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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2193367 No.2193367 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women always so terrible at management? Should there perhaps be a law preventing it?

>> No.2193462


Just stop female quota. If I have a company I want to maximize my profit. I hire the most suitet person. I dont care about gender.

>> No.2193489
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>Why are women always so terrible at management?
Because women, on average, have lower IQs and because men typically are the ones who are passionate about their work and industry and, therefore, progress further. Just the other day on Twatter I saw a Cornell professor take a picture of the Consensus conference saying, "More work is to be done," in regards to "diversity" in the blockchain/crypto industry. As if this industry is a "no gurlz allowed!" club or something. Women have no interest in anything beyond which mascara to wear and, if they TRULY were interested in blockchain, their work, a product, an idea, or ANYTHING, well, then they'd be there doing the work. Women aren't regarded for their ability. Period. I think it was Schopenhauer who said something along the lines of, "Women are only good for two things: fucking and singing." He's not far from the truth.

>Should there perhaps be a law preventing it?
Probably. The economy would probably be run much more efficiently if everything was run by WASPS with pajeets and chinks in support roles.

Don't expect anyone here to agree with me or you though. /biz/ reeks of leftism. As they should, as it is typically good for lining their coffers. An example would be Keynesian monetary policy. I'm sure /biz/fags here "love" capitalism but creamed their pants when the government bailed the banks out.

In short, women are useless. /biz/ is full of a bunch of leftist faggots who claim to love capitalism and markets. Everyone here probably supports open immigration too because of the cheap labor.

>inb4 /pol/tard
Yeah, but I probably triggered you because you're brown and/or a woman.

>> No.2193490

they're irrational creatures driven by emotions

well all humans are but women even more so

>> No.2193493

If they made a law where it was O.K. to punch and kick women, then men would quickly whip them into shape.

>> No.2193653

>WASPS with pajeets and chinks in support roles.
wasps have the money to build infrastructure. but its really the waspy looking jews. youd never know the difference until they say.

chinese, indians, and mexicans actually build and improvise shit. most of the innovations come from israel and foriegn students of germany.

>> No.2193683

second post best post

>> No.2193697


>logic first, emotion second

>emotion first, logic second

What a shock that one is better at family and the other is better at gathering resources

>> No.2194564

Its not that women have lower IQs. Since our society has been so long been dominated by men, that majority of women's characteristics have been shaped to best fit men. But as we move towards equality, society will change drastically.

>> No.2194572
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Tfw both a stormfront tier /pol/ack and a /biz/realite

>> No.2194575
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fuk outta here bitchass nigga

>> No.2194612

>i'm going to rationalize away all of reality because it doesn't conform to my sensibilities

>> No.2195548

The level of gender equality in any given developed country is directly correlated with lowered standards of living. Indeed, drastic changes on the way.

>> No.2195688

Men understand an respect a hierarchy whereas women simply cant - with few exceptions.

also. Sheryll Sandburg is a cunt who needs to lean into a bus.

>> No.2196150

We should just outlaw affirmative action. It's racist and sexist to assume that minorities need our help to overcome society's bias toward white men. Give them some fucking credit instead of coddling them and then they will have to be better.

>> No.2196279

Women don't have lower average IQs, what they have is a different IQ distribution than men. So there's both more male geniuses and retards than there are female. Of course when we're talking about upper level executive positions we're talking top end rather than bottom end and the men will outperform the women. If we were instead looking at who was the brightest bulb in those factories they have retards make things in(not talking about normal factories here, they actually have a few factories where all the workers are mentally handicapped) it would probably be a woman.

>> No.2196302

>getting rid of preferential hiring policies based on race

>> No.2196322

The preferential policies ARE racist. I think you're agreeing with me, but in this current environment you can never tell.

>> No.2196414

Your post reads like you have serious mommy issues. It's really sad.

>> No.2196778

What about norway and sweeden?

>> No.2197288
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>Just the other day on Twatter I saw a Cornell professor take a picture of the Consensus conference saying, "More work is to be done," in regards to "diversity" in the blockchain/crypto industry. As if this industry is a "no gurlz allowed!" club or something. Women have no interest in anything beyond which mascara to wear and, if they TRULY were interested in blockchain, their work, a product, an idea, or ANYTHING, well, then they'd be there doing the work.


>> No.2197326
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This is a better way of saying >>2193489

Did he trigger you? Come on, anon. You sound like a lebbitor trying to win moral superiority points. Here's your (You) faggot.

Gurl power. Isn't this the same chick who posted "Hello World" on HTML or some shit and claimed she was "coding"?

>> No.2197428
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>> No.2197631



>> No.2197657

This. Most people who have had a female boss know that they are so concerned with making sure no one gets hurt that nothing actually gets done. The only time they're willing to make a hard decision is if her male superior forces her hand.

>> No.2197713


Womens brains are shit tier compared to mens. look it up

>> No.2198271
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>tfw you can always spot the roastie

>> No.2198416

I want to hump her legs until I cum

I want her to spit in my face.

>> No.2198526

You're right but open immigration policies allocate capital more efficiently. Only dumb betas get out competed by foreign labor.

Whenever a foreign competitor is taking my clients, I just call the IRS and with >80% success they get caught with tax fraud/evasion or illegal labor and sometimes get deported.

>> No.2199031

Absolutely devilish.

>> No.2199092

they literally have lower IQ's, by approximately 3 points on average

>> No.2199210

No they also have lower average IQs

>> No.2199273


There is nothing objectively wrong with this statement.

I was amused by the FB news story a few days ago where the female coder did some research showing that the code written by women was rejected more often than the code written by men. She thought there was gender discrimination. I just thought that it meant that just because a company hires women to meet some arbitrary quota, it doesn't mean that the company has to use their sub-standard work product.

>> No.2199433

>women, on average, have lower IQs
Not true. Didn't read anything else you wrote because you started with a lie. Men have a higher average range of IQs but not higher iqs in general

>> No.2199835


>> No.2200050

Yes they do. There are two distributions one for each sex. Men's average is about 2 points higher than the female average. Please educate yourself à la The Bell Curve.

>> No.2200052

This desu

Business ought to be meritocratic by nature