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>> No.21967058


>> No.21967067
File: 74 KB, 600x450, 1344134898527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never found the right moment to jump into the TESLA train before the split.

Do i still get a chance next week, or is it gonna rocket all the week along?

>> No.21967121

Anyone else playing the GME short squeeze?

>> No.21967258
File: 23 KB, 645x400, 1544097869357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way to tell. TSLA does not care about facts and logicks.

>> No.21967284

This is the active thread.

>> No.21967290

fuck crypto

>> No.21967449

I hate the jew

>> No.21967796

>indoor farming

>> No.21967882

Should I study economics in my spare time along with stock market stuff?

>> No.21968352
File: 340 KB, 640x720, 1583649746319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>TSLA does not care about facts and logicks.
Since when did investors care about facts and logic? It's always about green numbers.

>> No.21968593

I'm new to /smg/. How do I make money off calls in robinhood?

>> No.21968654 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 737x800, 1597953817269.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SOXL up 5.66% today, Gold stocks up aswell.

>> No.21968683

RKT to the moon next week. Earnings September 2

>> No.21969064
File: 155 KB, 1083x604, C3B0900D-9946-408C-B8D8-94847C4014C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big things happening for oil. Get in Monday

>> No.21969092

Also this. If you want to make real money, start loading up on oil stocks

>> No.21969274
File: 2.04 MB, 1536x2048, BF7DA150-0FB4-4321-A11E-7A9F0866B8CA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors will never recover

>> No.21969304

Only made 100 today on Ba strangle.

Feels bad man

>> No.21969807


>> No.21970265

I'm already in and a lot during the crash in April.

>> No.21970324
File: 188 KB, 550x550, reee_ratfaggot.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe I listened to ratfaggot!

>> No.21970394
File: 242 KB, 1272x717, 'the beauty of live demos'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are these people? is it (((them)))?

why is musk not wearing a mask?

>> No.21970413
File: 11 KB, 412x115, nickelchads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where my nickel chads at?

Friendly reminder for the smoothbrains who thought otherwise, nickel is GOAT.

>> No.21970419

Big fucking yikes. This is a lot of top signals.

>> No.21970514

Name me 4 household European company stocks that you use every day. Off the top of your head.

Oh, you can't. There's a reason why American tech stocks are worth more than the entire European market.

>> No.21970516


>> No.21970519
File: 175 KB, 787x586, F5907EEB-1BBD-49D5-AD65-EAFA8CF88196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s gonna happen to the stock market when Biden wins?

>> No.21970539
File: 133 KB, 1701x865, stimulating neurons with electrode.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some NWO shit. literally rewriting your brain. imagine if China gets a hold of this shit.

>> No.21970558

People who vote usually don't even participate in these polls.

You know how they say the vocal minority doesn't reflect the actual majority? This is a case of that.

Also, who knows. Nobody knows. What you should watch for is VIX in the weeks leading up to the elections. If it's something like 40 for a full week, I'm getting out.

>> No.21970562

the worst part about the tweet was all of the retweets and likes

>> No.21970566

tutes gtfo on the assumption that he's gonna tax the fuck out of it.

>> No.21970567

i hate that "non college educated" is the media dog whistle for "stupid." fucking retards

>> No.21970572
File: 232 KB, 1000x563, 3-actresses-up-for-lead-role-in-james-camerons-alita-battle-angel-social.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno, i kinda really want to be a cyborg with cyborg babies. Buying tesla monday there is no top in the neo market

>> No.21970575

Surely someone knows a bored billionaire or a Saudi prince who can just drop like a 10 million market order on GME to get the fire started for the memes.

>> No.21970594

>the people who don't go into debt to attend the indoctrination station are dumb

>> No.21970595

How many blacks are there in the neuralink team?

>> No.21970607

imagine hacking into qt girls brains and making them love you hehe

>> No.21970617

holy fuck why is the neuralink presentation so awkward and cringey?

>> No.21970619

the neuralink is literally a smartwatch stitched into your skull. what a fucking meme

>> No.21970621
File: 15 KB, 380x94, Screenshot from 2020-08-28 19-05-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden leads with retarded niggers.

>> No.21970626

When Elon says that you charge your neural link during the night, how do you do that? Wear a helmet to charge it wirelessly? It's kind of in my skull

>> No.21970650

Is the fed going to be able to increase interest rates ever again? Or at least in the next 20 years? It seems like if they'll try to do so everything will collapse immediately? How will they get themselves out of this or are 0 interest rates the new normal forever while the fed keeps expanding its balance sheet forever? Is the economy fucked beyond repair?

>> No.21970663

Intellectual types aren't really that great at presentations. You're not going to get BITCONEEEEECT-tier presentations when a bunch of nerds want to present their technical progress. You fucking normalfaggot, just watch the presentation.

>> No.21970667
File: 21 KB, 423x245, dividends are your fren.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Clocked out. Beer in hand. Listening to some Country. Life's good.

>> No.21970677
File: 870 KB, 1021x1044, EC11AF7C-E940-4015-AF44-3E766F547917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine dumping $2000+ a share on Musk's shitshow lmao

>> No.21970678
File: 216 KB, 1908x1063, token black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21970706

what's your portfolio looking like?
I'm new to dividends with 35 ish holdings.

>> No.21970713

When are they asking the janitor his thoughts on the matter?

