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21969035 No.21969035 [Reply] [Original]

What will STA do during the next bullrun? Will it moon? How does STA work in the bullrun?

>> No.21969761

Well its tracking the top 3 cryptos, tracking one of the top up and coming ones, and decreasing in supply as it balances those out with itself. It will moon in just a healthy market. In a bullrun it will be in another galaxy.

>> No.21969805

Depends how strong the memes are moving forward. The memes have been getting better which is incredibly bullish.

>> No.21969986
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>> No.21970000

This. I bought day. Don't care about price. I have broken phone. I care about memes. First new wave felt weird. But getting better. NBA one is funny.

>> No.21970033
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>quads of truth

>> No.21970053

refund is going to pump it guys!

>> No.21970057
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>> No.21970561

STA would go nuclear because it's tied to the top coins.

>> No.21970787

>Quads of Gods
It has been spoken.
Fuck fundamentals and Whitepapers.
We shall only rise to 100$ through pure meme power.

>> No.21970810
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If you know, you know

>> No.21970879

The memes have been top notch. Been holding since 1c and the strength of the memes alone has convinced my to hodl

>> No.21970920
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>> No.21970987

I have been a provider of great STA memes that has been used frequently and I am very happy. Eventually, when I have time I'll produce more so if anyone has any suggestions I'll keep them in mind.

>> No.21971245
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>> No.21971280
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The classics are the best.

>> No.21971284
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>> No.21971307

he looks so comfy!

>> No.21971320
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comfy quads

>> No.21971351
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*comfort intensifies*

>> No.21971374

When the market goes bull it will explode. At this point I think $3 EOY is expected

>> No.21971377
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>> No.21971400
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>> No.21971443
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>> No.21971544

5-Star Meme
3-Star Memes
Into The Trash-Star Memes

>> No.21971595
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>> No.21971711
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>> No.21972087
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$70,000 USD per STA EONY confirmed

>> No.21972327

Most likely not exist.

t. day 1 bag holder

>> No.21972832

Again 15 weeks to $10. Never forget.