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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21958066 No.21958066 [Reply] [Original]

Never been afraid to sell a token in my hole crypto life, this is the first

1.Reddit scaling bake-off winner ( in sept.)

2. Synthetic assets, just like SNX - https://docs.tokenbridge.net/eth-xdai-amb-bridge/erc20-to-erc20-extension-linked-with-a-particular-token/susd-bridge-extension/transfer-susd-through-the-bridge-extension

3. ARAGON building on xDai chain - https://aragonchina.xyz/onboarding

4. Stake token is for xDAI will be just like MKR token is for DAI token

5.ETH bridge in the works - https://docs.tokenbridge.net/eth-xdai-amb-bridge/multi-token-extension/the-bridged-tokens-list

6. Platform for Blockchain Games - games are live

7. Vitalik, Chico, Ivan, Alcoinbuzz and others are shilling it for free

8. Very low MC, only 50 mill

9. It's xDai chain

>> No.21958255

That's all priced in you fool

>> No.21958308
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see you at 40 $ next week

>> No.21958749
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Haha best laugh I've had all week, thanks for that anon.

>> No.21959013
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You are so fucking stupid lmao. Token is brand new. OMG does way less than it does and is valued near a billion dollars.

>> No.21959349

This comparison picture doesn't include relevant information

>> No.21959625
File: 181 KB, 500x500, fuck you frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good point , no info = retard

>> No.21959720

i used to look forward to $100 which seemed to be the target of the the xdai signing anon, but now I think this might be fud and $200 is in order. just look at the omg valuation, it's harder to integrate with and does less stuff (only transactions)

>> No.21959868
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the problem is that STAKE will do it until November, 800 mil MC, every week 2 x

>> No.21960095

shill me xdai I don't know anything about it? thought it was a dai rip off

>> No.21960305

it's a sidechain, 100% compatible with Ethereum, Ethereum devs can deploy on it as easily as the click of a button, it's in a good position to win the reddit scaling bakeoff, and big ETH people have started shilling it non stop. oh and it's only $50M market cap

>> No.21960348

It's satsgang's latest pnd

>> No.21960375
File: 443 KB, 491x494, 50grant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>priced in
>50mm market cap
the absolute state
i guess that's that then, anon posts meme comparison no time to read
>this is be fud
say it with me,

"STAKE is 100% compatible with Ethereum, such that any project can immediately get a speed boost and experience essentially a feeless existence in minutes, right now, today."

and imagine thinking that stake isn't going to be a top 5 project
holy fucking shit read for like 5 minutes

>> No.21960472

i mean, that's what people said in May already, a few months and x10 later, that didn't age well

>> No.21961380


>> No.21961665
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I forgot to say the cost to perform a transaction (send xDAI to someone) is about $0.000021 USD and is 5 sec per transaction

>> No.21961743

If the txns cost nothing what brings value to the token STAKE?

>> No.21961961
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Read OP post

>> No.21962117

Explain to a retard pls. If network income is low how can it be worth hundred of millions?

>> No.21962129

xDai is the stable coin pinned to a dollar used for transactions. This is important for wider adoption and consumer use cases when compared to a volatile token like ethereum or STAKE. It also makes no sense to use ethereum as is for the most common types of transactions. No consumer wants to hold a volatile token for payments, let alone wait minutes and pay 9$ in gas fees to buy a microtransaction in a mobile app. STAKE is a volatile token used to secure the network using proof of stake. A big chunk of the current 50m market cap is from investors who see the value in xDai and have bought large amounts of STAKE to help secure the system.

>> No.21962425

Read >>21962117
Pls explain where the stake token gets its value

>> No.21962546


Once DSR kicks back on then you can make a lot more money.

>> No.21962694
File: 8 KB, 225x225, STAKE rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

created by the MakerDAO team

>> No.21962792

I get that. My point is, what brings value to the token is that txns fees are given back to stakers right? So the value of the token is tied to the revenues which are txns fees amirite?

>> No.21962900

Check the link here >>21962546 and read some of the other pages on staking. They use an interest earning version of Dai called Chai and reward that out to stakes in the form of xDai. This happens in cycles whereas the normal STAKE emission for stakers in constant. I understand that stakers getting more stake isn't really what you're asking about though, because if that has no value then who cares, it's just another self inflationary chudcoin.

A lot of what drives this is market adoption, and it's not adoption of STAKE but adoption of the xDai platform for transactions. STAKE is the consensus mechanism instead of something like PoW.

>> No.21962959

Ok the the value of the stake tokens as a whole is mostly txns revenues right?

>> No.21963224
File: 75 KB, 1406x814, Stakers (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
