other technical info (dextools):


>> No.21966352
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>> No.21966403

Thats actually pretty cool. Hopefully retarded pajeets on here take the time to actually read the paper. At least then their fud will maybe get a little more original.

>> No.21966623

If you know... you know.

>> No.21966642


They'll finally have to attack the project itself and not throw their inflated bowels' contents and yell "scam" or "rug"...

>> No.21966689

>b-but uh, the, you know, the uh, pajeet, scam uh, statera clone, uh, pre-written code, uh, the website is red, dont buy please, i hate myself

>> No.21966855

im not getting how this coin value could go up by any other means that the collective value of all the tokens that make it up.

If so... who cares?

>> No.21966856

imagine not getting a suicide stack of this when the whitepaper just got released

>> No.21966913


>> No.21966946
File: 23 KB, 576x336, 1_hCz-gfP5t1eyFtCTucbTIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks cool but why 68% of funds locked
so much dev dump potential
10% circulating wataf
asplain urself naow


>> No.21966950


If coins go up, QQQF goes up. And coins will go up when fed does brrrrr...

>> No.21966965

How does there being locked funds mean there is dump potential?

>> No.21966981


read the whitepaper.

>> No.21967026

just cus a nigger says locked dun mean it's locked
68% dev fund atm prove me wrong

>> No.21967059

Fuck this is not what I had in mind when I said the fud would become more interesting.....

>> No.21967154




They are locked. Convince yourself.

>> No.21967194
File: 46 KB, 340x155, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice try devs
just cus you write in LaTeX dun mean your not a nigger
what stops this dump from happening
trust me, im an anon

>> No.21967306


Good. That's public knowledge. I'm impressed you can read. Maybe now you can read a little further and see what they'll be used for. And then you can crosscheck those wallets.

QQQF has been out for nearly a month now. The dev could've done so many things, but he kept delivering. New website, done. Whitepaper, done. Locked funds, done. More transparency, in progress, but soon to be done. DAO setup, soon.

Wait some more...

>> No.21967345

lock that amount
time release, dao vote for release or something other than pure trust or gtfo

>> No.21967405
File: 31 KB, 371x223, Screenshot_2020-08-28 qqqf_whitepaper_v1 pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this project is not made for you to simply PnD. If these were locked completely, there would be nothing left for the development, marketing and asset acquisition.

But please, go ahead and wait some more...

>> No.21967447


>> No.21967494


No proper arguments left?

>> No.21967574

how greedy can you get
8% dev fund
another 30%+ non-locked floating about for you to dump for funds

>> No.21967617

have you read the whitepaper???? do yu even know how this works go home ranjeet

>> No.21967670


I bought a bag some time ago. And I believe the devs will deliver even more things. You can keep watching, cuck.

Besides your maths don't check out. It is just under 30% in total that can be used for asset acquisition, as described by the targeted 1:2 portfolio-liquidity ratio...

>> No.21967747

Why is the Uniswap Price Impact so high if I want to spend more than 1 cup of coffee on this piece of shit token?
On their website now, no mention of who these devs are, cannot find where the whitepaper link is, no linkedin link too
Kinda suspect when you add all these together, come back with REEEs but I am more interested in buying than not and providing valid negatives

>> No.21967760

JK found the whitepaper reading now but aids web design

>> No.21967821


Devs are anon, as is the case with many other projects. Liquidity is super low, but again that's public knowledge and the dev even sold assets to provide some more liquidity (exactly what the portfolio is used for). The whitepaper is literally on the front page, just scroll down, it's right above the social media links.

Again, DYOR and convince yourself. And if you don't want to buy, then that's your decision...

>> No.21968510
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>they delivered
Liquidity is still low as fuck. I'll wait until things are finally established then go all in. I missed STA, I won't overlook this.

