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2190866 No.2190866 [Reply] [Original]

So I keep seeing a lot of you newbs not knowing how to read the signs and wondering what the next coins are gonna be that will be added to Coinbase. Let's review:

>Coinbase comes out with a blog post about Litecoin. April 11th (https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-litecoin-d9b455d44cd3))
>Lite coin is added to the exchange. May 3 (https://blog.coinbase.com/coinbase-adds-support-for-litecoin-720ab0aa3281))
>Coinbase recently came out with a blog post about these 3 coins. May 22 (https://blog.coinbase.com/a-beginners-guide-to-ethereum-tokens-fbd5611fe30b))
>What happens next?

It's not hard guys, just watch the news and move your coins around accordingly. You will be a smart trader.

Godspeed Anon.

>> No.2190896

I'm buying into the Golem hype (but only a little) Still have most in BTC and ETH.

>> No.2191001

What's the first one? Gonna a small amount of each and I recognize GNT and ANT, what's the other one?

>> No.2191008

Which token is best to buy?

>> No.2191026


>> No.2191035


>> No.2191083
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Definitely GNT, they're rolling out an update soon

>> No.2191712

How do i buy altcoins?

>> No.2191780


Next coin to be added to Coinbase is XRP
>recently added to Kraken
>recently added to main japanese marketplace
>price kept low so exchange can buy a shitton of it and make max$$$

>> No.2191812

Bought some. When normies see a 0.40cent coin on cuckbase vs 28 ltc or 160 eth they will press buy.

>> No.2191881

If golem's market cap reaches litecoin's, it will become $2.13.
If it reaches ripple's it's $11.89, and $19.86 at eth's current market cap value.

I can see it reaching litecoin's market cap if it's added to coinbase. $2.13 is a reasonable figure in the next 3 months.

>> No.2192113

Way to post a fucking thread on 4chan and alert everybody of what's going to happen you fucking absolute retard holy fucking shit way to ruin everything KILL YOURSELF YOU DUMB DUMB FUCK! DELETE THIS FUCKING THREAD ASSHOLE WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????

>> No.2192283

And they will keep pressing for a couple of days before asking what they can actually do with it. Hope it drives the price enough for me to get out my initial investment.

>> No.2192349


got some of ur spit on my face??

>> No.2192424

isnt this board about sharing our knowledge and helping each other make money? why be a greedy dickhead? if i had the inside scoop on some coins , id share with my bros here

>> No.2192441

Where 2 cop the bear Jew

>> No.2192449
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>t. holder of gnt that wants to shill this being legit and using it to pump up his gnt that he wants to dump

>> No.2192457

for some of us, it is. Other beta cucks play to be the Wolf of Wall Street. Probably the same faggots crying because they think what happened to BTC in the past couple of days is a crash.

>> No.2192494

What you using your eth or ltc for?

>> No.2192543 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I bout 2k Golem at $0.22

>> No.2192565


>> No.2192675

Whatever they are adding, they are adding something. Possible cause for the issues the past few days with cb. I've heard GNT for weeks now but xrp (as a non bag holder) seems like the most obvious choice. Btc, LTC, ETH - all separate entities. I just don't see adding an eth sub coin before xrp. And as the anon said above, it's cheap compared to the other 3. Add and pump 99% confirmed.

>> No.2192748

Where do I buy let's see some charts with triangles

>> No.2192764
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the next coin is actually a bean. a real human bean.

>> No.2192791

I thought golem was a meme

>> No.2192807


>> No.2192825

BRB Dumping piece of SHIT Monero and putting it all into Golem immediately.

>> No.2192831

Thirding this. Where the triangles at?

>> No.2192834

Why isnt it on kraken must be shit tier

>> No.2192862

XRP supply listed 43 billion circulating earlier today. Now it's saying 38 billion. Did coinbase just get 5 billion xrp?

>> No.2192889

It literally makes cents if you think about xrp daily volume. People are buying. I've stayed away from xrp for the last month. Back on boys

>> No.2192894

What's the deal with ETH tokens though, I mean like with 100 different tokens to choose from, what makes them valuable over each other?

>> No.2192901

the last MONTH?

are you fucking retarded, it went up like 100% this month

i cashed out last week now im back in for the inevitable repump

>> No.2192910


>> No.2192925


>> No.2192949 [DELETED] 

Each Ethereum token is its own cryptocurrency built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. By doing this, they can use an already existing network for their cryptocurrency instead of building yet another (which would require miner adoption).

ETH is inherently valuable because Gas is required to facilitate transfer of these Ethereum tokens. The larger the tx volume for each subcoin, the more valuable ETH becomes, because subcoins require it to perform contracts.

