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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 5 KB, 250x187, credits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
206761 No.206761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=496685.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/cryptocredits
Facebook: fb.com/cryptocredits
Reddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/OfficialCredits/

Website: http://cryptocredits.org/index.html

Windows: http://www.mediafire.com/download/hb3go95uv0kx51o/Credits-Qt-WIN.zip
Mac: http://www.mediafire.com/download/9je61ijqejb6qz4/Credits-Qt-MAC.zip
Source: https://github.com/usecredits/Credits

(Working) Pools:
http://cr.verleta.net/ - 1% fee
http://cr.poolerino.com/ - 0% fee
http://cr.bamboohouse.info/ - 0.8% fee

Friendly reminder to use donation pools to support credits development.

Current Exchanges (Trade with Caution):

Faucet: http://pinoycrypto.com/faucets/credits/
Market: http://shopcredits.org/

Credits: CLkRQfUsQyVEAf14xMg3wkpBYHhWro8Lpq
Bitcoin: 1JtQaytDhi6KRL1dPrxDGhR8CGLieJhBeT

>> No.206765

is credits rip?

>> No.206768

Not really. Active development, casino being developed, already one market. Once a few more services are developed, all this coin needs is more publicity.

>> No.206769

Credits is only starting, with a lot in development at the moment. It is one of the most honest crypto's available. Hold on as the value will rise once the market gains traction and a few months have passed with more media attention.

>> No.206771

Looks like all altcoins are rip, even doge. Fucking litecoin is still alive tho.

>> No.206772

Anyone got more info on the casino?

>> No.206775

Credits is actually striving to be an actual currency. As long as we keep up with the positive comments and people dont dump the second the price drops a few satoshi we might have a decent chance of achieving that.

>> No.206777

Doge was never meant to be a long-term coin. It is a meme after all. It's a good thing that cryptos are in a slump right now. AMD GPUs should return to normal prices, and there'll probably be another crypto hype phase like we saw last december around August or so. We just need to keep this coin alive and develop new services until then.

>> No.206785

begging thread?
begging thread.

>> No.206789

So we have Bitcoin as gold, Litecoin as silver and Doge as bronze.
I guess Credits now want to take its own place as cryptocurrency's shit

>> No.206802

Donations addresses are from the official bitcointalk thread, and not personal, if that's what you are implying.

>> No.206810

That's the same thing people were saying in December about Dogecoin.

>> No.206812

And look at doge now

>> No.206829

How much can I mine currently with 730 kh/s /hour?

>> No.206847

Doge is bouncing back. Looks like the Devs are actually doing something about the multi pools problem.

Expect the price to rise over the next few days.

>> No.206850

About 60 Cr every 5 minutes/1200 an hour

>> No.206977
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>> No.207028

>You may need to upgrade
Have you tried upgrading?

>> No.207042


i downloaded the wallet linked in OP

same error but got fixed after some time when i left it alone

please also post here >>207030

>> No.207318

Why the fuck is the wallet hosted on mediafire?

>> No.207333

I've been asking that since the first day.
Not to mention it's a zip file. How hard it is to make a fucking windows installer?

Real 'easily accessible route to the world of digital currency' & 'overall user friendly experience' right there devs.

>> No.207409
File: 67 KB, 546x394, Credits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.207457

Pretty much all crypto qt clients originally came as zip files. I know that Dogecoin, for one, just recently switched to an installer, and pretty much all smaller coins are zips too. I chance it to say that making a self extracting installer is low on the list of priorities currently compared to creating the casino and getting more of an audience behind this coin.

>> No.207473

Sorry if it's a problem for you, but we made a guide in case there's a problem for anyone.


Donations are going straight to the devs

>> No.207486

It's not a problem, I'm just trying to point out how retarded it is for a crypto that's marketed as what I copypasted from credits website above to have you manually copy over config files to make it work.

Name one piece of software that's used by general public that needs you to do something like that. Just one.

It looks completely unprofessional, and an average pleb simply won't bother.

>> No.207837

He has a point. There is free software available to make a Windows installer, right?
If this is ever going to get mass-market traction, it needs to be installable to the Start menu from one executable, preferably with an auto-update to keep end-users from having to worry about hard forks. Bonus points for the Windows version automatically prompting the user to encrypt their wallet on first startup, since you cannot trust the user to secure their system or wallet of their own accord.

>> No.208198


>preferably with an auto-update to keep end-users from having to worry about hard forks.


i am surprised other crypto wallets dont have auto update feature

>> No.208215

Bump it for interest on the forum. It could get us alot of ground.

>> No.208231

Are my 35,000 credits worth anything yet?

>> No.208252

hmm...I wonder if an auto-update could become a potential security concern.

Allow dishonest devs to sneak in changes without the community noticing.

A better option might be just to message the user and make them aware of a new update rather than automatically force it.

Pools keeping their wallet's updated is more relevant for preventing hard forks and that just requires pool owners to take an active interest.

>> No.208340

The intent with wallet updates is not to prevent hard forks, but to prevent the user from having to take action to prevent their wallet and balance from going down an obsolete fork. You can cryptographically sign the updates such that only known devs could push it to clients.

Based on all the media circus surrounding MtGox and other exchanges, you need to operate under a few assumptions if you want to reach a mainstream audience:

1. Your users are running Windows
2. Your users do not have archive compression software
3. Your users are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with moving files around in Windows anywhere but the desktop
4. Your users are generally unable to secure their own computers, and prefer to trust online exchanges and wallet sites unless they can be convinced their local wallet is secure
5. Your users will not click any buttons they are unfamiliar with for fear of breaking something, so they will never encrypt their own wallets unless it is done by default or painstakingly explained in a Youtube video linked in some way to the client
6. Your users do not know how to do backups, or they do know but choose not to unless prompted and informed of the risk

Basically, if we want Credits to actually be used by anyone other than nerds trying to pump and dump, the software has to be usable by an eight-year-old. There should be less friction and risk involved than in a session of World of Warcraft.

>> No.208353

Why do you need an installer? What is so important about windows that you need this wallet on its registry? Just keep a folder of unzipped coin wallets.

>> No.208387

How do I compile on Linux?

>> No.208390


>> No.208397

that's fine for people like us who are slightly tech savvy but the general public would struggle to find a search engine if you removed it from their home page.


Basically as this guy says, crypto software needs to be made retard proof.

>Your users will not click any buttons they are unfamiliar with for fear of breaking something, so they will never encrypt their own wallets unless it is done by default or painstakingly explained in a Youtube video linked in some way to the client

Encryption of wallets is a tricky subject since plenty of people forget passwords and need them to be reset on a daily basis.

You can't get into a wallet easily if you forget your password.

I would take the argument that forgetting the password to your crypto sheckels is just a tax on idiots but we probably need some form of alternative.

