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21935743 No.21935743[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do women shit test consciously or is it an evolutionary behavior that makes me hate them even more?

>> No.21935761
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wtf is a shit test

>> No.21935768

Women are not conscious as such. So, no, they are not aware of their own behaviour in any way.

>> No.21935863

Its about getting the rape juices flowing. Rile you up so you will brutally impregnate them. I guess.

>> No.21935866

They invented their own voxabulary for it
>>man up
>>be firm
>>speak up
It's all the same 'go fight my fight' shit. Are they aware its a men and women thing? Absolutely.

>> No.21935887

Go masturbate or something retard

>> No.21935955

True. Its so you beat up everyone else and fuck them harder. Watch other herd mammals such as bison or lions for understanding. Youre king as long as youre strong

>> No.21935956

it's all natural, the only shit that isn't natural is feminism.

Sometimes I think my GF just wants me to fucking shout at her. Like she is a little bitch and moaning, then I go mad at her and she is really nice the rest of the night

>> No.21936009

everyone shit tests. it's why crime increases when you don't punish it, the demand for gibs increases the more gibs you give, the narrative shifts more and more against wypipo the more historical concessions are made, banks and universities demand more and more power the more they get, etc. it's all unconscious and you do it too

>> No.21936028


>> No.21936063

They are testing your ability to make the right choice, as investing in $coom

>> No.21936094
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>> No.21936097


>> No.21936112

It’s a bit of both. You can have it naturally as well, think about being confronting and doubting on everything the person in from say or do.

Do you do that in front of all the girls?
That’s what you say to pick up phone numbers?
So you are expecting that from me?
Etc etc

>> No.21936131

This is the correct answer. They test men, but it is largely unconscious

>> No.21936153

Buy link and you’ll have the answer.

>> No.21936189

You know fucking nothing about women, I pitty you.

>> No.21936232

Have sex

>> No.21936253


They only do it when you are being a weak pussy.

My girl doesn't do it. And no I am not larping. I just learned how not to be a insecure faggot who makes woman question their feelings.

I know 'just be more confident' isn't going to help you. But it is what needs to happen. And no, I can't be bothered to write a 30 page description on how that needs to happen.

I'll give you step 1 though: stop wasting so much of your time.

>> No.21936256

when a girl says she wants you to show your emotions more, she just wants you to be loud and angry and forceful, you fail the shit test if you show her weakness, sadness, etc

>> No.21936277

This, humanity outside of autists and schizos is evil and a mistake.

>> No.21936286


Evolution. But also, stop reading PUA.

>> No.21936314

Can you give some examples of what a shit test is?

>> No.21936379


>> No.21936388

Someone needs to write the shit. I feel like a large portion of anons here need more than financial advice. Basic functionality advice in the day to day is severely lacking, and they are to retarded to find in the vast wealth of self help media.

>> No.21936398
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she wants you to be an object of admiration

>> No.21936585


It's like when little kids test their parents to see where their boundaries are.

It's when woman test to see who is the more dominant person/who has the more dominant frame.

A small (and admittedly dumb) one I can think off is when a girl asks you to shave of your beard because it itches her skin or something. A weak submissive dude will go shave it off. A dominant man will not.

Bigger ones involve you being a pussy over your emotions, because you clearly cannot handle them like a man, or when you let her get shit between you and friends/family. Or, perhaps the biggest one, if she starts to get far too close with another guy, under the guise of a friendship. And her frame is like 'blablabla that should be ok, because blablabla' and you cuck it up and give into her.

>> No.21936591

Their shit tests, submissiveness, nagging and rape fantasies are all shit tests in the sense that they want you to prove through action that you can do what needs to be done. That you aren't afraid to take what's yours. This way they know they've attached themselves to a proper man who can take care of them. Is this conscious? I really fucking doubt it, have you heard women actually articulate their desires, actions or thoughts? It's all evolutionary and leads back to the same question:

>can this man secure my future

>> No.21936860

It's both, and the trick is to never respond seriously to their bullshit.

>> No.21936939

Thanks for posting it, I remember having read it ages ago.

>> No.21937777
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Just kicked a shit testing bitch aside last week (literally her whole personality was shit test. Seemed nice at first but began to show after a month or two. Would even shit test random people at times).
I'm unironically a chad and she still wants me, but I absolutely loathe women and see through all of their bullshit. Women do not have souls or a higher consciousness, this is not a meme. Just look for decent wife material that will make good kids.

