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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21930461 No.21930461 [Reply] [Original]

Greta anon doesn't seem to be here so I am starting an unofficial Litgen. It looks like the market slowly realizes how fucking undervalued LIT really is. I hope everyone is happy with his bag and ready for our own golden bullrun.

Post your stacks, larping faggots fuck off
>126k, 50% staked for 3 50% for 6 months

>> No.21930494

shill me this shitcoin plz,
why is it pumping right now

>> No.21930534

48000, 100% staked because I have weak hands I know I'll sell before the 10x

>> No.21930535

Brah how old is she? Aroused as fuck right now.

>> No.21930630

>It's fine, she is turning 18 January 3rd

>> No.21930685

80k stacked for a year, 25k in my wallet

>> No.21930716
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>> No.21930736

1000 LIT Chad here

>> No.21930774

rothschilds bow to the Lohwassers
in contact with aliens
rumoured to possess psychic abilities
control Germany with an iron fist
own castles and banks all over the world
direct descendants of the ancient Nazi blood line
will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Lohwassistan will be the first city)
own basically every DNA editing research facility on Earth
first designer babies will be Lohwassers Babies
both brothers said to have 200+ IQ ( Richard high.iq is his nickname)
ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon the Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
You likely have Lohwassers inside you right now
The Lohwassers are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church
They learned fluent French in under a week
Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the brothers. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Lohwassers
The Lohwassers are the space-time reference point of the base human.
In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe
The Lohwassers will guide humanity into a new age of wisdom, peace and love

>> No.21930858

Its a scam, seed investors are going to dump on you

>> No.21930971

120k. All staked for 12 months. Ready for moon

>> No.21930976

56K staked and auto-restaked for 12 months.

>> No.21931000

hm yeah seems like a piece of shit, always missing deadline, failing on launching main net for 8 months, dumping devs, 0/10

>> No.21931009


And the CEO Is a lizardperson!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.21931042

also trips of truth

>> No.21931189
File: 306 KB, 482x570, 1598550194742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Richard at a grocery store in Berlin yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly. So don't buy lition, Richard is an asshole and he's not even a real doctor.

>> No.21931336

Thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.21931466


This man just cannot scam you, man.

>> No.21931468

>shill me this shitcoin plz,
>why is it pumping right now
big wallet weak hands finished selling, coldfusion newest youtube vid (already 100k views) gave a shoutout to lition, normie dropped lition info on plebbit's cryptomoonshots, /biz/ is getting more informed and active, overall suspense for expected mainnet launch and perhaps SAP announcement after.

>> No.21931550

150k. Don't fucking fuck this one biz. You've had a year. BUT THERE IS STILL TIME

>> No.21931602


>> No.21931608

I feel kinda bad for the nazi themed memes that we make now. They should have more babies to multiply those 160 IQ german hard worker genes and 1488 though.

>> No.21931655

>no mainnet
>no AMA
>no announcement
My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

>failed to launch mainnet, team keeps missing deadlines
>company lists employees that are no longer affiliated
>devs are continuously dumping tokens, even ones supposedly reserved for staking rewards
>was a flavor-of-the-month shitcoin over a year ago and failed to produce anything since
>tech is a dumb gimmick that anybody can reproduce
everything you need to know about lition aka shition and their ceo Richtard low.iq

and more importantly:
>one node got disconnected hours ago (08-25-2020)
>they added another new node (08-25-2020)
>after 2 hours: testnet stops producing new blocks
>testnet crash and the team decide to close the website to hide their failure

>> No.21931685

prabju where is rankeesh gang? why is the website still down? why is it taking so long?
they soon gonna get rid of all early fake investors tokens and they will postpone the mainnet release indefinitely
enjoy bagholding for the 3rd time, i will make sure to buy your bags when they announce mainnet v3 with a different consensus
i will save this reply so i can tell you in the future "I TOLD YOU SO YOU PIECE OF A BRAINLET DONKEY EYES"

>> No.21931705


>> No.21931734
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Daily reminder that mikefrompakistan
>was caught samefagging his own thread before deleting it
>admitted to fud in order to suppress the price and buy more
>never answer questions
>extrapolates on non-issues
>is a bipolar maniac

>> No.21931745

Hello mike

>> No.21931776
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Daily reminder that mikefrompakistan once said this

>> No.21931814

Mike, remember in investing when it goes wrong it's entirely your own fault.
If you don't start to understand that then you're ngmi.