>Your users do not know how to do backups, or they do know but choose not to unless prompted and informed of the risk

Yeah not sure the best way to get people to do this. For us copying wallet.dats onto a pendrive or extenal hardrive isn't hard but that would be seen as magic for the general public.

Reminds me of the time my dad actually managed to figure out how to automatically backup his hardrive. Which then saved the backup copy to the same hardrive. And then the next backup saved a copy of the backup as well as the hardrive.

Ended up with him calling me to find out why he'd managed to fill a 500 GB drive when all he does is web-browsing and word processing.

>TLDR cryptos need to be alot more user friendly.

Also consider that setting up a miner bat file is easy after you've done it a dozen times but for someone starting out mining looks very hard to understand.

>> No.209042

That reminds me. I had an idea for cryptos a while back that I haven't seen implemented in any cryptos so far: An alias system for addresses. From the user standpoint it would look like this: Joe decides to send a transaction to Bob. Instead of having to copy and paste an address or manually type in a 34 character alphanumeric address and risk getting it wrong, he simply enters Bob (the alias User B assigns to the particular address) into the "Pay To" Window and the client sends the transaction. This would make this coin much more public and user friendly, and get alot of press attention, combined with the use of an installer, as mentioned above. It would be the first "easy to use" public crypto. (Continued)

>> No.209049

From a technical standpoint, it would work like this. When a user first downloads the qt wallet, they have the option of creating/logging into an account. You could either host the account on your server, or use google+ sign in, which despite the name, only needs a google account to use. Assuming google+ sign-in, when a user signs-in, you will be provided with an OAuth token that will be used later. In addition, a random alphanumeric client id is generated by the client that is sent with the OAuth token to your server for later validation purposes. Next, if a user chooses to sign in, they will be presented with the option to assign an alias to their initial recieve address. If the user chooses to assign an alias, the client will first present a text box to input an alias that is 33 characters or less, to prevent a "forwarding" attack where a user submits an alias that is actually another user's credit address(being 34 characters long). Next, the client will check a public api hosted on your site to see if an alias of that name was already taken. If it is not, the client will send a request to your server including the OAuth token, desired alias, client id, and credit address. The server will then validate that the OAuth token is valid, the OAuth token pairs with the client id, the alias is 33 characters or less, the address does not already have another alias assigned to it, and that the alias is indeed available. (Continued)

>> No.209053

If all five of these conditions are met, the credit address and corresponding alias are published to the public api. When credits are actually sent, the client will first check if the input is 34 characters or less than 34 characters. If the input is 34 characters, the transaction will send normally, to the credit address the user entered. If the input is less than 34 characters, the client will check the public api for an alias matching the alias entered by the user. If the alias if found, the client will fetch the corresponding 34 digit credit address, and proceed to the "Confirm send coins" window. Instead of saying "Are you sure you want to send X Cr to (-address-)?", it will say, "Are you sure you want to send X Cr to -alias_name- (-address-)?", so for example, in the above example, if you wanted to say send 5 credits to Bob, the prompt would read "Are you sure you want to send 5 Cr to Bob (-creditaddress-)? and then if the user clicks yes, the client will send the credits to the corrresponding credit address.

I believe that this is the feature this coin needs to become popular and stay above the sea of shitcoins.

>> No.209410

Doesn't any cryptocoin wallet already do this though? This seems a lot similar to simply adding labels onto the addresses placed in the address book and just clicking on them. Not only that but you're trying to stay anonymous, and an alias isn't as anonymous like a long string of characters, you're assigning a more recognizable identity to a wallet and tacking it on to a central server.

>> No.209779

TFW when credits still doesn't work for Mac.

>> No.209859 [DELETED] 

The difference between labels and aliases are that aliases are global. Any user can send to anyone else's alias, without having to copy paste their address and assign a label to their address. As stated above, aliases would be completely optional, address specific, and useful in many cases. Aliases are only as identifying as you want them to be, similar to trips/names on 4chan. Instead of typing/copying pasting the 34 digit code to donate to credits for example, you could just type "Credit_Donations" and the rest would be taken care of for you. Even if an attacker compromised the connection between you and the server, the most they would be able to get would be tying a specific alias to a randomly generated wallet id, something that is inconsequential because it is just another random string of data. The general public values ease of use vs tin foil level paranoia. There is literally no reason that users should not have the option to make their receive address more accessible under their own discretion.

>> No.209864

The difference between labels and aliases are that aliases are global. Any user can send to anyone else's alias, without having to copy paste their address and assign a label to their address. As stated above, aliases would be completely optional, address specific, and useful in many cases. Aliases are only as identifying as you want them to be, similar to trips/names on 4chan. Instead of typing/copying pasting the 34 digit code to donate to credits for example, you could just type "Credit_Donations" and the rest would be taken care of for you. Even if an attacker compromised the connection between you and the server, the most they would be able to get would be tying a specific alias to a randomly generated wallet id, something that is inconsequential because it is just another random string of data. The general public values ease of use over tin foil level paranoia. There is literally no reason that users should not have the option to make their receive address more accessible under their own discretion.

>> No.209869

I'm confused as to what Credits offer me over any other coin. The site seems to stress that the coin, in some unspecified manner, prevents hoarding by/"unfair" concentration of wealth with early adopters, but then what incentive do potential early adopters have to choose Credits over any other crypto? This all seems like the poor man's Reddcoin, and Reddcoin is already the poor man's Doge.

>> No.209889

They developers are lazy anyways, they never finish their products. They have never created a working mac wallet, instead they went straight to working on some casino.

>> No.209890

It appeals to sci fi nerds

>> No.209896

It has a cool name and its well marketed
>das it mayne

>> No.209940

1. make coin
2. ????
3. profit

>> No.209972

What you were talking about is our block reward system which is as follows:

30 day inflationary period
6 periods, each five days (began Sunday, March 9th at 00:01 PST)
After inflationary period, down to 2000.
After this, decreases by 20% every four months for one year.
After this, halves every two years.
As far as I know, the mac wallet doesn't work only on Mavericks right now as to which I have no idea why. Working on that right now, actually.

Ha not exactly.

>> No.209987

Whoops, should have known it was gonna do that.

>> No.210074

What do you think about the address alias system I outlined above? I believe that it would help propel this coin out of obscurity and into the hands of a more mainstream audience, similar to what doge did, but without the side effects of being a meme. Ease of use and innovation will separate this coin from the other litecoin clones, and give a reason for the media to report on it, increasing user base, services, and price. The only hurdle would be taking the idea from words to reality.

>> No.210119

Yeah that is a pretty interesting system, it's sort of like a mesh between Paypal and cryptos? I could definitely see that in the near future as a game changer, I'll sleep on it..

Gonna have the Mac Maverick wallet done as well tomorrow, I promise.

