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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 129 KB, 697x894, 1598374871705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21864253 No.21864253[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Women showing their boobs on camera make more money than Doctors.

>> No.21864284

when will the OnlyFans bubble pop?

>> No.21864296

Kek, anyone tried making a fake twitter account and asking men for money? Could work honestly.

>> No.21864314

never, young fertile girls are everywhere so the bubble will never pop

>> No.21864318

Who actually pays for this crap?

>> No.21864330


>> No.21864335

famous actresses are whoring themselves out on onlyfans now? the american empire is collapsing

>> No.21864353

Losers with more money than sense.

>> No.21864356

I would if I had money

>> No.21864365
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Simp genocide NOW

>> No.21864375

Akward programmers and engineers

>> No.21864387

whats more shocking is guys playing video games make more than doctors

>> No.21864386

Just the latest money laundering scam out of California

You would have to pay me to come within smelling distance of this cum dumpster

>> No.21864389

There's so much free porn online, so why waste your money?

>> No.21864419

This is because all the incels and simps made a killing on stocks (stocks only go up) and now they have 'fuck you' money, to them, which is like $15 grand so they send it on THOTS. Wait until a market correction... a real correction... and you'll see these onlyfans start closing up shop.

>> No.21864426

Seriously Trump if you think Tik Tok is damaging to zoomers imagine every white female zoomer realizing they can make millions by becoming a whore for brown subhumans on Instagram . In order to fix the world we have to put women back into their place

>> No.21864429

there has to be at least one person here who did, in other words, POST THE NUDES FAGGOT

>> No.21864428

I'm an awkward engineer and I would never even consider doing this, leave us out of this, it's all javascript codemoneys probably.

>> No.21864453

Doctor here, I'm about to give myself boobs
Checkmate wemen

>> No.21864458

no one. they probably inflate the fuck out of the sales figures.

>> No.21864461

>accuses 4chan of degeneracy
>asks for images of degeneracy
You need to go back

>> No.21864463
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>> No.21864474

retarded people with retarded life choices

>> No.21864486


>> No.21864489

You kikes are getting weird with your attempts at meming.

>> No.21864509

If that's the case the value should go down

>> No.21864529

Dude, the simps need to die.

>> No.21864534

I’m a JS codemonkey (TypeScript technically, as if it matters). I would never pay for this.
The user base for only fans is mostly NEETs or retail workers, but not the kind on 4chan.

>> No.21864543

The children of Only Fans will be the next western pandemic. The mental health implications of this degeneracy will be catastrophic for all society

>> No.21864572

I did before, and went on car forums. This was about a decade ago. I got cheap/free parts and had a friend of mine pose with them, she was qt and I had her pose with different tools like a harbor freight impact and torque wrench.

Someone sent me their old snap on cabinet, which, was over 5k in parts.

Then it got creepy on the forums.


Also don't be a teen and buy a BMW.

I also miss being young and not knowing how to handle money and having bitches. The money handling has been toned, but the bitches be gone. :(

>> No.21864581

Simps literally giving all their money to the taxman and helping fund the police against BLM
BLM should riot against white simps supporting the state

>> No.21864613

fucking javascript codemonkeys funding all these thots

>> No.21864619

faggot cuck simps who might think they might mean something to these thots pay them

>> No.21864625
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Monke season lads

>> No.21864638

alright javascripters are exonerated
who do I blame for everything now?

>> No.21864643
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Idiocracy is up on this one.

>> No.21864646

losers like us who haven't been redpilled yet

>> No.21864651

Why isnt there a site yet specifically to leak onlyfans images so thirsty coomers dont need to pay that shit?

sci-hub for coomers so to say

>> No.21864672

when sexbots will be affordable to all

>> No.21864692

the bubble will pop only when we have 3d rendering and personality AI capable of making fake-digital-women more attractive than real-turd producing-women

>> No.21864708

no, it's definitely creepy rust devs
like, ewwwww
these thots expose themselves and want to fuck us ErlangChads for free though

>> No.21864720

Pajeet H1B1s

Remember, this is from a pool of money that would have otherwise gone towards traditional women, if any of them still existed.

