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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21945209 No.21945209 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck are there people here who think work is a good thing?
I thought people here wanted to make it?
What are you on biz for if you just believe in "hard work" and "contributing". Crypto and stocks don't contribute shit. Go back to slaving away for your kike boss

>> No.21945451

how else do you make money?
a steady income from a good job is the first step towards making it.
you accumulate dollars and invest them.

>> No.21945510

>how else do you make money
Right now i work 12 hours a week as a tutor and make BANK from coronavirus unemployment. Investing it and blowing some on hookers. Made 2100 from stocks on an initial investment of 2400 in a month. Live with family so my only expenses are school and food. Now I'm gonna dump 2000 in PNK and i will make it within a few years.

>> No.21945527

Some people just love cucking themselves

>> No.21945581

I think a lot of NPC's don't have much going on in their head so when they idle they start going crazy.

>> No.21945654

work IS a good thing you lazy piece of shit. work keeps the soul healthy. the difference is if its doing something like mcdonalds or if its doing something like being a pilot, train driver, truck driver (a cool one, not an amazon prime tier or swift tier driver) etc etc cool jobs like that

>> No.21945655

Alright, seriously, wtf happened to Sminem? In his pictures as a kid he looks so poised and dignified. Even though he looks weird, he is in a way like an alien god from Nibiru. But then you watch the videos of him as an adult and he looks borderline retarded. Wtf happened guys? This is the savior of crypto we are talking about here. We can't just let him destroy himself with vodka.

>> No.21945716

No, it is fucking worthless.
But perhaps our definitions of work may be different.
If I said that I enjoyed studying mathematics in my own time, spending time in nature, hunting/tracking, etc., would you say ok doing work?
I would not.
Those things are things I want to do and they make me happy.
However, the idea of spending time with other people, GIVING my time to other people, and having to appease my boss makes me deeply miserable.
That stuff is toxic and a killer of the soul.

>> No.21945738

not ok

>> No.21945914 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21945959

theres a difference between meaningful work that helps maintain and elevate society and then theres meaningless hamsterwheeling to be a debt slave and paying taxes that ultimately funds things that harm you and your existence
its absolutely chad to be a neet

>> No.21946066

a leech, I see

>> No.21946090

All rich people are leeches.

>> No.21946123

>spending time in nature, hunting/tracking
if you tried to live by yourself, just hunting, you'd be miserable. You need the economy to provide you with your precious SMARTPHONE, your MEDICINE, your CAR, your HUNTING GEAR. So yeah, sell your kill, see how much you can make off of that. Or something more realistic, go fishing on the sea, that could actually work, just buy a boat, go fishing and sell the fish. You don't need to have a boss, but in the end, if you want money, you have to work for SOMEBODY, in this case your clients.

>> No.21946173

"Working" isent bad as long as its meaningful or something you enjoy. Being a wage slave is the definition of being a goyim.

>> No.21946178

You sound like a jew.

>> No.21946241

It’s because they are bluepilled on the current state of things. Working a job is a very good thing when you are contributing to the advancement of your people and a better world. Working a job in Jew clown world as we all know is the opposite of that. You should still work for yourself and your family but work in a way that doesn’t benefit the niggers and Jews

>> No.21946341
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>2100 from stocks on an initial investment of 2400
Hold on guys, we've got a Big Spender over here

>> No.21946423

that is more than I would ever make (((working)))

>> No.21946450

What was his stack size lol screen capped for the the future

>> No.21946751

You are a slave to money. Just because you are dependant on your goy feel good chemicals does not mean everyone else is.

>> No.21946988

>sent from iPhone X

>> No.21946989

Are you thinking about the reason CWVBLOCKCHAIN would have been using VRF consensus and not something else?. With the best interest of the users at heart, CWVBLOCKCHAIN adopts VRF consensus to allow for the decentralization of the project Making it possible for the general public to also participate in the building of the system.

>> No.21947090

Even if you make it, managing your money is a full time job.

>> No.21947252

truth, I will never be able to get my eyes off my SAFEX if I make it

>> No.21947582
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Woah this guy made 2100 from stocks! Roll out the red carpet. The worst people in the world who taste a tiny bit of success get cocky, and then start giving advice to other people. You also still live with your parents. Fuck this better be bait

>> No.21947609


>> No.21947626

That's almost impossible to do these days.

>> No.21948004

Being blackpilled and doing nothing is worse.
The Zeitgeist won't last forever and is already crumbling (see the last 8 years in the US increasingly pivoting toward segregation).
In 10 years when it all come crashing down and an opportunity for something new arises you will want to have skills and status, being a doctor, a lawyer, a business owner, an artist, etc...

Having money is a nice thing but to mold the world around you (even if it's a tiny minority) you need to be a bigwig.

>> No.21948102

Buy newly listed Polka dot/ Defi projects off of exchanges nobody knows or uses hodl and thank me in 1 year The cycle continues and it doesn't give a fuck if you like work or not crypto is a blessing and whoever came up with this concept should have a statue across the street from the whitehouse. GOD SPEED FRENS

>> No.21948136

I enjoy my job.
>It makes me feel like I'm doing something useful
>It's a way to have a measurable and concrete impact on the world
>It challenges me and encourages me to learn new things
>It gives me opportunities to experience and be a part of things that I couldn't otherwise
>It forms part of my external identity and the way people see me
>It's a complex social environment that doesn't exist elsewhere
>It forces me into a routine
>It's a social outlet
>It's a source of liquid cashflow, which is still important even if my income from my investments is much higher
Even if Chainlink moons and I make it, I'll still keep working. I'll probably drop to four or maybe three days per week, but I don't think I'll stop for quite a while.

>> No.21948166


>> No.21948258

Where and how get hookurz

>> No.21948269

wtf has this inbred not heard of the GI bill? he killed himself when he was entitled to free college. or maybe he got discharged for gay sex?

>> No.21948335

I don't like housework but doing it and finishing it gives me a sense of satisfaction.
Being an office cuck is very removed from that.

>> No.21948786

>I've got a nice clean house
>I helped save someone's life today
Very different. Also, I can come home from work and then clean my house in the same day.

>> No.21948889

>how else do you make money?
Basically you're supposed to have high IQ parents that have built generational wealth and want you to succeed and not be a wagecuck. You do have high IQ parents...right?

>> No.21948966
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>if you want money, you have to work for SOMEBODY
And yet all those people are poor and in debt. Meanwhile the people with actual money don't work at all.

>> No.21948993

then you aren't skilled lol

i make 300k a year waging. pick a good field

>> No.21949069

So why are you still poor then?

>> No.21949198

a lot of the jobs that require skills arent worth the stress tho my friend just quit his job at a clearing house making 500k a year cuz it was literally making him physically ill its still better being a neet if you can be one

>> No.21949230
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You will be forever misguided until you accept that wagies actually enjoy work.

>> No.21949231

the only okay job i can think of is a patent lawyer but only cuz i know someone who is and they make like $2500 a day for like 4 hours worth of work

>> No.21949322

I make $1200-$1500 in passive income a week. I tried doing the neet thing for a couple years but I just got bored. The nice thing about "making it" is it gives you the freedom to find what you want to do. I took a part time job working on a hobby I enjoy and it's much better than sitting at home all day.