>> No.210188

Is there some way we could set up a website just for pitting down ideas and discussing development? 4chan might not be the best place for that. I just have a few ideas like a kickstarter project that will fund developers and graphic designers and give Credits in return (More than the backing could buy, partially funded by donors). If we took this much more seriously we could lead the race and get a huge backing.

>> No.210627

I mean, just suggesting ideas in the Bitcointalk thread/Reddit thing is good enough

>> No.210648

It would be good to have our own forum/platform at some point in the future.

All of the big coins have them.

>> No.210654

Yep, it's super easy to make one so yeah we'll definitely have one in the near future.

>> No.210656

This is a fantastic idea

>> No.211211

So I'm brand new to this shit. I just think credits sound neat, so I'll give them a shot and some publicity if I think they're rad.

So I set up my wallet. Easy.

So now I want to start mining. I go to the page on this site? The mining guide?

It says to copy credits.conf.

Call me a fucking ape,

but why just start there? Where is credits.conf even located? I'm glad I know to ask you guys here.

A normal pleb (like credits is trying to worm its way into) would probably just click on 'guide', see "copy credits.conf", and say to themselves "okay, where and what is that? Oh, fuck this."

>> No.211229
File: 53 KB, 941x623, 1394736785128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I just searched my PC for credits.conf

Nothing. I downloaded the wallet and did everything you asked me, official credits site

For touting yourself as "not convoluted like those other guys" and "for the masses", you sure are leaving out simple info in your mining guide that is crucial to a new user

>> No.211232

Until you figure it out just buy some off swisscex or some other exchange. The value is extremely low now. I would love to explain to you but im about to go to work.

>> No.211238


Yes I mad

This told me it's SPECIFICALLY catering to the dumbass in-the-dark masses, and that it would be quick and easy

But the current setup is anything but due to this issue. You credits supporters want to rake in the masses? Here I am, rady to take part, and I'd have already forgotten about this forever if not for my desire to bitch on 4chan.

You're fucking up, credits.

credits.conf where

>> No.211240

You may have to download the file separately. Trust me, their guide explains 100x more than any other coin out there. From that picture it looks like Credits.conf is a separate download. Most people mining set up their own configuration file. What sort of graphics card do you have?

>> No.211258

Wait, the guide is for solo mining. Join a pool if you actually want a significant amount cr.bamboohouse.info

>> No.211264

>You may have to download the file separately. Trust me, their guide explains 100x more than any other coin out there.

Oh, because I just started with dogecoin, and I had no issues. It was really easy and explained itself very well.

>From that picture it looks like Credits.conf is a separate download. Most people mining set up their own configuration file.

That picture is from the credits website. The ones that claims to be so massively user friendly, even though I just tried out a competitor based on a fucking meme and had a better experience.

I'm actually really liking credits so far, I'm just being a jerk about this problem because for things like this, that are trying to gain steam, even these slightest issues can be crippling. This NEEDS to be explained to newcomers.

>What sort of graphics card do you have?
HD 7850
i7 4770k
8g RAM

>> No.211309

If you want to mine properly, download cgminer 3.7.2 (no later), set up a worker at cr.bamboohouse.info and find out the optimal settings for your graphics on the net. There is loads of info for setting up cgminer. The guide works for most people. It is very very new at the moment so the devs did have a lot on their plate, it will all get updated with time. People are selling way to cheap while the difficulty is low so get some while you can.

>> No.211312


For a first timer like me the guide was kind shite. The guide should start with explaining about wallet, mining and how to use the wallet app.

Even those pools have better getting started guides.

>> No.211321

Dont blame the devs. This is very new. It needs time to mature. Most people still dont even know about cryptos so it still has months to get it self together.

>> No.211347

Best exchange to dump this?

>> No.211384

I dont think you need a credits.conf at all. I dont have one. You can mine by downloading cgminer 3.7.2 and making a .bat file in the same folder as cgminer with something like this:

cgminer.exe --scrypt -o stratum+tcp://cr.bamboohouse.info:3336 -O username.workername:workerpassword -w 256 -I 13 --thread-concurrency=8192

Note: The "-w 256 -I 13 --thread-concurrency=8192" is the configuration thats specific for your gpu, find out what config works the best for you by googling "litecoin mining rig comparision" and search for your GPU name. Username is your bamboohouse username and workername and workerpassword is from the worker that you have to make after registering on the site

>> No.211451


>Token expired, please try again
>Token expired, please try again
>Token expired, please try again
>Token expired, please try again

>> No.211516
File: 893 KB, 300x300, Credit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on teh mac nao

>> No.211519
File: 1000 KB, 300x300, largecredit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And another 3D render of the Credit, better quality.

>> No.211682

It's in the "Wallet" folder of the extracted zip download since it's part of setting up the wallet.
Right next to the credits-qt.exe wallet client.

>> No.211692

Yep, got the Mac client that should work for every version of OSX, sorry again for the delay.


>> No.211721

Looks nice!

>> No.211872

All they had to do was copy guides provided already on the internet and change a couple words to "credits" to have a much better guide for the tech illiterate.

I see no reason NOT to blame them.

On the other hand the devs seem to think there's a credits.conf file somewhere, and it doesn't actually exist in the first place. So maybe copying other guides is exactly what they did. In which case, lol.

I wonder how many potential users are being turned away from the fact that the very first step in their guide is both unnecessary and completely invalid.

>> No.211878

No, it isn't. A newly downloaded zip package has no .conf file.

>> No.211902

It's in the .zip you download with the miner and wallet and everything; they just neglected to mention that.

>> No.211907

Yeah sorry, I wasn't in charge of that or anything related to the Windows client. In fact, I'm the only dev left. I just (wrongly) assumed that whoever made it would have done a better job, but here we are. But I'm going to fix the guide which is fucked up in more way than just that, and make the Windows client an automatic installer.

>> No.211910
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>> No.211915
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>> No.211922 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 685x235, conf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess it changed when they updated the wallet.
This is what it was at launch.

Glad to see you're addressing it.

>> No.211955

lol, however when I really took over with another dev who is partially here, things started looking a lot better. Before that we had an incompetent mac client, marketplace, and no sign of any users (which helped with the fork). Now we have a shitty extremely low nethash, but at the moment I'm lucky since it's pretty much just damage control until we get a presence on Reddit, get a gambling site and stuff.

>> No.212140

110MH/s is not extremely low, there are plenty of coins with far less than that.

>> No.212163

Coins with less than 110mhash net hash are essentially dead. 110mhash is extremely low. 500 mhash is minimal, 1Ghash is low, 5Ghash is healthy.

>> No.212166

hopefully increased block rewards and a working casino will spur people to actually mine sometime soon

>> No.212167

Eh, yeah I know but of course any coin's dev wants it to be successful. Just gotta get the word out about the rising block reward for the next 25 days, and I feel that the miners will jump on board after that.

