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21900875 No.21900875[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you’re soul is rotting away and your energy is being corrupted...

>> No.21900954

I'm a fucking coomer and I hate myself for it.

>> No.21900999


>> No.21901006
File: 259 KB, 480x480, 1597460771154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're among friends here

>> No.21901022

You're right, OP. It's tough.

>> No.21901034

I quit porn last year but now I find myself needing to see whores at least once or twice a month (no interest in relationships or dating). fucking balls.

>> No.21901037


>you're among friends here
unless you use r3ddit

>> No.21901038
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>> No.21901045

I know its easier said than done, but just stop... i managed to reduce porn consumption from basically every day (sometimes multiple times a day) to only once a week... hard but can be done.

>> No.21901050

Ok, I will.

>> No.21901067
File: 55 KB, 732x772, c51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

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...Anonymous (ID: Sh3sZPKU)
Stop watching porn.
08/26/20(Wed)11:52:04 No.21900875
38 KB
you’re soul is rotting away and your energy is being corrupted...
...Anonymous (ID: evFUH22J)
08/26/20(Wed)11:54:37 No.21900954
I'm a fucking coomer and I hate myself for it.
>>21901006 # >>21901037 #
...Anonymous (ID: qpDEGYCd)
08/26/20(Wed)11:55:54 No.21900999
>>21900875 (OP) #
>>21901037 #
...Anonymous (ID: xCRb5pjl)
08/26/20(Wed)11:56:03 No.21901006
259 KB
259 KB PNG
>>21900954 #
you're among friends here
...Anonymous (ID: xG8qVcTA)
08/26/20(Wed)11:56:40 No.21901022
You're right, OP. It's tough.
...Anonymous (ID: 9zjtyiL9)
08/26/20(Wed)11:56:57 No.21901034
>>21900875 (OP) #
I quit porn last year but now I find myself needing to see whores at least once or twice a month (no interest in relationships or dating). fucking balls.
...Anonymous (ID: xCRb5pjl)
08/26/20(Wed)11:57:05 No.21901037
>>21900999 #

>>21900954 #
>you're among friends here
unless you use r3ddit
...Anonymous (ID: BrjoSImZ)
08/26/20(Wed)11:57:05 No.21901038
3.06 MB
3.06 MB PNG
>>21900875 (OP) #

7 / 2 / 7 / 1
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>> No.21901080
File: 70 KB, 1080x1289, 1571081639069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily masturbator on 7 day no fap here
nothing has changed
i feel nothing different
fuck you
fuck you
fuck YOU you FUCKING nigger all I feel is loneliness

>> No.21901105

Broke my 20 days streak yesterday. The will coom a day when I truly want to quit.

>> No.21901118

It's hard when biz posts hot thots ever few min

>> No.21901131

>Implying I have a soul
I have red hair faggot, nothing you say will stop me from jacking it three times per day to increasingly rough porn.

>> No.21901162

you need to sink into that loneliness. You've been numbing yourself for a while. Don't fight the emotions. Let them flow

>> No.21901255

those are men

>> No.21901264

shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.21901283

Day 4 of nofap here

>> No.21901299

I did noFap for 3 months and then got erectile dysfunction.

Thanks biz.

>> No.21901359


>> No.21901410
File: 209 KB, 1919x1079, Screenshot_117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true. porn is awful. but the real redpill is that you need to stop fapping completely, or just limit it to once a week to not get withdrawal symptoms and desu healthy prostate. I've heard one argument though that a truly happy life with 10% higher risk of prostate cancer is far better than a life of living with coom brain. fapping without porn is not as bad, but still has some of the negative effects. I quit porn about 2 years ago but I still found myself fapping sometimes even 3 times a day which still really drains you and blots out your dopamine receptors for real things. shit's tough.

>> No.21901467

if you dont use it your body decides you dont need it

>> No.21901488

If I dont fap at least once every 3 days, I end up ejaculating when I take a shit. But when I do it is way thicker then usual and causes discomfort when it comes out.
Does this happen to anyone else? Is this normal?

>> No.21901521
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>> No.21901581

Nofap is key. The stuff about celibacy causing prostate cancer is just another myth that (((they))) tell us. Nofap cured my GERD (dead serious).

>> No.21901638

Bruh the Jews tells you the opposite of the truth. Fair skinned people with red hair and blushing skin are gods chosen in the lineage of Adam.

>> No.21901711

get cancer stupid kike

>> No.21901746

does it count if i use thots on IG?

