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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21868823 No.21868823 [Reply] [Original]

how much money do you want before you retire?

>> No.21868861

>he thinks im ever getting a job
wew lad

>> No.21868882

some of us arent as fortunate as you

>> No.21868883
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>> No.21868907

depending on the age. If I retire at 35 I want 5 million liquid. If I retire at 65 I want 3 million liquid

>> No.21869004

Like 3.50

>> No.21869015

$2 million USD equivalent in income producing investments with a rate of return of 5% annually for $100k USD / yr passive income. I just want to live a comfy life without worrying about money coming in so I can focus on family and personal interests.

It just sucks because every time I run the numbers with my projected salary, I'm going to be stacking money until I'm 50 minimum and all my best years will be behind me. I really need a massive win in crypto or stocks to get the ball rolling. Alternatively I need some way to get royalty income to get the passive income train juiced. If only I knew how to write entertaining prose.

>> No.21869280


>> No.21869824

3-4 mill at least + a house

>> No.21869857

5 million usd

>> No.21869877

5 million is comfy. 150k/year in divvies plus capital appreciation of around 5% in a conservative af port.

>> No.21869952

1.5M in italy it's more than enough
especially considering i will not stop working on my project and i will get paid for them

>> No.21869975

10 dollars a day. Not sure how many days I'll live once I decide to hang up the gloves, but 10 dollars a day would do me just fine.
>3 McDonald's Cheeseburgers per day
>3 Cokes per day
>A little walking around money
I plan to be retired by 40 and live the rest of my life on 10 dollars per day and if I somehow live past 80 I'll just walk off into the woods and let God do with me what he pleases.

>> No.21870028

i just wan't enough to be comfy while still wageslaving (buying a house and a bit more)
maybe not really slaving but I wouldn't want to stop working

>> No.21870038

$0, I quit my job and am voluntarily homeless because houses and rent isn't worth it right now. at $500k I'll put a down payment on a basic house and a few income properties and then trade from there instead of my car. I never plan to stop investing and keeping up with thing no matter how rich I get

>> No.21870061

1k Sxau in a yvault

>> No.21870076

I would be comfortable with a passive income of around $125k /yr increasing 1 or 2% yoy.

>> No.21870127
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We've got a race to save, kid.

>> No.21870166

800K minimum. I've lived in poverty my entire life 32K/yr @ 4% is plenty. It's very likely that with such a frugal way of living my wealth with just keep growing. I'm not leaving all that in bonds either. Most is going right back into crypto and PM.

>> No.21870537

With the current USD value, I need 435k.
I need that money to grow at 7% every year so I can cover my expenses, inflation, and reinvest the extra

>> No.21870702

>i need 7% per year
thats where you stay poor fag

>> No.21870828

Huh? I'm currently averaging 31% per month.
I shared the minimum growth required which is easily attainable.
What about you? What are your financial goals and for what reasons?

>> No.21870872

3.7m cad

>> No.21870921

You know you could also start to build passive income from real estate and dividend stock.

>> No.21871059

$10M but its negotiable

>> No.21871114

21btc and I'm out. I am currently (almost) half way there.

>> No.21871168

you need this anon:

>> No.21871311

these threads always depress because most people here seem to vastly underestimate the passive cash on cash return thats available once you have a good amount of capital. You could buy rental properties all cash and get property managers on them and pull 8% cash on cash returns very conservatively. I suspect you can do the same with stable brick and mortar businesses, though I don't have experience with that.

>> No.21871580

this is the only answer

>> No.21871641

$2 million would be enough for both me and my mom. But I'll probably make around 5 to 10 million, so idk, I guess I'll donate a part of it like the pineapple fund guy did, and I'll contribute even a little bit to making the world a better place.

>> No.21871683

How do you retire on a non-productive asset. Like if you have 2m in index funds you get 40k in dividends a year without touching your base asset (selling it.)

With BTC you have to diminish your stake to live off it. Seems stupid IMO.

>> No.21871812

At this point I am wondering if I'll have money at all by the time I retire.