>> No.212180 [DELETED] 

I doubt it. The most it will recover to by itself will be 200mhash, before dropping back down again. What we need is a defining feature to set this coin apart from other coins, and some basic services such as an android wallet, casino, etc. After those core utils are developed, this coin is in desperate need of a relaunching (of course keeping the current blockchain) to highlight some reasons to use and mine this coin.

>> No.212190

I doubt it. The most it will recover to by itself will be 200mhash, before dropping back down again. What we need is a defining feature to set this coin apart from other coins, and some basic services such as an android wallet, casino, etc. After those core utils are developed, this coin is in desperate need of a relaunching (of course keeping the current blockchain) to highlight some reasons to use and mine this coin.

Also, fuck chanu for not processing trips. Guess it's time to make a new one with tripcode explorer.

>> No.212189
File: 1.68 MB, 878x484, zG87HQk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, here is a thing that's another really annoying problem with the Mac wallet, however at least it's an easy fix. Hopefully this .gif is helpful, I made it a while ago

>> No.212202

Well, what I first have to find is funding/some new devs to get any of those things ha..

1BTC will get us:
Android wallet
Spot on the first ever iOS/Android exchange
Online wallet
Spot in the Nexxus marketplace

And new god tier devs will get us.. sky is the limit with that one

>> No.212222

Will you include betting with the new casino thing? i'd like to bet on random stuff like online tournaments, moba stuf, saltybet or Duke

>> No.212224

I'd be willing to dev a few things for credits. I'd like to see this coin succeed. Do you have a Skype/Tox?

>> No.212233

At first we're looking to have a poker room which will have five separate games, and then expand from there. Betting on online tournaments and really anything in general is a great idea, and I definitely want to get into that.

>> No.212240

That's perfect, could you go on the IRC and I'll give you my skype? My name in IRC is crm00n

freenode #credits.cr

>> No.212258

What would be the most wacky thing you'd bet into

>> No.212272

Its sad that a coin actually has to cater to early-adopters in order to not be dead a week after launch

>> No.212279

is there a decent IRC for credits?

>> No.212287


>> No.212346

This is the original package: http://www.mediafire.com/download/xvltiha76evtpcc/CreditsPackage-WINandMAC.zip

It contains the miners folders too. I guess they stopped promoting this download since it trips most anti-virus software. The visual guide is packaged with it and I think it was originally written for this zip package.

The 3/8/2013 10MB zip is the hot fork and the necessary updated files.

>> No.212504

It's all about what the people want to bet on ha, perhaps we'll have over/under on the Ukraine Owl

>> No.212575

Seriously why dont we get a kickstarter project together? We could hire proper programmers and graphic designers. With the attention we grab we could get more stand out features and support.

>> No.212655

It's backwards on the back. Mirror the text on the other side.
Other than that, fantastic. Good work.

>> No.213259

Isn't there something called cryptoshares where you can raise stock for something crypto related?

>> No.213363

I've seen a couple of you mention something about relaunching, but staying on the current blockchain. How would one go about this?

>> No.213657

credits is deader than dead
devs can't even fill their official pools with miners

>> No.213665
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I hate to say it but you might be right.

>> No.213699

At current price and difficulty it's 0.009btc/mh/d, so it's kinda borderline.
If the devs or anyone else puts a big buywall at 50satoshi it might become profitable again.

>> No.213841

Is Cr kill?Where do i dump this if?

>> No.213861

New website, and poker room coming in the next couple of days.

>> No.213929

There is a single dev. He just asked >>213363
We're sunk deeper than the Mariana trench.

>> No.213949

Nah there are more people than just me now, working on the new site right now.

The only reason that I asked that was because I have no idea what that means.. it's like releasing, but you already released.. but you're not changing anything about the coin? It doesn't make sense to me, definitely not going to do it.

>> No.213956

Which credits is the right credits on Cryptorush? CR? or CRD?

>> No.213961


>> No.213967

Probably shoulda looked at the prices. Thanks anyways.

>> No.213977

On their FAQ:
>Why should I choose credits over another altcoin?
>As stated Credits will provide fundamental innovations, security, speed, a dedicated dev team, and an actual USE; the most important part of any currency.

OK, elaborate...
You can't just try to sell a product that already exists and say it's better because it's better.

>> No.213987

Well I guess the USE part refers to the marketplace and stuff, but I have no idea about the rest.

The guy who made the current site/wrote all that stuff is not part of the dev team anymore, and the current site is going to be replaced pretty soon. No bullshit on the new one, I can guarantee you that.

>> No.214062

So why are you mining CR? Do you think they'll go somewhere, or is it just another PND coin?

>> No.214074

I'm not mining at all, just a dev. That's the intention of Credits, to have a crypto that goes somewhere and is widely used, and isn't just a pump n dump.

>> No.214086

It's mostly a PR thing. You announce a relaunch with a new logo, new coin features, and a hard fork update, while maintaining continuity with the existing blockchain.

It's like repainting and renaming a rollercoaster in Rollercoaster Tycoon to distract people from the test run that crashed into the ghost house.

>> No.214151

For some reason didn't have trip on.

Well everything except for the hard fork we're doing, but yeah I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.214573
File: 24 KB, 100x100, shinylogobinary100x100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could we keep all altcoin talk in one thread please? unless your market cap is one of the top (and not bullshitted like NXT or other fully mined coins) there's no real need, /biz/ will get swamped.

btw, this honest approach is really similar to DGC, which is ~10 months old and has fair distribution. Not to discourage you; I really like seeing fair-start altcoins, and that's the only real way to gain long-term support, but the competition out here is pretty fierce. You better be ready for a challenge, maintaining a global payment network isn't easy even if the code has already been made.

>> No.214638
File: 48 KB, 502x405, 1393034966492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because /biz/ has so much else going on?
>"How make money?"
>"Look at how much money I have."
>"Bitcoin is die."

>> No.214744

>"Pay me millions of your failing coin and I'll stop spreading FUD"

>> No.214922

Bamboohouse is now like 90% of the nethashrate. Can we do anything about this guys? Please switch pools.

>> No.214931

I don't think anyone cares anymore.

>> No.215053

25 days of easy mining left. We really should focus on switching more people over now.
Anyone check out the market lately? There's a PS3 copy of GTA 5 for only 8000 CR. Seems like a bargain to me.

>> No.215063

>stopped mining on 2nd day because retarded reward system
>now worth 25 sat

>> No.215070

Well its not exactly going to be worth 1500 this early on. That's the whole idea of the reward system. The only way it could be so high this early on is if it was massively pumped up before it was dumped.

>> No.215072

Current version of the client?

