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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21880399 No.21880399 [Reply] [Original]

uhhhh BATchads what's happening

>> No.21881024

The market is down. Accumulate.

>> No.21881761
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Time 2 buy more

>> No.21882272

Dropped 23k on bat. Cya on moon

>> No.21882354
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This girl gets it

>> No.21882785

A stack like that you’re going to mars bud.

>> No.21883013

>this girl
You mean Rapunzel?

>> No.21883120

How much lower bros. I wanna buy bellow 25 cents

>> No.21883136

Not happening.

>> No.21883266

VRA taking market share

>> No.21883284
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Below .30

>> No.21883315

Can't pajeets just use bots to have dozens of instances of Brave running 24/7 and mining BAT?

>> No.21883398

Maybe .33.

>> No.21883462


>> No.21883534
File: 12 KB, 272x185, 1598422601227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you go on Reddit or community.brave.com you'll understand why that's not possible. Just look at the amount of jeets crying that they got banned for self-tipping (very recent posts, grants don't exist anymore btw). They won't let the Gurvinders get their 5$ kek

>> No.21883691

Yea but eventually you'll be able to withdraw without KYC (that's what they said) into your own crypto wallet like metamask

>> No.21883824

Brave will never allow non KYC withdrawals, they even said it multiple times. They plan to take care of KYC themselves so you don't have to deal with exchanges and can withdraw it to your own crypto wallet.

>> No.21883872

>Brave will never allow non KYC withdrawals, they even said it multiple times. They plan to take care of KYC themselves so you don't have to deal with exchanges and can withdraw it to your own crypto wallet.
That doesn't sound very bullish. One of the big things behind crypto is not having your ID tied to it and they require ID for a crypto-to-crypto transfer

>> No.21884001

I can't seem to find the name anymore, but around a year ago a crypto company that did not do KYC/AML and was operating in the states was forced to shutdown due to problems with the SEC. The only reason BAT has its value is because it's operating in the States.

>That doesn't sound very bullish.
You're focusing on the wrong thing. Is 16M DAU bullish? That's all that I care about desu. Only the 3rd world countries will cry. Your investment is safe otherwise

>> No.21884038

You don't need KYC to do crypto-to-crypto trades on Binance

>> No.21884139

Binance created Binance.us because of KYC/AML issues and they wanted to operate in the states. https://ambcrypto.com/binance-u-s-ceo-highlights-problem-with-kyc/amp/

>> No.21884176

Sorry broken link https://eng.ambcrypto.com/binance-u-s-ceo-highlights-problem-with-kyc/amp/

>> No.21884198

Binance.us 100% requires it. If you want to do business in the United States with anything involving $$ you need to do KYC or you're getting shut down by the feds.

>> No.21884307

I wonder if bat-sku will require it too (I imagine it will)

>> No.21884597

KYC/AML stands for know your customer and anti money laundering. The thing about the SKU is that it makes the host the processor. You cant really launder or structure money when you the customer pay for a product or service rendered. The processor can, but they have to go through the KYC/AML. When you have a processor structuring through something like this and they get fried its bad news because they will likely have hundreds of counts of evidence. Im not saying the SKU wont have KYC, but there is a possibility it wont be needed.

>> No.21885565

It's going to retest $0.09.