>> No.21968864
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>> No.21968955

please buy this so i can dump my bags. fuck i've been waiting weeks for this to get back to the ATH. PLEASSSEEE BUY QQQF I NEED TO DUMP

>> No.21969210


buy signal

>> No.21969215

go home ranjeet

>> No.21969338


You can go and dump your inflated bowels on the street rajesh. Nobody is going to be mad at you...

>> No.21969491
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>> No.21969567

Been waiting on Whitepaper finally

>> No.21969599
File: 222 KB, 427x480, Aza_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he believes he missed STA
You don't realize how massive it is, don't you? $1 EOY for STA is nothing but guaranteed now, especially after all it went through. Same for QQQF who will reach 50 cents by then, at the rate things are evolving. Both are supposed to be very long term holds due to their nature. People who misjudged both as PnDs are monkeys or chasers themselves, who cannot think of long term.
Great news. Eternal reminder for onlookers that this is probably your last chance for getting in early at what may be the second biggest index fund in cryptocurrency, next to Statera. Nothing is standing in QQQF's way now. Liquidity is a problem that will be naturally solved overtime.
I can't even tell if this post is FUD, a shill bumping or a genuine retard.

>> No.21969801

When moon

>> No.21969863
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>> No.21970264

Whitepaper is out but default token icon in uniswap, hmmm
Liquidity very low and keeps going down
QQQF to ETH transactions all throughout history
How is this not a pump and dump?

>> No.21970403

Listed on coin live watch, blockfolio coming soon. CoinGecko was already applied for

>> No.21970699
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>Whitepaper is out but default token icon in uniswap, hmmm
Doesn't it cost money to change the default icon? I suppose you haven't been following but they focused most of their efforts into developing the useful tools first, namely the website and setting up the balancer pool. The logo already exists, it's just that marketing and branding aren't their priorities for now.
>Liquidity very low and keeps going down
It started with a meagre $3k, and is now sitting at 10k. You can't say in bad faith that it kept doing down, since two days ago we were looking at 6k liquidity.
>QQQF to ETH transactions all throughout history
Capitulators, short sighted retards, panic sellers, and short term PnD chasers/swing traders who kept the price between 0.005 and 0.01 are to blame for this. It's why the last hurdle to overcome for QQQF is the low liquidity, which certainly will result in an increase in volume and buying pressure.

QQQF was pumped and dumped by monkeys and retards buying due to a failed start and MISCONCEPTIONS. Just like Statera, but on a smaller scale and longer time span. Seethe eternally if you don't buy now, because it's already been decided that it will go as high if not higher than Statera.

>> No.21970771

Yeah devs have been buying tokens and selling them to add back to liquidity

Forgot this only had like 2-3 lnliqudity not bad it’s just getting started

>> No.21970932

What is a sui/make it for this? I do not have binance and uniswap is aids for the price impact due to liquidity

>> No.21971292
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20k would be a suicide stack. 100k, which should cost about 2.8 ETH by now, should unironically be make it tier looking at the total supply. This is how early you are, anon. I would advise grabbing a suicide bag, then check periodically how things progress. Liquidity sucks today, but it's a sign that we're early.

>> No.21971387

Is there anything else I can find out to help reassure me this is not a scam however that may be? I feel like a brainlet reading the whitepaper and not grasping what others may be
Sometimes I do not understand things right in front of me until someone explains in a ~spectrum-like~ way possibly, thank you

>> No.21971440

think they have a medium article thats like a litepaper

>> No.21971493


>> No.21971511

sorry that was the statera one

heres qqqf medium article its like a quick read on project


>> No.21971631

Any news on when liq gonna go up.

>> No.21971660



>> No.21971868
File: 408 KB, 468x601, 1598659099110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything else I can find out to help reassure me this is not a scam however that may be?