>> No.215075


>> No.215078



>> No.215096


I'm out of sync...

>> No.215254

Delete everything except wallet.dat in the appdata folder if you are on windows.

>> No.215576

Are credits kill?

>> No.215581


>> No.215799

I thought it was kill a few days ago, but at that time I had no idea how many users you can get from Reddit. People are really excited about the casino, which will be based off of http://pokerth.net/ most likely. The BitcoinPokerRoom thing that was discussed before was really bad from pretty much every point of view, especially security.

>> No.216787

>no anti-aliasing

>> No.216822

Hey everyone, the new site is up. Any suggestions/opinions are encouraged


>> No.216875

it's down

>> No.216881

did you code it your self or is it a template?

>> No.216887

It's a template, the main intention was to get a lot of the clutter/obsolete information out of our main site.

Looks good to me


>> No.216920
File: 380 KB, 1081x677, 1394926982196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pretty cute.

>> No.216922

where can one find said template?

>> No.216939

Not sure, the guy who found it is out right now, but I'll post it as soon as I find out.

>> No.216955

ah my bad, trying it without the www. gives a cloudflare error, otherwise it works

>> No.216960

I actually like a lot of the credits branding and images. I wish that there were more reputable people getting behind it.

>> No.216969

I like it that it doesn't have a huge demand right now. We can slowly start making services for it while we let potato miners get onboard and then shill it like mad men one month from now

>> No.216972

Hey amDOGE what do you think the future of Credits is like? The development seems to be coming along smoothly. I personally never thought you would of ended up having such success with your pool. You seem to have quiet a following with Doge. Maybe you could draw us some more attention?

>> No.216974

Haha you're telling me..

Thanks, kudos to the other dev that made it.

>> No.216987

The poker sounds like fun. Would slots be out of the question? I would fund the shit out of that.

>> No.216995
File: 343 KB, 1081x677, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's off though.

>> No.217003


Please let me use credits on slot machines

>> No.217009

No, not out of the question at all!

We're going to get started with the poker room, and then probably next expand to a betting site for various things, and then a full casino site. Of course this isn't going to be released in the next week or anything, because we want to get enough funds from the poker room so that we can actually finance the casino games that we can lose money on (blackjack, slots, etc) first, ha.

>> No.217030

>this isn't going to be released in the next week or anything

thats a long time in the crypto world... I'm gonna hop to the next best coin with slot support

>> No.217048

Well actually looking at the difficulty of making a slot game/betting site, a slot game is the logical first step after a poker room. So I'd expect that earlier than I previously thought.

>> No.217056
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>> No.217069
File: 30 KB, 400x266, tumblr_mq99feOtMN1szim6vo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.217077

amDOGE is a dumbass

>> No.217078

Is there already a open source slot package available? Even if you told people it was a work in progress you could reap in the donations.

Thanks again for listening to suggestions. This has to be one of the friendlier communities out there.

>> No.217083

Explains why she is more successful than you.

>> No.217095

i guess you are a dumbass too

>> No.217104

I imagine so.. seems like it would be pretty common, I have to get off to work right now but when I get back I'll look around and post some and get some opinions.

And thanks, we wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for the awesome community that is being built!

>> No.217193

so im solo mining at roughly 2000 hashes per second.
1) ive been mining for about half hr, when will i recieve credits
2) assuming i receive credits at all, how many can i expect per hr?

>> No.217204

2000 hashes?
sure you don't mean khashes?

>> No.217211

when i hover above the crossed hammer icon in the bottom right it says; Mining credits at 1967 hashes per second.

>> No.217236

I'm going to donate 50k to you when I get back from vacation in one week

Use a mining pool and it will tell you. You can't solo mine with your laptop

>> No.217266

Awesome, thank you

>> No.217661

What are we mining?

>> No.217857
File: 149 KB, 986x669, marketplace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1) wastes too much empty space
2) still obviously intented only for people who used cryptos before, doesn't explain anything to people new to cryptos. Like what is a cryptocurrency? Normal users don't give a fuck about algos and block times and block reward plans, that's for miners, completely different group of people. Should be on a separate page.
3) in relation to 2), wallet is still a zip file. General public is too stupid to use that. You need:
>.msi or .exe installer for windows
>whatever mac uses, never really used so no idea
>.deb and .rpm for linux including retard-resistant step by step instructions how to install

tldr: I don't see how is this any better than the old website.

Pic related

>> No.217893 [DELETED] 

Hey Crmoon, did you program the qt wallet?

>> No.217895 [DELETED] 

Hey Crmoon, did you program the qt wallet?

>> No.217906

Hey Crmoon, it might be best to delete the copypasted stuff from *** Complete Guide on How to Create a New Alt Coin *** from the the roadmap on github for profressionalism/pr sake.

>> No.217922

I agree with the windows installer and simplifying the descriptions. It could have a hover over for advanced information. Right now only miners are really drawn to this so we still have some time to sort this stuff out before general public show any interest in this.

The marketplace isn't too bad IMO. Its a decent start and it seems to be growing rapidly.
From what I know so far this is only a one dev job at the current time so its not to shabby at all. Hopefully donations can fund some more people.

>> No.217958

this is a trainwreck; i like the name though.

>> No.217979

It is not. Dont expect enterprise level of quality in less than a month from a few devs. It will get better, people just need some faith.

>> No.218002

I'm not expecting enterprise level quality from this at all.
Time for Credits 2.0.

>> No.218088

why is hashrate increasing ;_;

>> No.218440 [DELETED] 

Accepting 10 CR bribe for casting 6 votes on Mintpal

>> No.218448

also is there an updated Conf file to add nodes ?

currently only have 5 nodes listed on conf and i think its not enough

>> No.218476


does this work?

>> No.218481 [DELETED] 


Never mind it finally synced

got 1 Cr now willing to lower the bribe to just 3 more Cr for 6 votes in Mintpal

>> No.218515


further received 2 Cr

1 Cr more and 6 more votes go for CR on mintpal

>> No.218570
File: 17 KB, 1261x606, SolCielExchange.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working on a little Exchange for Credits

>> No.218577


can you mak an exchnage similar to https://coin-swap.net/

Rather than limiting a coin to select markets like BTC/LTC/DOGE

you can create markets exponentially when more coin are added to the exchnage

>> No.219018

At the time of the release of Credits, we had five devs. However since it didn't take off like the rest of them wanted it to, they all pretty much left. You may remember the extremely autistic dev that was insulting all of you guys on release day, coincidentally he was responsible for a lot of the troubles that I am still cleaning up. I and the guy who made the website are the only two guys left. We've changed pretty much everything about it including the fork, working mac wallet, new site, etc. Since those guys left, we've been gaining users at a faster rate than ever before. There is still a lot of work to do, but there is more of a reason to feel optimistic than ever before.