>> No.21970716

Even musk saying price is overpriced didn't stop tsla to go up so invest now

>> No.21970723
File: 8 KB, 224x224, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


W-what's the soros prophecy?

>> No.21970727

fuck you bitch, elon just said you can use neuralink to summon your tesla telepathically

TSLA 30000/share EoY

>> No.21970737

>Is the fed going to be able to increase interest rates ever again?
>Or at least in the next 20 years?
>It seems like if they'll try to do so everything will collapse immediately?
>How will they get themselves out of this or are 0 interest rates the new normal forever while the fed keeps expanding its balance sheet forever?
>Is the economy fucked beyond repair?

>> No.21970740

the image looked like an inverse on those cordless charging stations for phones. you put the surface against your electro-yamaka with a fucking chin strap i guess

>> No.21970752

When will Elon announce a COVID vaccine?

>> No.21970772

neuralink is the covid vaccine

>> No.21970773

How do I profit off this?

>> No.21970785
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"you can remove it or upgrade it"

>> No.21970794
File: 72 KB, 456x402, 1485362121457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apple is fucked monday isn't it

>> No.21970795


>> No.21970825

You need to buy the upgrade first

>> No.21970836

>negro is in charge of materials science
That was unexpected

>> No.21970845

How can the neuralink be harnessed to produce gains? can we enslave cyborg monkeys to do our trading? Maybe become a walking bloomberg terminal??

>> No.21970862

diversity hire, material knowledge can be memorized

>> No.21970865

Who cares? It's gonna go back up within a year or so

>> No.21970869

Buy as many stonks and homes as you can afford to ride the equity hyperinflation and death of the dollar. The rich will get richer because they own the capital. We can be minnows in their wake.

>> No.21970895

pass a magnet over the persons head and scramble their brain instantly

>> No.21970902

Sometimes that still comes to mind and I kek internally, that whole thing was unreal.

>> No.21970934
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>> No.21970936

was do all of Elons side projects feel like vapourware

>> No.21970942
File: 1.04 MB, 1596x900, good lord what is this neko cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After watching this, I think neuralink is complete bullshit.

But knowing musk dick riders will swallow this shit and buy multiple neuralinks, do we buy Tesla?

>> No.21970955

W-what, why?

>> No.21970971

elon is the future itself
for humans

>> No.21970979

just ban assault magnets

>> No.21970994
File: 64 KB, 558x610, clintonaids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw accidentally held my Apple options through the split
>they will be worthless on Monday


>> No.21970998

Don't you think someone will want to actually save the long term economy and suffer through the required short term pains? Pull off the bandaid and let it crash to let viable companies survive proper valuations and let nonviable ones die? Or are future generations just fucked and are we going to keep kicking the can down the road forever until we can't any more?

>> No.21971013

Nigga I’m not waiting a year to make gains

>> No.21971018

I hope so. Got 175 shares rn

>> No.21971027

I already own 2 shares, which will become 10 on Monday. I hope it spurs even more growth

>> No.21971028
File: 196 KB, 640x460, 30DD5476-F0E0-4C79-8B2D-FBC080CFBBEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21971039

Apple no
Tesla is however, fucked

>> No.21971045
File: 158 KB, 748x771, DEW 2020 v1.3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

down to 31 after I sold TAP earlier this year. currently focusing on certain positions i want to increase. was thinking about adding walmart last week but it just hit ATHs. might start a position in it next week.

>> No.21971063


>> No.21971076
File: 752 KB, 1000x1000, 1597955181385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still can't get over not going all in on leveraged index ETFs in the beginning of April.

>> No.21971084

why would they be worthless, they go through the process of "being made whole" don't sweat it m8, that is unless they expire on monday. then HAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA

>> No.21971095
File: 693 KB, 2016x3520, 73D6FF58-4B25-4049-A056-9597D225D6BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21971105

Should i take my $13000 ive been holding in reserve for the “inevitable” pull back and dump it all on apple before AH ends in the next 30 min?

>> No.21971108

There's an election every 2 years. No party wants to be the one to do it.

>> No.21971112

>be me
>see someone I don't like with a neuralink
>open wallet
>take out my handy assault magnet
>run it over their head
>scramble their brain

>> No.21971119

Not just aapl. Stocks in general are going to be fucked so hard that the screen won't even show them moving on Monday.

>> No.21971146
File: 165 KB, 476x1208, 12F0026E-0976-419C-B574-1A88276130C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Greed levels keep rising
>closing above extreme greed levels

When do we switch to puts?

>> No.21971149
File: 116 KB, 1360x768, 7C7D68C0-9259-4376-9744-7FD7950B9C1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All in on AUY

>> No.21971153

>reporter: can the neuralink do X?
>Musk: sure, why not


>> No.21971213

If you tell the electorate that you want to raise interest rates because you want to save the USD from becoming worthless and prevent hyperinflation they wouldn't vote for you? Most Americans barely have any stocks (that's not in a retirement account) anyway.

Then again, the FED is supposed to be independent from the government anyway, so even if you run on that platform and get voted in they fed can still tell you to go fuck yourself I assume.

>> No.21971219

i want to see a study on people that switch their investment strategy based on this. invests more when its extreme fear and fear and invest less and save dry powder during greed and extreme greed.

probably worst than the average person just putting money in the market when they have it but it would bee cool to see

>> No.21971224
File: 276 KB, 960x509, 1591156523582.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At best you'll get a walk towards the moving average.

