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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21946016 No.21946016 [Reply] [Original]

>be node operator
>going to secure a $50,000,000 smart contract
>LINK is worth $1000
>borrow 50,000 LINK from AAVE @ whatever apr
>lock it into node as collateral
>price of link has crashed to $600
>$20m shortfall on my collateral

What do I do now?

>> No.21946045

You reap what you sow

>> No.21946076

I'm planning on going all in on link and buy the dip, should I buy now or wait till tomorrow morning (Central Time)?

>> No.21946082

why did you use a picture of CL?
This is a question about AAVE and its bullshit

You could replace LINK with any shitcoin in your scenario

>> No.21946182

This forum is retarded.

>> No.21946296

The premise is incorrect on many levels.
>going to secure a $50,000,000 smart contract
You won't be securing contracts in USD terms. The term would be in LINK, it won't matter what the price is in USD.
>borrow 50,000 LINK from AAVE @ whatever apr
If you are dumb enough to not take the APR in LINK then you shouldn't run a node. The interest would be on the LINK itself.

>> No.21946317
File: 19 KB, 586x251, 13F30D36-29FE-4B21-A248-0AD18F6B2D7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wont be securing contracts in usd terms

Wtf happened to this place.

>> No.21946385

Um sweetie, you gotta go to reddit with this bait. Dyor

>> No.21946392

threshold signatures include a feature to protect node operators from price fluctuations. it was in a chainlink blog post. google it.

>> No.21946413

hahaha is the joke that you can't actually become a node operator? funny stuff op.

>> No.21946539
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>Wtf happened to this place.

>> No.21946599

I love how this keeps coming up and even back in the day we didnt really have good arguments against it, let it slide and entered another hopium thread kek

>> No.21946756

why did you use a picture of ChainLink? This is a question about AAVE and its bullshit

It was always a scam. Buy best crypto currencies and stake and earn profit on POOL-X exchange.

>> No.21946788

You dotards. It doesn’t matter where you get your LINK from, forget the AAVE example.
>be node operator
>going to secure a $50,000,000 smart contract
>LINK is worth $1000
>lock my own 50k LINK into node as collateral
>price of link has crashed to $600
>$20m shortfall on my collateral

>> No.21946826

Volatile assets used as collateral must be over collateralized to cater for price fluctuation risk. Transactions should occur over a very short period of time so it falls within automation guidelines.

>> No.21946840

in the whitepaper link is proposed to be around the cost of a cup of cappuccino in Milan, like $15. This shouldn't be a problem.

>> No.21946906

Honestly, it gets even simpler. Why are you staking a simple data process with cryptocurrency (the most volatile asset ever conceived) in the first place?

Just use encryption. There are fucking countless encrypted signals flying through your body right now. It's not a fucking problem. No one is hacking data feeds. Look at gambling websites, countless data feeds that need to come in accurately and secure, no fucking problem whatsoever. This isn't a thing. Companies don't need to insure these data processes and Link is an incredibly stupid Rube Goldberg.

Linkies think this thing is going to take over finance, but has extremely limited use case basically in the crypto sphere exclusively and the only arguments they have are ad hominem so just let them fantasize and give it up.

>> No.21946919
File: 718 KB, 2732x2048, 17C9499B-1A82-4E9F-9088-E99C2830369D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What do I do now?

>> No.21946945


>> No.21947101

hedge with a strangle

>> No.21947120
File: 120 KB, 852x782, 1577686162544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

overhead cost, also i just meant a put

>> No.21947175

You actually are the stupid one this time. Link is a background process, and customers will write their contracts in any currency they choose. Rewards will be converted to link automatically, yes, but you were wrong and you should feel bad.

>> No.21947244

What are you even asking? What happens when the price fluctuates? How long do you think each transaction is going to take, a week? This isn’t a real problem, and even if it were it could be resolved by overage requirements with differential fees.

>> No.21947258

>buying the news