Nice man, thanks looking good!

>> No.219072

>mining daily since release
>mfw only 13k credits

>> No.219081


where is the incentive to use your shitty "credits" over Bitcoin?

is it at least anonymous like Darkcoin?

What's that? Oh it doesn't have anything useful or worthwhile to offer?

Good, fuck off.

>> No.219132

I have no idea what Credits are but I saw your post on the front page and can't help but comment on how fucking stupid you are. You really think that what gives a crypto-currency value is MORE anonymity?

That's what you think?

Holy shit I'm so glad I'm glad I'm not into these things anymore because people like you are the reason that governments, banking institutions (you know, the only way that they can be given NON SPECULATIVE VALUE) are hesitant about crypto-currencies in general.

>> No.219215

>started mining in a pool with my laptop CPU
>here we go

On second thought, my university has pretty huge servers students can use.

>> No.219231 [DELETED] 

A coin gains popularity because it has a certain gimmick that makes it stand out. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as some people find it useful and marketable. For doge, it was the meme. For dark, it is yhr anonymity/coin mixing.

>> No.219235

A coin gains popularity because it has a certain gimmick that makes it stand out. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as some people find it useful and marketable. For doge, it was the meme. For dark, it is the anonymity/coin mixing.

>> No.219360

Yes, but that is neither useful nor marketable (especially not fucking marketable). I guess that's why the majority of the crypto community is partly either run by teenage stoners that are looking for git rech quik, or people that are too inept for real finance.

So the crypto community is this fickle and stupid? It's not nearly the same thing obviously, but the same type of people who would fall for some useless gimmick like anonymity are probably going to fall for MLM whenever they graduate high school. So what, without making some sort of useless gimmick like anonymity/thing that's never gonna come out (I haven't paid attention in a while, but I'm assuming Stablecoin still hasn't come out with coinmixing) how did you expect this to take off, OP? This isn't meant to be a real currency buddy, they're for speculation and nothing else.

>> No.219374

So uh yeah, here's a Windows installer


>> No.219375

S credits are Star Trek money?

>> No.219426

Keep up the good work.

>> No.219432

GUYS, guys.. what if..... WHAT IF

Okay some of you might have heard of this new crowdfunded MMO being developed, Star Citizen. It reached 40 million milestone recently on kickstarter. The ingame currency is called Credits.

What if we try to get in touch with their devs, and see if there is a way to cooperate between Star Citizen and our Credits? I'm not sure if they are planning to have microtransactions in their game, but if they do then that might be a way. I just feel like it would be a perfect match because both have this scifi, galaxy type feel to it. Thoughts?

>> No.219439

They cannot use ingame anything they don't have complete control of. An in-game currency is a very delicate thing, and they need to be able to control it, something they wouldn't be able to do with an external coin.

>> No.219451

Well.. that's an awesome idea, however a good point brought up by >>219439.

If you could put an initial dollar value on the in-game Credits (separate from these Credits which would just be converted in real time) that would never change, you could do it. Although a new game such as that I'm not sure if it would take off.. Really all I know about that EVE Online game is that the in game economy is pretty immerse, and with a very volatile currency, (see: any crypto) that would make things even more interesting. Not only interesting, but it would bring in another incentive to play the game, the possibility of making real money. If anyone knows these devs I'd just like to toss around some ideas, really has potential..

Getting involved in video games is definitely something that we wanna do, so if anyone has any other ideas regarding that let me know!

>> No.219465
File: 196 KB, 471x305, 1392557342108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> An in-game currency is a very delicate thing

China disagrees

>> No.220236

I was mining credits a week or two ago, i made about 70.

I went on vacation though. theres a new wallet or something now? i missed it?

>> No.220476

So got banned here for asking people to tip/bribe me for votes on Mintpal to get CR listed on their

I received some CR although less than what I had asked

I will honor my promise of 6 votes on my side for now

Tip me 10 CR and I will give 6 more votes to CR on Mintpal in the next hour

>> No.220494

>What if we try to get in touch with their devs, and see if there is a way to cooperate between Star Citizen and our Credits? I'm not sure if they are planning to have microtransactions in their game, but if they do then that might be a way.

There are already complaints about varous star citizen started packages being "Pay to win". And you cannot get any more pay to win than by having ingame currency easily convertible to USD and back.

We are talking about the ingame currency here, not the "cash shop meta-currency". Speaking in LoL terms, the credits in SC are equivalent of LoL's gold, not to LoL's IP/RP.

And why would the devs want to give up total control of a currency anyway?

>> No.220669

Pay to win is not that much of an issue. Time-locked/event-based pay2win is the real problem.

>> No.220675

How high could credits get?

>> No.220693


>> No.220725

how many people are currently mining this? i see like a total of 5 in the pools.

>> No.220755

I mine about 12-15 hours a day, mostly overnight.

>> No.220873
File: 332 KB, 643x480, 1394578936444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man you guys are shilling the fuck out of darkcoin. Stop making it so obvious.

>> No.221057

Yeah I don't think that the devs of this game Star Citizen would want a crypto in it, however I could see a game built around a crypto, that would be pretty cool. That would definitely attract a lot of new people to cryptos.

>> No.221970

How is the progress with the casino going?

>> No.222094

it would be awesome if you guys created an open world game where you can join gangs and kill each other and take money. kinda like gta. u can use ur money to buy weapons and cars.

i don't see anything novel from what you're doing. BTC is a train that can't be stopped. you're too late, sorry.

>> No.222282

A mod for GTA 4, San Andreas or even 5 when it comes to pc would be an awesome fun for online. I could see alot of gamers getting credits and re-installing.

>> No.222312

Good we had to switch developers due to a personal matter for the first one but progressing nicely, and for the record it's going to be a Texas hold em poker room at first. After that, we'll be expanding to other casino games.

Haha I don't think that we have the resources to create a gta-style game, but I'll look around and see if I can get anything going.

>> No.222716

>Haha I don't think that we have the resources to create a gta-style game

you dont have to CREATE a game, just mod a moddable game to accept credits in the mod version

>> No.222732

>San Andreas
God that game was so good i could almost play it in my sleep.

I hate how you get screwed over by the chinese at the end of it though.

>> No.223108

But the triads were bros, surely you meant GTAV

>> No.225017


>> No.226125
File: 31 KB, 854x549, creditbalance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a shill for darkcoin. In fact I sold my drk balance to mine credits. That's just how cryptos work. Pic related

>> No.227213

How many Credits have you guys got? Im near on hitting 750K. We should all have a lot once our block reward hits 4000. From then on its smooth sailing.

>> No.227228

this is gonna be pnd2

>> No.227267

I have about 885k, and have the funds to buy enough to go to 1mil but I'm trying to be frugal just in case Credits doesn't succeed. Other than that I mine on bamboo with a 6950 and get paid out in 500 credit intervals, which gives me about 5-6 payouts a day.

