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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 67 KB, 460x260, please_consider_that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21887425 No.21887425 [Reply] [Original]

We need flags.

>> No.21887440


>> No.21887449

Yep. Make the third world scammers pay for VPNs

>> No.21887481

Aren't most of the VPN ip addresses already banned?

>> No.21887552

So you can see I'm shilling ARPA from a first world country?

>> No.21887587

We need (you) banned frogposter.
Stay poor

>> No.21887588

The free ones yeah

>> No.21887604

Shilling ARPA from a first world country only proves you are nothing more than a Greek immigrant at best.

>> No.21887615

Third world scammer identified. Just imagine a little chinese/indian/eastern european flag next to his ID. Would be great.

>> No.21887617

Yes. Please.

>> No.21887629

>I don't know how to trade, help. /Biz/ please ban
Get the fuck out of here you dumb twat

>> No.21887645

>not wanting to sift through hundreds of scam threads daily with pajeets saying the same thing over and over again about different scams means I can’t trade

Ok retard, I could buy your village

>> No.21887653

I repeat, I repeat. Earth to dumbass.
Stay. Poor.

>> No.21887678

Go fuck yourself ranjeet

>> No.21887679

How dare OP?
I‘m just regular all American
with regular water flushed all American sanitary poo hole in Septettes room in my hut
Trying to tell you about how well KLEROS court will be

>> No.21887710
File: 30 KB, 460x332, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe but maybe not, you know I like it without flags, you are developing a skill, a special skill no one has. You know what this skill is called "LOOKING THROUGH SHIT", you become more aware of the potential gems and more aware what are scams and not. I got scammed 2 times, but I learned from this.

>> No.21887717
File: 660 KB, 709x462, 1575258876824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Earth to dumbass.

>> No.21887745
File: 13 KB, 644x800, hC0g8kc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> We need flags.

>> No.21888090

Yes. If no, I'm out.

>> No.21888109

Then our pajeet larp threads would lose their legitimacy :/

>> No.21888132
File: 12 KB, 225x225, jannie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have long since given up on this
the Jannies will never allow it

>> No.21888150

Wasn't there a flags general on here sometime last year? We tried. Actually I've come to think it's a bad idea, it would help with the shills but it would just bring /biz/ closer /pol/

>> No.21888224

Are aave and pnk shills pajeets?

>> No.21888374

We only ever seem to need flags in a bullrun. Decent signal.

>> No.21888429

If we could just see the Indian flags it would already improve biz by 90%.

>> No.21888489

You just have to buy a 4chan pass to get around that. I use a can so I can torrent without being harassed by my gay internet service provider

>> No.21888528

We just some clever way to identify them that isn't flags. Adding flags would ultimately shit up the board way more

>> No.21888564

Nooo, I can't let people know I'm Swedish!

>> No.21888566


>> No.21888576

Poo in the loo

>> No.21888598

Upvoted, kind stranger

>> No.21888607

fuck off dumbass we flags asap or you'll get gags on my cock

>> No.21888616


>> No.21888626

>we want more identity politics
we should add age, relationship status, political affiliation, race, income, gender, upvotes, friend lists

go back to facebook

>> No.21888629
File: 95 KB, 1068x994, Screenshot_20200826-213341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would be utter chaos for the first few weeks

>> No.21888654

this fuck off faggots, as an American I say we don't need flags. There you go uncle sam has decided no fucking flags.

>> No.21888668

adding flags won't even solve the problem, there will still be a ton of bait threads

>> No.21888723

I was all for flags in the past but I couldnt care anymore. It literally won't change anything. I don't bother to browse here when the board is filled with scams and there are no interesting topics to discuss. I mean its quite like that 247 but some days worse than others. Overall bare-able with filters.

>> No.21888774

Flags would fix so many issues. Imagine this board without pajeets shilling their shitcoins. There would only be four of us left.

>> No.21888798

2 of us you mean, I am you.

>> No.21888820

Should add flags and allow us the option to hide threads/comments made by people from certain regions.

>> No.21888829

Go back to facebook or reddit if you need to know the identity of someone to make a judgement on their argument

>> No.21888848

no we don't need you poojat mahamashat

>> No.21888858

who cares about bait threads when it always stinks like curry

>> No.21888862

We need more threads started with this image

>> No.21888909
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1574412740334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>poojat mahamashat

>> No.21888937


>> No.21889502

Disagree anything that makes it easier for normies to sift through shit gets a big no from me,

>> No.21889584


>> No.21889587


>> No.21889593

Poo ID confirmed

>> No.21889725

How does one make this happen?

>> No.21889758

Lets summon Hiroshima Nagamoot

>> No.21890121

unironically up +975% since corona
don't buy rug scams
here's how I did it
don't get emotionally attached to a coin
sell when/if it's losing steam

>> No.21890296

oh,and YAM.
the trick is to be early.
some of these coins were way too hype,for instance RPL and DMG. yet I sold near the top.
I guess you have to be early by doing your own research.
all of these coins I learned thru here.

>> No.21890375

flags wen

>> No.21890438