>> No.21901756

if you dont masturbate you get so horny to a point that you actually talk to a girl.

>> No.21901856

ok I seriously get achy balls when I don't fap.
like my nuts feel very deep pain.
what if 1x a week fap, is that still bad?
also when i no fap over 3 days, I get very, very agitated. I def have anger management issues, and bipolar. adding extreme agitation to that is not good.

>> No.21901863

seethe lying nofap shills

>> No.21901928

what changed for you

>> No.21901975

What if you fuck your girlfriend once every two days. How does that square with no fap. What about masturbating to things other than porn, like erotic literature, imagination, or looking at girls out the window?

>> No.21901996
File: 76 KB, 1090x603, pornhub headquarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok schlomo
>If I dont fap at least once every 3 days, I end up ejaculating when I take a shit. But when I do it is way thicker then usual and causes discomfort when it comes out.
>Does this happen to anyone else? Is this normal?
kek and CHECKED HEIL HITLER! but anon I'd recommend not taking a shit while you have hard peepee kek and try to take smaller shits by not eating so fast
it's not. it's more than you need. your brain is just fried on unnatural amounts of dopamine. STOP. OCCUPY YOURSELF WITH SOMETHING ELSE FOR A WEEK OR TWO THEN TRY TO USE YOUR IMAGINATION. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. It's still bad but NOT NEARLY as bad as watching porn as you don't have the added effect of jewish brainwashing.. watch this video to understand.

seethe lying coomer shill

>> No.21902002

Wat about solo pics of big tiddy milf's?

>> No.21902068

never heard of someone that went from daily masturbating for years to nofap noporn and didnt feel alot better so either ur a 150kg unhealthy fucktard or ur a lying kike

>> No.21902106


>> No.21902114

You got a gf ? Please anon how does sex feel like

>> No.21902192

Wow so this is what non-horny people are like. You do not understand, some of us NEED to coom. If I go more than 3 or 4 days without cooming, my balls hurt like hell and cum literally leaks out of me because my balls are spilling over. Just because you're low on testosterone doesn't mean that everyone else has to follow your dingus advice and become impotent. Use it or lose it, 1st law of neuroplasticity.

>> No.21902287

not him but I had sex with my gf 7-10 times a week and didnt notice much of a difference from wanking the same amount. if you've ever had a sex dream it pretty much feels like that.

>> No.21902333

Shit was so cash. It feels really good. But it can take a lot of effort to get your girl off and if you don't she might get pissed though. Sometimes I'd rather just to fap to porn of my fetish. Other times sex is the best and I don't know how I lived without it. Also anal is infinitely the best, when you rub her clit and she cums while you're dick is in her ass, her asshole clamps down and spasms on your dick and it's amazing.

>> No.21902382

porn is the problem, full nofap is a psyop to discourage people from actually quitting porn since its far more difficult and makes no sense if you're high test. porn is what rewires your brain to stop being interested in what you're meant to and start seeking more and more degenerate filth.

>> No.21902440

I don't watch porn. I masturbate to social media pictures of average girls so I still lust after realistic goals. The only problem is I can't stop getting erections when I'm out in public especially if I talk to a girl then I get a mini panic attack

>> No.21902462

When you want to quit porn keep masturbating at first when you get urges. This is what helped me quit porn. Am porn free for 3 years now.

>> No.21902483

Can can someone answer my question though? No fap is just about not consuming porn? Or literally not cooming? Reading erotic literature and jerking it is good or bad? Having sex is good or bad?

>> No.21902489

i wouldn't have found chainlink if it werent for my crippling porn habit

>> No.21902523

Pepe, I'm already a demon.

>> No.21902526

Ah, yes. Here is an exhibit of an anon justifying their addiction. Please note that he removes accountability from himself by placing the blame elsewhere.

>> No.21902614

I stopped masturbating and watching porn since coming to /biz/ during it's inception in 2014.
All I do is shitpost and make AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH threads, never been happier.

