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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 490 KB, 1630x1037, ARBITRUM BETA 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21966151 No.21966151 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21966165

>beta 2
So no working product yet

>> No.21966202

He said it's coming very very soon.
Within the next month.

>> No.21966236

>He said it's coming very very soon.
>Within the next month.
yeah, he's releasing beta 2, not v1.0. This isn't that big of a news

>> No.21966276
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>> No.21966280

Is this directly competing with ETH? Now I can see why people are saying ETH is going down

>> No.21966298

1.0 Q4 2020

>> No.21966305

nvm mainnet on q4. Very bullish

>> No.21966306


>> No.21966317

Also mainet release

>> No.21966323

staking confirmed q4 2020

>> No.21966333

im spreading hype in the chat despite not understanding a word of what he said.

>> No.21966344

AHHHHHAAAHHHH All these speakers are just shilling their shitty projects they are supposed to gush over Chainlink

>> No.21966345

It’s not competing
It’s literally saying fuck off Vitalik you failed ETH 2 now let us take over by scaling ETH 1 via Arbitrum and Chainlink staking

>> No.21966388

Just know that eth and vitalik need kneepads very soon

>> No.21966412

I see. Yikes, I know many people bought ETH expecting 2.0 to come out but so many delays.

>> No.21966432

I thought it was on testnet

>> No.21966442
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>> No.21966465

>reddit type workload

I'll pass

>> No.21966494

Mainnet is Q4 2020

This guarantees chainlink staking before that

>> No.21966504

is there any way to profit off this other than holding link?

>> No.21966513


>> No.21966522

If they are able to cut gas by 100x at 4000TPS by Q4, and then 1000x at 40,000TPS by Q1 2021 the value proposition of Eth is fucked.

>> No.21966523

I know I was listening to ed. I stand corrected

>> No.21966530

how does this confirm chainlink staking?

>> No.21966539

probably risky, you never know the delays or issues. We've seen too many coins with promising deadlines only to flop.

>> No.21966547
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Sell your Eth for Link. That's the only way.

>> No.21966550

Because what's the point of link if no staking by then?

>> No.21966555


Does anyone know how arbitrum will be affected by Eth 2.0? Will it just be obsolete or what?

>> No.21966561

Arbitrum's token is LINK.

>> No.21966586

Vitalik is seething

>> No.21966602

Ed did say that you can use their nodes or your own. Something along the lines of "our partnership with chainlink can help with using nodes".... I'd have to watch again

>> No.21966603

Would just be absorbed into ETH 2 and potentially scale transactions to be even faster and cheaper on the ETH2 L2

>> No.21966607

Better question. What's the point of Eth 2.0 with arbitrum?

>> No.21966617

more like in a fishnet cause its going nowhere

>> No.21966655

Makes sense, pretty bullish.

>> No.21966759

Maybe this is why Vitalik fuds Chainlink

>> No.21966881

>Improper use of a meme

>> No.21966923

> anon is beginning to understand why an autistic faggot is angry as his life focus of a socialist blockchain enabled future is cucked now by Sergey

>> No.21966934

This is not news, it's been on their site forever.

>> No.21966955

So this is why Vitalik didnt attend. Basically his absence is an admission of defeat

>> No.21966974

Does arbitrum also function as a platform like ETH?

>> No.21966986

Go back to your job at the register at MCD

>> No.21966988

Was he invited?

>> No.21966999

would I need to move my linkies from the eth wallet to somewhere else when this becomes live?

>> No.21967003
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>> No.21967052

It’s bigger than ethereum. This is the real crosschain functionality we’ve been hoping for. An end user won’t use ethereum or harmony or some other blockchain, they’ll use all blockchains seemlessly in the background without knowing it based on whatever is cheapest and fastest at the time, all reliant on chainlink. All the functionality that the entire crypto market can offer will be provided through one service.

>> No.21967060

god I have grown to dislike these disgusting greasy fake tits

>> No.21967074


>> No.21967120

No reason why he wouldn't be invited. But I'll give you that we should look for proof of his saltiness toward Chainlink here though he has a history of it.

>> No.21967130

Tragic, I have friends who swear by ETH and will hold on tightly with their kung fu grip

>> No.21967167

L1 platform vs L2 (honestly they should just call it L3 if OffChain can produce what they are claiming). So no it doesn't function as a platform. Just makes Eth significantly less relevant. My guess is they are also working on similar functionality across other platforms in conjunction with Link starting to be integrated with other platforms.

