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File: 270 KB, 1031x1132, II.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21931972 No.21931972 [Reply] [Original]

You only win. Now not only is Apple working with RNDR but so is Google and Nvidia.

What new partnerships will come up? Stay tuned to find out.

d15c0rd . gg / DVXbwpu

>> No.21932034

price is pegged at 25c. Also, big name hollywood backers mean absolutely nothing in crypto. Do you think anyone in crypto gives a FUCK about JJ abrams? kek..In fact, most anons would look down on the coin for flashing the endorsement of some holywood kike.

>> No.21932076
File: 657 KB, 1318x855, oi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The price floor is 0.25 moron. Jules and the head dev have discussed this over and over, ICO buyers themselves bought at 0.25. You can cope all you want but the rocketship is taking off with or without you.

>> No.21932083

Based. It's over Gilles.

>> No.21932157

>infinite supply
>price pegged at 0.25
>you guys are fucking retards

>> No.21932178

thank you for fudding literally every single RNDR thread with the same exact fud every time. I'm still accumulating so keep at it

>> No.21932238
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, 1597688471103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate this legitimate coin in a sea of scams? JJ Abrams seems to piss you off alot. Any rational person would see that a blockbuster sci-fi director using the network right now to render his movies is a great sign that the project will do very well however you see to think thats a bad thing.

There is no infinite supply, the coin is not centralized because it is the reward for miners, there is no price peg. Whats your problem dude?

>> No.21932336

>infinite supply
>and you responded

Don't feed trolls moron. They don't care about the facts they are just farming for (you)'s.

>> No.21932341

that kike isnt gonna do shit. hes probably getting a million to sit as an advisor. thats it. big hollywood advisors isnt a plus in crypto. thats a redflag.

>> No.21932358

Best place to buy this?

>> No.21932446
File: 2.16 MB, 2331x1195, aws.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He fuds in every thread, I don't think he is a troll

Don't buy this coin then, I really think you are lacking in some brain development. This coin is made for smart people only troglodytes are not welcome.

Best place to buy it before the coinbase listing is the Hoo exchange.

>> No.21932466

>hoo exchange

L I T E R A L L Y W H O?

>> No.21932548
File: 141 KB, 700x933, cyqwwwfbmm551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the price that is paid when you are so early into an innovative project. Once the coinbase listing happens you will be left speech-less with whatever shitcoin bags you are holding.

>> No.21932622


>> No.21932662

>Posts the same incorrect FUD in every thread. >Probably invested his life savings in obvious scam and now he's gone full retard.

>> No.21932670

What's the top for this bad boy? Personally I plan on selling if it ever hits $5. Is there any arguments for it ever going any higher?

>> No.21932698


>> No.21932736

Probit. Liquidity aint too great though, nobody's selling :(

>> No.21932765
File: 235 KB, 419x514, smug anime girl (48).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder this has a price FLOOR of $0.25

>> No.21932826

1.20$ for Render and I will change my Gender

>> No.21932870

RNDR just hit .26
Peggers get pegged

>> No.21932928

i can't believe i fucking missed the boat on this one at 0.18c

>> No.21932956

i looked at this coin yesterday and i found it useless. don't know why it's pumping now

>> No.21933002

I will sell some at 1 dollar I havent made a selling plan yet

You may have found it useless because you are not familiar with the technicals. I have created a discord server with a channel just for technicals that you are free to take a look at.

The technicals channel has proof that RNDR is working with Apple along with various other great information.

d15c0rd . gg / DVXbwpu

>> No.21933040

An Anon in the last thread gave a fantastic example that further cemented my belief in this. I was planning on selling this at 2x but now I'm going to hold for longer.

Think of a rendering company that owns their own hardware. During downtime, they can use the service to mine RNDR, which they can then then use during heavy periods of work to improve their rendering capability. It basically allows them to 24/7 render and "bank" what they don't need in a given instant.

>> No.21933044

Token not needed

>> No.21933045

Just bought $3k worth. 1.20$ for Render and I will change my Gender.

>> No.21933059

what do you mean by technicals? Technical analysis or some sort?

>> No.21933075

Rendering gets better, but rendering times don't get faster. The only way to increase rendering times is innovation. Blockchain, RNDR, is the next step in that pipeline.
This is designed by and for Holleywood so JJ. Abrams can pump out the next Star Wars catastrophe sooner.

>> No.21933243
File: 47 KB, 600x337, teapots01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, technical meaning research into how this coin could be applied to the industry. In other words, fundamental analysis

Well said, this is Blinn's law.

>> No.21933391

Has anyone tried buying on Balancer?

>> No.21933714

Reminder to everyone who thinks its pegged at .25

It isn't. There will be a sell wall at .25 because of this miscommunication. The 0.25USD refers to the floor of how much graphical Power/Cost you'll get out of every token.
The price will go up as studios, and artists buy tokens to increase Rendering speeds.

Considering this thing isn't even out of its infancy yet you're going to see a ton of growth in this token. Enjoy knowing Elon Musk, Disney, nVidia, Google, and other massive corperations will be rending you to the moon.

>> No.21934006

>huge sell wall at .25

Well it's already broken .25 as of today, so....

>> No.21934210

great. i joined the discord. do you have servers for technicals of other coins too?