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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21973309 No.21973309 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21973359

No one is going to put money in uniswap now when sushiswap comes out

>> No.21973401

can someone explain how sushiswap competes with uniswap? all I see is yield farming on the website

>> No.21973433

it's a uniswap clone, except you can "own" part of it buy owning the sushi token. the sushi token lets you get a piece of the network fees.
they're competing for the same liquidity providers as uniswap

>> No.21973448

Sushiswap is a community owned amm.

In uniswap .3% fees are racked on to transactions for liquidity providers.In sushiswap .25% fees Go to LPs and .05% goes to owners of the sushi token

>> No.21973461

this sounds commie and gay

>> No.21973468

oh yea and i guess the swap isn't out yet while they're minting tokens for at least two weeks

>> No.21973502

So what should i do, add liquidity or what?

>> No.21973516

No thanks I’m a vegetarian

>> No.21973536

Get in the sushi/eth uni pool. It had like 30000% apy before lol

>> No.21973545

no ones going to use that gay shit, get out of here

>> No.21973571

So why would someone provide liquidity on Sushi instead of Uniswap? They are getting less fees

>> No.21973583

It’s a fork of uniswap. Same shit

>> No.21973605

How 2 sushi? I’m fucking hungry. All you can eat right?? I need to know.

>> No.21973630

So it's just uniswap except with 0.25% fees and 0.5% and their token is a sushi instead of uniswap coin?

>> No.21973639

I think part of the value prop is you don't need to burn LP tokens to redeem fees, you just 'harvest' the sushi token and convert it to ETH if you want to cash it out.

>> No.21973643

Whales will provide stablecoin liquidity on sushi since they get an extra cut of all other coins. Most uniswap liquidity is whales and .05% is made up if you own a percentage of sushi

>> No.21973671

why would anyone bother to use it if the gas fees are still shit lmao

>> No.21973690

People go where the liquidity is. They have to use it. It’s better than a cex

>> No.21973777
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Why does my sushi balance show up as 0, even though I connected my metamask wallet?

>> No.21973778

How do you harvest this shit? I have some sushi

>> No.21973800

what does LP mean?

>> No.21973867

Liquidity provider. You can supply sushi and eth to a uniswap pool then stake it in sushiswap>>21973778

>> No.21973954

/biz/ still asleep at this shit, probably going to x10 or even x100 next week.

>> No.21973981

Anyone here still holding yams????

This will be sushi holders in 3 days

>> No.21974025

This coin actually has utilities. All the other yfi distributions were funny rebase money like based/yam etc

>> No.21974128

god i love defi this new shit weekly is so much more fun than just flipping altcoins

>> No.21974191

Unfortunately you can’t look away lol

>> No.21974579

yam was a scam. this isn't

>> No.21974607

Why is Sushi down like 98%?

>> No.21974668

That's retarded, it will makes liquidity providers seethe the token and have them get their % go faarrrrr lower since minting of SUSHI

>> No.21974700

the person that launched the pool set the price extremely high. i think crytpo twitter is pissed because they set their scripts to fill their bags upon launch lol

>> No.21974705

Uniswap has a backdoor switch that allows the 0.05% to go to VC investors btw. It's centralized and has no decentralized governance. I'm slowly seeing the light of this project.

>> No.21974755

I hope that is true, I would love it if they got rekt

>> No.21974843

It's hilarious how the uniswap team get so worked up over forks, when all of these amm's took formulas from one paper.

>> No.21974897
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Just bought 100 SUSHI

>> No.21974970

Uniswap devs recently threw a tantrum and threatened dfohub team with legal action because their unifi project stablecoin was named uniswap state dollars uSD. They are completely fucking corrupted, only a legacy VC mentality would think to sue over naming rights on the blockchain

>> No.21975113

It is true. And yes. I thought this project was a simple ponzi at first, but its turning out to be much more.

>> No.21975126

I think the next big wave aside from defi is going to be degov. I have bags of BUIDL, UNIFI, and now SUSHI.

>> No.21975752
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This is such a huge opportunity and I hope /biz/ doesn't miss it. A lot of people are in denial over this coin because:

A)They're friends with Hayden, the uniswap founder. Eth devs are fine with people copying ampleforth's rebases, but they won't let a grassroots community uniswap grow
B)A ton of devs wrote scripts to take all of the sushi liquidity immediately. Unfortunately, the pool was opened with a really high sush/eth ratio. These guys definitely got burnt.
C)Most importantly. A ton of eth devs and top wallets hold yam. Sushi will take hold of the meme investors, and it actually has UTILITY and a passionate goal. An AMM that benefits the community and not just VCs.

Most of these spontaneous defi projects launch and bags are filled too quickly. This is actually a blindspot for a lot of crypto. I wouldn't be surprised if this 10xs by tomorrow.

I really hope /biz/ throws a little into this. There's always risk, but the dev getting a quantstamp audit immediately upon getting funds is a largely positive sign of things moving in the right direction.

good luck /biz/

>> No.21975812

I'm retarded and I don't understand the adding liquidity thing. What proportion of ETH to Sushi should I hold for maximum gains?

>> No.21975813

Do you know what the plan for the supply is? I mean at this rate it'll just keep minting forever. That's my only worry about this.

>> No.21975862

You have to stake 50 50 ETH and SUSHI into Uniswap, this gives you "liquidity pool tokens", representing ownership of the pool. Then you stake these "liquidity pool tokens" into the SushiSwap staking to earn sushi.

>> No.21975871

supply will be infinity. The first two weeks minting is set at 100 per block. After two weeks when the protocol launches, .05% of every transaction will be converted back to sushi and distributed amongst sushi holders.

>> No.21975872
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Rolling for free domains

>> No.21975876

Emission is reduced by 90% in 2 weeks just as Dex launches

>> No.21975878

we gotta clear these pools out a bit, we need more fud.

>> No.21975880
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Thank you, friend.

>> No.21975886

Fuck u and ur stupid shitcoin anon

>> No.21975906

>It is true
I actually thought you were talking about something else lol. So I dunno. Also checked.

>> No.21975920

Such a crap being shilled everywhere

>> No.21975998

should I hold my sushi then? sounds like the real gains is from holding the tokens and not selling for pleb amounts right now

>> No.21976046

Farm it, that's what the pools are for. Plus adding liquidity to the token is beneficial to prevent dumping.

>> No.21976054

that is the case with a lot of yield farming. Since so much is being minted I think you have to be deposited in the pools.

>> No.21976060

That's what I'm thinking. If SushiSwap actually takes off then they will gather value.

>> No.21976955

lazy fud

>> No.21976989

>Then you stake these "liquidity pool tokens" into the SushiSwap staking to earn sushi.
How do I see my LP tokens and how do I stake them? I'm already providing liquidity, but on the sushiswap page all I see is pretty much the same as >>21973777

>> No.21977019

click see the menu and the sushi party. stake there

>> No.21977069

can I get rich from just holding this shit? I dont' want to yield farm

>> No.21977135

no youre going to get beyond rekt when the supply goes up by 100M in 2 weeks and its 1c each.
there is no way in which the supply and the token value increases simultaneously

>> No.21977195

so wait till the high inflation ends then buy.

>> No.21977286


Why is gas like 500 bucks for this shit

>> No.21977321

it's not.

>> No.21977324

This will be over 100m marketcap in 2 weeks once people realize what this project is, it likely won't go below $1.

>> No.21978118

i think it gets there sooner

>> No.21978376

Lol the token will become worthless. Supply is going up like crazy