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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21920234 No.21920234 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is he gonna say?

>> No.21920249


>> No.21920266
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declare Chainlink an unregistered security

>> No.21920279

polkadot is the new link

>> No.21920284


>> No.21920286

he'll say something about how inflation is too low, how money printing will help combat covid, etc. all very bullish for alternative asset classes.

but crypto will dump anyway, because it is garbage and boomers literally aren't ever going to touch it. stocks will continue mooning and /biz/ will post the same "LMAO it's gonna crash!!" BS for the rest of the year all while missing out

>> No.21920302

>a much anticipated speech from the chairman of the fucking US federal reserve
>dahhh go to /pol/
you're a fucking idiot

>> No.21920305

>"The dollar is a relic of systematic racism. To end systemic racism, we must crash the dollar and pump the dow jones for black stockowners."

>> No.21920324

Fucking retard

>> No.21920326

tink tink tink...ahem
and most of all, FUCK JANNIES

>> No.21920327

Mods the turk roach /pol/ shill is spamming again. Have you fucked up your own board that much with your "redpill me on Nigger dicks" spam that you decided to shit up this board as well, go back and clean your own backyard

>> No.21920329 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21920337

God fucking, seems I need to dump my 18c ripple now before it dumps back

>> No.21920338

So we are going to witness a major event in American history in just a few hours. It will be very telling how much of a clown world we live in if he says “business as normal.” I don’t see how they could logically do that and get away with it, but I wouldn’t be surprised.

>> No.21920341

>guys there is no inflation so we are going to print more hahaha brrrrrr

>> No.21920353
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>> No.21920360

Just make sure your buys are set before 9:10 EST. BTC will take off on the news of hyperinflation of the USD

>> No.21920376
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>it is garbage and boomers literally aren't ever going to touch it. stocks will continue mooning
Imagine being this out of touch with reality.

>> No.21920387
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Negative interest rates for business loans/coronavirus loans so corporations get another 100% tax-payer paid bailout

>> No.21920390

Im super nervous, should go all in wBTC, or should I StableCoin up...
maybe half and half?

>> No.21920414


>> No.21920415

The US dollar is getting devalued why would you put it in USDT?

>> No.21920418

Hes going to say we deflation is going to kill the economy and by our totally fraudulent metrics inflation has been way too low! So we must print money for the good of the people and the (((economy))).

People will cheer because it will moon their bags or they are getting another stimulus check while the FED destroys any cash savings the idiots have

>> No.21920428


>> No.21920429

Hasn’t it been confirmed that he is going to let everyone know he’s “temporarily” printing more money

>> No.21920434

if news are good and stocks pump again, crypto might dump (or pump)

>> No.21920438

not confirmed, i think all we "know" is that he is going to make a statement about the fed's approach to inflation, which is anticipated to be "we need more of it, lmao"

>> No.21920440

That doesn’t mean buy fucking usdt anon
Surprised bitcoin isn’t already reacting to this

>> No.21920442

ah yes here we dont talk about finance just scam coin on uniswap

>> No.21920456
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The fed can only do one thing and that's print money.

So the 'profound announcement' is just going to be we are going to print a fuck ton of money.

>> No.21920459

link is ripple

>> No.21920466

Euro friend here, when is the juden puppet speech?

>> No.21920474

>racism outside of /b/

>> No.21920478

Brace for future negative rates, higher inflation and a fkn bullish decade for gold, silver and big daddy bitcoin

>> No.21920482

1310 GMT

>> No.21920481 [DELETED] 
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>> No.21920485

>buying tether
>literally ever
>buying DAI during market fluctuations
When your "stablecoins" are worth 10c what will you stablecoin into?
In any case, just hold a position and always have 25-30% cash at the ready to buy in case of a dip. Personally I find the dip doesn't come when I have cash ready to buy it - so the other 70% of my portfolio does spectacularly. But when I'm only 5-10% cash everything comes tumbling down.

Also this. He's going to say inflation will now be calculated using yearly averages over a 10 year time period, so it can go as high as 8% per annum without the fed taking any action to halt it whatsoever. BRRRRRRRR

>> No.21920514

Thank you fren. May you be blessed with plentiful gains.

>> No.21920519
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>People will cheer because it will moon their bags or they are getting another stimulus check while the FED destroys any cash savings the idiots have
This is the fate of the boomers. We cannot save them.

>> No.21920532
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>> No.21920539
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>> No.21920581

If one does not acknowledge the enemy, then he must be the enemy. Or perhaps just ignorant. Either way, fed is owned by big banks and big banks are owned by people of Jewish ancestry. Dab on glowniggers, never gonna get me.

>> No.21920612

They’re timing the (((news))) with a massive BTC pump so it looks organic.

>> No.21920616
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>stocks will continue mooning
>one of the best performing assets is TSLA which gave you a 10x if you bought about a year ago
>LINK had a dip and is up over 10x in less than 6 months

Yeah I don't think I'm really missing out.

>> No.21920805


>> No.21920811


>> No.21920828

i thought the whole point of stablecoins was that they correct to $1

>> No.21920885


>> No.21921003


>> No.21921025

lmao dumb fuck

>> No.21921054

>everything’s fucked up. There’s no way out. Globalists have taken over. We have to destroy the dollar to save the country. Hail satan!


>> No.21921058

The speech that changed the world.

>> No.21921109

basically this but in a fancy way

>> No.21921249
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>The inflationary results of what we've already done are starting to outpace our ability to cover it up with manipulated stats. So I'm trying to get ahead of it by pretending we meant for it to happen this way in a doomed effort to buy more time to finish funneling cash to (((friends))) who will buy up everything after the coming crash.

>> No.21921300

>brrr intensifies

>> No.21921309


bababooey bababooey howard stern

>> No.21921333

my friend theres deflation in everything but real assets.

>> No.21921355

also academics dont admit they are wrong. too far down along this road to turn back. only double down

>> No.21921372

$2k EOY

>> No.21921389

>Sergey, could you come up on the stage please?

>> No.21921445
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>deflation in everything

>> No.21921460


>> No.21921464

He's going to act like he's talking about something then he's going to yell DEEEEZ NUTS and rub his balls against the mic and walk off

>> No.21921471


>> No.21921845

is there a stream somewhere we can watch this while shitposting with our fellow bizrealis?