>> No.21967190

they don't look fake

>> No.21967191
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>We present Arbitrum, a cryptocurrency system that supports smart contracts without the limitations of scalability and privacy of systems previous systems such as Ethereum.
>Arbitrum, like Ethereum, allows parties to create smart contracts by using code to specify the behavior of a virtual machine (VM) that implements the contract's functionality.
>In the event that the parties cannot reach unanimous agreement off-chain, Arbitrum still allows honest parties to advance the VM state on-chain.
>If a party tries to lie about a VM's behavior, the verifier (or miners) will identify and penalize the dishonest party by using a highly-efficient challenge-based protocol that exploits features of the Arbitrum virtual machine architecture.

The jews will unironically never allow this to go through.

>> No.21967219


>> No.21967243

>The jews will unironically never allow this to go through.
The jews want this retard.

>> No.21967279

>the jews want a system that's impossible to manipulate
Ok retard

>> No.21967309

This is why I keep saying chainlink’s most important partner is offchain labs

>> No.21967322

Functional smart contracts are the final solution to jewish tricks.

>> No.21967390

please anon, I can only get so hard

>> No.21967395

>>the jews want a system that's impossible to manipulate
>so they can control the goyims much more easily
stupid retard. try to think critically for once.
>Functional smart contracts are the final solution to jewish tricks.
>while being funded by jews
you wut?

>> No.21967421


Jews already own everything they now want to solidify their power so no one else can manipulate anything

>> No.21967441

You need to fucking go back.

They feed off manipulation you utter fucking retard.

>> No.21967445

o h m y f u c k

gonna be rich bros

>> No.21967510

What do you think immutable onchain contracts are? They can’t be bribed, they’re outside the jurisdiction of any judge. The only thing we’ve ever needed to outcompete the Jews is a level playing field, which this will provide. It doesn’t matter how jewish your lawyer is, it doesn’t matter if the judge is your rabbi, the only thing that matters are the terms of the contract and the verifiable inputs and outputs provided by chainlink. It’s like you don’t even know what a settlement layer is.

>> No.21967515

You've been frequenting pol too much faggot.

>> No.21967520

hMMM how does chainlink fit in all of this? OH NOW we r the offchain validator nodes aka arbitrum. oh arbitrum dosnt have a token wonder why ohh now i remember it uses chainlink token for validator payment yeah thats right. :DD

>> No.21967575

link + arbitrum top combo

>> No.21967579


They feed off of social and psychological manipulation retard they already own virtually all tangible assets that have real value. Now they will be able to track and punish wrongthink and solidify being at the top of the monetary value pyramid.

>> No.21967615

does anyone know how offchain labs the company makes money?

>> No.21967662

Damn anon, I may have to print this out and frame it over my bed. Wen link $1k?

>> No.21967673

same way the litecoin foundation does i suppose

>> No.21967705


>> No.21967717


>> No.21967751

They have funding from MolochDAO.
No, really. I'm serious.

>> No.21967753

I don’t know. The money isn’t going to come from retail though. It’s going to come from actual network adoption ie how much money is on the network at any given time. That’s why all the pump and dump groups are so dumb. Our piddling orders are nothing compared to what actual use will look like.

>> No.21967820

In other words start learning to run a node. Don't count on staking for your passive income stream.

>> No.21967858

still would be nice to see a speculative spike to 1K, before the real network value catches up.

>> No.21967900

>They have funding from MolochDAO.
It's true, fucking kek

>> No.21967905

You can run your own node on Ankr without having to learn anything. I think it’s only like $9/ month. Go to the Ankr website.

>> No.21967911

Verifiable randomness requests will provide sufficient workload to support neet nodes. Linkpool btfo.

>> No.21968016

TL:DR what do i need to buy or sell

>> No.21968043

there is alrdy nice project, dont remeber name but they are on smartcon. basically u can rent the hardware for node etc and all u have to do is stake.
also im pretty sure when stakin is implemented u can stake from binance, coinbase etc right away.

>> No.21968086


>> No.21968101

where do I buy arbitum tokens?

>> No.21968125

Uniswap ,,

There are projects that currently offer this and it has no impact on the price of the token. I don

>> No.21968166

Previous post cutoff, here:
There are already plenty of things that do this on Ethereum and it has no impact on the price, I don't understand why stinkers think someone is going to pay them tens of thousands of dollars a year to generate random numbers.