>> No.21971283

ALMOST bought XPEV at the top today.
>didn't buy the top
>bought for 22.90 instead of 23.31

Bought 3 TSLA on tuesday for $1987
>Tesla mentioned casually during Neuralink stream

See ya later poors

>> No.21971306

thoughts on the neuralink stream?
seems fake af

>> No.21971346

Can GME make me rich?

>> No.21971357
File: 449 KB, 581x701, 1516923602664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because London is beautiful, like a star!

>> No.21971373

Can GME actually moonshot?

>> No.21971379

>A logistics firm that bought and tested an early version of Workhorse’s (ticker: WKHS) drone, called HorseFly, says the product suffers from critical quality issues, including poor navigation software and substandard construction. The logistics company Unmanned Systems Operations Group, or USOG, said in its letter that it was unable to fly the drones as a result.
Did anyone else see this barrons article today?

>> No.21971381

elon sucks at speaking
no wonder he's the zoomer god

>> No.21971411

who buying long OTM apple calls after the split when they're cheaper?

thinking about doing the same thing with tesla but I dont know

>> No.21971419


Is XPEV going to go up? ya think? really?

>> No.21971457

Hell yea. selling covered calls too

>> No.21971465

I can only assume so based on the fact that it's China's Tesla. But I am also an actual fucking brainlet who is only on the TSLA and AAPL hype train as DDless gamble.

>I dont know if you are being sarcastic or no.
>plz dont bully me im retarded

>> No.21971491

lol is that a real quote?

>> No.21971497


>> No.21971509

I’m hearing it can shoot up to as much as 15$ before November

>> No.21971547

I am interested but they are clearly a growing company. Today's stream showed they need more people most of all. If I were a PhD in my field instead of just a Masters I bet I could get a job there.

>> No.21971569

Musk is selling telepathy

I almost fomo into tesla. Dodged a fucking bullet desu

>> No.21971613

just go for it anon

>> No.21971619

>tfw have $8k in cash sitting around right now, almost 20% of my portfolio
What do I do on Tuesday, I’ve been too scared to buy anything lately

>> No.21971645

Just for the record, Delta should be above Theta.

>> No.21971663

you can give it to me, i'll take good care of it

>> No.21971684

I'm shortin TSLA and AAPL starting Monday at about 10am

>> No.21971703
File: 385 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200828-153918_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thid week I beat my for the lulz tech portfolio. Not too bad

>> No.21971709

Reminder that non leveraged ETFs are for pussies who literally admit that they can’t beat the market.

>> No.21971724
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, 4B404558-4E29-4EDC-9237-50589C8DD232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think AAPL and TSLA will do anything other than moon on Monday post split?

>> No.21971727
File: 444 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200828-154103_My Stocks Portfolio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is my real one

>> No.21971733

enjoy losing all of your money

>> No.21971769

nah there's no point in applying for jobs below your qualifications, not even with a firm handshake

>> No.21971776

From who? LCI anon? I seriously doubt it will reach 15, but go for it if you believe

>> No.21971796

Kek it may not even take a year for Apple to make epic post split gains depending on how bad the fall/winter virus "fear" gets. Look what happened this summer; tech stocks went sky high on the fear.

>> No.21971799

TSLA is going up
I fucking told you guys

>> No.21971803
File: 268 KB, 500x590, 1577666099138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>betting against big tech

>> No.21971806
File: 146 KB, 1125x1154, 7F610DEC-F1B1-48E4-B8A8-03B1060B3D14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I make sectors on this app I’ve been trying and failing for weeks

>> No.21971812
File: 427 KB, 773x837, JPEG_20200803_231029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21971828

t. stocktwits boomer retard

>> No.21971833

Same reason people have said TSLA was overpriced since it was $350, sheer stupidity

>> No.21971852

Watch his Rogan interviews. Like pulling blood from a stone. Hardest I've ever heard Joe work to keep a guy talking about his passions.

>> No.21971866

They're going to be carrying the used neuralink market

>> No.21971877
File: 461 KB, 1920x1080, You're going to fail, no matter what, when you're a piece of shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs of truth

you bet against TSLA and AAPL, you're gonna fail, no matter what.

>> No.21971889

Everyone thinks it'll dip initially, but why would it even do that? Can't see any reason for selling Monday morning.

>> No.21971892

When a broker has to dumb down and explain the stock split in pizza slice math, it makes sense.

>> No.21971924
File: 132 KB, 963x1024, summon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

retards are going to buy so much TSLA holy shit monday is gonna be crazy

>> No.21971942
File: 21 KB, 684x731, 1424492663445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If weed gets legalized, what are the stocks to jump in on?


>> No.21971977

Because dude weed retards will drive high

>> No.21971979


>> No.21971993

That article missed the part where they cut your skull open and stab 2 inches into your brain with a stick.

Not sure if that's a deterrent to the retarded tesla user though.

Although, it does give electrical impulses directly into your brain, so it could be used to cure faggotry like in the 80s

>> No.21971996
File: 202 KB, 892x751, CREEEEAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it bros.

Why does my family think it's a good idea to leave me out of the will? Is my brother just better than me in every way and they love him more?

Do they not want me to have a chance at a decent life?

I'm really that bad?

>> No.21972008

We are, at minimum, 5 years away from nationwide legalization. It won't get done under either possible administrations

>> No.21972024

are retards gonna buy Apple up too, hopefully?

