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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21970009 No.21970009 [Reply] [Original]

Post thoughts, highlights, memes and more!

>> No.21970048

i was out all day, is it looking promising? we're still crabbing which is a better outcome than i expected

>> No.21970094

I've been to a lot of tech conferences and holy shit was this day boring. No technical demos, no shit that works RIGHT FUCKING NOW, just a bunch of hypothetical horse shit and cope. This shit is fucked

>> No.21970143

that beer autist at the networking tab connecting with various CEOs and just burping at them

>> No.21970189

>thread Nr.38
>currently 7 threads on the topic
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS clean up, the spm stinker are at it again

>> No.21970321

I thought Priyanka was really hot

>> No.21970366

Felten delivered a very promising pitch, looking forward to the arbitrum mainnet launch

>> No.21970408
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>> No.21970431
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My favorite moment

>> No.21970438

fucking KEK
any screenshots/vids of blerps?

>> No.21970442

Boring as shit

>> No.21970468


>> No.21970473
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I was happy with it. I understand a lot of things aren't launching TODAY but it seems like NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING

>> No.21970578

Sell the news

>> No.21970609

nick ger

>> No.21970670

there was a guy playing the 1 guy 1 jar video to a bunch of industry people in the network tab and anons were posting screenshots of it

>> No.21970681
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My brain is now realizing what it just saw

>> No.21970709

Vitalik btfo by ed felcher

>> No.21970714

I refreshed my page and I was removed from the event and I dont see it on hopin anymore. Did I get banned or something?

>> No.21970732

Are you high right now?
Celsius is on mainnet since today, and Aave’s founder had a great talk about the $1.5 billion the secure right now thanks to Chainlink.
That’s just two examples.

>> No.21970750

>200 link

Will I make it?

>> No.21970789

She had a fucking attitude bro. I mean hot yes. What is it with these women with attitudes for no reason? Are they trying to be hot or something?

>> No.21970828
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>> No.21970851
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Spencer dindu and coindesk normie were so chill and normie

>> No.21970852

How does 2 million sound

>> No.21970878

Didn't watch, what the hell is she doing there?

>> No.21970882

this is well placed fud

>> No.21970887
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T Mobile desperate to stay relevant kek
This is literally the cusp of a massive revolution and autists will tell their grandkids about the glorious clown world meme magic

>> No.21970898

Oxt went up nicely

>> No.21970912
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Anon was drinking on cam and meeting VIPs

>> No.21970938
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Topkek anons haven't laughed this hard in a long time

>> No.21970961

Smart Con
A con that this smart
A clever deception

>> No.21970967
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This name was Nick Ger

>> No.21970974

you reddit faggots are ruining this conference arent you?

>> No.21970981

which projects to follow regarding kain's comment about waking up all that dormant btc and getting it into defi?

>> No.21970993
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Femme Sergey didn't get banned kek

>> No.21970996

fucking goddamnit kek

>> No.21971012
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yeah reddit raided us and started spamming 'nigger' and 'faggot' and all kinds of -ist slurs. it was disgusting. i wish they'd leave us alone.

>> No.21971023

this isnt how software works

you can just "deploy any contract on any chain whenever you want"

it takes years of coding back and forth between many times, and many more years of bug smashing for just one contract, on one chain, at predetermined times

>> No.21971026
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Remember the rules goy

>> No.21971052
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Racist incels from r/link tried to ruin smartcon

>> No.21971072
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>> No.21971099

god i hate reddit and their use of racial slurs. i really wish they would cool it with all the anti-semetic comments.

>> No.21971110
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Nick Ger was an unoriginal Redditor

>> No.21971123

Am I going insane

>> No.21971125

1. Rory is based af
2. Dustin just isn’t based get the mic fixed bro
3. Stani good talk but fun times when his connection went SELL SELL SELL
4. Ryan the tellor guy knew something and was smug as fuck what does he know probably the biggest bread crumb of the day
5. Off chain end based af had to increase the cost line so we could see it. Just add a zero.