>> No.229195

Checked wallet just now and got around 70 CR

I will give all my promised votes in mintpal within the span of 7-8 hours

>> No.229239

Just got back in this after cryptopirates made off with a few hundred of my credits, how are we doing as a currency lately?

>> No.229243

We're getting there. Mine on bamboohouse or something now while the block reward is increasing. It will go up in price after that so just remember to hold. The casino should be up in no time at all.

>> No.229287

since when was the difficulty so low?
I remember when this launched that I'd only get around a hundred per night of mining
Now I've only been mining for an hour or two and I mined out almost 500
What happened? why the change?

>> No.229361

Its just part of the increasing block reward to get more miners on board so nobody feels as if they 'missed the train' and give an incentive for early miners to keep on mining. Im not sure how long until the block reward drops back to 2000 but thats when we should start to see the price rise.

>> No.229366

When is the block reward going to peak?

>> No.229412

In 12 days I think

>> No.230534

Isn't it bad for everyone to be mining in the same pool?
Bamboohouse has over 80% of the net hashrate.

>> No.230648

amDOGE, if you are monitoring this could you consider upping the max auto payout on your pool? 500 is a little low.

>> No.230652

Its only bad if the pool owner is fraudulent. We should be fairly safe for now. Donate to the devs manually if you want to help

>> No.230703

What program do you use to mine these? I cant get Cgminer, Bfgminer, or guiminer scrypt to work

>> No.230839

I've been mining every single day since release and not mining any other shitcoins, so this shit better not only go to the Moon, but blast right through it.

>> No.230842
File: 49 KB, 450x677, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.230850

Didnt notice it changed. Thank you thank you thank you

>> No.230856

I've been editing it with each block value change so it matches one block.

>> No.230871

The price will probably drop in the coming weeks. Im in the same boat coming upto 1 mil now.

Can someone tell us where the poker is? Development seems to of slowed down a bit. We need some more hype.

>> No.230891


>> No.230895
File: 15 KB, 518x111, 1395454008236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how about this? The C is still free.

>> No.230901

Wow that would certainly make a big difference. How do you propose it? A browser extension or support from 4chan? Ill give you 50K if you get this working!!!!

>> No.230908

The script I've written has been around for a while now but I'm still cleaning things up for the first release. That includes better handling of individual posts, xhrs and overall performance.
Basically the users enters any type of base58 address at http://tipbot.bamboohouse.info which then stores it and gives the user an ID in return which then can be put in the mailfield which then gets picked up by the script. The project page is at http://git.bamboohouse.info/pandacoin-official/4chan-tipbot and the last compiled commit on git is at http://git.bamboohouse.info/pandacoin-official/4chan-tipbot/blob/ecdd3a/addressfinder.user.js..

>> No.230956

Thats simple enough. What browser are you working on for release? Unless you intend to use javascript which could be a little messy for most people.
Would it tip a single Credit or would the user be prompted on how much?
Regardless, you should be on the credits team for this. I will test it out after work.

>> No.230960

>What browser are you working on for release?
It's a userscript so it works in every browser that supports the methods I'm using, namely firefox, chrom*, safari, opera, etc.
>Would it tip a single Credit or would the user be prompted on how much?
You can specify a default amount to tip, currently in the script only. Or just enter something in the wallet each time.

>> No.231013

I'm encountering errors trying to open the mediafire wallet in Mountain Lion - is this a known issue?

Also, I'm interested in contributing to developing Credits. IRC seems to full of inactives. Is the email inbox regularly checked?

>> No.231026

Library not loaded: /opt/local/lib/db48/libdb_cxx-4.8.dylib
Referenced from: /Users/XXXXXXX/Desktop/Credits-Qt.app/Contents/Frameworks/Credits-Qt
Reason: image not found
Trace/BPT trap: 5

>> No.231099


Open a terminal. Make sure you're in the directory of Credits-master.

Run this:


Then this:


All should go well if you have dependencies installed.

>> No.231115

Firstly, sorry for being sort of inactive lately. Had some stuff to take care of, but will be here from here on out.

Yeah sure thing, the first dev we got to do the poker room ended up not being able to do it at all, so we have another person doing it currently. Should be out very soon, I'd say the end of the weekend at the latest.
Wow that's awesome!

Hm.. my roommate has Mountain Lion and it works on his Macbook. I'll get back to you on this one, gonna look on his computer now.

>> No.231119

Getting serious problems with the pool. CGminer says 250KH/s, pool says .02 MH/s. What gives?

>> No.231128

Which pool are you in?

>> No.231132


>> No.231155

Ah sorry that's not an official dev pool, but rather one that amDOGE runs
(author of these posts)

>> No.231161

Which pool is yours?

>> No.231165

http://cr.poolerino.com/ are both official donation pools

>> No.231169

Cool! Just joined. Let's mine!

>> No.231174

Great to hear, let's mine indeed!

>> No.231256

Someone tell me why I should use Credits when Bitcoin and Litecoin already exist.

>> No.231363

Because now is your chance to grab a slice of something big as it rises as opposed to bitcoin which is already at its prime. Credits intends to be highly implemented early on unlike most other useless coins based around speculation.

>> No.231400


Are you the Poker site guy who donated 25K + Doges in the IRC beg-bot?

>> No.231619

Had promised 6 votes for every 10 CR I receive

Had received 70 CR and actually gave 45 votes

Stupid mintpal changed voting rules again to being able to cast only 5 votes every hour

So will cast 5 votes for CR on mintpal for every 10 CR I receive now

>> No.231667

How will Credits be able to rise when Bitcoin and Litecoin already exist?

>> No.231695

looks like Credits are the new Pandacoin. I can't keep up with all the new versions of this coin. CR CRD CRDE what the fuck is this

stupid copycats

>> No.231735


is CR the first among those?

>> No.231740

I think so

but I'm not sure

CR was the first one I heard of

>> No.231869

Is Credits have a good prospect?
Well, the coin name is pretty marketable for normal people.
I will installing 40 miner in my university computer.

>> No.231873

Haha I'm in college myself, I wish I could get away with that at my school.

>> No.232165

What mining program do i use for Credits?

>> No.232364

cgminer 3.7.2

>> No.232378

LOL! fuck off, this thread is filled with samefags being retarded as fuck.

Ugh, fuck off failure internet entrepreneur with your washed up idea.

>> No.232501

Still no good answers to these questions. Do Credits bring any improvements over existing cryptos? It seems this just another worthless clone coin. Nothing new, just a copy...

