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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21950421 No.21950421 [Reply] [Original]

Hahaha, turns out it was right to assume the same pattern would occur, after all these years. Coinmetro, more like the XCM token is periodically meant to be a pump and dump. But who is this surprising, really? This is wasn't sustainable, to begin with. I can count the entire user base of coinmetro with 4 hands worth of fingers. Daily volume is astonishingly low, and the tokenomics are flawed : it's just a smokescreen to hide that it's actually a ponzi/money laundering scheme. XCM cannot be valued above 10 cents. XCM holders are now tasked to try their best to recruit as many people as possible into the exchange to keep the money and the rewards flowing in, otherwise the house of cards inevitably falls upon itself without warning as soon as the tokens bought by Kevin Murcko/the exchange ALL GET SOLD AT ONCE to break even. Let me repeat myself here : the XCM token CANNOT be valued more than 10 cents per token, if not less.

>> No.21950567

>10x soon guysss!
What happened to that?
Is the shill team gone?

>> No.21950582

It's early morning in Europe. Give them a few hours.

>> No.21950595

Nobody with half a brain fell for the CoinMetro or PRQ shit

>> No.21950608

when shilling first started it was 40x, im still waiting for it

>> No.21950635
File: 680 KB, 2014x1852, Bagholderbingo_Coinmetro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but their silence is actually worrying. I hope they didn't rope themselves...
Oh, right. How could I have forgotten?

>> No.21950689

Same reason you used to see more link threads. Ofc energy is higher on days a coin is doing good. That being said, fuck you and fuck your xopypaste, never selling

>> No.21950819

nice, you copied my pic. let them cry in 2 weeks, shitty ico

>> No.21950838
File: 20 KB, 561x680, xcmgoingdownagain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this time it's different, i promise

>> No.21950857

The price is still more than 2x compared to a couple of weeks ago

>> No.21950952


The question is not IF it goes back to 2 cents but WHEN


Kevin Murcko - CEO of ScamMetro

>> No.21951077
File: 58 KB, 750x727, Hoes Mad..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People itt MAD that they didn't get in when we told them
now they want the price down

>> No.21951105

Why are you always on about your 4 hands? Are you a monkey?

>> No.21951120
File: 151 KB, 491x625, 7454757457547454754757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coin goes up 2-4x in a short period of time
>Coin goes down just slightly for one day after a week of gains

>> No.21951616

Fuck off retard, the fact is that coinmetro btfos all other fiat exchanges, the ceo is a great guy that replies and listens to his customers, and they just launched the worlds first STO platform.

By switching to coinmetro as my only fiat gateway I have saved a lot in fees, can chat with support regarding any issue 24/7 and receive a reply in 5 minutes. Oh, I have also made over 10k basically risk-free thanks to arbitrage opportunities.

Stay stupid and poor, and miss out on getting a piece of the next coinbase/crypto nasdaq, you fucking retard

>> No.21951667

Phew the cope is massive ITT
See you in the next two weeks when this dips to zero. I love drinking tears from seething bagholders trying to defend their overvalued piece of shit product destined to fail. Keep doing it. I'm fucking cumming god

>> No.21951672


>> No.21951679

Same, after making my Coinmetro account to buy Parsiq, I transfered all my crypto there. The verification is a pain in the ass, but the exchange itself is the shit.
I can definitely see a big influx of users in the future, definitely when USD fiat is implemented.

>> No.21951961

>exchange itself is shit

>> No.21952205

thanks i will buy some later today

>> No.21952212

wait 2 weeks and it will be 60% off

>> No.21952223

no in 2 weeks it will be 60% up

>> No.21952770
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>> No.21953752
File: 131 KB, 977x855, PRQ_Team.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRQ team kicked Kevin Murcko off their Website. Afterwards it went 60x

Any more questions?

>> No.21954005

Leave PRQ out of it BRO

>> No.21954255

>photoshops Kevin off the website
I really wonder what is wrong with you.

>> No.21954428
File: 1.17 MB, 1966x1018, Screenshot 2020-08-28 at 15.15.04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea, okay is this some kind of reverse fud? It doesn't take much time to see he's still there on the website. Or you're simply being bad at fudding. Try harder if you want cheaper bags

>> No.21954515


>> No.21954827

What are you checking, retard? Fuck off back to plebbit
100k xcm chad here
We're gonna makeit xcmbros!

>> No.21954905

Made you look, lol

>> No.21954907

Lmao, you're so pathetic

>> No.21955072
File: 192 KB, 1325x449, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very lazy, this one took me 5sec pressing f12 and del