>> No.21971162

Why do you the the tellor guy knew anything?

>> No.21971161
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nope. honk honk.

>> No.21971168
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>> No.21971169

Yeah being edgy and saying nigger and shit like that isn't funny at all anymore

>> No.21971180


>> No.21971188

I got banned about 6 times. Im on my final account now waiting for the keynote.

>> No.21971205

When two polar opposite worlds meet who just share the same interest of money. Without the internet degenerates like us would have never gotten an opportunity to invest in cutting edge technology. Now we do and this is what happens. Fucking hilarious but man if this isn't proof to me that the internet will be neutered soon.

>> No.21971208
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Any videos from blackout drink anon?

>> No.21971232

Indian brahmin class women have the most obnoxious, entitled personalities on earth. They're still street shitters but believe they are descended angels because of their historical role in india.

>> No.21971238

Based. We need a game plan rather than just spamming the chat

>> No.21971287

I wasn't just spamming in fairness but was of course going hard nonetheless.

>> No.21971317

Everyone must have been too banned to see the Syntetix panel.

This coming Monday all their in-house Oracles go dormant and they switch all of their operations to Chainlink provided feeds.


>> No.21971325

Fuck I'm crying, I wonder what they think of this group of retards who make a decent part of their community.

>> No.21971335

Just the vibe and some of the things he said felt like allusions to something coming. When that question came about chainlink as it’s own blockchain there was an odd pause.

>> No.21971354

fudding reddit is one thing but why would you do this to the people investing in the project? still laughed though

>> No.21971365

Fuck I'm crying, I wonder what they think of this group of retards who make a decent part of their community. It even reads like in the first sentence "the summit rules are simple" he knows he's directing towards kids fucking kek

>> No.21971392

They think they have something to prove.

>> No.21971393

oh my god is this real? is that sergey in the middle???! ive been out all day WHATS HAPPENING

>> No.21971395


I am balls deep leveraged to the dick long on LINK and I laughed dude.

It was a great time early on in the conference.

They have it on YouTube btw for anyone who got banned for tomorrow.

>> No.21971401
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I see dark chat on all these chat screenshots but can't seem to find a setting for dark mode on Hopsin. Am I a brainlet? Anons help pls.

>> No.21971407

nick gears is a pewbiepie meme

do better

>> No.21971438

God bless those pioneering anons who brought the word of LINK to /biz/ all those years ago.

>> No.21971442

He also talked about flash loaning your 1.5 billions to the likes of Simeon who is looking for a quick profit...
It's insane how he doesn't think of implementing a risk configuration functionality for the lenders to not get all their funds stolen when the next scam will happen.

>> No.21971447


Priyanka was one of the most knowledgeable moderators all day. Not gonna lie I def thought about making some weird not white white kids with her.

She was also getting hot in the second panel with Waterhouse from Orchid and Tornado Chad kept playing with her hair.

>> No.21971454
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Yeah, I was crying laughing at times but it hurts to betray the project devs and respectable investors holy shit

>> No.21971486

I think they legitimately hate it. They don't realize that it's the fun, anything goes, autistic environment that attracts the die hard, investigative fans and creative culture. They will eventually intentionally cultivate a normie crowd and in return get weak hands, spoon feeding requirements and dull fb memes that could have come from any token.

>> No.21971529

So many blue IDs ITT, Is this Chainlink magic?

>> No.21971530

That may happen someday, but we will not abandon LINK even if they abandon us. I'll be comfy being rich and meming from the shadows. As long as they get more successful, I'm fine with them distancing themselves from the autists, i.e. us.

>> No.21971546

The dichotomy of it all is just too fucking funny

>> No.21971559

I watched multiple panels with her and she did not have an attitude.

>> No.21971607

>actual discussion, no replies
never change biz

any proof or screengrabs of this?