>> No.21864732

The reason the West is falling: simps

>> No.21864753

Hls did you handle sending random thirsty forum men your address to get sent parts?
The anonymity is what worries me about trying something similar. Like, I obviously can’t use PayPal or venmo, because I’m obviously a man. And I think even dumb simps would smell a scam if I tried to get them to send me monero or some shit

>> No.21864756

hasn't there already been a leak?

>> No.21864776

No even then there will be a subset of the most retarded cucked sections of humanity that will flock to real women for the sake of them being real. simps are the most disgusting lifeforms on earth, incels are based by comparison

I would take niggers or kikes over simps. Somebody name something worse than a greaseball that wastes their life away in the wage cage to pay to see boobs

>> No.21864780

the hundreds of millions of men around the world who have 0 contact with women and 5-10$ to waste every month. parasocial relationships are insane.

>> No.21864783

Fucking devops and scrum people

>> No.21864785

I don’t get it. Why not just use pornhub for free ? Why pay to see titties on your screen ?

>> No.21864786

>losers like us
Speak for yourself ugly
>that haven’t been redpilled yet
Inferring that those that are redpilled are the ones funding these thots? What are you even trying to say..

Are you low IQ bud? Try not using 4chan lingo that you don’t understand

>> No.21864810

>the biggest blow to the hegemony of the Chad
>people complain because of a fleeting promise of underpriced pussy they will never get and are constantly promised.

>> No.21864828

As soon as simps wake up and realize how much of a waste of money it is. I got really horny a few months ago and subbed to a few profiles. The whole thing is a waste of money. Everything is PPV videos for like $10. So you’re essentially just paying a cover fee. You’re not actually getting anything but some shitty clips and pictures.

>> No.21864835
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>> No.21864840

He's claiming that the only difference between the users of 4chan and people who pay for onlyfans are people with different perspectives on women

>> No.21864853

That's what I'm saying. Imagefap is right there, and it's chock full of nude selfies and whatever. And all these thots look the same.

>> No.21864857
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>> No.21864867

sex is better for you than perscriptions signed by the doc with chemical cocktails from big pharma kickbacks through the hot dick sucking salespromogirl

>> No.21864881

there's few which leak videos t. coomer

>> No.21864909

some of them give free promos for like 3 days and then i ripped whatever i liked manually.
there's only girl i like on there and when she builds up a few months of content i will pony up the $10 and use a firefox addon to rip it all

>> No.21864917

Unironically pajeets and oil princes.

>> No.21864930

You faggots all use this word “simp” as if it is a solution to anything. What creates these simps? Could it be endless websites of free porn?

Also Don’t think I don’t see through your psyop word “simp”. This word displaces the ridicule that should be placed towards these whores (the actual problem that allows simps to thrive)-

Ban porn and you kill/ wake up the “simps”.

>> No.21864982

It’s like money laundering. The Jews know Hollywood is dying and they need new young stars. What better way to find talent than use Instagram whores with already thousands/ millions of followers ?


>> No.21865012
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>Ban porn
that would unironically start world war iii but I like the idea

>> No.21865045

this is exactly something python, ruby, elixir, rust dev would pay for

>> No.21865071
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>> No.21865079
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Soon no more.

>> No.21865082

That is reason # 9483 why I hate this world. Priorities people, give your imperial credits to those that actually contribute to making this place worthwhile.

>> No.21865090

BECAUSE, if she sees my comment theres a chance she will marry me. DUH

>> No.21865100

Most people are just apes with pants. What did you expect?

>> No.21865113

Obviously. Why work for someone else.

>> No.21865134

The more redpilled you become the more you realize that Christianity had it right. Even if you don't believe in god.

>> No.21865138

You can never wake up the simps because they require experience with women in order to get burned and figure out that the

farytale that women project about themselves is a just that, a farytale. The truth is that they are vial power greedy tyrants who want what they cannot have

>> No.21865143

In all seriousness, how do we profit off of the rampant hyper-sexualization of todays society?

>> No.21865155

I expected human intelligence and some sort of pattern recognition but I guess we are all just apes mostly . Planet of the porn addicted Apes

>> No.21865222

The more red pilled you become you realize Islam is the solution to (((women))). It’s scary but what else? They are running around half naked on the streets for views . All these BLM rallies have a bunch of WOMEN . Women are fucking lost in 2020.

>> No.21865224

WHY THE FUCK does nobody ever want to talk about how we could potential make bank off dumb simps? This is a finance board, someone help me fucking brainstorm

>> No.21865231

This is truly the reason why no one should respect women.

They don’t respect themselves.

Someone needs to hack OnlyFans for real though cause I will never pay for that shit.

>> No.21865257

Unfortunately we have to wait for more and more women to sign up and saturate the market before that hub of degeneracy comes falling down

>> No.21865265

untill we make genetically modified cat girls

>> No.21865275


>> No.21865295

Only reason why Twitter was “hacked” was because it was allowed to be. Did you notice the price or chainlink/ bitcoin rise after the hack? Only fans won’t get hacked because it’s in (((their))) interest to allow it to run its course (ruin women so that men cannot settle down and procreate like our dear boomers could)

>> No.21865299

i would say to short wedding/bridal companies but xo group went private and other companies like david's bridal are owned by PE. good question anon

>> No.21865302

i thought doing onlyfans sounded fun but i realised that most of the guys paying for stuff like that arent attractive so it lost its appeal for me

>> No.21865306

i dont think this will ever happen though, because even if tons more women join and saturate the market... it simply creates micro markets for autistic simps

consider that if a girl doing onlyfans just started, it creates the opportunity for some guy to be her "#1 fan"
the issue is that no matter how many girls create onlyfans, there will always be ones that don't have much of a following, and some faggot will swoop in and try and become their most loyal simp, in hopes that she will like him and create some kind of relationship.

>> No.21865332

That’s a fuckin man

>> No.21865355

It’s already popping the top 20%(if that) make all the money. I joined an onlyfan group on Facebook to troll and majority of the posts were girls asking “how do I get people to buy my shit” etc...

>> No.21865387

Hmm. Aren’t wedding businesses in the shitter right now already, though? COVID’s a thing, so nobody is getting married :/

>> No.21865410

Glad to hear about these thots struggling.

>> No.21865431

its a power law you faggot. Top 10% make 50% of the money, of of those 3.16% of those make 50% of that share. So approximately 3.16% of users make 25% of the income

>> No.21865443

How do men like this actually exist?

>> No.21865484

post leaks anons

>> No.21865553

Is this a joke? Porn is the only reason women don't have a perfect grip on society yet. They have lost most of their power because we don't need them for orgasm anymore. I jerk off every day and I hate women. Stop falling for redditor memes.

>> No.21865603

There was thothub.tv but I guess it's gone

>> No.21865609
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Retards on welfare, so you pay for it, indirectly.

>> No.21865615

She used to be on disney channel...

>> No.21865617

>$1 million in 24 hours
That's a lot more than any doctor

>> No.21865632

This and this. I have been an atheist most of my life but religion is unironically the only solution. The masses need to be controlled by something spiritual or they destroy themselves.

>> No.21865659

Imagine being so lonely that you will pay for fake companionship.

>> No.21865734


>> No.21865745

Nobodies pay for this shit. It’s a way for the richest to clean their dirty money. They have bots running that uses their dirty money to pay thots while keeping most of it through «fees» on platforms that they run themself

>> No.21865764

I have a number of catfish findom twitter accounts AMA

Also have any anons tried onlyfans reselling? I assume you have to verify your identity when you sign up for OF. Was wondering if you could just resell belle delphines shit cheaper and spam your link across various sites, would be sure to catch a few fish at least

>> No.21865801

Porn is only part of the problem. Men are becoming effiminate due to their mothers coddling them as if they didnt have a penis with absent or weak fathers who allow it

>> No.21865830

At the civilizational level women have no agency, they do what they do because men enable them.
See the most fundamentalist islamic countries

>> No.21865840

very lonely and pathetic simps

>> No.21865897

It's possible

>> No.21865913

first post was correct, these are react+node codemunkys who unironically use mongodb on every website they code

>> No.21865928
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>You faggots all use this word “simp” as if it is a solution to anything.
it's a shaming tactic, pretty effective in most cases.
>the actual problem that allows simps to thrive
how are simps thriving? they are in a slave's relationship with their simplord. They are unrecognized, inhuman servants, whose chains are of their own design.
>Ban porn and you kill/ wake up the “simps”.
while I'm not against banning porn, I don't think it will work like this. You can't just revert the rules of a society and expect it to return to the same state it was in before. Banning porn would not instantly make women and men traditional, they are still subject to the same forces that drove them into simp idolatry.
In fact, holding everything else equal, banning porn would probably increase the intensity of simping. As it makes the demand for women inelastic. Pair this with the social meme of 'men as oppressors' and women as 'needy victims' and you get a system that caters to women to such an extreme degree that one could call it planetary scale simping.
either way this isn't a solution to the actual problem, but it can solve other problems.

>> No.21865978

I have a few questions, mostly because I’m interested in doing this too.
How much do you think you make from it in an average month?
How do you handle anonymity when accepting payment? I’d imagine there’s likely legal trouble if you get caught, and there’s also the whole issue of sending money to an account/PayPal CLEARLY not in a woman’s name.
Where do you find a large enough pack of unknown women’s pics to use?
And finally - I don’t expect an answer to this one - do you feel like posting some kind of encrypted link for us to check out one of your fake accounts? I’d love to see a master at work
t. aspiring conman

>> No.21866060

lel wheres the polish whore when you need her

>> No.21866275

If you ban porn, the 99% of retarded bitches that do porn for money still exist, the only thing is they're fucking retarded and can't make money.
>so they'll just chase rich chads like every other bitch now
Exactly, and when they realize chad isn't putting a ring on a retarded 7/10 slut because he can get a 10/10 they realize they'll never make money that way.
>then they'll just suck dick for money
Prostitutes/escorts are cheap as fucking dirt these days. You can get a pretty hot 7/10 or more right now for 30-100 bucks an hour and do basically any fucking thing to them. When these sluts flood the market, do you think prices are gonna stay that high?

Which brings me to the final conclusion, beta ray bill and all his pal finallt getting some play from these whores since they need money and a life and everything else has failed.
Tradition will be restored as it is the natural order. But the kikes know this. This is why prostitution is illegal and porn isn't.

>> No.21866355

You a teenager or something?
Ewhoring existed since Yahoo chat days, look it up.

>> No.21866387

Screenshots? That sounds funny. Could make a good /biz/ thread.

>> No.21866429

She's only posting bikini pics so who cares

>> No.21866501
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Clownworld is officially the new pre-barbaric invasion's Roman Empire

>> No.21866528

I know that, you idiot. It’s also old news. People are smarter with their online money, services like PayPal actually exist now for them to easily reclaim their dollars. Though I am convinced that the gullible market is way larger now than it ever used to be

>> No.21866643

It’s all so tiresome

>> No.21866662

The bubble only exists because we're letting it. A friend of a friend (male), is making a killing on only fans via some realistic AI personality.
Once more enough people start creating these characters to pander to every fetish, and every niche, we all win. They can personally engage with all subscribers, in a way your typical e-thot can't.
If you have the time, I seriously hope you're learning about AI in your spare time. You don't even have to be a big brain, just pay to use GPT3 and use pre trained GANs

>> No.21866689

I don’t understand the onlyfans is thing. I’m not a coomer anymore, but if I still wanted to jack it to sloots there’s millions of hours of free porn videos out there. If I wanted a parasocial relationship I could watch a streamer or listen to a podcast. These SIMPS are paying exorbitant fees for a terrible service, which leads me to believe they are low IQ shitskins.

>> No.21866726


>> No.21866747

>is this a joke from l3ddit lel
Shut up coombrain. You clearly need to lurk longer

>> No.21866749


>> No.21866759

I’m not on my computer right now and I don’t have faceberg on my phone, pretty sure the group is public so it’s not hard to find by searching for it on there

>> No.21866765 [DELETED] 

Janet Mason has a decent Onlyfans is you like BBC. No PPV either. Valentina Nappi is good too. Everyone else sucks though.

>> No.21866819

"Famous" and "Actress" is being generous

>> No.21866854

where do you live that you can pick up a legit 7/10 or more for an hour for $30?

>> No.21866881

It used to be amazon giftcards, now and always, it never changed. You can easily exchange giftcards for cash there are tons of sites for that. Plus asking giftcards by making up some fake backstory is a lot better than straight up asking paypal/venmo.

>> No.21866899

Ok but please never compare cringe antifa to based Goths or Lombards.

>> No.21866983

ever heard of inflation? there is limited amount of buy pressure and when the supply is basically limitless, it will eventually overthrow the buying pressure and then the bubble will pop

>> No.21866998

how hard is it to find an clean escort that will let you screw without a condom. at this point I might as well get a girlfriend

>> No.21867084
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We live in a society

>> No.21867178


>> No.21867188
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fuck this gay clownworld

>> No.21867190
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>lurk longer
Being here since 2016 doesn't make you an oldfag. Can you link me ANY kind of evidence proving that nofap has any tangible benefits? I fell for the meme when I was younger and I got absolutely nothing out of a 70 day streak.

>> No.21867206

How to invest in sex robots?

>> No.21867276

there's a limited amount of young hot girls, in fact no one here is barebacking them so lol at inflation

>> No.21867298
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I can't handle it anymore bros. I feel like I've seen things that I shouldn't have.

>> No.21867299

There needs to be a new mental disorder criteria for men that give women they never physically met money for the vastly improbable chance they will win their affection. It's a case of fanatic-thinking mixed with self-harm through monetary loss. They could call it Simpophrenia or some shit.

>> No.21867326


>> No.21867349

Notonlyfans is called

>> No.21867359

The worst part is you can easily find all of the premium OnlyFans content for free on random porn sites but simps prefer to pay money, probably getting off on the idea that "MY MONEY IS GOING TO HER!!!!"

>> No.21867370

Because bella thorne nudes cannot be found on imagefap? How is that even a question? Are you unironically a woman.?

>> No.21867377

That's your comparison, not mine:
In fact, degeneracy is the first sign of the fall of every empire in history.

>> No.21867380

I swear to god every time a girl gets posted there is this one anon who ALWAYS says the girl is a male. Every fucking time. Who are you? Who hurt you? Not everyone’s a fucking tranny you stupid incel. Seriously, have sex

>> No.21867426

Simps won't reproduce. However they will obviously be around for a while before dying of natural causes. So it might take a few generations for these genetic defects to leave this earth.

>> No.21867441

fucking loser coombrain.
nothing is more pathetic than a coomer, if you pay or not does not matter.

>> No.21867477

larp, prices are good in NYC but if you think you're getting 7/10 at that price your standards are fucked

mostly I just think you have not ever actually seen an escort and take as real the 95% of posts that are fake advertising obviously tgtbt girls at the prices you're describing.

>> No.21867534

lurk more fucking newfag

>> No.21867541

it's just a (stale) meme nigger
it's not a single guy posting it

>> No.21867566


No it's Frontend fucks for sure. Too fuckin stupid for real code, Too fuckin stupid for real money. I would say UX but they're all fags.

>> No.21867570

What is wrong with wearing protection anon?

>> No.21867602

you have to go back

>> No.21867646
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>Simpfags gotta pay to see tits
>I just had a girl from Bumble drive 2 hours to come here and get piped >for free

>> No.21867697

t. VMware cuck

>> No.21867729

I wouldn't larp about this bro. I hit up some normally once or twice a week, and have never paid over $100/hr. And they're generally pretty hot. Maybe you just have chad standards idk.

>> No.21867733

>free porn makes simps
What kind of bullshit is that?
Porn dehumanizes women and makes men think of them like objects. You think it's the pornsites doing it to society? lmao
No dude - the problem is there's people with lots of money who can't get anywhere with women. If anything, free porn prevents even more people from paying into this bullshit
It's just modern day camwhoring

>> No.21867789

I'm legit sad now. My buddy's a doctor and in deep financial shit right now. He could probably stay in the hospital 24/7 and nothing will happen. It's not like some random rich patient is gonna reward him for saving his life.
Tits sell, I suppose.

>> No.21867797

how'd you first meet them ?

>> No.21867854

Can you link me a single shred of evidence supporting nofap? Not jerking off isn't going to get you a gf bro, sorry.

>> No.21867878

pajeets are poor as fuck have you seen the pay in india? They arent paying for this, its neets.

>> No.21867917

Go online, found one online, started messaging. Sent a pic, said to come thru, rented an airbnb, met up there, hit it, then cashapped her $70.

>> No.21867922

Free market mitherfucker.
Dont like It? Either put on a dress or move to Venezuela.

>> No.21867935

Seriously boys, where to find nudes/leaks? There's telegram groups:


Come on lads, I know you follow them. Link em.