>> No.21972032

Who cares? Trust me this is going to be bizarre when you can communicate, connect, and match even better than you ever could with words. This is literally the first step to real synergy with technology. There will be no walking back after this point.

>> No.21972039
File: 23 KB, 249x226, 2C189243-8E12-4CE3-966D-0E0028C28DE9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn’t know.

Anon, just Buy Canadian like cgc, acb, and apha.

>> No.21972050

that's like asking if retards are gonna buy the new iphone.

>> No.21972056
File: 39 KB, 689x601, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

none of them lol
you are 2 years too late for the weed bandwagon. The big weed stocks are already priced in as if the US market is already legalized everywhere.
margins on agriculture shit is horrendous, never mind the government taxes added on top of them afterwards. Cigarette and liquor companies don't grow their own shit for a reason, it's not very lucrative.
the real money is when branded products (edibles, beverages, etc) are allowed because people can just grow legally grow their own weed at home if they just wanna smoke it.

>> No.21972100
File: 590 KB, 828x1792, D1A40DFF-AB29-45D6-AFBB-03A92ACF91C9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is betting on the white mans thirst to protect himself from the ravishing nigger tribes to bring him some profits

>> No.21972168

why buy now? guns are more of an election play. at the very least don't have a stop loss just DCA in over the next couple of months on dips or something, wouldn't be surprised at all if you got stopped out because you're way too early.

>> No.21972219
File: 2.02 MB, 1816x2570, l8xmwxzevk051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You would have to be literally retarded to trust Musk on a brain implant when he can't produce solar panels.

1st generation of this trash will kill the patients guaranteed.

He is clearly selling vaporware beyond what he can bullshit in barely coherent sentences

That's why he kept telling people to send in resumes.

>> No.21972240

he's already got the cure

>> No.21972258

kill your brother. prove you are the best one by CONQUEST

>> No.21972300
File: 1.46 MB, 3024x4032, Eb2f4uDWkAAbLos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it could be used to cure faggotry like in the 80s
Dangerously based

>> No.21972299

Or they assume you're smart enough to make it on your own and don't need their help as much as your retarded brother

>> No.21972302

Net bros is it time to drop this reddit tier meme company?

>> No.21972318
File: 244 KB, 800x450, Fourth_Angel's_AT_Field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's protected by an impenetrable ATF like autism barrier

>> No.21972334

while i think neural link and battery day will be failures
im still buying TSLA monday to ride the idiot wave

>> No.21972341

Neuralink is guaranteed vaporware like the Roadster and mRNA factories. Absolute snake oil.

>> No.21972347

Literally the main reason to buy Tesla stock monday after the dip desu

>> No.21972381

I'm a gamma working my way to Vega. I was thinkout about a profitable indoor farming idea the other day. Partially because of those people trying to make money on microgreens. .

>> No.21972393

aren't you the guy that spams /smg/ with anti musk blogs?
where did he touch you?

>> No.21972402
File: 286 KB, 2048x1536, 1570410034951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking AAPL will pullback to around 115 on Monday.

>> No.21972420

i have questions

>> No.21972436

Buy high, sell low

>> No.21972437


>> No.21972449

I just swing it on the hourly it’s 5x since the Lowe’s in March, last earnings were 1.5x eps that was before the tribes started burning.

The dip was due to the split to a guns only and outdoor only brand

>> No.21972482
File: 98 KB, 1081x614, 182ioj3n1tj31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please don't tell me those are fucking dead cats bro

>> No.21972493

when I think about buying stock, I think about buying NOC
but today I bought some SHRMF at 0.31

>> No.21972497

Think it'll sit at $130 for a bit

>> No.21972503

This picture is fake
That many cats cannot lay still for more than 0.5 seconds

>> No.21972505

09/16 SPY $330p. You’re welcome.

>> No.21972513

If only they could go one quarter without making pants on head retarded business decisions.

>> No.21972514
File: 32 KB, 878x468, chrome_jBt7gebyAm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


well... one or two more months and I should be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars!

>> No.21972532

Yes redd*t. Its obviously me. Im the whole only person in the world who doesn't buy Teslas bullshit. No other posters.

You should buy neuralink to cure your fagotry with electric impulses to your brain though.

>> No.21972560

Good on you anon

>> No.21972605


I too am wondering this, eternal crab

>> No.21972613

they're obviously sedated for prep

>> No.21972620

NO, long term hold.

>> No.21972643

what they did was smart, just not great for the shareholders.
They did like what, 5 dilutions before the retarded bagholders caught on to what was going on?

>> No.21972673

Net is a long term hold.

>> No.21972678

When is oil going to recover?

>> No.21972706

It's an animal shelter and they're being sedated to be neutered

>> No.21972720

Don't think it's possible on the iOS version

>> No.21972727

It's slowly getting better. HAL isn't "fully" recovered, but scooping that up when it was 7.50 may have been the smartest thing I've done. Keep in mind I make terrible decisions though.

>> No.21972733

$500 EOY

>> No.21972735

howd they get the cats to do that?

>> No.21972907

When oil futures get to $60/barrel ideally in real terms rather than inflation.

>> No.21972908


>> No.21972934
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>> No.21972970

And when would that be.

I grabbed HAL much lower than that, sadly i only 2k of it

>> No.21973006

Monday is going to be fun

>> No.21973031

How do you guys know that apple and tesla will pump once they split? They went down today so big money doesn't seem to agree. What do you guys know that others don't?

