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21950308 No.21950308 [Reply] [Original]

You are who you are and what you are because of what has gone into your mind. You can change who you are and what you are by changing what goes into your mind. - Zig Ziglar

>> No.21950535

$10K EOY2021

>> No.21950547

Yeah I did not say the 21st century

>> No.21950554


Have you seen the $30-40k prediction on tradingview anon?

>> No.21950575

Post, but there’s no way it’s going past 20 anyway

>> No.21950586

Do you fags are away that staking won't come until 2024 right?

Eth 2.0 phase 0 will come soon , phase 1 and phase 2 will take years.

And phase 0 is probably worse than the current state , since any retard staking will not be able to access it's funds until eth phase 1.

What prediction i would like to see it anon , i am bullish on eth 2.0 but only after phase 1.
It definitely has potential to moon but 2021 will go to btc in my view , 800 btc mined per day vs 13000 eth mined per day , eth pressure to sell will keep being massve.

>> No.21950616


scroll to see the explanation:


>> No.21950677

>any retard staking will not be able to access it's funds until eth phase 1
effectively decreasing circulating supply. only thing that might slow down the pump is L2 solutions that dont require eth for gas but i just choose to believe speculation will take care of the price. if its 10K eoy 2022/23 im still fine with that

>> No.21950748


$30-40K, scroll to see the explanation:


>> No.21950797

This is absurd , for btc to hit 500k itself it would need the marketcap of gold(which is possible due to only being 18m btc).

If eth reached gold marketcap and you divide it by the ammount of coins it would get 58k per coin.

But this would mean a massive ammount of capital flight into crypto.
Possible?Yes long term , specially with 2.0 increasing tx capability.
In all honestly it depends on the global economy and velocity of money.

Let's do the math in two years the eth supply will increase from 112 millions to 148 million eth.

This mean that if btc reaches gold marketcap and value 1 btc = 500k usd
And assuming eth still has 4x the marketcap of btc.

Eth marketcap will be 1.75 trillion , that divided by 148m eth in circulation.
Gives an eth price of 11.8k per eth.

let's assume btc only reaches 100k with an 1.9 trillion marketcap(3,68 less times than gold).
Assuming eth has 4x the marketcap this gives eth a marketcap of 475 billion , with a eth supply of 148m this gives you an eth price of 3.2k.

Basically btc would do a 10x and eth a 8x(because eth supply increased faster in the time btc mooned).

Maybe i am not considering something , just thinking about this and why people are so bullish on eth 2.0 phase 0.

>> No.21950846

The thing about this predictions is that they depend on eth overthrowing bitcoin , which is probably impossible due to btc way lower inflation.

On the conservative scenario of btc reaching 100k eth gives worse returns due to inflation.
On the scenario of btc reaching gold marketcap and 500k usd you get almost 12k per eth which means you get 50x returns on btc and 32x returns in eth once again because inflation.

The only way eth rate can be higher is if due to kyc regulations the wealth in crypto moves to defi , or if eth 2.0 phase 2 comes sooner than expected or if there is a retarded number of lost eth like 30 or 50m forever lost.

>> No.21950935

Acually when defi darlings like dxdy aave snx and uniswap get l2 before eoy its more huge than pahse 0 alone...

>> No.21951183

Can you explain me why?I been learning a lot about eth ,more of a btc , xmr maximalist myself , but i love where eth is going .
What's the idea with layer two solutions on eth?I mean i tough eth was aiming at massively increasing l1 with sharding.

>> No.21951517

Because its about users and composability not about tech, its fucking open source space everything will scale eventually.
Eth is shitshow because decentralsied development but its only thing shitting awsome usecases exacly because of it (and opening whole market for "next eth tps killers" meantime but whatever that will end same as "faster pow payment coins than btc" in 2017 anyway)
One of awsome tech is l2 zk (after plasma dead end)
It scales eth today (loopring allready doing 4k tps) but guess what it brakes composability so noone fucking uses it (tldr noone wants to jump trough hoops and do 4 instead of 1 click)
When they solve it and optimism and starkwyre get deployed on uniswap, reedit cp and rest eoy it will be huge.
Also eth 2 will use rollups by default so each shard will be like 5ktps x64 shards eth1 just needs to use it on dap level today
And you are right it will take eth2 to be done few years but:
>rollups will make eth1 50x more efficient and useable meanwhile
>phase 0 literally sucks out 10-30% of all eth from market wich is bullish for price

Also as someone who is in this market since 2016 and was big btc maxi back in day i can tell you that 21cap meme and eth "inflation" are superdumb arguments for price predictions if you wanna know more i can type blogs about it..

>> No.21951962

you think ETH will outperform BTC in both the short term and long term?

>> No.21952018

>>phase 0 literally sucks out 10-30% of all eth from market wich is bullish for price

This is a pretty good argument.

>Also as someone who is in this market since 2016 and was big btc maxi back in day i can tell you that 21cap meme and eth "inflation" are superdumb arguments for price predictions if you wanna know more i can type blogs about it..