>> No.21971647
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Steve Ellis or someone on the team definitely browse. I think some understand.
>pic related is how they changed the seven sevens 6 hours after I posted it to /biz/. This is somewhere around late 2019

>> No.21971682

No fucking doubt they come here because no one else is up to speed with the project

>> No.21971707

we are either the best or worst support a project has ever had

>> No.21971745


During that panel one of them (I think it was tellor guy i wasn't looking at the stream) said that there's stuff in the works but that they couldn't say more.

>> No.21971751

Someone I believe to be Steve has posted recently using pictures of the man that are extremely extremely rare and pretending to be in the know basically saying it's time. This was this month, but I didn't save.

>> No.21971777
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>Fatoshi Betrayoto

>> No.21971792

Best part was Fernando not paying attention to the enterprise conversation because he was too busy laughing at the nigger stuff in the chat

>> No.21971794

If you think about the current social and political climate we're against it but that's a good thing
> Cancel culture and diversity do not function via merit
> Covid means paperless is the way to go especially for contracts
Chainlink just wants everything to be fine without looking at why we're attracted to the project. We want a world where people get ahead because of merit not because they're the diversity hire. Etc etc

>> No.21971813

Fernando is the worst kind of nigger indeed.

>> No.21971831

wowzers! Thanks Anon. Holders for life, am I right?

>> No.21971832

Teller, not tellor. Tellor is a chainlink competitor, teller is something about putting credit scores on chain so even normies could get loans.

>> No.21971849

Can you find it in the archives?

>> No.21971858

Very big if true. How many new feeds are being launched?

>> No.21971895

Any way to re-watch past streams?

>> No.21971896

This >>21971849

>> No.21971906
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>Up to 0
Took me a moment tho

>> No.21971921

I missed this honestly, this is fucking huge

>> No.21971930

Diversity is its own merit though bro. Black is beautiful and there is merit to being black, so we should hire black programmers and engineers to work on Chainlink. I'm kind of upset by how few black employees Chainlink has tbqh

>> No.21971934

Adelyn said we're all in this together in the intro speech that was cute

>> No.21971968

Theres already a coin called Nigger, what more do you people want?

>> No.21971982

LINK will be 1k EOY. Kek is with us marines!

>> No.21971986

yea but its fake

>> No.21971989

That makes sense thanks anon

>> No.21971990

Reparations. Gibs me whats i is owed

>> No.21972012

Anyone remember that annon hoarding Nokias. Maybe he was onto something

>> No.21972015

Okay, what caliber bullet would you prefer?

>> No.21972020

forget what I said then, >>21971317 is a faggot

>> No.21972025

haha no it literally doesn't.

>> No.21972127

nah he posted a few times and had some big wig guy on the other end laughing at or with him though an asked him if he was ok

>> No.21972137

Can i get a qrd on offchain labs? missed that talk

>> No.21972149

cant you just make another acc mate?

>> No.21972153
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>reddit-type workload

>> No.21972167

Basic human rights. America is more racist than it was 100 years ago, as evidenced by your use of that word. Treat Black people as equal citizens (ideally slightly better than equal to make up for the years of oppression) and things will get a lot better in our country.

>> No.21972175
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There is a room in the Smart Contract offices that looks like pic related where they spend 4-8 hours a day trying to determine the identity and location of Assblaster so they can "thank" him for introducing /biz/ to Chainlink.

>> No.21972182

>I thought Priyanka was really hot

>> No.21972190

TIL journalists are still the first to get the rope. Coindesk paul rudd, cointelegraph grandpa, and defipulse scott, camilla bitchy and defiant were the worst parts of the day

>> No.21972205

black people are shitheads if left treated the way you describe

>> No.21972225

If the contract itself runs on Arbitrum nodes all that matters is the settled state stored on the respective chain

Solidity is all you need for Arbitrum but the state outcomes can be stored on non solidity compatible chains

>> No.21972254

That's because you live in India and only see white women in pornos
virtually all Indians in America are Brahmin, and white women of similar age act ten thousand times snootier and more entitled than they do, it's not in the same ballpark, not even the same league

>> No.21972256

Yes, it's capable of 4000 tranny-posts per second

>> No.21972280

Black people don't act like equal citizens. They cause problems everywhere they go. Many once beautiful cities have become no-go zones because they are overrun with niggers.