>> No.21973041

>drops to 110 instantly

>> No.21973050
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>> No.21973062

What’s the news? What is changing?

>> No.21973073


>> No.21973083

ADHD retards don’t deserve to make it

>> No.21973092

Reminder to buy the shares sold by boomers near the election. Which boomer with dementia in the WH literally will not matter.

>> No.21973124

Tell them no. More people do that then Biden and his cronies don't spend enough money in Trump supported areas.

>> No.21973132

Say no.

>> No.21973145

what fuck is gimel ?

>> No.21973152
File: 508 KB, 1913x1837, max pain pinning AAPL 8-28-20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thoughts? how do i profit from this? also if max pain was 490 why was it pinned just under 500 but above 490? shouldn't it have been pinned under 490?

>> No.21973167

When does the Apple split show up in my RH

>> No.21973175


People who wanted to buy in should jump at the lower price.

>> No.21973176

Big money wanted options to expire worthless

>> No.21973194


Using that statistics education I see.

>> No.21973196

Because the market makers aren't stupid and won't try to fight the massive buying pressure from 490 to 500? 500 is a good psychological barrier with insane resistance. Pushing it down below 500 at EOD took more than a billion dollars.

>> No.21973219

Consider: Before the virus came apple hit 300 per. So going from 125 on 8-31 back to least 300 is a pretty much sure thing. How quick it gets there depends on the virus, the iphone hype and buying in general. The virus strikes hard and fast this fall/winter; well it won't take long before 300 is back with us.

>> No.21973230
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I unironically majored in Stats.. stalker.

Good thing I wrote them for 490 or lower because I knew this shit would happen. Never fuck around with psychological resistances & supports.

>> No.21973231

Several metals are coiling up for a move some kind of way. Copper and palladium particularly.

>> No.21973232

Reminder that if you don’t use fidelity you’re not going to make it

>> No.21973234

so trade AAPL every friday in the direction of about +/-10 max pain, then?

>> No.21973253


Going to add Car.Un to my REIT investment.


Look into Choice properties REIT, it's Loblaws real-estate.

>> No.21973269
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I don't know. Today was a very special event with a massive interest on that specific strike at 500. Market makers usually don't do stuff of this scale, except if it's a manipulated options chain like Tesla. Do your own research and trade accordingly.. I mainly just write spreads for weekly 5-15% returns.

>> No.21973283
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>I hate (love) to be a bitter and spiteful old hag with nothing better to do but...

>> No.21973296

All durable commodities are doing this, just at different rates and times. Nickel, lumber, and uranium are understated compared to silver and gold.

>> No.21973298

Made up shit

>> No.21973307

short it

>> No.21973325

Quick everyone! Name something that only goes up.

>> No.21973326
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Imagine getting pinned or having your spread go ITM and then getting blown out, how greedy does one have to be to write a AAPL $505 or 500 spread? Just write a 490 or 495 instead.

>> No.21973387

They will once Musk or some industrial saboteur gives it to them for free.

>> No.21973395

Middle class evaporation rate

>> No.21973399
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>deposited $400 few months ago
>told myself I wouldn’t deposit more until I hit 10% increase

Gonna deposit $1000 tomorrow and hope for a red Monday

>> No.21973405
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And here we are again, full circle back to tracking single digit numbers.

Anybody else here an OG who remembers when there were like 17 deaths and we were the fucking crazy schizos worried about supposedly nothing?

Get ready for the same cycle of denial as reinfection starts to become common vernacular in the MSM news.

>> No.21973413


>> No.21973426

Everything you are seeing through any public presentations has been done, optimized, and furthered through private governmental research already.

>> No.21973445

re infection is nothingburger. it's literally the flu now

>> No.21973452

>5/7 are above 50
Not a single fuck was given that day. Re-open every economy. Now.

>> No.21973462

Yep. First China freaking the fuck out with iron fist quarantine measures but not restricting travel out at the same time. Then Italy. Then one or two in the US somewhere.

>> No.21973482


>> No.21973490
File: 34 KB, 600x360, BigGreenWads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'ate tech
'ate growth
'ate gains
'ate china
'ate nothingburgers
'uv burgers
'uv me oil
'uv me divvies
I can wait 20 years.
When I see big gains, I say to meself "WHOA NELLY, SLOW DOWN NOW"
Always a special place in me heart for the king of beverages
'ate tech
'ate growth
'ate gains
'ate china
'ate nothingburgers
luv burgers
luv me oil
luv me divvies
I can wait 20 years.
When I see big gains, I say to meself "WHOA NELLY, SLOW DOWN NOW"
Always a special place in me heart for the king of beverages
Proud supporter of YOU'RE 45th President
USMC 1981-1981
Mall Security 1981-
All I need in my life is my hog, my dog, and my beer
-Sent from my iPhone

>> No.21973518

simple as

>> No.21973519

It's all bullshit. It's retard cope. Options are hedged.

>> No.21973531

I make 44k a year at work. Today I could have sold my options for an $8000 gain. I think it goes much higher. Given this is 18% of my salary was I being foolish?
>for context I made 56k in the market this year so far

>> No.21973537

Alf is that you

>> No.21973552
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Am I going to make it?

>> No.21973568
File: 16 KB, 349x336, boomer bitchen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brotha!