Well, nothing in cryptocurrency can be called a perfectly risk-free and safe investment. Instead of looking at the technical aspects of QQQF which are already explained in the lite/whitepaper which are irrelevant to the question of it being a scam or not, I'd have you consider the following and judge by yourself if the project was properly handled :

>project started with an initial "fundraising" of 3ETH, three weeks ago by now
>almost nothing was secure besides maybe the locked liquidity, they didn't exit scam
>one week ago, QQQF went through its first PnD phase, price went up to 3 cents
>devs could have dumped or exit scammed there, they didn't
>Working on the website despite all the FUD, listening to the main community concern which was the low liquidity by moving funds from the off ledger portfolio in an attempt to decrease volatility
>They've been transparent all throughout, while working at improving the website and establishing the balancer pool

They even locked huge part of their own wallets to ease off fears related to them dumping on investors, when these funds could have been progressively used to add more liquidity over time for example. People who said it was a scam are brainlets who FOMO'd in without doing their research or gamblers who hoped to make a quick buck thanks to the low liquidity, without looking at the chart.

>> No.21972033


How much is your stack ?

>> No.21972633

Thank you, where is this extra information that you are finding; is that on telegram/discord/or similar?

>> No.21972654


>> No.21972837

fucking scam, volume is dying. your shitcoin is bleeding

>> No.21972850

go home ranjeet teh pajeet

>> No.21972952

cope. the pump and dump is over, and no index fund began with 3 ETH worth of funds lol

>> No.21973049


Fudders gonna fud

>> No.21973155

Over 9000

>> No.21973284

Have ranjesh shills gotten better at shilling or is this an actual organic thread for something that unironically be an overlooked low mcap gem?

For some reason I get comfy vibes from this one, despite all the red flags regarding liquidity. I really want to throw 0.5 ETH in but it feels like a well elaborated trap, or I guess I'm just paranoid. There's already an index fund token out there, and it has a nice gimmick solving the volume problem commonly found in deflationary tokens. After reading the whitepaper, I came to the conclusion that QQQF feels somewhat bland compared to it.

Will index funds really be worth that much in crypto? People don't usually invest in this market for safe, reliable gains. They're looking for leverage, risk and high gains in short period of time like 3 years, at least that's the impression I have. I in fact believe STA became successful because it had the deflationary buzzword with Thanos solving the volume problem

>> No.21973367

Congrats! You have a brain. Yes, they will be worth quite a deal in the future. Crypto is here to stay and will grow bigger and bigger as time moves forward and with that creates an interest in it. Index funds will be a great way for both newbies and experienced users to take a laid-back approach and be able to invest in countless hand-picked assets with just one investment without having to spend many hours on research and balancing their portfolio.

>> No.21973510

Man who knows people think crypto is gaining traction. Crypto is barley scratching 10 years since inception. It’s still sonnew who knows where it’s gonna head

>> No.21973584

Quicks gains are what many look for. After i get a 2x -3x I’ll sell 50-75% and leave a suicide stack. Put the rest into eth/dai or tether to stabilize

>> No.21973949
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>WTC anon was right about STA
>he's now shilling a very similar project
first thing I do when there's more liquidity is grabbing a bag. I unironically made more money in two months than in my entire life because of seacats shitposting on a mongolian trading forum. Almost lost all hope with the balancer hack but I'm glad I held in the end

>> No.21974219


>> No.21974543


>> No.21975221

Scam. Buy GRO

>> No.21975405
File: 73 KB, 1024x801, 1598347069367m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just bought 13.5k am I gonna make it?

>> No.21975549

we all are

>> No.21975571
File: 39 KB, 367x379, 1598256710826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah bro! sounds good.

>> No.21976416


>> No.21976634

Price is up x2 since this thread has been made. Well done pajeets, you can dump now. I fucking hate you PnD niggers. How many times must I come here to tell you the party's over?

QQQF will never go anywhere. Look at the volume ffs

>> No.21976829

you right. QQQF is here to stay.

>> No.21976910

>queef coin

>> No.21977151

If you have already made a profit you may want to take it, good luck friend

>> No.21977204

Dump soon.

>> No.21977586

Priced out from a 1.7cent coin huh?