>> No.21968202

There are no Arbitum tokens, Arbitum token is LINK.

>> No.21968222

arbitrum dosnt have token. chainlink nodes acts as validators so your closest token for arbitrum would be link.

>> No.21968263

trustless generation of cryptographic keys seems valuable

>> No.21968321

>amazing development

The idiocy of the market never ceases to amaze me

>> No.21968351

It is of-value for sure but there are this like xDai for example that do this currently. I'm mostly thinking back on some post from a few weeks ago where a guy tried to say VRF was staking and was going to be generating huge revenue. I don't think so.

>> No.21968368

Dilators don't pay for themselves.

>> No.21968391

ETH is not going down u dumb fucks.

People will still use 100% ETH, however, on the Arbitrum Rollup Layer.

>> No.21968409

Vitalik, you sound nervous

>> No.21968410

Where can I buy arbitrum and is it early? I want to buy link or this please give a source

>> No.21968537
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There is no token you mong, validation will go through Chainlink nodes acting as middlemen .
Chainlink is everything, the message has been the same for years now.

>> No.21968937

what about subjective data like a contract that has to do with a website being made. Chainlink can't handle that or disputes that arise. Kleros + link solves the oracle problem completely.

>> No.21969017

>no token
So this won’t make me rich. Dropped. What a waste of a thread

>> No.21969039

whats so great about chainlink that makes everyone use it over anything else
is it just the subsidies plus the hope that the subsequent network effect from said subsidies wins out?

>> No.21969066

Nobody wants your shit ass subjective trash token

>> No.21969081

That's what an actual fucking court is for. Kleros is vulnerable to companies owning huge stakes and stacking juries. You can escalate until you've paid your entire contract out to Kleros jurors, but why the fuck would you want to do that?

Why couldn't you just hire a third party who signs off on the work? If you need a trusted third party so bad. The third party could provide their evaluation to a service that LINK references for contract execution. No random, gamed jury required.

>> No.21969169

You're thinking about court cases. Imagine you ask Ranjeet to make you a website in a smart contract. If he doesn't do it correctly, how will link help there? How will using the Mumbai court system help you? Kleros is meant for those types of disputes that arise for small to medium size types of contracts. Just read the yellow paper and you'll understand.

>> No.21969171

>Kleros is vulnerable to companies owning huge stakes and stacking juries
thankfully there's a superior subjective data oracle solution and it's under $10M mcap

>> No.21969249

>There are no Arbitum tokens, Arbitum token is LINK.
how does arbitum make money?

>> No.21969255

What would be the benefit of ankr over linkpool's NAAS?

>> No.21969305

>If he doesn't do it correctly, how will link help there?
uhh, the payment won't be completed? Not that hard of a concept to understand

>> No.21969329

probably have a huge stack of LINK.

>> No.21969346

So why doesn't ChainLink become its own blockchain.
What happens to the LINK token?

>> No.21969378
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wait for next year

>> No.21969391

How do you dispute that you won't pay the pajeet to a deterministic smart contract?

>> No.21969394

someone actually asked that on one of the keynotes, I think it was the one about stablecoins

>> No.21969433

What is it sir

>> No.21969442

>Jews already own everything
No, they own and run bureaucratic institutions. These are designed to take advantage of people through exploitation and usury. Think bankers, lawyers, brokers, politicians, teachers etc.

Remember what happened just a few years ago? Investment bakers packaged up risky collateralized debt into bonds and sold them to investors on a lie that they were low risk, and everything came crashing down. The bankers made an unimaginable fortune fucking everyone else over.

Now, do decentralized smartcontracts which verify information's accuracy sound appealing to these people?

>> No.21969480

We're really going to get shadowforked.

>> No.21969496

brainlet here. how do i profit from this? what buy / when moon etc etc etc

>> No.21969544

according to game theory they have no choice, since using it confers them an advantage, the earlier their entry the better, and they are in competing against one another

>> No.21969558
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They have various grants from various parties who have vested interest in something like Arbitrum existing

>> No.21969586

>set out parameters for website
>if parameters are complete then make payment
>if parameters are not complete then don't make payment
that's all there is to it.

>> No.21969629

do the needful, be the biggest sir in the room - buy pnk and rsr

>> No.21969637

Can someone give me the quick run down on how arbiritum works and how its cheaper than ETH? Is it a whole other blockchain? Is it making transactions through Eth?

