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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 602 KB, 1280x720, drapervscz2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21974034 No.21974034 [Reply] [Original]

As you can tell after getting absolutely fucked by drapper and his team, cz has been attempting to fud stakenet hard lately. Hence the low quality spam fud threads. Pic related is a historical source of the incident.

Also XSN;
>Watchtower support via Justice tx’s (V1)

Some information about the watchtowers, since their support has been added.
The watchtower monitors all your channels when your node (wallet) is inactive.
To understand, you need to know that when your node is inactive, and one of your channel counterparts decides to cheat and unilaterally close a channel (force close) with "out-of-date" data (older commitment transaction), they cannot immediately retrieve the funds, because they are time locked. They have to wait for a certain number of blocks to retrieve them (e.g. for Bitcoin: 144 blocks = 24 hours). If your node comes back online before the end of this time, your node will notice the trick and trigger the penalty mechanism (breach remedy transaction), recovering all the funds on the channel (including those of the cheater, to punish him).
But if your node stays offline too long, the cheater wins. That's where the watchtower comes in: it will monitor the state of your channels while your node is offline, and if someone tries to cheat, it triggers the penalty mechanism for you.

>> No.21974374

just give up the shilling already, your coin is dead.


>> No.21974400


>> No.21974426
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Holy fuck stakenet is so far ahead of the industry. Watchtowers already is fucking amazing. How will cz and blocknet ever recover?

>> No.21974441
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>> No.21974478

stakeshits on suicide watch

>> No.21974519


>> No.21974531

Blocknet crew representing! For real though, Blocknet's dex development is years ahead of steaknet yet its marketcap is a third of XSN lol

Litewallet and eth oracles in the coming weeks. Just watch it pump as the hype builds. From an investor perspective Blocknet is far more likely to 10x from here than xsn.

>> No.21974535
File: 219 KB, 1889x895, XSN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only thing fudding me was the complexity of opening/renting channels, but pic related strengthened my hands

>> No.21974544

>recovering all the funds on the channel (including those of the cheater, to punish him)

exactly the kind of self sovereignty I expect of a DEX

>> No.21974551

Yeah the x9 team is extremely good at what they do, expect it to get easier too. They are making a pro and easy mode btw.

>> No.21974555

you sure weren't joking OP, every thread gets jeeted immediately

>> No.21974569
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>muh watchtowers

>> No.21974574
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Check, trips are true, cz and blockcucks coping hard.

>> No.21974606
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Are blockcucks the ones fudding threads

>> No.21974666
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Or are the fudders pretending to be blockcucks

>> No.21974680
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>> No.21975145

currently using the dex for xsn trading. Love it! so easy. Rent channels is simple but they are working making it easy such as auto rent channels. Does it for you. So just click and trade.

>> No.21975180
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>> No.21975288

Speak English please

>> No.21975394
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>> No.21975406
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>Blocknet's dex development is years ahead of steaknet

>> No.21975451
File: 137 KB, 772x582, layer2isthefuture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XSN already has this
Shit, chainlink is the industry standard. Any project using the word oracles to gain traction is pajeet tier.

From an investor perspective blocknet is going to 0. Blockcucks didn't stand a chance.

>> No.21975529
File: 198 KB, 1481x865, 1595256126535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, Blocknet speaks highly of XSN

>> No.21975539


>> No.21975615
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X9 are some of the best devs around, pic related.

>> No.21975677
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adding in

>> No.21975682

Checked and based. I reckon that VB.ETH was the real deal. He got added to the raiden testing group.

>> No.21975753
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the jbvo of modern times
don't tell /biz/

>> No.21975868
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Just imagine if VB.ETH is actually legit, that would be crazy.

>> No.21975941

XSN's litewallet and DEX runs on centralized servers maintained by the team and only the team. Blocknet's litewallet is leveraging their XRouter tech which is completely decentralized - something that's never been accomplished before at this level Funny enough XSN's DEX is also centralized around the same servers - no decentralized nodes whatsoever are handling lightning channels, the orderbook, or the verification process (if there even is any) behind the scenes.

>> No.21975978
File: 303 KB, 1080x1165, Screenshot_20200828-225138_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every time a blockcuck posts I will post the daily volume of blocknet for all to see what a joke it is.

>> No.21975982

Raiden devs are pretty hardcore. They're in the top 10 for github commits cryptowide. Vitalik also hates CEXs. I could see XSN and ETH getting along well.
That would be pretty cool though.

>> No.21976005
File: 112 KB, 549x767, 82849490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks , just bought 10k

>> No.21976024

post that XSN DEX volume for us lmfao... oh wait, there is none! Blocknet has the highest volume of any full-node-based DEX in 1 day than all the others have had combined. That's pretty impressive for a beta product, especially one that requires full nodes.

>> No.21976066

Imagine filling a bag of a shitcoin at 3x the market cap of BLOCK with 1/10th the tech... I'd be flooding biz begging anons to pump my shitcoin too. Your X9 devs even told you faggots to chill the fuck out in here and stop starting wars because they know themselves that they are nowhere near what is being claimed here on biz by you same handful of brainlets now for what, 4 months now? Can't wait till you all finally fuck off back to Plebbit

>> No.21976083

Where can I find xsn dex volume?

>> No.21976118
File: 55 KB, 373x933, 1590543671349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There that's probably more volume than blockcuck shit

>> No.21976122
File: 30 KB, 509x371, 1598641764101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeth more Nigger.
and also checked.

>> No.21976141


>> No.21976151

Cock gobbling steaknetters



>> No.21976174

Linux latest build: https://wallet.stakenet.io/light-wallet/production/linux/installer/Stakenet.zip
Win latest build: https://wallet.stakenet.io/light-wallet/production/win/installer/Stakenet.zip
OSX latest build: https://wallet.stakenet.io/light-wallet/production/osx/installer/Stakenet.dmg

>> No.21976207
File: 186 KB, 392x1901, xsnbtcltc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to download the DEX app, there's nothing but test trades going on hence all the duplicates you see there. Take a look at this LTC/BTC market volume lmfao. Purely pathetic.

>> No.21976235
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>> No.21976302

Okay, okay....
Chill out, guys.
Talk about literally anything but that.

>> No.21976358

Just as I thought. You steakfags are only hurting your own project by overhyping your dex. The way you guys go on, you'd think you have a product ready for mass adoption. You don't. If you don't temper expectations noobs will download your dex, realise it's not user friendly at all and has no volume, and fuck off never to return again.

>> No.21976359

it's a screenshot from the dex. it's only the xsn-btc trade pair, but the 600xsn orders alone (there are

there's no volume tracker Twitter bot or other such nonsense because the devs aren't wasting their time bragging about volume on a beta product even though it's clearly btfo'ing blockdx.

that screenshot of 4 hours of trades is ~.2 BTC, extrapolate that out to 24hrs and you're looking at easily 1 BTC in volume on just that trading pair.

not a ton but pretty good for a product just released in open beta this week.

>> No.21976387


>> No.21976437
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>> No.21976536

you meme like a libtard

>> No.21976541

Hahahahahahahahah ahahahahahah hahahahahahahahah blockcucks are coping so hard.

>> No.21976551

The moment I can buy tokens on there I'll be using it exclusively, provided their aggregator works for liquidity. Fuck cexes.

>> No.21976577
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>> No.21976667
File: 5 KB, 151x107, lmaoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok one more cant resist lol

>> No.21976879


It's on chain though. You have to know it's going to fail when the Golden bull comes.

No one is paying $55 usd per trade like in 2017. Makes no sense. And block will be that. Is inevitable

>> No.21977093
File: 406 KB, 672x639, 7B1BBDD6-F65D-4D36-AE4A-F8DFA88D7D79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t become a stakelet anon. When raiden integration is complete you will be priced out and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of YOU HAD THREE YEARS

>> No.21977152

Unlike link which had a billion threads spoonfeeding everyone xsn has not even half the amount of shilling. /Biz/ will really kill themselves this time.

>> No.21977153

lmao you can tell this is coordinated fud.

Why don't you faggots go to ACTUAL Uniswap scam threads and shitpost there? Oh right... you aren't paid to.

>> No.21977464
File: 118 KB, 1420x544, xsn (5).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're still mad

>> No.21977523
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>> No.21977927


>> No.21977939
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>> No.21978072
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>> No.21978093
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That's the point, they started developing years before Stakenet. And still the X9 team got them schooled really hard Kek.
You Blockcucks really flatter yourselves if you think that Stakenet is trying to beat you. We aim for the global economy, while you try to aggregate shitcoins with old tech.

>> No.21978466

Blocknet is onchain. And will fail miserably.