>> No.21972285

>Reddit type workload
What doe this mean exactly?

>> No.21972308

Or--and hear me out here--we could just put them all in gas chambers and not have any problems anymore! In Minecraft, of course.

>> No.21972326


It's gonna get weird man. I've only got a mid-sized OG stack, and even I'm already scripting Chainlink-themed porn that I'm going to get prostitutes to perform. I can't even fathom what the anons with tens of millions are going to do with that money.

>> No.21972398
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>board of neets and autists hoping a shitcoin let's them retire at 25
>we want a world where people get ahead because of merit

>> No.21972445

I can second this. He did have an announcement probably next week he will announce.

>> No.21972463

rewards for funding the 4th industrial revolution by providing risky early capital would be merit based you despicable person

>> No.21972472
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John Wolpert from Baseline
Hints at big news in the next few weeks between Google(BigQuery), Chainlink, and Baseline
Wolpert listing companies E&Y, Microsoft, 2nd of the big 4 [accounting firms?] but not allowed to say yet

“Chainlink is quite involved with Google”

9:00 AM - China Panel begins
"People in the west don’t understand but these are huge names"
Adelyn: What happened in October?
Hao Chi: [The Government said?] Blockchain is one of the key technologies for the future of [China]. It is like a green light for people to embrace blockchain

T Systems Panel Begins
T systems currently operates a Chainlink node live on mainnet and participates in delivering market data for five on-chain Price Feeds used by the $7.3BDeFI ecosystem
T-Systems operates web3 infrastructure and soon Staking-as-a-service

Aaron Wright talks about integrating OpenLaw and thus Chainlink into Microsoft Word through the Microsoft App store. Bridging DeFi into the real world, digitizing real world assets and replacing traditional legal agreements.
You can log on to OpenLaw and incorporate a call to Chainlink. Once the agreement is generated it can be pushed into a Microsoft Word document. Easy to understand legal agreements but underneath the hood a Chainlink call will be made. Simple plug in via Microsoft App store “soon” . Waiting on approval for listing.
OpenLaw has simplified it to the point that the data objects can be pushed into any system...excel, google sheets,.. Etc.
Can sign using Docusign… legacy systems easy to plug in

Celcius is live on Ethereum mainnet using link oracles

BZRX V2 launch August 31st

Arbitrum Beta 2 release “very soon”. Exact same code can be sent over to arbitrum and function

Dmm , Teller, WOM, Curio all utilize LINK for critical procedures

snx Oracles provide total value of synths/debt in the synthetic system in USD at any moment and what value of collateral is backing that debt

>> No.21972491

I love this community so much

>> No.21972498
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>> No.21972522
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>> No.21972553

/biz/ was into LINK long before Assblaster, it was originally somebody who didn't even use a trip and just had a really characteristic habit of posting anime (basically an avatarfag).

Also contrary to popular lore, there was no months/years-long darwinistic process where people talked out the flaws and realized LINK was bound for greatness. The "this could be REALLY big" realization started within days of the board discovering it.

>> No.21972585
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>> No.21972597


I forget how many they said but a bunch by Monday.


The two dudes from Synthetix said it themselves it was the last panel you fucking retard.

>> No.21972598


Unless you were in the ico, you didn't fund anything, so shut the fuck up?

>> No.21972606
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>> No.21972665


This is true, some visionary OPs saw the potential right away. But there was months/years of FUD and answers to that FUD, and during that time it became clear that not only link had potential, but it was actually an incredible solid project/team that was likely to succeed.

>> No.21972681
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this one flew under the radar too

>> No.21972685

The guys from Synthetix basically said they had their own Oracles but Chainlink’s are better.

If something better comes along they’d consider it but for now there is no competition for LINK, so they’ll be using thst (LINK) for all their feeds by Monday.

They are keeping their Oracles live should the ever need them but they will be dormant and all data provides by Chainlink Oracles as of next week.

