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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21978202 No.21978202 [Reply] [Original]

I am an unfuckable worthless loser. I cannot hold a conversation. I am ugly and balding, my chin melts into my neck because I don’t have a jawline, I am not fat either. I am very unintelligent, I am slow to grasp what others are saying. People call me annoying to my face when I just try to “be myself” and tell me to go away.

I am a failure in every sphere of life. Lifting weights didn’t improve me. Striking up random conversations didn’t help me, I either go totally blank because I’m trying to introspective during the conversation and come up with something to say that won’t offend or bother, or I “be myself” and annoy the other person. I have never and will never attract a single human female. I am too stupid to do anything worthwhile in life, I will always live some barely getting by shitty lifestyle because I don’t have enough intelligence or interpersonal skills to get good paying jobs.

In light of these things, why should I continue to live? What purpose do I serve?

>> No.21978212

Become an hero

>> No.21978222

why are you asking us? that's the problem, fix it

>> No.21978231

I have no one else in life.

>> No.21978236

Don't access the internet or watch TV for a week. Then see how you feel.

>> No.21978247

How old are you?

>> No.21978250

Read 'when I say no I feel guilty' have hope. Do mowing, and try fasting/low carb/keto/carnivore diet. I dont want to be in your position but have hope that things can be better.

>> No.21978257
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Anon just buy LINK.
When ur a millionare u can worry and work on all ur random problems, money solves 50% of ur life problems and make the other 50% much easier.

>> No.21978259

post pic your probably not as bad as you think lad

>> No.21978260

well you can always have sex
sex is fun

>> No.21978261

Go to YouTube. Look up wes Watson.
Fix yourself

>> No.21978262

Have you tried meditation

>> No.21978271

I’ve tried this and it has made me more suicidal. I get more insight into the lives of those around me. So and so got a promotion, so and so went on a trip with someone else, this girl is crushing on some other guy. None of that has ever happened to me. I feel like an alien to normal society, I am a total outcast. I listen in but am totally unable to relate, I’ve never experienced any of that.

>> No.21978274

Believe 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 kjv

>> No.21978275

Anon one of my classmates student Id picture was so funny because he had no chin and his head was like on big blob . Is that you op?

>> No.21978276

Dr ; ns

>> No.21978282

>buy a coin that might 5x( max) in the next three years

why? shitcoins on uniswap 5x every day. what’s the point in waiting three years for a link 3x?

>> No.21978289


>> No.21978304

Try a psychologist

>> No.21978310


>> No.21978323

Dude, you have more potential then you'll ever know if you don't do anything about it.

Stop focusing on shit that only matters in your teens and start developing a skill. These days it could literally be ANYTHING and you will eventually get the attention, wealth, love ect. that you crave.
But you've got to stick with it and quit bringing yourself down over shit that just doesn't matter.

>> No.21978356

maybe find some responsibility and stop being so egotistical. life is suffering

>> No.21978358

Become assertive or you will be crippled for life. Read when I say no I feel guilty

>> No.21978388

>and come up with something to say that won’t offend or bother, or I “be myself” and annoy the other person.

stop that loser attitude and start loving yourself

>> No.21978396

Hey at least you're 100% shit. Imagine if you were good looking, but your autistic asshole personality pissed off everyone enough to not want to fuck you.

And I wish you could understand the pain when some asshole tells you "you're smart and beautiful, don't die". I would give you my body, face, smooth voice, 7.5 inch dick, OP.

At least dying in your body I would have no regrets and no dick could tell me "What a retard he wasted such a great future, if he had only applied himself".

When I become rich I'll still be a miserable autistic Chad.

>> No.21978408
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Okay but when I get extremely hard and have been stroking myself for a bit I get this lump on the shaft of my penis that I'm really afraid of. It doesn't exist when I'm soft only when I'm throbbing and I think I have cancer or scabies something I'm so fucking scared but I don't even have a doctor how could I asked anyone about it

>> No.21978440

You sound like a goddamn freak
Oh well, learn to be happy with what you have, it's not all roses having a wife and kids you know

>> No.21978487

The longer it takes for you to accept the truth, the more difficult it will be. You need to adjust to your circumstances and dont hold importance to memories that you dont have or things. Dokkodo is your path anon.

>> No.21978501

Dude go all in crypto and stop bad mouthing yourself, you attract what you think, if you have to think anyway, why not think positive

>> No.21978510

First, diet until you have a 30 inch waist. Also mew to fix your jaw and tape your mouth shut while sleeping. Turkey neck on thin people is mostly caused by mouth breathing.

As for money, get a low stress job and all in link and bsv. Monk mode on this regiment and in 2 years you can move to a country where women are less picky. Good luck anon

>> No.21978522

You sound like me but I’m fuckable. Change your perspective, stop the fapping and porn and get on with your life.

>> No.21978537

Amen, get saved /biz/

>> No.21978559

How the fuck is this /biz related?

>> No.21978558

Correct; the porn situation needs to be fixed. Stop watching anything with nudity; eventually you will be able to totally resist the dopamine hit

>> No.21978563

Some people are content being fat
Some people are content being poor
Some people are content being ugly
Seems to me you are not content with who you are, but you are unwilling/too scared to tackle the challenge to obtain what you want
Stop complaining that life is too hard. We know it’s hard. Hit the gym and start dieting. Don’t give me your bull shit that it did nothing. Faggot.

>> No.21978620

If you're so useless that you can't be productive without internet and TV then maybe you should just go head and do it.

>> No.21978630
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>How the fuck is this /biz related?

>> No.21978695

>People call me annoying to my face when I just try to “be myself” and tell me to go away.
That shit hurt, I can relate. Are you an abuse victim? If so just kill your abuser.