>> No.21978095
File: 38 KB, 540x470, 1595461939333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have profits, but I will hold.. thanks anon

>> No.21978251
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Nope but it did just dump as predicted
Glad to hear, we're all gonna make it eventually

>> No.21978460

I want to buy this, but etherium is too expensive right now, maybe in november when its back to like $200

>> No.21978749

Wait for next big dump to buy, no rush currently

>> No.21979122

I think once they've implemented their DAO functionality, it will be the an interesting DeFi ETF.

>> No.21979353

I hope it is released soon. I don't know, are DAOs hard to setup?

>> No.21979402

The core DAO shouldn't be too difficult. DFIO is a great example, they basically have a private TG, a nice website with an integrated forum and now they have set-up on daohaus.club, and they pumped like crazy.

Building the basic structure shouldn't be too difficult, but coming up with the DAO and investments policies might be tricky.

>> No.21980101


>> No.21980188


>> No.21980275

To the moon

>> No.21980471

>already pumped x10 since ICO
Yikes, without me

>> No.21980836

like 2 people bought in at the ico though, and those people have sold off now im pretty sure

>> No.21981047

Should I buy this, or not? Looks like it's gaining a little traction now.

>> No.21981066

Small bag could still bring very good returns. Consider that the circ. supply is less than 6mil, can't remember the exact number but still.

>> No.21981502
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>> No.21981533

Devs are not anon. Dev is Georgesoros of swoosh and he is being a fucking retard for not just investing in bluechips instead of spending all his energy trying to entrap people on biz. He didn't want to be patient but nobody bought this nonsensical piece of shit so he's waiting until there's enough liquidity to actually make a profit from dumping.

>> No.21981566

lol anyone who mentions swoose is from the stonk community lol. did noke abandon you

noke - statera devs sat idly during hack, hodl for months guys i got to to school and do exams then i rlease stonks 5.0 lol kek

devs lock ico funds adn locked 60% of the supply, whitepaper just got released

we all know george was from stonk community, we expected people like him from that community so toxic

>> No.21981578

Queefs are so strange. Why holding this when there are far better and active projects? Not trying to FUD here, but I'm curious as to why someone would choose to trust this volatile low mcap index fund who lacks real power than established products like... Literally anything else?

That, and while the threads looks legit it still is low energy, typical sign of telegram bagholders circle jerking. There's no proper 4channer on board, proof is the low quality memes

>> No.21981586


just remember

stonk community was george soros main group and nokes, hmm i wonder why theyre both so silent now???

>> No.21981595

QQQF is a scam made by the STONK guy, don't be fooled!!

>> No.21981599

this project started with like 1-2k liquidty, so its doing decent

>> No.21981611


people kept saying scam in the last 2 threads on qqqf

yet to see any proof

i am waiting for proof???

still waiting

>> No.21981614

I bought the top of this pnd. I'm waiting for a chance to dump, glad I will finally be able to do so thanks to you shills. Keep doing the good work and spreading the word out

>> No.21981639

Good please do that I’ll buy your bags

>> No.21981679

kek what a pathetic scam. sell your bags

>> No.21981716
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>> No.21981734
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>3k funds raised
>anonymous dev team
>whitepaper has parts from the Statera medium article copypasted into it
>low liquidity despite the fact it's aiming to be an index fund
>overall lack of clarity for how the balancer pool is tied to the QQQF Token, which is probably not needed



>> No.21981754

Stay poor

>> No.21981792
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>> No.21981798

Can confirm all this, been in TG for a while now and they churn out updates on a regular basis. This is my long term hold for the rest of the year

>> No.21981805

the FUD is strong with this one

>> No.21981813
File: 76 KB, 500x500, A09C58FF-126C-4BBE-84F0-B7C1C1985087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strong buy signal