>> No.21867938

Oh shit it’s almost like the devil controls the world and in exchange for worldly pleasure and power you damn yourself eternally

The long term play is to buy and hodl JesusCoin

>> No.21867983

Thats not popping. Thats like youtube and twitch more people are trying after all these years even though only a few win. Idds are becoming harder and harder for me to find a virgin non thot to marry. Do not want a virgin thot though.

>> No.21868059

Almost correct. America is about to entire its Imperial stage, collapse is 200-300 years away.

The only question is whether there will be a conservative coup in our military or if radical leftists will pull a Lenin.

>> No.21868066

The Jew, like we always have

>> No.21868076

how am i supposed to fall in love with a gender that desires throwing their pearls (body) to swine (coomers)?

>> No.21868090
File: 191 KB, 691x1024, 01229FC9-9585-4E26-B277-0817968FF573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t supposed to stop jacking off forever. You are supposed to jack off LESS. See this infographic. The brain chemicals that are produced with jacking off inhibit your manly growth (human growth hormone). The more you jack off the more limp wristed you are. You are literally sapping your body of its natural ability to GROW.

If you jack off once a week compared to every day you may see an increase in your energy, less brain fog (which will get you to focus on other parts of your health).. you will actually find yourself realizing WOMEN (her scent her pheromones) . Women will realize you as they can sense your life force.

I also do not believe you went 70 days nofap. You sound like a kike psyop shill that is scared to death of every white man refusing to jack off

>> No.21868091

So do retards pushing a ball on a field for 90 minutes, what's your point?

>> No.21868114

>AI personality
that's a nice excuse for catfishing people personally, i used to be pretty good at it

if i can use this excuse with friends i see no reason not to go back to it for money.

>> No.21868126

Fuck you kike

>> No.21868179
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>> No.21868183

EXACTLY. Realize what this does to a female man brain.

You could be the richest man on earth. It doesn’t matter. She will never be satisfied with just YOUR attention. She has been spoiled by the internet. She wants text messages from 10 guys . She wants likes from your friends. Women are the devil.

>> No.21868219

If I were you I wouldn't even lie about the fact that it's an AI. Once the word goes round that an AI is popular on OnlyFans, it'll blow up on mainstream and social media, and you'll get more subs. It's a win win situation.

>> No.21868237

That's awesome.

>> No.21868253


t. Node.jockey

shouldn't you be copy-pasting from the Ruby-on-rails stack overflow tag right now?

>> No.21868287

No because the goods aren't all identical. Even if the pussy is all the same, the looks, body, etc being different is enough to justify a price premium.

>> No.21868300


feeling the moisture and pussy grip on your willy is important. not as important as not catching an std, but yknow

>> No.21868302

Jokes on you, I'm a SharePoint "developer"

>> No.21868347


The left is destroyed in the US, never recovered after the Red Scare and the Reagan-era dismantling of union power finished the job. I think it'll be some form of eco-fascism that polishes off what little democracy America has.

>> No.21868355
File: 14 KB, 300x250, W73R3PdAaW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future MD here, world's unfair, you have people earning millions taking nude pics or playing video games and then you have doctors earning 20k a year and then die from corona.

World's not fair, and honestly my only shot at even making that amount of money is crypto.

>> No.21868383

A nigger that'll shoot you and rape your wife sounds worse than some weak beta simp.

>> No.21868426

>When a bunch of 5/10s start joining and post no nudes.
>When a 18 year old hotties degrade themselves on the cheap and devalue the market.

>> No.21868524
File: 989 KB, 455x344, 1598250027590.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>memegraphic is evidence

>> No.21868612

perhaps becoming a tranny was the final redpill all along.

>> No.21868669


>> No.21868784


>> No.21868796

He literally mentioned pajeet H1Bs, not jeets living in India.
They’re the most sexually frustrated race of people out here in the west. Did you see the OkCupid stats leak? They are the lowest tier in getting a response amongst the males in west. Ofcourse they’re gonna simp for some female attention.

>> No.21868801


Ah fuck man, I feel that one.

But hey, could be worse, you could always be an Access migration monkey.

t. "SQL Developer"

>> No.21868859

>children stumble upon your onlyfans
>children realize they have no real role model aside from a whore
>children are more likely (not guaranteed) and at high risk to be dregs

>children stumble upon a grateful patient story or grateful family (local or in newspaper)
>children stumble upon my research publications
>children understand the importance of service and the joys of helping people and being and having a rich and meaningful life