>> No.21969638
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DUDE just worship Talmudic old gods and eat the flesh of Aryan children for 50 years!!

>> No.21969645

>pajeet made me a website now I'm not gonna pay him
Who would provide their services to such a system? There needs to be a way to resolve disputes that arise in smart contracts in a cheap way. Not for judge judy shit but for things like building a website based on a set contract.

>> No.21969663

>How do you dispute that you won't pay the pajeet to a deterministic smart contract?
wtf is this retarded question? Do you even know what smart contract is, and what it does?

>> No.21969687

It will catch up eventually due to the simple fact that they are going to be in wide use. For now you take it as a blessing and accumulate more while it's low.

>> No.21969689

I, as a company contracting Ranjeet, may have the capital to have 10s of thousands of PNK. My employees stake them and it turns out that they hold the majority of the staked tokens wanting to arbitrate that contract. They get selected to check his work and say that it's sub-par. They get paid (goes back to my company) and Ranjeet gets nothing. He asks for a do-over. It keeps going until my stake is small enough that I do not stack the jury. Ranjeet gets paid half as much after paying for all these juries.

Ranjeet would have been better off just getting a non-random trusted third party that we both agree on and having that person sign something that LINK checks and brings into the contract.

It seems like PNK creates a perverse situation where companies with assets in PNK can get free work from Pajeets.

>> No.21969696

I have an escrow to pay Pajeet to make me a website based on certain conditions. pajeet gives me the website and it's dogshit but he says it's correct. The smart contract will execute because it doesn't have a kill switch. What's stopping the contract from executing??

>> No.21969740

>He doesn't know about the appeal system
I suggest you do yourself a favor and read the yellowpaper. https://kleros.io/static/yellowpaper_en-28d8e155664f3f21578958a482f33bd1.pdf

>> No.21969749

dude read what >>21969586 wrote. Why are you trying to complicate things?

>> No.21969757
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This is starting to feel way too big it's almost scary.

>> No.21969795

I responded here >>21969645
What's stopping me from ordering services and goods on decentralized eBay and not paying because I lie that I didn't get it? Why would anyone use such a system.

>> No.21969816

its actually alot of blockchains on top of eth

>> No.21969826

>They feed off of social and psychological manipulation retard they already own virtually all tangible assets that have real value
they sure do sound superior. seems like they are better than white people in every way

>> No.21969851

>What's stopping me from ordering services and goods on decentralized eBay and not paying because I lie that I didn't get it?
because that's the whole point of smart contract and blockchain?

>> No.21969868

Would you rather own a website or would you rather own an ISP?

>> No.21969885

This is one of the few redpills pol denies vehemently.
>jews are inferior to whites
>therefore jews run the world
Poltards are just as bad as reddit

>> No.21969917

A smart contract is deterministic. As in it cannot be stopped from executing on specific parameters. Let's give an example of a decentralized translating platform. How can someone advertise that they know how to translate properly? How can you get an API for that type of information? It's subjective so you'd need people who are actual translators to see whether they did a good job or not if a dispute were to arise in that smart contract.

>> No.21969957
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This. Never underestimate a jew's propensity to outjew other jews to gain an upper hand. This technology cannot be contained, and it's better to be ahead now than scrambling to compete later.

>> No.21969971

maybe those contracts doesn't need to be a smart contracts then? seems to just complicate things

>> No.21970011

That's what they said about DeFi. 3-5% of contracts end in a dispute. Chainlink can't handle disputes. Take a look at this article for an example where disputes are handled by Augur: https://medium.com/@fluxmarket/augur-and-chainlink-got-married-at-ethberlin-4c7c36c8dbb0

>> No.21970118

>What's stopping me from ordering services and goods on decentralized eBay and not paying because I lie that I didn't get it? Why would anyone use such a system.
ugh you fucking retard that's the whole fucking point in the fucking smart contract. Your example is the EXACT ISSUE THEY'RE SOLVING.
>order goods
>payment made to holding account
>delivery tracked
>verify address delivered to is correct
>item signed for by recipient
>payment moves to seller
>delivery tracked
>fails to deliver/isn't signed for
>agreed upon delivery expiration reached
>money refunded from holding account to customer

Either it gets delivered or it doesn't. There's no 'court' needed because all of the conditions, variables and outcomes were agreed upon before hand when the contract was conceived.