USMC May 1971-April 1971
Boobs, Toobs, and Doobs
'68 Vette with Side Pipes

>> No.21973570
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I remember anon. They've just started to call us bears instead of schizo when it gets brought up lately. The midwits who think it is "over" because they're bored of it, are scared to lose their massive gains, or think it is the flu, or relate it to politics somehow didn't learn their lesson the first time, so it will be us, yet again, who profits.

>> No.21973575

Pick targets when you play options that way. Either a % target you stick roughly too or a point at which you sell enough to recover principal.
OTM options that become ITM should generally always be sold. If the underlying is still moving the same way, buy ATM options to follow it.

>> No.21973581
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Living in a timeline where pic related has become extremely relevant is truly a blessing.

>> No.21973644

I did tell them. 1 = No

>> No.21973694

>OTM options that become ITM should generally always be sold.

Why is this?

>> No.21973716
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>> No.21973728

IV crush amplification. Shorter answer is that once it goes in the money it starts behaving almost identically to the underyling which means you start to lose the leverage which was the point of the option play in the first play.

>> No.21973765

Does this still apply to leap options too? For instance, on a $470 AAPL call dated out till December.

>> No.21973770

You should have taken the money.

>> No.21973774

Good lad.

>> No.21973843
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>When your covered calls expire worthless at the end of the week

>> No.21973879

I should clarify that I'm not just willy-nilly hoping the price goes up. I have a stock target on the underlying stock. Yes I understand enough economics to know a stock option should be sold when profitable. My only sunk cost being my time and the potential of making better money elsewhere. Given this is at a 25% return right now I don't see the later. My time I value but obviously not too much working a 40k a year job. In any case I think the stock goes up a dollar more and the option goes from 8k to 16k profit.

>> No.21973885

Depends on what you where you bought in the first place. The LEAPs I ever had all had delta of about ~0.9. If you did something similar with an options calculator you will probably find that at around that level, delta hardly moves if the strike moves large distances. The point of a LEAP can be to basically leverage the intrinsic value of the contract to "hold more shares" per your principal for a limited period of time. LEAPs (1-2 years+) just care about overall movements. Shorter dated options plays are trying to play price and especially volatility swings.
LEAPs typically starts with deep ITM options.

>> No.21973903

I gotta start doing those... what's the average expected return on them? per week/month/whatever

>> No.21973942

Why do you only make 40k? You don’t seem like an idiot. Just starting?

>> No.21973972

so much real market shit that could be in the deeper levels instead of memes and made up edgy shit

>> No.21973976

Post your shorts you fucking coward

>> No.21973980

Thanks for that info. I'm gonna take some time this weekend to come up with an exit strategy for my newly split AAPL calls.

>> No.21974049

I fucked up on my joke. Labor day was next week.

>> No.21974120

Why doesn't market sentiment match investor's actions? CNN's fear and greed meter says extreme greed, but the front page of every financial news site is "CRASH IMMINENT SELL YOUR SHIT IT'S A BUBBLE AAAAA" doomposting

>> No.21974132

That might sound good. Thanks for the tip

>> No.21974194

If it wasn't for TINA, the financial news sites would be right. The bond market has been fucking pissed since February and the bond market is always right when the stock market disagrees with it.

>> No.21974206

My fun account had kicked ass this month, mostly on WKHS swing trading and HQU

I bought 40 GME and 6 HSU before close

>> No.21974214

As a college dropout,

Is that why my family thinks I can’t be trusted?

>> No.21974218

Been slowly acquiring stock in Sony every time they dip below 80.

>> No.21974227


this could be FUD but i think i'm gonna go for the tesla split instead of apple now

>> No.21974228
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Oops forgot pic

>> No.21974274

I don't care what the "experts" say, I'm buying the puts Monday to expire Friday and dipping

>> No.21974278
File: 216 KB, 181x179, 1596663857635.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw told my shitty former manager to buy GNUS at $8 a share
>he bought 100 shares at $8 a share
>he doesn't talk to me anymore

>> No.21974297

do you understand you are literally going to LOSE MONEY

>> No.21974301

Why though. If you’re banking on PS5, don’t. A ton of parents bought PS4s for quarantine, and the majority won’t have money for a PS5, or justify the cost.

>> No.21974315

No well 38 yrs old. Just had a lot of problems with ulcerative colitis that messed my life up. Like the Japanese guy that just resigned for the same reason.

>> No.21974318

No I'm banking on them selling off their TV division.

>> No.21974320

based stocktwits retard

>> No.21974326

What field?

>> No.21974328

No? That article compares Apple/Tesla's forward split to Qualcomm's multiple splits in the .com bubble era. Irrelevant.

>> No.21974337

Haha, you guys are funny, thanks for the (You)'s.

>> No.21974358


>> No.21974362

Would you say it's like a Canadian STOR?

>> No.21974368
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>guys look at me pretending to be retarded

>> No.21974386

the bubble area isn't a bad comparison imo from what i read
>shit ton of companies going public
>golden "bull market"
if this isn't a sign to tread carefully i dont know what else is. even then we are in a bubble it'll crash again unless the fed decides not to

>> No.21974394


>> No.21974401

That sucks bro. I hope you make it

>> No.21974402

Loblaws is also Superstore, they're fucking everywhere in Canada, as prolific as Walmart

>> No.21974407
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>> No.21974412

where my NIO gang at????

>> No.21974423

Bump limit is 310

>> No.21974424

The fed decided already. We are all aware why it’s going up and why it’s completely fake and gay

>> No.21974440

Apple's PE ratio is 37, forward 32. That's not bubble valuations, it's around what you'd expect from the world's most valuable company. Exxon's PE in 2010 was 50.