>> No.232610

Bitcoin uses inferior encryption and value is highly unstable.
Dunno about litecoin though, why not?
Though litecoins always had this vibe with being the silver of cryptocurrencies

>> No.232647

Fair block reward system, (if) they end up getting some full time software devs to work for them they could easily get mainstream people to use it. Pretty much the only thing that is non neckbeard/gitrichquik kids tier and associated with Bitcoin is Coinbase.

>> No.233219

>fair block reward
I believe the question was why USE credits, not why mine them.
Two different things.

You people need to finally realize that.

>> No.233225


There is no good reason to use CR over other cryptos as of now

Whatever CR has to offer as of now is being offered plus more by other cryptos too

>> No.233232

From it's name, name sell.
Normal people can think CR seriously, not like other coins.

>> No.233281

so what can be currently be done to make CR useful?
How much longer until we surpass DOGE?

>> No.233283

>so what can be currently be done to make CR useful?

Give CR a a unique use that may be desired by many

>How much longer until we surpass DOGE?

Its hard to predict if Cr will surpass DOGE in the first place, you cant possibly predict when CR will surpass Doge at all

CR could surpass Doge without gaining much value also. That is Doge could tank below CR

So instead of focusing on surpassing another crypto the focus should be giving value to the crypto itself by making it available with various merchants/services and maybe some unconvetional outlets as well

>> No.234662

>mfw made 20k doge in 3 days with creds
i think im killing the market

>> No.235080 [DELETED] 


where are you trading CR for Doge?

>> No.235162

I can see Credits being adopted as a gambling currency quiet easily. Its got the name, quantity and look to be used.
It would certainly be fun to be able to buy say 10000 Cr for $100 and use it in various online casinos. It could then have big buy support which would allow easy trading back into BTC/USD. Even longer down the track even have a 'Credits' card using a fixed address and an updated payment system.
It would definitely give it a usage to survive.

>> No.235181

I could also see it being used for in-game currency as well, but I'd definitely gamble a bit, sounds fun!
This currency definitely has potential, we just need to put some money into this little by little

>> No.235182

Oh wow, I thought this thing died when it was revealed that they had some underage brony in their team, the entire thing was laughed the fuck out of /g/. Now I see it being revived here.

Oh god.

>> No.235184

can I get the story on that?
Is there an archive or screencaps?

>> No.235191


>> No.235206

so... Let me get this straight, this coin is technically someone's HS project, and one of the devs is an autistic idiot who replied with image macros when he was doxed?
I wouldn't mind if he was 16, I mean moot created this site when he was around his age and I can only imagine what he was into...
So... I mined this coin for a week or so, and I have a decent amount as well. I guess I can hold on to it for now and mine something else. If the coin still goes well, then whatever. If not, then I wasted a weeks worth of electricity. Nothing that can't be made up for in hard labor.

>> No.235263

>I could also see it being used for in-game currency as well,


I see the potential of it being more popular as an in game currency that you could convert into r5eal money even if its indirectly

Some modder should try to implement it in an open source gamelike CS or something

You can like make an economy based on the in game weapon purchases

>> No.235475

Was someone's HS preject, at least the autistic idiot born guy left so only people who are interested in it's developement are the ones working on the coin.

>> No.235480

I'd really would like to see betting implemented shortly after the casino, even though it would be limited at first

>> No.235625

so who are the devs now? How did this currency come to be, and why did they associate with that kid? I don't want to put effort into a currency if there isn't any faith or trust in this
This altcoin doesn't seem too bad besides the debut, but then again first impressions count.

>> No.235911 [DELETED] 

They got a new forum up,

Also, you can collect 200 cryptoshekels here if you are one of the first 50 to reply

>> No.235922

They got a new forum up:

Also, you can get free cryptoshekels here

>> No.235924


why did you delete your post?

>> No.235930

forgot to post link to that promotional thread

Also I just noticed,
>credit stalk.org

>> No.235934
File: 185 KB, 762x800, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>credit stalk.org

>> No.235986

Reminds me of the

>> No.235987


>> No.236004

During a credits thread on /g/ the 16 year old brony made a skype room and people went there to brainstorm. People found out who the brony was and stopped using his room. He has absolutely nothing to do with credits

>> No.236100

Yes. All this talk could be damaging. The development is actually coming along very well from what I can see.

>> No.236142


Yes and to be clear, he didn't "leave" on his own terms. He was removed from the team. If you guys might remember on our release day, he was the one that was insulting anyone that brought up any simple sort of question regarding Credits. Obviously not good for PR, when we're looking to be known as one of the few fair cryptos haha.

These are the things that we've started/finished since he's been gone, to put things into perspective:
-Fixed marketplace
-Fork, we'd be dead without it
-New site
-Working Mac wallet
-Quintupled market cap
-Poker Room
-Payment Gateway
-(Hopefully) removed our dev team's autistic stigma

More things to come obviously in upcoming announcements, but yeah.

>> No.236202

Had received 200 Cr and gave 100 votes as promised

that took a lotta time since I didn't expect those many credits at once

casting 5 votes for every 20 Cr I receive now

>> No.236209

I see, makes sense.
No idea why he made the thread in the first place, but yeah.. he made the thread, made a skype call to bring you guys in to brainstorm then shitposted the thread to eternity when it became evident that he was a faggot. I guess if he was the OP they all figured mike was the head of credits? Maybe it was a developer's little brother? who cares now.
Whatever happened happened, best we can do now is get some functionality to this and sprinkle on some PR to reverse this and get people to have faith in this. As I said, I like the idea, so whatever happens, I'll stick with it until then and maybe I'll buy a few with cash later on.

so what is this, exactly? also here ya go

>> No.236224
File: 94 KB, 982x795, 123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really appreciate all the work you guys are doing. I'm going to hire Tyrone and post the video on the same channel that the two other dogecoin Tyrone videos are on with 112 subscribers who all come from /r/dogecoin. Please stop writing "haha" though, it's a bit annoying.

>> No.236360

Awesome thank you, make sure to link it! I didn't even realize that I was saying that, takes me back to my 14 year old self awkwardly facebook messaging people

>> No.236461

It started out at 2000

>> No.236472

mining right now, it's habbening.

>> No.236486

I'm so rich right now, I just found another credit block fuck yeah.

>> No.236512

much crypto such moder very wow.

>> No.236596

Poster IDs

>> No.236599


( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

>> No.236637


>> No.236768

I believe in Credits

( ͡¤ ͜ʖ ͡¤)

[Credits intensifies]

>> No.236812

What is our motto?
What is our goal?
What will we shout when we finally make it to the big leagues?

>> No.237107

hecki hecki pateng?

>> No.237261


so what is this, exactly? also here ya go

I am voting on mintpal to get CR on the exchange in return for some credits

You gave me ~20 Cr and I gave the 5 votes on mintpal

>> No.237385

someone make a new thread

>> No.237422

new thread

>> No.237445


you do it like this:
