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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21918236 No.21918236 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21918245
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>> No.21918251

he deserves it because hes a hard worker and I love sucking billionaire cock

>> No.21918276

he should have killed his wife
that is why we have smart contracts and monero
what a cuck

>> No.21918286
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My mommy said there is no amount of money that could buy me. I'm technically worth more than him

>> No.21918287

He cute.

>> No.21918312

If only he didn't lose money on some goblin.

>> No.21918323


> First

>> No.21918334

It’s still not enough.

>> No.21918352
File: 58 KB, 720x545, 1582404417287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold $200 billion in assets
>try to cash out a single digital percentage of it
>causes mini market crash and the rest of your holdings drop at least 10% in value
>tfw your ex wife uses the billions in alimony you're forced to pay her to fund leftist activist groups
>tfw you still profit by using the increased calls for diversity as a means to bust up any attempts at unionizing among your workforce
He's really fucking weird, but at least the headlines are funny.

>> No.21918368

based mommy
bezos will never know what it’s like

>> No.21918610

>be worlds richest person in 2020 AD
>does literally NOTHING with his money
>be worlds richest person in 60 BC
>military veteran
>creates his own massive real estate empire
>buys 500 slaves
>use them to put fires out so he can expand his properties
>pays to be allowed to deal with a slave rebellion
>crushes the slaves and displays their bodies along a road
>forms part of a plot to overthrow the government
>wins and is awarded a high position
>goes to the desert to campaign against an enemy
>dies in battle

>> No.21918651

Nigga, the entire market will crash if he even though about liquidating 200 billion worth of Amazon stock.

>> No.21918675

>number go down on the graph very fast
>waging a military campaign against slaves because you bought the position

>> No.21918686

You dont know do you?
These fuckers finance the fuck out of everything. Why do you think jeff and elon where fighting for their place in the us military? Because theyre funding and working together with them.

>> No.21918695

God look at his brain it's fucking pulsating

>> No.21918699

Putin, Saudi prince, and Rothschild would like to have a word

>> No.21918715

maybe 200 years ago

>> No.21918739

>US Military
Literally the gayest military to ever exist. What the fuck do they even do? Sit around all day in countries that let them be there or shithole nations so they can make the shithole nations gay?

>> No.21918761

Based Crassus

>> No.21918763

Sergey Nazarov will be the second one.

>> No.21918772

If number goes down on the graph then the fucking wealth of the country is put in jeopardy, yikes all you care about is muh barbarism and muh kill count. The game is far more complicated and intricate today and that's not a bad thing.

>> No.21918778
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i think he should dump all that stupid amazon and go all in link.

>> No.21918813

I bet all militaries in history wouldve preffered drones over their militias and losses anon.
I fucking hate the us military but even i can see how Alexander the great would be absolutely cumming to use drone strikes.

Bezos is rich and uses his konry in shady ways as much as he's allowed in this modrrn society. Ever seen nestle slave labour? This isnt just stock market xrash shit this is real terriblr things happening

>> No.21918965

>yikes all you care about is muh barbarism and muh kill count
Does Bezos build anything cool? Or are all his buildings Minecraft houses.

>> No.21919006

you could maybe argue his space company but not really

>> No.21919074

Space plans, and a giant clock in a mountain that's supposed to ring every year and cuckoo every 100 years or something like that for the next 10,000 years.

>> No.21919085

Good for him. Amazon is just incredibly good, and as a developer I can tell you AWS is miles ahead of all competition

>> No.21919255

one thing that kinda is almost frightening is that I think he's far more intelligent than he leads on.. I mean you may say his intelligence is obvious from his status but not necessarily. If you listen to his talks he's so good at being personable and giving you this image. Man I wish I could see how he operates behind closed door and how he works, just a thought. He's probably a fucking genius.

>> No.21919259

Right now it's mostly about preventing Russia from undoing the geopolitical holocaust they went through after the fall of USSR, something about helping jews keep their nuclear monopoly in the middle east to keep the Iranians from fucking with Saudi oil, protecting global shipping and thus keeping insurance on said shipping dirt cheap, and trying to address growing Chinese dominance in the asia-pacific region. Thank our previous president for being asleep at the diplomatic wheel for 8 years and letting the Chinese threat getting larger than it needs to be, and thank the EU/NATO for thinking it was a good idea to try to incorporate Georgia and the Ukraine instead of leaving them as buffer states directly causing the Russians to react and cause all of the autism going on there.
The fag shit is a side show.

>> No.21919309

Who is Mansa Musa

>> No.21919314

they literally invented fractional reserve banking retard they can issue way more than that if they wanted and have

>> No.21919330

Lol it has the worst user experience ever. Only customer service is good.

>> No.21919334

they do spaceforce shit by now man. moon based chadery

>> No.21919378

well deserved, he looks so much more like the archetypal super rich evil genius then bill gates

bald chad, cock-eyed

it's great, fantastic, hopefully he hits a trillion

>> No.21919382

A probably fictional Malian Kang that every normie vaguely recalls reading a couple of paragraphs about in a Houghton Mifflin social studies textbook during middle school.

>> No.21919395

yeah nah satoshi > 1T

>> No.21919427

That's the funniest shit too, what are the odds? Clown world, simulation I don't even know.

>> No.21919492

Based Marcus

>> No.21919683

Some anonymous Jew from original bloodline is probably sitting on trillions worth of gold somewhere.

>> No.21919762

when you mom dies and no one else says that to you he will probably worth more than you

>> No.21919784

Ever had a blow job in space dude?

>> No.21919929

Why doesn't he order a hit on Bill Gates?