>> No.21974442

did the FED have anything to do with pumping qualcom?

>> No.21974452

My dad bought 100 shares cus I told him you guys said it was good

>> No.21974454

Thanks. Financially this is the best year of my life. Might be the best year period. Kind of ironic give how everyone hates it.

>> No.21974466

that's not true at all I'm retarded and can't read, the price was 50, the PE was 8 and doesnt actually support my argument


>> No.21974491
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Should I get more apple to do covered calls or just get now tqqq/fngu? Think I'll get more gains from just getting more 3x ETFs

>> No.21974500

The small local bank I use sent all its depositors a form in the mail soliciting participation in its upcoming IPO. If that's not a bear flag, I don't know what is.

>> No.21974502

can you guys stop bringing up PE like it matters at all? thanks.

>> No.21974529

Is Microsoft a worthwhile investment?
Should I wait for a dip?

>> No.21974539

I fucking wish PE worked I’d do that shit all the time.

That say all that shit about dick size not being important, but surveys of women say otherwise. They want their man to have a bigger dick than their friend’s man.

>> No.21974540

just forward split the stock market then we never have to crash and will bull run forever

>> No.21974558


i sold for a good profit but bought back in too soon, now holding at 19.62 and i'll have to dca back down while it's in the 18's. long holding this shit along with xpen and li.

>> No.21974570

Shit ton of companies like Palantir, Ant Financial, etc. going public with established business models versus hundreds of companies slapping on DOT COM to the end of their names and getting $1 billion valuations with no recorded sales. Imagine have 300 Nikola's - that was the .com bubble.

I won't deny tech is very hyped right now, but that's why you saw a drawdown yesterday and crabbing today. If this was the .com bubble, we would've shot straight up today after yesterday's drawdown. Sure, there will probably be corrections like numerous ones that happened in July. But that just means an opportunity for you to buy some more.

>> No.21974573

>tfw reached vega level with sprinkles of rho level topics in a year
Damn, I'm far gone.

>> No.21974592

I think Portfolio Optimization Theories (Modern, Post-modern) should be in that list, probably in Vega or Rho.

>> No.21974594

What if that's working as intended, the Fed is pumping the market with liquidity so every small business just IPOs for expansion and reopening money?

>> No.21974599

Check their last 5 years and tell me what you think

>> No.21974612

When that was made "TSLA 2000" was supposed to be a meme

>> No.21974672

Like what?

>> No.21974679

How can I learn to into the stock market? I'm retarded.
Is it:
>buy stock at value
>wait for value to go up
>sell stock
>get monies
>rinse and repeat

>> No.21974699

Same, I’m at 62 shares, want to get to 100 soon

>> No.21974718

>sell put profit
>sell put profit
>sell put exercised
>sell call profit
>sell call profit
>sell call exercised
>sell put profit

>> No.21974732

>Sure, there will probably be corrections like numerous ones that happened in July.
Mind popping me some names?
Just curious

>> No.21974740

Gotta play with live ammo. Invest a small amount, say $500. Don’t assume it’s all gone, not like gambling. If you realize you don’t know shit, back out. But basically just get Robinhood, and don’t let anyone ITT shit on you cause it’s a perfect beginner app.

But basically start realizing trends and such. Eye a marquee stock, like a $50 stock that maybe hovers to $52 and $48. So you’ll see that $48.5 is good value. Maybe wait a bit and sell at $52. You just made $3.50. Doesn’t seem like much, but just get the hang of it. And it really kicks into gear when you buy multiple stocks, and the percentages really add up. Then you’ll get into more complex stuff.

Don’t fuck with options until you’ve done this shit like 3-6 months. That’s literally gambling.

>> No.21974747

sold my shares today to move into my 9 month folio

>> No.21974783
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>> No.21974803
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what is the "value" of tiktok. if msft buys it hoenid that valuable? bonus, will it become "uncool" if msft owns it.

>> No.21974825
File: 2.00 MB, 576x1024, 1596938676064.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is* friday night neet wiskey night give me a pass.

>> No.21974837

I was actually talking about the ones that went through corrections back in July, not upcoming IPO's :p

>> No.21974844


I bought the March dip of TSLA ... but only 5 shares...

My monkey brain is upset I didn't buy more

Monkey brain is upset when losses.. Monkey brain is upset at gain that could have been bigger.

I'm always upset.

Where is relief bros?

>> No.21974862

Oh throughout july there were just red days where everything was correcting

>> No.21974908

You are like a little babby. I had June 2022 $1800 TSLA LEAPs that would have made me an extra 100k if I held them until now.

>> No.21974922

How do I short Wakanda?

>> No.21974937

Everyone would be rich if we could predict the market. No point in worrying about it just be glad you didn't lose 90%.

>> No.21974964

No... then they would have made me steward of those millions on his behalf.

Instead he gets millions and I get almost 100k

>> No.21974999

Bro you made a solid profit. I bought 4 shares in March and sold them literally 2 days before they announced the split because it was grabbing down for a couple weeks before that. Kicking myself but there was literally no way I was gonna predict the future so just be glad with the profits you get

>> No.21975001
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Who else is riding the WDC train?

>> No.21975016

hell no

>> No.21975020


>> No.21975043

You need to completely cut contact with your family. Not splitting the estate equally among the kids is retarded regardless of how they fare in life. They obviously have underling issues with you and you should spit in their face.