>> No.21981818

They looked pretty dope in the 90's

>> No.21981826

cope. it's a scam and you know it deep down stop trying to shill it upon poor anons who just want to improve their lifestyle. Answer then. Why are the devs anonymous or why did the STONKS discord stop being active as soon as QQQF started to be shilled here?
Why is STONKS even in the portfolio of the promising assets? Fucking scammers

>> No.21981827

Looks like the stonk community showed up now lol

They got rugged by their own members , geor soros rugged them and they’re dev told them to hodl for months because he as to do college exams before he can finish new stonks lol kek


See when you mention gorge soros or stonk the stonk community comes and fuds lol they said they were the Statera killer kek

>> No.21981851


Devs already said they will add I remove projects based on performance. That why their two balancer pools are with high volume tokens. And they are holding tokens so they can buy and sell.

Told you guys mention george or noke and stonk communities piles in to cope that their community is full of rug pullers and dev abounded them to go to school lol go to school dev lol cope

>> No.21981853


>> No.21981872

Lol welcome are you noke or one of the communities members he abounded

Waiting on the proof for 2 weeks now still waiting me stonk bag holder

>> No.21981888

Stop spamming threads in the catalog, what is this a scam again? Fuck off

>> No.21981903
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>1 post by this ID

>> No.21981919

Lol fudders spamming scam and zero proof so bullish

People fudding 2 week old project

>> No.21981980


>> No.21982097
File: 773 KB, 806x696, 1598696917834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so is the FUD actually a shilling attempt or autistic shitposting to keep people away just like people voluntarily fudded hard against LINK for months in 2018? I was considering grabbing a bag the more I scrolled down through this thread, then saw the one IDs posts and the catalog spam. What the fuck should I do

>> No.21982131

Yes this is LINK 2017 all over again

>> No.21982150


its just one guy doing the FUD

>> No.21982585

This is a scam. Buy DIA and hold to 2023.

>> No.21982612

What the fuck is wrong with you autists
The project doesn't look so bad on paper, actually. But what it lacks is proper funding perhaps

>> No.21982715



>> No.21982759


Have you even read the whitepaper? Crosscheck it and provide proof for your "plagiarism" allegation.

Updates come out on a regular basis and anyone who compares this to Sta is literally an imbecile who has no idea of what they are doing...

>> No.21982787

But some of the shills ITT are likening it as the next STA? Who am I supposed to believe here? I think I'll do like all the others and blindly call it a scam then.


>> No.21982821

Also made from the scammer noke that made stonks through copying statera, failed everytime and airdrop new coins every month since they all fail

>> No.21982913


we all agree on that

>> No.21983206


>> No.21983404

So is this a scam or not?

>> No.21983630

its a scam in the sense chainlink is a scam

>> No.21983929

Damn whoever made the scam thread its autistic level over 9000 lol its wtf is taht thread lol

>> No.21984115

you guys see the qqqf scam thread some autistci guy is spamming so bad lol

that dude is autistic as fuk lol

nice exposure though as he has zero proof just like these other fudders

sitting comfy

>> No.21984166

Nice samefagging retard

>> No.21984250


nice samefagging retard

>> No.21984601
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>> No.21984874
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fudders fudding a 2 week old project so bullish

>> No.21984957

The beginning of this thread sounded so comfy, it felt like actual human beings were discussing this. Now that I recognize the usual pajeet speech pattern and poor quality memes in these posts
I think I'll avoid this one, even if it looks legit. For the based anons who invested in this, remind yourself that this is the kind of individual you wish to be associated with if someone mentions qqqf in the near future.