>> No.21931951

Based mike, back to bump our threads

>> No.21932264

should i use IDEX for buying?

>> No.21932279

don't buy sir

>> No.21932315


>> No.21932346

Why did you tie up 100% of your crypto investment capital in ong-term staking pools of a risky start-up? Whose fault is it you did that?

>> No.21932507

newsflash for you. erc-20 is done. the future is DOT. LIT is not needed and the tech is old as fuck

>> No.21932639
File: 154 KB, 375x893, fuck you paid shill campaign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the filename and fuck off

>> No.21932721

Can someone inform me on what this internet money does and why it will rise up? I already have some by the way

>> No.21932809
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Fren I don't know what it is or what it does but I bought a make it stack anyway. I guess i just trust litfags more than I trust the rest of /biz/

>> No.21932865

I randomly generate numbers and invest in whatever thread # the generator lands on without a second thought, too lazy to research the project but I'm sure it does many good things

>> No.21932883
File: 971 KB, 1800x1200, Lition being worshipped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firstly I want to say that I hate you for being a lazy piece of shit. You don't deserve this.

SAP's CTO and executive board member Jurgen Muller co-authored their technical whitepaper and is their main advisor. Why is SAP interested? Lition allows data to be private and deletable (data not blocks) which makes it a GDPR compliant blockchain. This is absolutely essential for blockchain to be used within Europe and will make Lition the leading blockchain for commercial and enterprise use. I cannot emphasise enough just how important GDPR compliance is. We will find out exactly what SAP are doing with Lition after mainnet 2.0 launches which will launch in Q3. Even Lition's energy business alone will make LIT's price to skyrocket but it's so much more than that. Lition also attracts some top FUD which makes things even more bullish in my opinion. You only have a few more weeks/months to buy this for less than a dollar. I know this gets said about a lot of other projects but mainnet 2.0 will truly be a catalyst. Current utility is being significantly throttled until then.

>> No.21932945

Heh... thanks anon, seems like an actually good project.

>> No.21932952

Gdpr compliant blockchain, with an energy startup that uses it to provide cheap energy p2p.
Has ties with SAP (CTO is an advisor and co wrote the white paper), the german government, and various other blockchain groups.
Mainnet soon™, as well as the possibility to pay your electricity bill in LIT (q4 normally).
Also Richard isn't a real doctor

>> No.21933004
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me like money
me like Lition

>> No.21933077
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>GDPR compliant aka eurocuck compatible
>adds more functionality to any block chain (can delete chains for privacy and create side chains)
>runs on very simple hardware (good for embeded tech)
>SAP & microsoft partnership
>1000+ cities using lition block chain for p2p energy trading in Germany
>staking in genesis phase
>mainly white developers

>JP Morgan failed in solving the IBTF problem which lition is counting on doing for its success
>has failed before in launching its product mainly due to bugs
>head developer supposedly supports antifa

idk about this honestly, got in at 13 cents so I dont mind if it fails, has some potential

>> No.21933310

This. Theres no need to shill this coin. We dont need them. They need us. This coin is gonna make it regardless on if some retard stinkie wants to throw money at something he understands or doesnt. Fuck these retards.

>> No.21933408

>JP Morgan failed in solving the IBTF problem which lition is counting on doing for its success
They've moved on. They're using a different algorithm/. They've also already found the solution and are just testing it into oblivion.
>got in at 13 cents
And that devalues your opinion.

>> No.21933470

I agree. I don't understand those on TG who want to start shilling Lition to Reddit, Twitter etc. They will come to us but by then it will be too late for them.

