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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21872947 No.21872947 [Reply] [Original]

- Cornell university;
- Ari, Sergey approved;
- Mainnet and exchange eom;
- huge amount of tokens locked for 1-1,5 years
- biz is very quiet;
- I assume it’s a buy.

>> No.21873109

You would assume correct, It doesn't really need Shilling

>> No.21873430

Oh and as a reminder in case people missed it make sure to update your wallet details or you wont get your tokens if you got in on the Public Sale


>> No.21873448

where to buy

>> No.21874073

sadly you can't yet, its not on any exchanges until after mainnet launch which should be the end of this month

>> No.21874095

>Cornell university

>> No.21874143

How do I find out about presales

>> No.21874210

Do we know what it’ll ico at?

>> No.21874226

VC ethereum killer 984.

>> No.21874282

Relax Andy

>> No.21874937

how did not getting into polkadot work out for you so far retard? pro tip: the demand for a functional l1 solution is higher than ever.

t. 2017 polkadot ico and 2020 avax ico bagholder

>> No.21875016

>the demand for a functional l1 solution is higher than ever.
yeah which is why we're seeing a new VC "super L1" every month. You might as well bet on horse racing with those odds.

>> No.21875170
File: 101 KB, 500x539, 4c52wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both AVAX and Radix will wipe the floor with Eth when they are launched. Seriously doubt ppl will keep paying their rent amount for gas fees when a more scalable solution is available

>> No.21875233

yep stay poor faggot, what on earth are you doing in crypto? Didn't get into defi either I guess, cause muh way too much risk and only a fad anyways.You should invest into real estate bud and never look back.

>> No.21875356

What about IOTA anons? Why so much hate? They are still centralized but have way, way, way more experience than that Avax team... You think Avax will be better? Really? You are still chasing dreams, aren't you? Always the new shinny thing.

>> No.21875509 [DELETED] 

i mean retailers who pay rent dont really matter
ive probably spent like 300-400 on gas fees in the last while but i dont really notice it cuz i make like 4-10k a day

>> No.21875537

Or just buy the oracle that will service literally every single L1 no matter which one wins the race, and which powers DeFi as well

>> No.21875540

Radix went from being non-ERC20 token to ERC20. LOL

>> No.21875563

1.Delete this.
2.Will come to exchanges next year