>> No.21975056

I am so fucking nervous about Apple next week bros it's ruining my weekend.

>> No.21975071

>Buys TSLA at all time high
>No, it's the other people that are idiots, not me. I'm just taking advantage of them
Okay, retard.

>> No.21975114

>zoom out on tesla graph
>there is literally only one dip you could have bought at to not buy at ATH
are you retard??

>> No.21975118

ty frens.

Can't predict future - this is the truth. Don't know how far the price will go. Setting a safe sell limit, then will watch and wait, and will ultimately sit fat and happy on my profits.

>> No.21975119

It was the whole market.

>> No.21975124

Tesla is still undervalued.

>> No.21975151

>there is literally only one dip you could have bought at to not buy at ATH
Nov 2013
May 2014
Mar 2015
Feb 2016
Mar-May 2018
May 2019
Mar 2020

>> No.21975183

ah, you're the based
>miss out on 40% gains to buy a -10% dip
kind of retard

>> No.21975201

No, Most of those swings are 20%+
I just call out stupidity when I see it. It just so happens its mostly TSLA bagholders.

>> No.21975202

you're a fucking moron

>> No.21975223

>TSLA bagholders.

>> No.21975226

With these game companies trying to get into movies and multimedia in general do you think they will shoot up soon?
Obviously people like EA, and Sony probably wont benefit from it too much, but like Activision and Nintendo?

>> No.21975227

TSLA has had dozens of 10%+ dips. He is not just buying it at ATH, he is buying it after it pumped 50% within a month and then claiming to be superior to the people who bought in before him.
I bought last year and before the split, retard. I literally bought an hour before the split was announced.

>> No.21975234
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Have you been picking stocks instead buying leveraged ETFs?

>> No.21975238

How scary is that last day
I've got a Tesla spread and I'm scared as hell to let it expire
Need it to close at 2235 (equivalent) or higher on Friday

>> No.21975246
File: 178 KB, 1621x1080, Sora ad-lib.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>May 2014
>Mar 2015
>Mar-May 2018
>May 2019
>Mar 2020
>You have to wait nearly a year for the next dip

>> No.21975252

>he doesn’t own any TSLA

>> No.21975254

ah ok now you're the
>i can predict the future
kind of retard

>> No.21975263


>> No.21975269

Can you stop moving goalposts jesus christ

>> No.21975286

can you stop being a retard?
you're pretending to know there will be some sort of mythical dip. 99% chance you end up losing from gains you could have had, when you buying a small dip that MIGHT happen later.

>> No.21975295

I have predicted the future. My lifetime return on TSLA is around 15x because I sold near the top and bought nearer to the bottom multiple times yet I'm the idiot in this situation and not the person buying at the current price, sure.

>> No.21975312

Just steal

>> No.21975316

which i'm sure you would have had more gains from if you just bought and held all throughout.

>> No.21975324

TSLA is 0.3% of the auto market
It is a negligible amount of the solar or battery market. It's valuation defies both TA and FA. It is pumped by options chain gamma squeezes. You actually have to go full meme and assume "exponential" forward P/E to get a valuation that makes any sense within 10 years.

>> No.21975327
File: 28 KB, 622x395, Screenshot from 2020-08-28 23-14-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't checked on this in a while. LMAO

>> No.21975332
File: 284 KB, 1104x1771, Give your brother my LINE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I am going to inherit 50k what do?

Also my brother is inheriting assets worth at least $730,800. Should I congratulate him for being so much better than me?

Yeah but I've got nothing and nowhere to go. Fuck man they paid for my therapist (guess why I'm in therapy).

They don't even think I deserve to know why.

>> No.21975346

ok, show me your 100% net worth short position on tesla

>> No.21975353

What if tesla is where the banks are dumping all the inflation?

>> No.21975370

Except I wouldn't. If I held from when I first bought TSLA it would only be a 10x. I have more shares now than I started with and around 40k in fully realized profit.

>> No.21975372


On a whim I bought like 60 shares of Zynga after watching one of those Motley Fool Ads and giving them my email address. - They sent me 5 stocks and I bought 3 of them - of those 3, two are up.

Thing about gaming is it's stuck in the hell that is mobile gaming - with the approach to extract money from everyone for stronger troops, or care packages..

The next big gaming breakthrough will use 5G as its' backbone - and PC gaming/console gaming isn't going anywhere.

I would invest in anything supporting 5G (total and complete gamble, nobody knows wtf - my holdings of AT&T are down) - or semiconductors/hardware software for gaming (NVDI, which I own and is doing great)

I've always wanted to buy an Activision Blizzard dip. Consider doing that.

>> No.21975393

>options chain gamma squeeze
How does this work?

>> No.21975411

>swinging from goalpost moving to strawmanning
I don't have a position against that pure gamma squeeze. And again, I call out stupidity when I see it. You have it in spades.

>> No.21975436

It could be market manipulation.

>> No.21975460

Lazy bastards, happy friday night!!


>> No.21975493

I refuted your options chain manipulation argument numerous times yet you still keep copy and pasting the same argument over and over again here despite your claim that you're not short TSLA. This argument was created by TSLA bears that wanted away to explain the stock price so they cried manipulation.
>You actually have to go full meme and assume "exponential" forward P/E to get a valuation that makes any sense within 10 years.
Bullshit. Their 5 year forward P/E is in the 30s and that just assumes they grow at current rate.