>> No.21985009


>> No.21985462

> bought 25000 queefs for <0.1 eth
> it pumped and my stack was at an ath of 1.9 eth
> ain't cashing out
> sell 5k for a 0.11 eth
> sell the rest for .3 eth and enter an obvious rugpull scheme
> lose all
/biz/ in a nutshell

>> No.21985749

Did you see a wallet do that

>> No.21986301


>> No.21986544


>> No.21986601
File: 146 KB, 788x650, eferium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek and so the autism galore begins ITT too

>> No.21986805

Looks like noke and the stonk community has arrived guess they got bored harrasing Statera

>> No.21987165

Poorfag anon dev low liquidity inorganic shit memes fuck off

>> No.21987392
File: 82 KB, 640x1351, 1598714105825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, it's the QQQF shill brigade again.
Whoever is buying this right now is delusional, short sighted and retarded. How many times will I have to explain the same points over and over before you retards realize that it's doomed to fail? It never had any chance to succeed at anything other than being your weekly Uniswap PnD. To anyone reading this thread, do not be fooled. The people actively shilling for QQQF and trying to advertise it as an index fund or a solid investment are retards who FOMO'd in but didn't exit in time.

>presale ICO raised 3 ETH only
>every single thing about this project could be replicated by better, richer and more competent people

And now you're trying to tell me I should buy back in because the devs moved $3000 into the Uniswap liquidity pool? Because they copied stuff from STA's medium article to use in their whitepaper? Don't make me laugh.

>> No.21987488


>presale raised to little
Noone cares. Probably a good thing because it means retards on biz don't get priced out

>everything could be done better by better and more competent people
Yes? Thats essentially what the definition of better and more competent is. You're literally saying a tautology

>WP copied from sta medium article
This didn't happen. Post proof or i'm just gonna assume you're trying steal peoples bags

>> No.21987558
File: 98 KB, 461x416, 1598714558729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously starting to believe that bagholder cope is similar to buyer's remorse. It's really funny how there are people who wave tales and try to scream loud enough to ignore the painful reality of their failed "investments".

>The people behind this project launched it with an initial investment of 1k USD for liquidity, expecting the ICO buyers to bear the brunt for them
>People willing for QQQF to become an index fund for cryptocurrency gathered the enormous amount of 1K USD, copypasted and used a free ETH contract creator to launch their project because it means that much to them and they're willing to have a lasting presence on the space
>The website, resourceful and providing fuckall information about the anonymous dev type, directly links you to the Uniswap trading pair

Please tell me how can anyone look at this and think long term. If there was something groundbreaking besides a paper worth idea based on the failed concept that was STA then perhaps I wouldn't have sold two days ago after a quick x2 of x3, just like anyone smart enough did. People who didn't actually COULDN'T take profits even if they wanted because there's no liquidity. And early buyers/whales must be greedy and smart not willing to do it, because they must have realized how QQQF was worthless vaporware with no future. It's not a community project. It's just people applying basic game theory and not willing to be fucked over for an idea that the devs deemed to be worth putting less than 50k USD in.

No matter how hard you cope you will never be able to refute that fact. THE CREATORS DON'T VALUE THIS PROJECT AND ARE EXPECTING BUYERS TO DO ALL THEIR WORK FOR THEM. SELL NOW

>> No.21988352

Fudders are bullish cope reply

>> No.21988390


QQQF is listed on blockfolio now, nice

>> No.21988740

Reminder that the holder of the domain was linked to a known scammer.

>> No.21988956
File: 275 KB, 1242x1517, 683057EC-F4F7-4599-81CE-7C80124654FF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21989162



>> No.21990001


>> No.21990389


>> No.21990454

Another guy fudding and again no proof so bullish

>> No.21990818


>> No.21990854

yeah if you go to that link you either gonna get a virus or some neckbeard if gonna grab all your info

>> No.21991090

No you're not it's literally warosu

>> No.21991117

newfag spotted

>> No.21991120

yeah most links on here are virus or some other crazy thing

why i dont click on them

>> No.21991696

Thanks, this post killed any interest I had in the token.

>> No.21991749

Why? I don't think >>21991120 has any official affiliation with the project.

>> No.21991752

you can click the link and let me know what it is or schreenshot and post but most links on 4chan are generallu a no go zone

most sites with info can be found on google

>> No.21991780

i bought in early,

click on link it doesnt matter to me , but im not screenshot what ever it is an post.