>> No.21871855

at least 1Mill a year in profit from businesses

>> No.21871882

All of it

>> No.21871915

I don't intend on retiring unless I somehow manage to get 30m+ cash
Just gonna kill myself when i get old

>> No.21871938

Do you not need money for clothing, or anything else? You're literally going to be a naked homeless man that eats mcdonalds and drinks cokes every day?

>> No.21871962

This makes more and more sense to me as I get older and watch my loved ones age. If one were to set a firm suicide date at age 70, say, it makes planning easier

>> No.21872013

Only 29 years old, but $5m minimum. I gotta buy a japanese loli gf and they aren't cheap.

>> No.21872036

Let's be frank, none of you niggers are leaving this place. Even if you somehow manage to "make it", you'll be back.
Nobody leaves.

>> No.21872057

Better to rent or lease depreciating assets fren

>> No.21872105

this, BLM people

>> No.21872107

Yeah, so? Its the only decent board left on 4chan besides out and diy....sometimes int

>> No.21872122

I just want to grow old with her.

>> No.21872137

no women are cheap. You are always paying for them in one way or another. Whether it be emotional suffering or shelling out for alimony

>> No.21872186

That's why I said they aren't cheap retard

>> No.21872199

you have to be fucking kidding me, this is the worst board.
The amount of lurking you have to put in just to get to the diamonds is beyond even the /r9k/, poltards or /b/.
Just ask some idiots switching from other boards to this, they will tell you.
>inb4 cheap larp

>> No.21872241

>buy loli because cute
>hodl until wrinkled, worthless goblin
Never change /biz/

>> No.21872271

I'll be old and wrinkled and she'll be in her young milf stage

>> No.21872664

I could never do that, mainly because I like anime. Can you imagine pulling the trigger when there's a good anime you've got your eye on for next season? No way man. Better to live the /fit/ life and be self-sufficient into old age and enjoy media until God says it's time to go. Plus you never know when they're going to come out with reverse-aging treatments, so I'm planning to stick around as long as possible just in case.

>> No.21872989

I need 10 million by 34 or I'm ending it
I mean it!

>> No.21873071

I don't know how much, but not a lot
I want a modest house, maybe some land so I can have some projects and be in touch with nature. I don't need a nice car, or nice watches or clothes or anything
I just want time to do my hobbies, and the ability to not have to have a job so I don't have have to have the anxiety that comes with job searching, wondering how you're gonna pay this and that off, the dread on Sunday nights, etc
Not even that I'd stop working, maybe a small blue collar job or something at a coffee shop if I get bored, I just don't want to have to be in the middle of the rat race
So maybe 500-700k?

>> No.21873104
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>> No.21873274
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tfw 32 and only 200k net worth

>> No.21873548

Same here fren. But all this capital was from wagecucking... How to invest this and retire by 40 ?

>> No.21873653

i will not retire

>> No.21873675

>tfw some of us might become rich enough to buy this shithole from Hiroshima Nagasaki

>> No.21873678

weak goal

>> No.21873813

idk fren i was hoping you would know

>> No.21873930

If I'd ever become seriously rich, I'd truly do this. Buy 4chan and instantly create a foundation that's stacked with enormous investment sums & the only goal to keep the site running, unchanged, for all eternity

>> No.21874003

this but unironically

is it public knowledge how much hiro payed for it?

>> No.21874131


>> No.21874198

3 million
(750k reserved in index funds generating 8% or 50k+ annually)

Just need to have a mint condition white Lexus LS430 (04-06) and a comfy home where I can garage her.

Will also be living 2 different countries each a quarter of a year.
Mainly Japan and the country would be different each year.

>> No.21874420

Multi-countries is ideal. Would settle for 2 houses though, 1 rural 1 city, don't even have to be nice just old and :3 like

>> No.21874442

And 2 wives

>> No.21874455

This. I hate the fucking rat race and sucking up to customers and people god I'm so sick of dealing with people

>> No.21874974
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Fuck same age way behind..But I have hope I will 10x in the golden bull run. Also I plan to go to a cheaper country near the beach somewhere where I’ll be consider rich. Many expats out there living line kings.

>> No.21875283

Gotta say that sounds fun af