>> No.21919986

Kill it & have its head mounted

>> No.21920027

He deserve it because he built a revolutionary business that changed everyone's way of life.

>> No.21920029
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>> No.21920070

Good for him.

>> No.21920082

peepee poopoo

>> No.21920119
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>Forbes said Bezos would be even richer had he not gone through the "most expensive" divorce settlement in history last year. While he decided to split from ex-wife MacKenzie Scott last July, he agreed to give her 25% of his Amazon stake, a chunk of stock now worth $63 billion. Despite giving away $1.7 billion in charitable gifts earlier this year, Scott is currently the world's 14th richest person and second-richest woman.

>falling for the biocunt meme

>> No.21920142

He got them crazy eyes
>thats a girl

>> No.21920217


>> No.21920433


He is clearly brilliant but a lot of his success is serendipity. Its a statistical anomaly of converging events.

>> No.21920493
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$200B...Still look like a meme.

>> No.21920526
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>the second richest woman in the world is because of a divorce settlement

>> No.21920528

Who are rhe Rothschilds
Who are the Rockefellers
Who is "JP Morgan"
OP your pic is just gate keeper bait for most of the populas.
Figures like those don't apply to the few families who run the feds & facilities/organizations detrimental to basic Christianity.

>> No.21920572

he looks like incel version of Captain Picard

>> No.21920684

Cope harder Microsoft shill

>> No.21920777

what a chad

>> No.21920902

>owns washington post
>be upset ex wife uses your money to fund leftist activist groups
You're a funny man.

>> No.21920927

This. And based

>> No.21920961

which one was it??

>> No.21920975

Meanwhile families and royalty are excluded from these lists so Rothschild and other bankers are hidden. What a joke

>> No.21921005

Crassus got his shit fucked up in his military campaigns. Money doesn't buy you charisma or tactical genius.

>> No.21921006

theres been trillionaires for a hundred years

>> No.21921013

Was little Caesars

>> No.21921085

isn't there something where "royalty" isn't included in the top wealthiest lists?
so people like the queen of england and rothschilds aren't counted

>> No.21921095

supposedly a nigger with a fuckton of gold
he traveled everywhere and gave it away, causing massive inflation in eurpoe from the sudden flood of gold

>> No.21921106


>> No.21921111

Fake news

>> No.21921197

Tell him to all in YFLink with it.

>> No.21921206

iirc on his way back through he bought it back up because he saw all the damage the sudden inflation had done

>> No.21921213


Is that you mena?

>> No.21921251

Incorrect. Rotschilds have been worth more than that for a long time.

>> No.21921284

Rotschilds = plural vs one bezos boy

>> No.21921286

lol how did he buy it back though? with more gold?

>> No.21921301

apparently the entire e-commerce package shit isn't even profitable and they make most of their money from AWS

>> No.21921331

all menial workers are slaves. debating this in 2020 is delirium

>> No.21921409
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Tick tock, Mr bezos

>> No.21921546

Lists like these are click bait. Theirs a higher chance that theirs individuals worth many times more but are not factored in because they do not want the attention. So they purposely hide their wealth under various mechanics.

I heard about an incredibly wealthy individual who would be on the list, and he’s living in the canyons in some kind of esoteric like setup.

>> No.21921547

i will be his mummy, anonkun

>> No.21922028
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what would happen if he market sold everything

>> No.21922049

/biz/ will have a combined wealth of 200 billion by the next bull run

>and then lose it all because of shitcoins

>> No.21922056

I'm desensitized at this point but let's be real nobody needs that much fucking money. America is fucked up.

>> No.21922083

I'd imagine there's some contract saying he has to do it over a longer amount of time than he has left.

>> No.21922199

Capitalism has failed
>que bootlickers

>> No.21922241


Jeff Bezos has his own space company. What the fuck are you doing with your money?

>> No.21922294


he doesnt have that much money, it's all Amazon stock.

>> No.21922455

I don't think that means the ultra rich should get away with not paying shit because they use loopholes.. Europe standard of living is far better because they pay more taxes. That's how a flourishing society should be. Dudes don't have as strenuous of a work week, they get maternal leave and pay, they get a month vacation every year, school, medical all paid for. That's how it should be.

>> No.21922515

>does literally NOTHING with his money

It's primarily invested in Amazon - you know, the company he literally founded that now supplies everyone with all the cheap shit they could ever want, delivered to their door in a day or less.

>> No.21922537

>Europe standard of living is far better because they pay more taxes.
kys krugman fucking worthless subhuman

>> No.21922547


he's taxed incredibly heavy every time he realies some of his paper gains.

>> No.21922578

worth doesn't mean he literally has 200 billion in his bank account

tbfh it's not like any govt is running out of tax money. The standard of living/socialist dreams could be achieved currently if any fucking govt spending was accounted for at all. It's all super wasteful and corrupt

>> No.21922749
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That's right only if you ignore dictators and (((others)))

>> No.21923125

All of the Rothschild people are Christians, not jews.

>> No.21923150
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>> No.21923486
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>> No.21924549

Correct, Putin as well is rumoured to have trillions.

Jeff Bezos is a joke compared to the real players of the world, there are definitely people significantly richer than him to the point that they have infinite money.

>> No.21924714

Shut the fuck up you lying kike rodent

>> No.21925299

still a manlet

>> No.21925314


>> No.21925394

good for him

>> No.21925428


>> No.21925480
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chase a check, never chase a bitch

>> No.21925564

>takes off penis sheathe in space
>gets sucked out through your cock hole
>feels good/bad man

>> No.21925844
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>Just keep 200 years of generational wealth from a 18th century bank startup in your family bro

The Rothchilds are a meme.