>> No.21978828

>People call me annoying to my face when I just try to “be myself”
I can see that, here you are again shitting up /biz/ with some offtopic shit whining thread with no relation to business or finance whatsoever

>> No.21978834
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How old are you? I was probably like you at one time. But then I got so sick of the self loathing, I genuinely began to wonder what would happen if I tried my absolute best, and it paid off pretty well. I'm still bald, but I shave my head. And I still have stretch marks, but I'm muscular now because /fit/ so nobody gives a fuck. I'm still not always the smartest, but I'm often the most wise. I'm not rich yet, but I'm not poor any more. After trying my best and not giving a fuck about what anyone else thinks, I learned how attractive that mentality is to girls, and I have came inside the mouths now of more girls than can be counted. So why live? Out of curiosity. If you think you've failed and feel like giving up, great! Try again with a new mindset and see how far you can go. And keep it up, and just keep trying to optimize. You'll likely get someplace better than most normies after a couple years. Diet, lift, read books, meditate, and forgive yourself anon. Another anon out there feels for you and believes in you.

If any anons out there agree with this post, send me some eth as a karmic reward so that I can buy my mom a shit hole house in Kentucky. She's surrounded by minorities who hate her at the moment and it makes me sad. If you agree and have no eth, please reply to this post and boost the morale of this young misery fag. He's not done growing up yet but he's too retard still to realize it.

>> No.21978863

do not insult yourself fren, you are worth more than those dog npcs. you must learn to love yourself even if others see you as a worthless piece of shit
godspeed anon you will make it

>> No.21978870

What age did you make the change

>> No.21978936

But are you white though?
If not I’d rope.

>> No.21978962

Started the change around 17, and I'm still working on it to this day at age 36. By the time I was 22 however, I had surpassed most normies in most ways, and nobody would ever know how I was or how I looked or how I acted. I didn't become socially normal until I started going to nightclubs and social gatherings. And holy shit was it awkward for like two years. But eventually, slowly, I started to catch up. And because unlike other people and never stopped trying, I eventually became more socially proficient. You just have to keep trying and keep forgiving yourself. That's the key.

>> No.21979024

bro this is literally the new average
youre going to make it tho

>> No.21979114

this desu that's why im holding DIA

best of luck making it OP, I'm also a piece of shit but I hope I can get a wife with my gains

>> No.21979217
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you need to hit bottom. Go start a fight with a total stranger, preferably someone bigger than you. Get you ass kicked and hope he doesnt permanently hurt you. Feel the feeling of loss of all hope. Now youve hit bottom and you can truly be free

>> No.21979229

Right now is not a good time to socialize with normans. Everyone is aggressively historically, politically, and financially illiterate. It's fine to check out of a society that doesn't care about you. It didn't really care about anyone in the first place anyway. The reason you lift, read, and make money is for yourself, not anyone else.

>> No.21979270

You sound young. Only thing I can control is whether or not I keep going, and my genes force me to,

>> No.21979454

90% of people don't focus or try to learn anything by themself so even if ur a retard u will be ahead of them by a mile after a while.
I figured this out like 2 years ago and it's crazy how little I care about what other people think about me once I realized I know soo much more about this one topic than any of them know about anything. I used to be this fragile cuck that would get angry at the tiniest hit of a slight towards me but now since I have this one thing I focused on I know my worth more and I don't get into stupid arguments for no reason.

>> No.21979549

mewing will never grow his chin bone forward
he needs plastic surgery

>> No.21979610

Do what the linkies did: for months on end, focus on and visualize on achieving the things you want to achieve. Do it in the morning when you wake up, and do it before falling asleep. Use words, use pictures, think of how you feel when you have what you want.
Convince yourself: whether you die with nothing as a loser, or you die with nothing as a loser who visualized wealth, health, and a cute GF every day makes no difference, but on the off chance that it does work, you have everything to gain.

You will also find in the future that what you really wanted was something different, but that's a secret for now.

>> No.21979668

Stop jerking off bro, just give your dick a break.

The veins in my dick seem to protrude more when I jerk it a lot, maybe it’s that senpai

>> No.21979863

Also if you want to turbo boost this strat, start doing things for others without wanting anything in return. This doesn't mean let yourself get exploited of course, but by giving a little you find out fast who the people are you want to keep around you and which ones you want to move away from.

>> No.21980616

>Can hold a conversation
>Not bald yet
>jawline (only from lift and exercise)
>Pretty intelligent (won't say I am a genius or something) Phd Student
>shredded from continued exercise for past 5 years of my life (don't even need to exercise more than 30min a day to keep my physique)

Still nobody will hang out/ talk with me much, still been single forever, still nobody hire me. Poor and alone.

Trust me buddy, it's all random. Whether you're trying or not. Luck is blind.

>> No.21981404
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Work harder for it faggot. Life's never easy. Pick up new things, and if you fail at those, persist. You fall, you get up. Don't give me that weak shit.

Find yourself a goal, and align everything in your life towards that. It will give you the satisfaction you crave but the road will never be easy.

Godspeed anon.

>> No.21981433
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Anon, the only way out is to Keep telling yourself this every day until the choice becomes clear and there is no hesitation.

Protip: do it in front of a mirror.

>> No.21981478

Many good advices in this thread, I would also add - seek professional help if you can afford it.

However, just like with shitcoins here, research the fuck out of type of therapy and therapist himself. Many are useless, but if you find the one which suits you, it can really do wonders.

>> No.21981604

The point is you live in a timeline where you can soon 100x off a project like Verasity and then do WHATEVER YOU PLEASE and break out of the matrix.

Kids these days....you don't know how good you have it.