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21948940 No.21948940 [Reply] [Original]

I am actual being financially gangstalked, what do I do?
>sell coin
>it moons literally the next day
>buy coin
>it dumps for months
This happened like 12 times now, I have been keeping track. I do everything right, I do my own due diligence, but it seems that as long as I hold a coin it just categorically refuses to moon, but then I sell and it jumps literally the next day. I even have examples of holding a coin for two years then it moons within 2 weeks of me selling. I can no longer mentally accept that this is a coincidence. Either I am cursed or being gangstalked, open to /x/-tier solutions to either.

>> No.21948988

Can you sell LINK real quick

>> No.21949010

help us out and we'll give you a percentage psyfag

>> No.21949011

Lay off the meth op

>> No.21949032

Sell your Link, BTC and ETH.
Buy XRP, BSV, RLC and RSR.

>> No.21949039

I already sold LINK after buying during the first SIBOS pump, I sold literally the day before google announcement, also here's a fun fact, I placed a binance order when LINK breached 2 dollars and then when I checked two months later and LINK had hit 5 dollars, my sell order never filled. I sent a support ticket but got nothing out of it.

>> No.21949095


>> No.21949130

Tell us your last five trades and we will tell you why it was a bad trade

>> No.21949160

Maybe you arnt taking the profits when they come?

I know what this feels like tho it is weird. It could be cause the market goes up and down so much.

>> No.21949169

>Caused the SIBOS dump
Fuck you anon. But seriously, could you just put a $100 short against link at x75? Should cause it to spike to $1125 and I can cashout and quit waging.

>> No.21949171

Get BOGGED dumb faggot, stay POOR and wageslave until you die

>> No.21949195

Fuck you the only positive I have is I never have to wageslave due to rental properties I bought during the 2017 pump. But I'll probably be eating canned tuna and oatmeal for the next year because of how much I lost this year.

>> No.21949197

the market psychologically is deeper than you think. every turning point in the market is based on psychological emotional thresholds. also the whole market is a simulation made for you. i everyone else’s market is slightly different. all the trades are bots.

>> No.21949215

How do I escape? Should I head over to /x/ at this point I'll try anything.

>> No.21949218

mix the tuna with the oatmeal and cook on a low heat with curry powder garlic salt and butter better yet use lentils instead. Buy storable food and only eat that. You will survive.

>> No.21949225


>> No.21949738


>> No.21949746

gangstalking is 100% real fag

>> No.21949751
File: 55 KB, 551x551, 1577940966335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in on xPOP to stop getting financially raped.


>> No.21949921

DCA your buys and sellls

Buy 1, price goes down buy second one cheaper

Sell 1 it goes up, sell at higher price

>> No.21950028


>> No.21950088

Yes literally

>> No.21950238

It's easy anon, just do the exact opposite of what you would normally do. This is true transcendent tier trading and much harder emotionally, but it's the bitter pill every succesful trader has to swallow.

>> No.21950264

Same here.
Even if I sell randomly like waking up to see a coin went up a bit and is now crabbing and I just sell and it instantly moons

>> No.21950350

Tried that but it keeps going down and crabbing as long as I hold so my asssets are just locked up.

>> No.21950402


>> No.21951228

Is this a real life Chad lol

>> No.21951314

if you had a sell order at $2 and it went to $5 without executing the sell order then you made money retard

>> No.21951396

Not everything is about you, schizo.

>> No.21951880

With a car, you can go anywhere

>> No.21952145

post your current portfolio and last transactions or larp

>> No.21952154

swingies get the rope

>> No.21952255

Hey nigger did you buy XCM and PRQ 2 days ago?

>> No.21952365

Obviously create a reverse telegram/discord pump group but instead of making bank with the pump just tell people what you're buying/selling so they can do the reverse and get "donations" for it

>> No.21952404

Anyone have the story thay normally comes with this image?