Essentially, we're the jews.

>> No.2193017

Rumor enough for me just copped 1k

>> No.2193047

why would jewbase add xrp though? armstrong is smitten with ether.

>> No.2193060

I almost dumped $2k in xrp in February and chose ETH as everyone said xrp was trash. So yes, I missed the 4700% gains for a safer, 1000% increase. As it kept increasing, I refused to jump in thinking it would correct - which it hasn't - until the past week or so all why buying ETH as I could afford. XRP being suppressed in the lost obvious way. Price shoots up and people put up sell walls of 5% less than bid. ETH over the weekend and xrp next week. I mean fuck, xrp up 8% si cell this thread started and largest buy order amount on polo right now my ninja.

>> No.2193079
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>> No.2193084

Money is money and Jews love money the most. Look at what xrp is and tell me a jew isn't truly behind.

>> No.2193103

And up what $50 since typing this? Assuming $1K Usd that is. I moved 8 eth to about 20 ago.

>> No.2193119

Polo just had 30 btc buy at 12000

>> No.2193165

Looks pretty good is polo the only exchange I can buy? Don't trust it desu is it even us based

>> No.2193188

I use bittrex currently but watch polo and Kraken and Coinmarketcap. Others have had issues the past few weeks.

>> No.2193297

Nah some of the people that show up here are losers in life and are the type to have nothing and nobody so they come here thinking it's a place of power and if someone upsets their le master tactical plans they autism out.

his over reaction is cuz OP is sharing the wealth and this autismo thought he had some master plan to make bank off everyone hence his meltdown.
he's the type that is hateable in life and online

>> No.2193332

shit I thought he was just having a laugh

>> No.2193505


Shill your centralised fail coin elsewhere faggot. Why the hell would they add a coin that serves no functional use and is 60% controlled by a central source? Banks aren't going to use xrp as a currency and to act as a gateway they only need like 10 dollars worth of xrp/year. There is literally no reason for xrp to be valued as high as it is right now.

>> No.2193540

Yeah polo is registered in Delaware, offices in Boston.

So you can sue them if they steal your moneys, but they probably also report to the gov. It's a trade off.

>> No.2193560
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>convert paycheck to BTC
>after a month gains doubled the amount
I was going to cash out all half the money (my initial investment) but I'm not planning on use that money for anything and no bank will give me 100%. I probably will try to double my money next month and then I'll take it out slowly from the exchange and store it.
It's a fantastic time to be alive.

>> No.2193581

I don't care if it's Poopycoin v1. I will buy.

>> No.2193589

Bullshit, archive.org shows you're full of it

>> No.2193614

yeap xrp is going to be added to coinbase

>> No.2193746

source? I've got about .167 bitcoin headed to my bittrex, one of my first investments in the hundreds (I'm obviously a newcoiner). I'm thinking about splitting it up between golem, augur, and aragon. but if ripple is destined for coinbase then i may go all in with the .167

>> No.2193787

Which wallet are you using? Also how long did it take for your funds to be verified for a withdraw to bittrex?

I'm a noob too who just decided to invest 400$ to btc and eth and use like 100-200$ of that to diversify in some shitcoins. I'd like to know your experiences with verification ect.

>> No.2194189
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Already debunked faggot, take your meme bags and shove them up your supple little pink soft butthole.

The CEO already said, "We have no plans for working with Ripple in the near future"

>> No.2194300
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>> No.2194329

Ltc don't do shit so why not another jew coin.

But yea golem is the real deal I just read there webpage 3 minutes ago.

>> No.2194977

is golem really the way to go? about to break into this trading and been hearing good things about GNT

>> No.2195296

>just reading the website and not the whitepaper

Golem has competition from RLC and theres at least one other ICO entering the grid computing arena. Golem is waay overvalued, imo.

>> No.2196636

It's real shit but I don't know if it's gong up or down.

>> No.2197531

Sure, goy. What possible issues could a decentralized render farm have?

Get in before Pixar starts adopting it.

>> No.2197555

read this again in Jerry Seinfeld's voice

>> No.2197749

>Reading time
>6 min read
lol they're going for a client base of individuals who will put large sums of money into something they can't be bothered to read about for more than a few minutes. Sounds like a customer support rep's worst nightmare. If that's where the money is, though, I guess it's worth it.

>> No.2197758
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these fees are fucking ridiculous, is this normal?

>> No.2197776

lulwut... no its not
get ur arse on btc-e

>> No.2197785

bank transfers take longer but have fewer fees, card transfers are instant but have bigger fees