>> No.21970160

>Trust inherently needed
sounds like shit. Not going to get picked

>> No.21970162

Selling your Eth ASAP

>> No.21970172

That's perfect for data that has an API, such as the sensor on the package. Now try that same scenario with a website being built. How does the smart contract know whether the website was built according to the needs of the requester? The requester asked for blue but the pajeet who made the website used the wrong blue. How does the contract know this information? How can that dispute be resolved in a decentralized fashion?

>> No.21970196

wont we need gas?
minimal trust is sufficient for the bulk of transactions, you can still opt for full trustlessness at a higher cost

>> No.21970246

You need to stake to run any node unless you are hand-picking them with KYC (participation problem, described on Arbitrum's white paper)

>> No.21970255

>Introduce centralized trust shit in an environment that builds on distributed trustlessness
Get fucked shill

>> No.21970270
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>> No.21970290

literally doesn’t affect you in any way if your goal is full decentralization, you don’t have to participate

>> No.21970325

I’d argue and say that you could probably incorporate a smart plugin in this case that based on matching copy to copy requested, and checking for specific css styling matching maybe from a randomized list otherwise it fails. Point is you could theoretically program it fairly easily in whatever way you would want. It’s a legal agreement with code checks that are built into the site being made

>> No.21970401

Or you could just outsource that to actual website builders for a small fee and if they are all being controlled by the same entity like >>21969689
says, you can appeal and have a new set of jurors twice the amount of the first. And you can keep doing that as long as you can pay for the fees that go to the jurors. Basically you would need 51% of the tokens to successfully fuck up a contract like that, at which point everyone knows the system is broken and the attacker gains nothing as the price of the token crashes to zero. And then the existing honest users can just fork the system and keep on going. All of this is described in the yellowpaper. I say this while being all in link btw

>> No.21970445

Now imagine the mailman decided to give your goods to your neighbor because he was too lazy to wait for you and used an X as your signature or didn't have to sign with post covid rules.
You didn't receive your goods but it is reported as having been delivered to you...
How can the customer reject the claim he received his product after the smart contract is executed with the delivered status incorrectly?

>> No.21970446

>3-5% of contracts end in a dispute
What does that even mean?

>> No.21970459

you got it. So when do those threads get banned to /g/ because seems like it has nothing to do with crypto nor finance and business, just another proprietary centralized shit software. Clearly /g/, not /biz/

>> No.21970469

>I’d argue and say that you could probably incorporate a smart plugin in this case that based on matching copy to copy requested, and checking for specific css styling matching maybe from a randomized list otherwise it fails. Point is you could theoretically program it fairly easily in whatever way you would want. It’s a legal agreement with code checks that are built into the site being made
wow autistic will never understanding pnk no wonder it took so long to take off

>> No.21970481

>you ask pajeet to make you a website with specific colors
>pajeet uses those colors but not exactly like you wanted
>fuck you used a smart contract and your funds will be sent to him regardless because you have no way of raising a dispute or resolving it

>> No.21970491

where to buy sir?

>> No.21970497

Blockchain isn't going to solve everything and it doesn't need to. It's just a piece of tech which is useful in certain situations. Not for subjective situations like this.

>> No.21970512

then take it to /g/, arbitrum has buttfuck nothing to do on /biz/

>> No.21970528

>Blockchain isn't going to solve everything and it doesn't need to. It's just a piece of tech which is useful in certain situations. Not for objective data like link. They'll just build their own oracle systems worst case scenario.

>> No.21970555

This is the dumbest fucking line of argument on the planet. Smart contracts would not be used for something that subjective, or if they were it would be in the context of payment occurring after the client Docusigns that they were happy with the final website product. Smart contracts are about API powered automated execution, not mediating every single subjective interaction between human beings.

>> No.21970597

Watched Spencer earlier and it got me thinking that existing sports structures players in such a way that they train in very centralized ways and are forced to compete for their Jewish masters.
I want to see more tokenized contracts that allow stakeholders as investors to directly have a voice in contributing how and where and when games are played like fantasy sports leagues.
Also it might free players from individual sports specialization for cross sports play because the fans wanted it.
I really think Spencer was on to something and if covid guts sports which it seems to be doing then the kikes will have no choice but to release control to the people who could act as sponsors.

