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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 218 KB, 1800x923, EEC2F339-256F-4770-A343-4B2F87FA5079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21935858 No.21935858 [Reply] [Original]

Have you been accumulating /biz/?

>> No.21936380

stop spamming our board Ranjeet. stick to your 1 bzrx containment thread.

>> No.21936414

Literally dumping right now

>> No.21936452

Perfect time to buy then!

>> No.21936607
File: 2.93 MB, 1280x720, 1530835004992.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2k stacklet here. wish i had more but i blew all my money on linkies.

>> No.21936921

I can smell your poo through my computer

>> No.21937440

made me look

>> No.21937476

Why buy this over AAVE ?

>> No.21937578

Yes. This will be one of the only things going up during the up coming dump...

>> No.21937609

More upside, higher % yield. If this platform takes off this will be at 5$ in no time.

>> No.21937650

Ready for this. Easily a top 20

>> No.21937746

>Why buy this over AAVE ?
aave is like a lambo. bzrx is like a scoda. and both has the same fully diluted marketcap. obviously bzrx is overvalued or aave is undervalued. the only reason people would buy bzrx is because they think greater fools will buy it thinking its cheap because only a few % of the supply is circulating.

>> No.21938007

yes, buy aave and aave only. bzrxers drive shit cars and smell like cheese. aave token is valuable because of governance. we will have kyc soon as well to get rid of degens borrowing from us.

>> No.21938295

Aave on cooldown sir

>> No.21939060

buy aave

>> No.21939172
File: 363 KB, 596x568, 66666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does bzrx have one of these? no

aave is #1 on defipulse. where is bzrx? dont see it in top 10. kek

>> No.21939206

Because it hasnt launched yet. FUDers really dont know shit do they

>> No.21939305
File: 355 KB, 1395x983, SeemsFarAway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes, interested in what integration they're going to announce. Speculation is that it would be with Synthetix, who knows.

I've been reading the telegrams recently and say something that could be big, maybe this is already known but, the protocol will allow any ERC20 to be lent/margin traded which includes the majority of assets today.
That's not just eth but also YFI, AAVE, Synthetix, etc.

There's also a 3 month yield farming campaign that will be launched that's intended to attract assets to the protocol.

I think it will work and there will be a decent run-up in the price of BZRX. Everyone hopes it'll go to $5 right after launch. It'll probably go to $2 or maybe $3 over the course of a couple months.

That might sounds enticing excepting if you watching coins do 8x in week it feels like a major opportunity cost. lol.

I'm still in big for BZRX, they did alot of work to make it a solid competitor to other lending protocols. We'll see.

>> No.21939360

>fully regulated

>> No.21939645
File: 188 KB, 1600x900, 63171093-5DC6-4466-9C93-78CE0F800CEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vBZRX is great for passive income though.

T. 125k vChad

>> No.21939796

>Speculation is that it would be with Synthetix
haha snx will be the decentralized bitmex with futures launching soon.. why would they integrate bzrx shitcoin. kek. ill tell you who is integrating bzrx. nectar. formely known as ethfinex. shitcoin integrating another shitcoin.

>> No.21939809


>vBZRX is great for passive income though.

Depends on how much gets locked in the protocol, there's alot of competition currently.

If BZRX establishes itself as the blue-chip of lending protocols by being rock-solid in security and robust in features then your play makes sense.
AAVE and Synthetix have innovated very quickly though.

I remain a BZerkeR.

>> No.21939851

>Because it hasnt launched yet
aave, got banking license, #1 on defi pulse... same fully diluted marketcap as bzrx shitcoin that hasnt launched yet.. 0 tvl.... most hacked crypto in history.. good luck

>> No.21939873

>If BZRX establishes itself as the blue-chip of lending protocols by being rock-solid in security
stopped reading there. top kek

>> No.21939900
File: 69 KB, 597x638, BitMexKYC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haha snx will be the decentralized bitmex with futures launching soon

Margin trading isn't on SNX yet, it's a BZRX feature only for now.
It's funny you use BitMEX as the metaphor for why SNX is better, it's one of the arguments that BZRX is using for itself because for the time being it's accurate.

BZRX has margin trading and no KYC, which BitMex annouced it was going to start requiring.

>> No.21939903
File: 27 KB, 588x588, bzrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so comfy

>> No.21939914

I dumped for a 70% gain, feeling comfy.
I think btc/eth will take a temporary shit, I will buy back in then

>> No.21939965

You're betting that BTC takes a shit in the next 3 days? Could happen, but bzrx might perform decently well because of the news cycle its currently in
Im not saying you're wrong, just that even if I'm thinking you're right, bzrx is one project I might not pull put of so close to platform relaunch

>> No.21940077
File: 377 KB, 674x599, 1598459813670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's with these threads being infested with aave spammers all of a sudden? it wasn't like this the past few weeks. Either coordinated fud from bzrx holders who need more time to accumulate and are trying to fuck up the opportunities of newfags, or it's legit aave holders. Can you imagine being one of them and desperately posting non stop and coordinating with your little zoomer discord buddies? the fear is just making me so insanely hard i could change from being a mostly liquid mammal to a mostly solid inanimate rod in a matter of moments

>> No.21940078


>stopped reading there. top kek

You're referring to the hack in February.

People jumped out of the security business to throw their services at BZRX because they all wanted to make their name by being the firm that re-secured a crypto that faced a highly publicized attack.


From the same video alluding to the new integration:

>> No.21940129

Do you have a life? You make 10+ posts in every BZRX thread.

>> No.21940177

It's one guy with no life

>> No.21940280

Fuck yes, I’ve been shilling vbzrx whenever I see a bzx thread. It’s the holders bzrx.

>> No.21940439

>Do you have a life? You make 10+ posts in every BZRX thread.
biz is my home. what's wrong with that?

>> No.21940498

>so comfy
1inch integration and using chi gas tokens?

>> No.21940510


>> No.21940524

>BZRX has margin trading and no KYC, which BitMex annouced it was going to start requiring.
bitmex kyc is 6 months away. snx will be ready before then

>> No.21940527

Its comfy.. i want my staking gains

>> No.21940535

That wouldn't be their solution, would it?

>> No.21940600

>That wouldn't be their solution, would it?
just guessing

>> No.21940604

need this pos coin to moon soon so i can flip my profit back into snx.

>> No.21940714

>flip my profit back into snx.

>> No.21940874

i hold both

>> No.21941093

Where the F are you supposed to buy it though?

>> No.21941247



>> No.21941319

There's no liquidity on uniswap. 1 ETH of vBZRX will move the price 43%

>> No.21941411
File: 50 KB, 1142x345, chi-token.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's their solution. Just look at the gethub. it's chi token.

>> No.21941513
File: 76 KB, 1620x869, ui-bzrx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UI looks good.

>> No.21941535

>bitmex kyc is 6 months away. snx will be ready before then

Has SNX announced they're developing margin trading?

>> No.21941633


We're gonna be so fucking rich bros.