>> No.21938169

It is you I pity.

>> No.21938218

Truth. Life is natural selection. Rise above, focus on science.

>> No.21938269

Checked and truthpilled.

>> No.21938309

The more they shittest the more I coom inside their unprotected vaginas with my uncircumcised cock

>> No.21938350

Holy shit, quads of truth and justice

>> No.21938438

>she starts to get far too close with another guy
Thanks anon, what do you qualify as getting too close?

>> No.21938454

quads of truth
kek speaks

>> No.21938482

Checked. Can you give some examples?

>> No.21938502

It's a garbage little thing they do, and they only way you can "pass" their shitty test is to unironically "bee urself" and be a based person. Most people are not based.

>> No.21938680

they do it both consciously and unconsciously

>> No.21938695

Is it normal for a girl to talk to a male friend over the phone? It pissed me off and I told her I found it disrespectful that she talked to another man on the phone under my presence. She then started crying and told me that I don't trust her etc etc then told me she couldn't live like this.. then I said maybe I had exaggerated but I didn't like the idea of her being alone with another man.
Was I based or did I come across as insecure/jealous? Was this a shittest?

>> No.21938741

when she broke down crying was also the first time she told me she loved me

>> No.21938769

>muh blax are the reason I’m an incel living in my moms basement

>> No.21938826
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no the fact ur mom failed ur shit tests is

>> No.21938871

based and redpilled

>> No.21938934

I'd say its combo of chad and insecure. How you respond next will determine it.
For example now she broke down and says she loves you. You made her realize that she needed to tell you that because she saw you pissed off and doesnt want to lose you.
So now you can tell her you love her (if you do) and say she belongs to you, that's why you got mad.
If you're down for this chick then she will know shes with a man. And she will know if you were jealous it's because you're claiming her.

>> No.21938938

Hey man, I don't mean to come down on you, but if you're genuinely looking for relationship advices on /biz/ of all places, you're unironically not going to make it, fix your shit

>> No.21938962

Check the blog of heartiste newfags, 16 commandments of poon post as a start.
Then read the Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi, and the IllimitableMen blog.
I know

>> No.21938989

Only one way to find out. Tonight when you’re alone out you’re hands around her throat and choke the life out of her, I mean really go for it. If she claws at your and spasms to break free, it was a shit test and she’s not the one. If she closes her eyes and peacefully accepts her fate, almost with the sense of relief of finally going home, well then you know what to do.

>> No.21938995

you're a retard. there's no place on the internet that knows women more accurately than /biz/ like literally

>> No.21939013

Dipshit. You apologized. She won. And when she fucks that guy she’ll think crying and telling you she loves you will fix it. Women don’t shit test. That’s crap made up by PUA autists trying to sell shit. Treat her like a dog. Be good to her most of the time, correct bad behavior firmly and consistently, and reward good behavior. Do things like slap her ass when you walk past her in the kitchen. Say, hey good looking, and just walk away. If she isn’t being good to you, stop being good to her. If you consistently train her you’ll get what you want all the time. If you guck this up it cannot be fixed. Learn from it and move on.

>> No.21939062

biz is the smartest and best corner of the internet. we know everything collectively

>> No.21939126

>If you guck this up it cannot be fixed. Learn from it and move on.
slightly wrong.
the rest of your post is incredibly wrong and you're ngmi in any sense EVER

>> No.21939149

and your girl is probably being cummed inside by some real man rn

>> No.21939207

I want to be told bold truth that's why I ask here

Yeah, I did tell her that I love her too because I do. I told her that the thought of a guy who might like her who talks to her alone really pissed me off, so hopefully I saved myself.

Thanks, will do

I'm doing my best on training her.
She basically asked me whether I trusted her and told me that her talking to her friends is important for her.
How was I supposed to react?

I couldn't have replied that I don't trust her, because that's basically ending the relationship. I couldn't tell her that she can't talk to/see her male friends alone, because she wouldn't agree to that.
What the fuck is the right move?
Telling her that if she doesn't stop talking to male friends it's over between us? I'd be a huge bluff because I really don't want to lose her

>> No.21939367

you're a beta. just learn to accept raising other men's kids, it'll be a lot easier for you than learning how to become a man.

>> No.21939411

Can't you answer my question? Your reply isn't helpful

>> No.21939429

i literally told you exactly what to do it's the best answer you'll ever get

>> No.21939436
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What I said was this: that it seems to me that there is nothing to be found upon the earth but treachery and hatred and the lust for blood and more blood. Man is a wolf to men, a vile predator that preys upon its own kind. I know that it is true of me, however much I detest it. I know, as well, that it is true of everyone else, without exception; and that most of them do not even detest it as I do.