>> No.21970601

It was a simple example to get the point across, but there will always be disputes in economies of scale. You don't see them now because blockchain is only dealing with financial contracts right now. What happens when humans get involved? Smart contracts with construction for example that goes in stages: how does an API know if the workers got a specific job done? Are you going to trust a single point of failure to provide that data?

>> No.21970614

Source on the vid?

>> No.21970627

I’m all in on link and have read a lot about PNK, and while I get the problem it’s trying to address, I’m not personally convinced it’s a great solution for the reasons stated earlier in this thread. Link imo can handle those more convoluted smart contracts, maybe not right away but as adoption increases and we see companies / people create plugins that template scenarios or functions like for web building, or even fully custom plugins service work, in addition to traditional courts or previously agreed upon arbitrators, it just seems unnecessary to use PNK. You can code nearly all conditions that are objective, which is what most agreements are typically are based on anyways.
>Aggregate of W
>Delivery of X
>Transfer of Y
>Expiration of Z
The subjective outcomes are already difficult to assess because there usually isn’t a single right answer. For these agreements, they typically agree to have an arbitrator, and I would fail to understand why they would be using a smart contract to begin with in that case. It would more likely be a traditional contract. But this is just my opinion obviously after thinking about PNK for half a year now

>> No.21970671

He's always said that Chainlink nodes can be Arbitrum validators.

Sounds good. I'm still on the fence of buying PNK but I just don't see anything else worth a buy and I don't really feel like buying link at these prices. I just think that human oracles will be something that will be needed at some point in the future when the smart contract economy is mature enough.

>> No.21970695
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Oh god I'm gonna coom

>> No.21970697

>Link imo can handle those more convoluted smart contracts, maybe not right away but as adoption increases and we see companies / people create plugins that template scenarios or functions like for web building, or even fully custom plugins service work
you arent going to completely remove subjectivity from society you autistic freak

>> No.21970733

What is Augur using as a collateral for its decision making?
>Complete sets are purchased in a batch transaction to ensure REP holders have the incentive to provide accurate resolution data.
Does it mean REP holders for the Augur decision making have to buy the complete content of the original contract possible outputs to pay the correct amount of the contract if something bad happens?
Does this work without Link as a collateral?

>> No.21970770

That’s fair enough honestly, I can understand why you think that because there will be a need for something in the few % of cases. I personally just think that you could probably use ChainLink to solve the same exact problem in combination with using something like Augur. But I’m not willing to go as far as to say that I don’t think PNK can work. I just see it’s potential flaws and they bother me too much so i decided to just stay all in on link after thinking a lot about it.
>t. 2017 30k Link holder

>> No.21970817
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Pic related if Kleros captures 10% of the right bubble, it will be worth $15.

>> No.21970821

Did you even read the second half of my answer? I specifically say subjective based agreements will probably stay as traditional agreements because they don’t really make sense as smart contracts. Things like
>interior designer remodeling
>logo design
>finishing a custom painting

>> No.21970839
File: 57 KB, 349x517, 42578268.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao you can't make this shit up

>> No.21970868 [DELETED] 

Wrong analogy here, by website you're implying an application or service. Check service provider's profit margins.

>> No.21970910

You'll have to wait a week or so for them to replay it or have it avail on youtube.

>> No.21970973
File: 264 KB, 1837x784, asad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.21971017

So it would need to do about 100x between now and then which is definitely possible. I’m trying to think about how much ChainLink could theoretically go to if it continues the pace it’s had the past few years against btc / eth by the next crypto bubble peak. I guess for me it’s more is it worth the gamble at this point knowing there are still inherent risks to even buy pnk which is still early, when I already have enough link that I’ll probably never have to work again. Legit meant that not as a brag, just kind of like is it worth it at this point. I’ve been seeing it talked about for over a year and to be honest at first I thought it was a joke before I started looking into it. It just was never enough to sway me from using money to buy more Link instead

>> No.21971038

>Kleros is vulnerable to companies owning huge stakes and stacking juries.
First off, how is that even relevant when there is a sizable amount of jurors drawn? The amount staked means they have a higher likelihood of being picked sure, but they still only get one vote.
Secondly, unless there's a huge group of jurors who are just deciding to intentionally fuck up cases with bad decisions (which they have 0 incentive to do in the first place since they'll get rewarded for voting with the majority anyway), ESPECIALLY considering the fact that to be authorized to deliberate on a case, you need to be someone in a field relating to the case, there is no point to even waste time trying to rig the vote.