>> No.21902666

idk about you but in 10 years of watching porn i still watch pretty vanilla and mostly pov stuff. the most kinky i get is milf stuff. i mostly prefer natural/homemade

>> No.21902716
File: 70 KB, 838x696, 1598127916048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag kike kys
>some of us NEED to coom. If I go more than 3 or 4 days without cooming, my balls hurt like hell and cum literally leaks out of me because my balls are spilling over.
then coom to your imagination. don't watch porn. after you have successfully quit porn you can wane yourself off fapping completely. first do 3 days nofap, then after that 4 days then 6 etc.
>Just because you're low on testosterone doesn't mean that everyone else has to follow your dingus advice and become impotent.
lie. people who watch porn have higher testosterone for 24 hours after cooming, but lower overall. It's a boom and bust cycle that keeps you addicted.
>Use it or lose it, 1st law of neuroplasticity.
shut up kike

start by quitting porn. then wane yourself off of masturbation over time once you have solved that. cooming without porn can make it easier as >>21902462 said. For me, I fapped without porn for 2 years and noticed significant difference, but only now am I starting to nofap completely. much much easier once porn is out of the way. just stop watching porn, looking at hentai, anything that isn't your imagination. and also try not to imagine porn you watched in the past. sex with your gf is fine and important, but better to marry her first.

>> No.21902730

If you cum at all you were thinking immoral thoughts just because the pornogrhaphic material is in physical form before you as a book or gf doesn't mean it has any less impact. I'd argue a book or gf is worse because it is literally there with you physically. At least internet porn you have to go out of your way to search or open a thumbnail. Semen retention is a less marketable name for nofap but it has a lot more information in books and Google. You are stronger than this. Don't let your fat cock destroy your life.

>> No.21903134

I feel thotposting has diminished. Hardly an ass on the catalog these days.

>> No.21903183

>muh the joos are the reason women don’t like me

>> No.21903240

my cock is skinny and my wife survives off my come alone. she literally needs it. what the fuck am i supposed to do. it’s all she eats besides apples..

>> No.21903279

you can get someone else to give your wife cum

>> No.21903281

>nofapped for a year
>Now suffer from premature ejaculation

>> No.21903332

better than ED

>> No.21903470

ah ye on the offchance ur in the top 0.1% testosterone and u need to coom u do coom without watching a girl getting banged by other dudes right anon? or are u just being delusional to try and justifie ur addiction to porn anon?

>> No.21903477
File: 35 KB, 495x413, 1598136879718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it normal to cry alot when you are on nofap? Intensified depression anyone?

>> No.21903490

take the easypeasy pill bros


bretty gud info on cutting out porn in this. You can also download a free pdf.

Also I have the 4chan X browser extension and disable images. It's pretty hard because my dumb monkey brain gets curious and still wants to click on the image link to see what it is.

It will pretty much be impossible to stop if you browse 4chan and don't have images disabled. Seeing the pics people post will inevitably make you succumb to being a coomer, and jannies don't want to clean it up. So it is what it is.

>> No.21903513

I stopped over 4 months ago. Feels fucking great. Will never go back.

>> No.21903545

When I did nofap I actually felt much happier and confident. When I started fapping again the severe anxiety and depression came right back.

>> No.21903561

I stopped. Now I’m having thoughts of getting sucked off by random craigslist ad, I assume it’s a dude. No one responds to me on dating apps.

>> No.21903567

If you’re a serial fapper then you need months to recover, maybe even a year or two.

>> No.21903584

>Seeing the pics people post will inevitably make you succumb to being a coomer
It's preferable to just have self control tho, the outside is also filled with whores wearing prostitute uniforms. This is originally how I broke my nofap streak.

>> No.21903589

I watch trap porn now. And bbc wrecking whiteboy asshole.
Super degen shit desu.
Making more crypto gains and able to fuck gf longer lately.
So I'll keep my porn.

>> No.21903591

haven’t fapped in a year. not trying to shill anything but it’s benefited me

>> No.21903815
File: 377 KB, 1536x1794, 1597870552928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me, ive beaten alcohol and weed which was fucking easy, but the coom is hard to put down

>> No.21903932

you are gay

>> No.21904215

for me, its milf/gilf porn

>> No.21904343

just fapped to vina sky. she's so hot.
I try to keep it to 1 fap per day.

>> No.21904482

What are the advantages to stop being a slave to the porn Jew if I'm already an autistic virgin?

>> No.21904604

"Sexual energy" or whatever the fuck you're wasting can be stored to make you more confident, driven, emotionally healthy, perhaps non-virgin(which is unimportant). When you emulate sex with a 10/10 on a daily basis you trick your brain into thinking you're a winner even if you aren't. When you don't you try to become a winner in order to fuck 10/10s IRL.

>> No.21904870

>try to become a winner in order to fuck 10/10s IRL.
Looks matter to women just as much as it matters to men. You would need to be at least an 8 to have a chance.