>> No.21972725

good stuff anon thanks for the caps

>> No.21972734

I got fucking banned and all I did was sit at work with my PC on at home

>> No.21972738

this is really massive, shows how confident they are in link
and will keep expending to new assets
does aave use link for all their feeds?

>> No.21972749

here's the highlight of the day

>> No.21972765
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Just Incase you think I’m bullshitting I’ll throw on my trip, since I’ve never once provided bad info or shipper bullshit.

By Monday all Synthetix’s price data comes via Chainlink Nodes.

Maybe if you guys were spamming NIGGER less and actually listened you’d hear some shit.

>> No.21972776

so another centralized scam. ok got it

>> No.21972793

Ed was so based I wish he was my dad

>> No.21972812


I can’t confirm that but I’m pretty sure yes. I know they at least utilize some Chainlink oracle data so I’d assume it’s exclusive but I don’t know that.

>> No.21972828
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list of users keeps growing nicely
i member when it was just one or two names

>> No.21972848

use Dark Reader extension fren

>> No.21972869
File: 56 KB, 586x453, 2020-08-28 17_49_08-(4) 🦆 Charlie L. 🦆 on Twitter_ _Smart Contract Summit #0 Thread August 28-29, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was following this thread all day, although i missed out on the NIGGER spam i'm excited to dig back into the videos when they're posted

>> No.21972895


Yeah it was a nice way to cap off a warmup day, I thought.

I really perked up when they got into those specifics. Average tard doesn’t realize it but yes, it shows a very high level of trust, which they also talked about.

It’s a good panel if they ever upload it. Good insight to that side of the industry.

>> No.21972896

criminally underchecked trips

>> No.21972927

jeezus, they need better mods. we'll see how they do tomorrow

>> No.21972980

Nearly-Satan over here is correct.

>> No.21972998

What is this newfag scam? "I'll turn on my trip" and start nameposting lol

>> No.21973017

love the new retard fudders rewriting history. the other type of fud is basically
>P-please sell ur link

>> No.21973024

it's not their platform, it's on hopin
there's no word filter and they can't check on 1 on 1 matches
still what a lack of wisdom to basically use omegle on their conf when they have thousands of 4chan tards following them, how could they not predict this would backfire

>> No.21973046

from what i saw it was an issue the first couple of hours. it stopped for a while then i remember when aaron wright came up to speak, the chat filled with NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and you could see aaron's expression change when it seems like he saw the chat

>> No.21973048

gods work, anon

>> No.21973085


fuck so close

>> No.21973089

who was sergey dumping on 700k at a time?
how stupid are you?

>> No.21973100

>Celsius is on mainnet since today
can someone tell me if celsius is safe to use? only 3k link but they offer 4.5% on there right now. the team behind it seems legit, just unsure about how i feel about not having custody on a noninsured platform. Even coinbase has a bunch of assurances even if they get hacked on their end youll be reimbursed

>> No.21973120

He dumped 500k during the presentation today Kek. Went from biweekly 500k dumps to weekly 500k dumps since the pump.

>> No.21973147
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cant wait for tomorrow

>> No.21973181


>> No.21973190

I still don't know what that means.

>> No.21973210

>Sergey integrated Neurolink AI on stage and becomes a cyborg god.

>> No.21973270

who did you guys cosplay today? and how was the artists alley I didnt go yet

>> No.21973280

>The two dudes from Synthetix said it themselves it was the last panel you fucking retard.
that explains why i missed it, i got bored of it by 3pm

>> No.21973297

They introduced link on biz/4chan first on purpose to keep the small fish from getting a piece of their cashcow. They knew 4chan is a despicable place in the public eye so what better way to hide a legitimate project than in plain sight? Each and everyone of you anons played a vital part in chainlink. Assblaster is fake, all part of thier plan to keep chainlink under wraps. Every board on 4chan is stacked high with shills with thier own unique agenda, biz is no different. Congrats to all the anons we are all going to make it.