>> No.21971066
File: 1.17 MB, 1131x707, 1597575143575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean the question is how long is LINK going to stay under $20? At that point it just has less x potential in comparison with PNK which is extremely early. I wouldn't touch the link, just inject fiat and invest in early projects that you're willing to lose on since you have a hedge with link succeeding.

>> No.21971136

what you describe an oligopol. Seems retarded, like 99.99% of all tokens with governance functions

>> No.21971148

I got banned from the summit because I was calling ETH spaghetti code during the segment with Hudson.

These dudes literally have no idea how to implement Eth 2.0 without breaking the existing network entirely, they literally had no answer.

Complete unsalable shitshow.

>> No.21971150

Do you know what a fucking loophole is?

>> No.21971190

How could Kleros court deal with this issue? They'd also be working off the same information that the item has been successfully delivered. The mailman has committed fraud at this point, and any issues with the delivery would have to be taken up with the postal service. One must also ask, why would the mailman sabotage your delivery and go against procedure in the first place? He has nothing to gain by doing this.
Here are a number of ways innovation could prevent this issue from arising:
>fingerprint technology
>verification codes provided only to the customer
>better real time tracking technology
>photographic evidence
>verification phrases
>voice recognition
>etc etc

>> No.21971198

Hmm that’s true, since regardless I haven’t been buying link since it was at $2.5. Fair point and advice, I’ll consider it some more. Definitely wouldn’t touch any link, but maybe I’ll flip my few thousand from my other 2017 shitcoins into it instead. PNK desu was the only one I was considering, the other coins have been too flavor of the month (AMPL, STA, MATIC, BRD, and so many more that come and go every new month). Pnk ive consistently seen posts for a year now which has made me feel like it has some genuine autistic support. I’ll think about it some more

>> No.21971211

Its the thing between balls and asshole ?

>> No.21971243
File: 463 KB, 697x551, Frydolph Shroomler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One must also ask, why would the mailman sabotage your delivery and go against procedure in the first place? He has nothing to gain by doing this.
You forgot to factor in the nigger variable.

>> No.21971289

Unironiccally what I did with the last of my eth in July building a 100% link portfolio

>> No.21971295
File: 57 KB, 622x610, 1592853910421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

***Global pedo cabal intensifies***
***Q anon intensifies***

>> No.21971378
File: 427 KB, 767x564, 1598212235613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Rory delet
Topkek fud is wrongthink anon you should know that

>> No.21971464

There are no loopholes in binary. It's a yes or a no. None of this vague bullshit. That's one of the reasons smart contracts are needed, to prevent loopholes.

>> No.21971499
File: 360 KB, 1800x1800, D5PDRHKX4AAoJVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does a jew control the goyim if he cannot control the goyim's society
how does the jew's meritocracy of social manipulation have any stake in society if society's functions all refer to natural truths in order to execute every one of their operations
how does the jew obfuscate natural truths if the system can mathematically prove what is naturally true, and mathematics are the basis for the operation of the only things that really work

not every "jew" is a jew, anon—but even at that, it must be said that some jews involved in this funding may simply be acting in the interests of themselves, as individuals
nothing at all wrong with that—especially when you're making goods and services that people who are capable of earning have created a demand for
if it's not them investing in and forming working relationships with the creators of these systems now, while they still have power, then they will have no spending power to speak of in 20 years
the moment that satoshi released bitcoin in 2009, they were in irreversible checkmate

creating a system that rewards actors who observe and act upon truth in order to produce wealth is antithetical to zionism; a person who is genetically self-annihilatory but embraces ideas that are objectively fundamental to wealth production will develop new functional genetics that gradually replace the self-annihilatory genes on which, previously, they were built
the forces of zionism—being an analogue of communism that is, likewise, parasitic and destructive--to the point of killing--all that is beautiful and truthful—will be relegated to its earned place of total irrelevancy, because when the system of now is one that refers to provably objective truths rather than falsifiable claims in order to operate, zionism's method of operation falls apart completely

funny to think that only twenty years ago, jews were so deluded that they thought that nature would accommodate jewry; internet's free proliferation proves this

>> No.21971552
File: 353 KB, 1430x1437, 1595114788636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have a smart contract for that too

>> No.21971739


>> No.21972476

Sirgay probably gave them a massive chunk of linkies.

>> No.21972657

And for the things that you can't check yes or no for when creating your smart contract?