>> No.21939465

I'm not a cuck you fucking idiot. I'm not raising anyone's kids. I just want opinions on that personal scenario

>> No.21939495

Being an edgy based boy is unironically sexy to women. They hate whining an whingy faggots who care too much about their looks.

>> No.21939508

women can never be "just friends" it's a lie and a myth

>> No.21939549

So what would you have done? These friends are in the same friends circle by the way

>> No.21939623 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21939643

Lol yeah, they are more like dogs that children as many people suggest. Can be easy to keep your gf loving you, caring and relieving you. It almost feels like cheating at life, when you are an 130 IQ semi sociopath. I care when I want to and can tell what people are thinking quite easily/accurately sometimes and manipulate it to benefit me.

>> No.21939666

Oh so that's what it is... probably why I got dumped.

>> No.21939672



>> No.21939682
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You aren't wrong.

>> No.21939689

I remember your thread faggot
you just want to be told what you want to hear, which is that the phone call was bad, because you have trust issues from your parents

the truth is that women like guys who are secure, and confident enough to know she would not cheat on them. A guy like that they do not want to lose. When you start showing your insecurity like you did, it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.

sad that you cannot see that, you wanted bold truth, here it is. Or you can listen to the incels.

>> No.21939697

And I agree. So what should I have done differently?

>> No.21939728

>I care when I want
that just means you don't care you fucking retard. you haven't found a mate worthy of you yet, shooting under your caps won't make you anything more it will give you empty feeling of fake success

>> No.21939745

You fail the shit test if you don’t check her and if you do what she says.

>> No.21939805

Based & redpilled

>> No.21939829

>then told me she couldn't live like this
idk man but she knows that too she knows what she's doing
she could be punishing you for something you continously do that she doesn't like, but even for some simple thing you've done weeks ago.
the good news is that if she legit wanted to fuck the guy, she wouldn't have called him in your presence, unless she's been meeting with dudes behind your back for a while

>> No.21939857

actually this particular guy is likely one you don't need to worry about.

>> No.21939909


but literally never tell her "I found it disrespectful that she talked to another man on the phone under my presence" because what the fuck? you'd prefer to NOT know? can't get anymore beta

>> No.21940015

if she's not punishing you for something concrete, your relationship is in jeopardy. so try to figure out why she wanted you to hear her doing this.
if she's punishing you for being too controlling it's probably gg for you

>> No.21940042

ftr she almost certainly does not know WHY she did this. you have to figure it out.

>> No.21940251

>Is it normal for a girl to talk to a male friend over the phone?
yes. most girls are going to have beta orbiters that have no real chance with her. if its a "new" friend met after you were together that's when you put your foot down.

>> No.21940277

So I should just ignore it and let her talk to men like that?

Yeah I mean I'm not worried about this guy since he's a fucking loser

No idea, I'm not controlling at all and have never said anything since she either meets female friends or friends in a group. She never goes out with male friends alone outside of the group

>> No.21940287

plot twist: some have probs fucked her before and some girls go and get creamed by one whenever they feel you hurt them

>> No.21940297

Yeah and I get that women like to have orbiters, but talking 20 min on the phone? I mean I could understand replying to messages and so on, but a phone call? Feels a bit more intimate

>> No.21940362

females actually are conscious of very little in life, they run on scripts like an npc.

>> No.21940475

any observant man should be able to discern the type and quality of a women, how she behaves around other people and her friends, and the types of relationships she holds.
yes, the type of harlot you've described does exist; im sure

20 minutes isn't terribly long. what was the content of the call. whats the guy like.

>> No.21940672

She was asking him about how he's doing and she asked about this new girl he is seeing. Guess he asked her the same kinda stuff.
The guy is alright, I've met him a couple of times. Bit of a loser though. He's no longer here and has moved back to his country since Rona happened

>> No.21940690

I unironically believe this so much more because a random number generator hit on a 1/1000

>> No.21940735

Overwhelmingly based

>> No.21940765

Wouldn't worry about this desu. A lot more downside to fighting about it than upside to getting it to stop

If it starts to be a serious pattern you can bring it up, until then just say stuff like "hey who was that".. "oh, how's he doing?".."cool" like you don't really give a fuck about him

Which you don't