>> No.21933552

>head developer supposedly supports antifa
kek, the argentinian?
See all eurasian chads and the one guy with some african ancestry is a total wuss.

>> No.21933785

EOY target price confirmed.

>> No.21933800
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dammnnn i wasnt as smart as you and didnt join in below .13 my bad man, sorry for the mix up there lol, should have asked at what price point you bought haha

>> No.21933908

built for bbc

>> No.21933928

lmao probably but idk. Could have been fud from a thread that I saw but idc, if its true, than honestly it could be bullish because so many normies are libtards

>> No.21933955

how much do you earn staking? whats the make it stack?

>> No.21934000

Make it is between 70-100k I would say if you hold.

>> No.21934051
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Who else downhill biking the hodl highway?

>> No.21934321
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Only 2k stack, will be adding as much as I can up till about .50 cents. I'll at least be somewhat satisfied once I reach 5k so I can start staking. Got a small bag of RSR also but this is the one I've been focusing on. Another PM Chad is holding this and it's his only crypto holding. That's what drew me here, and the more I read about the entire scope of the company and how criminally undervalued it is, I had to start.

>> No.21934464

20k stack, pretty comfy.

>> No.21934570

38k(ek) reporting in

>> No.21934615

>staked 3 months
>rewards show zero
>30 dollar fee to withdraw back to metamask
uhh wtfis staking broken ?

>> No.21934617

You must be CK I guess ;)

>> No.21934633

If there's a real antifatard in the team he must be fuming though now that /biz/ owns probably like 20% of the tokens.

>> No.21934942

I'm also a PM guy but dont often go into the general. The way I figure is that the market never values anything correctly there are some assets that are tend to be overvalued constantly when mature and some that are undervalued. e.g. Tesla due to the Elon hype train.

But me posting in a precious metal thread on biz and getting people hyped or in an iron hands mentality about silver or platinum or gold wont really effect the price much. With Lition I feel that's the only asset that I hold where I think you can make a difference by informing your fellow /biz/nessman.
It's more important to convince someone that already holds that this can be $100 dollar thereby diminishing supply until $100 dollar than convincing someone to buy and who'll then just try and 2x.

>> No.21935011
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Clever anon right there.

>> No.21935047

How much LIT to have Greta on her birthday?

>> No.21935124


>> No.21935182

$100 would be a stinging disappointment and a repudiation of the white race.

>> No.21935205

You just know.

>> No.21935224

You'll get there anon I was in the same boat a couple of weeks ago trying to accumulate a 5k stack, finally got my suicide stack. Still not gonna stop accumulating til 50c aswell.

>> No.21935355

>rewards show zero
Sometimes the website fails to show them. A new concept I know.
>30 dollar fee to withdraw back to metamask
That's ETH.

>> No.21935367

Depends which birthday.
Greta's value is in rapid decline while LIT's value is rapidly rising.

>> No.21935380

>literally sponsored by Huffpo
Fuck you

>> No.21935422
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>Sponsored by HuffPo

>> No.21935662
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Frens.. when moon?

>> No.21935717

18th of course

>> No.21935905
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But Anon they have an option to enter your private key... Seems suspicious AF

>> No.21935938
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What mean?
My benis is already mooning

>> No.21936764
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Omg fren wtf is that

>> No.21937187

Just sold my RLC for lition, lets gooo

>> No.21938104

Someone is trying to push the price down

>> No.21938332

Its all stored on your browser, read how the website works

>> No.21938674

This shits gonna pop through $.20 then we gonna attack $.35 then we start our drive into the top 50

>> No.21939258

yo, just realized litions code on cmp is LIT. HAHA DAS LIT YO

>> No.21939426
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$100 2021

>> No.21939547


>> No.21939608


>> No.21940605
File: 91 KB, 563x563, Lition - the clock is ticking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21940920


>> No.21940971

150k - 50k 12 months since feb, two 50k 1 month stakes

>> No.21941327

Should i triple my mini stock right now?