>> No.21973328

assblaster never posted until november. first chainlink post was august 2017

>> No.21973330

He is paying a huge amount of money for his current nodes that all Defis are using for free.
When will the companies using the data feeds start to pay for it?
At his current dumping rate it may not last more than a few years before his funds run out.
The only hope is that arbitrum drives down the node costs by 10x in half a year.

>> No.21973336


>> No.21973354


>> No.21973404

>Treat Black people as equal citizens
why did fentanyl floyd resist arrest?

>> No.21973439

Going off this thread it looks like you retarded 4channers don't want to make it and are doing everything you can make link fail right as it's on the cusp of blooming. You will never make it.

>> No.21973500

You guys are degenerates to a level /r9k/ would be ashamed of.

>> No.21973517

>When will the companies using the data feeds start to pay for it?
they are paying for it, at least the big ones like aave and snx are, but probably only a portion of the costs

>> No.21973687

> doesn't get it
> is cringe
> will never make it

>> No.21974099

Black is not beautiful. But assuming for the sake of this argument that black is beautiful...wtf does beauty have to do with being a good worker?

>> No.21974126

Lmao no there were chainlink posts months before august dude

>> No.21974146

No. Warosu chainlink and sort by oldest first.

>> No.21974193

assblaster = sn?

>> No.21974242

That would be true if the devs hadn’t continued to sell after the ico. We provided liquidity and acted as market makers for the token which allowed them to secure development funds. You bitter loser lmao.

>> No.21974344

This is true, anyone saying anons haven't been instrumental and are essentially investors is wrong and repulsive in disposition. The funding is dependent on token value which is dependent, of course, on token buyers.

>> No.21974505

Hilarious well memed

>> No.21974530

Its pwc. They force non disclosures on people and then blab to everyone they meet.

>> No.21974550
File: 40 KB, 1024x576, _91409212_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else catch the chequered shirt on the bed and warped floorboards when adelyn's virtual backdrop failed?

>> No.21974695

>He doesn't know that you have to write sage in all fields to be a tripfag

>> No.21974976
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>> No.21975007
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>> No.21975030


>> No.21975032
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>> No.21975058
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>> No.21975078
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>> No.21975091
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>> No.21975111
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>> No.21975122

the atmosphere was really different in 2018-early 2019 as well, a brutal 16 month bear, the only people still posting here were low-lives/schizos/dedicated autists

>> No.21975176

How tf can I invest in this right now?

>> No.21975326
File: 423 KB, 1125x1707, 20200618_042932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon appreciate this

>> No.21975433

That was the best thread of the past year or two and finally turned me on to what a big deal arbitrum is. We always knew that link was necessary to make crypto function, but now we know that by bringing all the functionality of the crypto sector to end users fingertips chainlink has made 99% of crypto projects irrelevant. Nobody is going to want to build an eth killer because there’s no money in node operating the settlement layer. Nobody will want to work on eth 2.0 because the problem is already solved. Vitalik lost, and history will remember him like the founder of Netscape navigator: not at all.

>> No.21975439

The 1 guy 1 jar screens with the woman from the white house are faked, see

>> No.21975471
File: 5 KB, 250x195, 1587734155622s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy chainlink.
That's literally it.

>> No.21975669


>> No.21975740
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Mommy bought a nice house

>> No.21975779
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>> No.21975798

Good, I'm already all in on LINK.

>> No.21975858

can you tldr this for me please, I've seen the word arbitrum thrown around a few times now and got no clue what it is

>> No.21975893


there is a cosmos dev talk where someone uploaded a BBC jerkoff cumming compilation

>> No.21975911

>Treat Black people as equal citizens (ideally slightly better than equal to make up for the years of oppression)

lmfao i know this is a larp but cmon atleast make it believable the wogs have an inbuilt advantage at every level in society

>> No.21975923

Read this one, it's already spoonfeeding: >>21975111
Basically arbitrum allows solidity contracts (eth) to be executed by chainlink oracles, effectively solving eth's scaling issues and reducing the cost drastically.