Yea i would love to know more about it , the think about eth that makes me a little afraid is it's anti spam tx system where unconfirmed tx still use fees if failed.

It means in a scenario like 2017 btc eth selling pressure would be absurd due to miners earning a shitton of eth due to fees lost (which they paid by mining) so all of the sudden the seller pressure from miners(people panicking by this) would be apocalyptic.

I get it's an anti spam system but it's pretty retarded if the network bottlenecks like now.

> if you wanna know more i can type blogs about it.

Please do.

>> No.21952514

I literally got a boner reading your post

>> No.21952900

Its anyone guess lol
Btc got easyest narrative to shill to world: "fed printing only 21 mil btc" thats powerfull narrative
Btc 21 mil cap and pow is acually meme
there are literally 0 math models predicting fees will be enough so secure network eventually and lot of nonretarded maxi devs are trying to warn community toda
it literally does not matter its someone elses future problem maybe not in our lifetime so whatever

Eth does not ahve "inflation" its about emission rate or "minimal viable issuance" idea that eth is printed to secure network today not hope it all works out in future
yes its hard pill to swallow vs btc deflationary model
Just because something is capped does not mean its "scarce"
Scarcity is limited availability or cap betwean suply and demand, btc is super scarce below spot price and super huge supply over spot price
So its about demand
And eth bet is on demant for eth because its acually usefull
+phase 0 eats huge suply
+eip 1559 (google it) idea that solves all issues you just addresed, makes fees more stable and acually burns fees so eth issuance can acually go negative over time.
Its allready funded and worked on hard
should be production ready early next year (but you never now with eth shitshiw lol)
I acually think they hired Tim Roughgarden to do backtesting of model wich is huge

But whatever
Betting vs eth is betting vs army of only grassroot developer community in crypto besides btc (but much bigger and less closeminded)

>> No.21954036

>Btc got easyest narrative to shill to world: "fed printing only 21 mil btc" thats powerfull narrative


>Eth does not ahve "inflation" its about emission rate or "minimal viable issuance" idea that eth is printed to secure network today not hope it all works out in future

Emission is still inflation , eth has higher inflation than dogecoin atm.

Howver you are right that usage would reduce suply , specially with proof of stake.

>> No.21954124

If youre buying btc instead of eth in current year youre actually retarded

>> No.21954220

why?Only 800 btc mined per day vs 13000 eth mined per day.

Yea eth does 4x the transactions but if eth bottlenecks the fees are lost , while on btc a tx can be on wait like a bank wire.
btc has it's uses and so does eth but read this shit.

Even if eth moons following btc marketcap growth due to halving , it still gives worse returns than btc due to inflation.
Unless the demand increases due to eth 2.0 being released before 2021.

>> No.21954246

Except there are no miners anymore, just PoS validators and they don't need to sell to cover electricity costs.
They can just let their stack grow. Much more bullish for the price than the daily sell pressure from miners right now.

>> No.21954336

so, nerds. When can I buy an eth 2?
Don't give me any mumbo jumbo. I want a date

>> No.21954384

>Eth 2.0 phase 0 will come soon , phase 1 and phase 2 will take years.
phase 1 is certain to happen in 2021, less than a year after phase 0.
It's relatively very simple.
After that, the ball is on the eth1 side, as they need to get stateless mode going for phase1.5 (full PoS)

>> No.21954496

I‘ve read this entire thread and y’all have good and educated arguments on both sides..
but now I have to speak the truth:
I own 100 eth. At 10k that would mean I have a networth of 1 million usd (tax free in my country)
This unfortunately means that eth will never, I repeat NEVER come even close to 10k period. I was born into misery and all you you simply exist in my head to torment me.

>> No.21954545

>eth wouldn't exist if blizzard never ruined warlocks


>> No.21954570

Is 210 ETH enough to make it?

>> No.21954901

How does $0.73 usd sound?

>> No.21955233
File: 16 KB, 300x300, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Vitalikpilled.

This is literally it, the last few months to accumulate ETH at affordable prices until 2.0 takes crypto to the next level. Not recognizing and doing this is absolute retard and/or pajeet level

>> No.21955300

Can someone help a retard understand ETH 2.0. Is it a new asset that will come out or does it just mean existing ETH will run on a new system? What is so special about 2.0?

>> No.21955403



>> No.21955494
File: 10 KB, 225x225, ydnf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it fixes all the problems ETH currently has and thus will user in the new era of the cryptochad

>> No.21955712

100% fact-based non-shill thread

>> No.21955734


so just another biz thread.

>> No.21956124

>I was born into misery and all you you simply exist in my head to torment me.
The real misery is when you inevitably sell it early thinking it can't possibly keep going up.

>> No.21956339


or maybe this is the highest it will ever get and you wish you sold it all.

>> No.21956438

True, the true bullrun for ethereum will be 2025

>> No.21956764

I own 230 ETH. If eth doesn't make me a millionaire by 2024 I will KMS

>> No.21956919


trust me until 2024 all western countries will have crypto laws that make it impossible to get rich with this shit.