>> No.21975962

Also once intel sgx is live you'll be able to pick chainlink nodes running sgx and arbitrum and have them privately compute the smart contracts, so they won't even know what is in them and the result would simply be posted to eth.

>> No.21975971


By buying link, not even joking

>> No.21976009 [DELETED] 

it's not the mods. it's the platform they are using. there are no mod tools

>> No.21976377

> Maybe if you guys were spamming NIGGER less and actually listened you’d hear some shit.
Most of the people youre talking to are already all in. A few more breadcrumbs won’t do anything for them.

>> No.21976435

keep spamming nigger and see how long thse all ins don't turn to 0

>> No.21976579
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Checked ty anon for based caps

>> No.21976663
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Wut? I’m not spamming nigger. I’m just telling you the people spamming nigger don’t care at this point. Maybe they should’ve used a better platform for their conference.

Honestly, you kinda sound like a faggot. Hint: the train already left the station. Even autists spamming the word nigger can’t stop link now. Do you think the 1 billion people in China care that you’re a dumb jew slave and sperg out at their chimp control memes?

>> No.21976736
File: 72 KB, 278x358, Happy_little_chainlinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop in is pro Nick Ger you biggot. Also pretty sure that Wolpert pronounced Microsoft as Nick-Ger-Soft which is comedy gold. Thank you John

>> No.21976762

yeah honestly, it's the internet. everyone should expect someone to be yelling NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER everywhere, it's what happens on uncensored mediums. i lol'd, hopefully mods will be better because there was a lot of insane shit announced. that being said, no one can honestly act surprised. any cursory of the internet will show that the it's filled with shitposters. bullish though. was surprised to see the drunk anon burping at CEO's and the possible 1 guy 1 jar @ the dyke that used to be in the white house. i lol'd at that

>> No.21976830

sjw fag wolpert. Cant stand the fucker.

>> No.21977030
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NO NO NO, say Nick Ger 10 times fast.

>> No.21977291

>treat black people as equal citizens
literally everyone agrees to this, no more special treatment

>> No.21978298

All lives matter but niggers need to learn how to behave in society. This isn't the African jungle.

>> No.21978458
File: 250 KB, 3072x2048, hi-res-87236d69cafca14937838e3946e45ce1_crop_north[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was confirmed that Spencer Dinwiddie browses /biz/ and is a based black guy.

>> No.21978639

Gentle reminder that Anime-chan dumped his bags at $0.60, RIP

>> No.21978676

hes black so he is still a nigger and therefore subhuman

nigger piece of nigger shit


>> No.21978703

oh man that makes me sad ;_________;
Just goes to show how uncharted the territory we're in is--the person who delivered LINK to us, our Abraham, not even he had the strength to hold.

>> No.21978745

he's smarter than you

>not realizing all animechan was doing was shilling the ICO of the month and dumping on /biz/

he shilled LINK because of SIBOS, dumped it then bought fucking AST kek

>> No.21978776

He kept talking about stuff that "dropped onto his desk" too, which felt really confusing for 2017. I didn't know there were firms that looked at ICOs back then.

>> No.21978801

he is also blacker than me

>> No.21978820

Nah he sold LINK cos his idol Bryce Weiner told everyone in slack that chainlink will never work

>> No.21978902

tfw lowkey oldfag reunion

>> No.21979121

Fuck off you cunt

>> No.21979174

That canuck was kinda funny, but he started getting real sloppy towards the end

>> No.21979282

Why is there a 'HEIL' in John's screen?

>> No.21979529
File: 49 KB, 400x711, DLTQA2vW4AAusXz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Rolling for free Unstoppable Domain .crypto domain names

>> No.21979564

It was really only the first hour or two. After that it calmed down. But ya, the first hour was an absolute shit show

>> No.21979621

this. he knows his shit. he's also bullish on dot

>> No.21979634

Nice try shlomo, I'm never ever selling

>> No.21979675


>haha contract printer go brrr

>> No.21980252

Vitalik is as cucked as Tesla(the actual guy back in the day not the company) lmaooooo