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File: 265 KB, 2400x2769, 3CDB7AA1-C27C-49A5-88BE-2DEC5897D82E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21855111 No.21855111 [Reply] [Original]

The price is now $0.21, market cap is about $17.7M and Statera is ranked 391st on CMC.

Comfy levels reaching high 8s and even low 9s after the recent pump and rumours. Balancer refund is a day closer.

>> No.21855123

trips dont lie.

i am sitting comfy :)

>> No.21855124

Checked, flippening threads soon

>> No.21855262

Sitting comfy with my linkies, I mean my Sta's.

>> No.21855479

Could somebody please explain this balancer refund to me? I am a new stat bro and have been seeing it referenced frequently.

>> No.21855517

reversed bitcoin. got a boner. rockhard. do no nut.

>> No.21855633

There was a vulnerability with deflationary tokens in the Balancer pool system and it was exploited draining nearly $500k from the original Statera pool. Balancer Labs knew about the issue and even mentioned it publicly only days before the exploit happened.

Balancer Labs and the Statera team agreed to refund the lost tokens to people who had a share of the pool. Every token has since gone up in value and the worth of the original pool has grown up to $2M, of which the Statera team just refunded $500k worth of STA. Balancer will refund the rest but there has not yet been any official word about the exact date.

>> No.21855726

Thanks anon

>> No.21855954

Out of the STA refund roughly 10% was sold. Top 10 wallets (roughly 50% of the whole refund) did not sell at all and in the top top 50 (almost 90% of the total amount) only 12 sold.

Basically we are waiting for, best case scenario, almost 1.5M USD flowing back to the Statera ecosystem. Even 1/3 of that would be huge.

>> No.21856125

ree go back down i wanted to buy the dip

>> No.21856327

man anon, as much as i would love that to happen, because i want to buy more at a lower price, it's probably won't. unless we see an across the board dump this week, this is the new low.

>> No.21856358


But really, I missed the 0.7 dip as well so I feel you bro. Was at my gf's place for her birthday, unironically. Bitch might have cost me many thousands just there. Fucking women...

>> No.21856398

Sometimes life experiences can be worth more than money, anon

>> No.21856419

We argued a lot that night. I had to leave at one point to cool off. I agree with you in principle, just don't expect women to be a part of that valuable experience. Or rather, any particular woman.

>> No.21856422

So the team that hacked the Statera pool is now shilling it in order to have enough liquidity in the order book to be able to cash out. This is why we have so many STA threads these days.

>> No.21856464

Even if you weren't doing IRL stuffs, the .7 dip was at like 430am ET. I missed the dip too because of fucking sleep...

>> No.21856482

lol wut? Okex soon, stay mad kiddos

>> No.21856511

exactly this

>> No.21856532

I’m not quite following but whoever drained the pool also sold the STA right away.

>> No.21856805

OKEX any good? How would a big CEX listing affect STA?

>> No.21857126

top1 waiting room here

>> No.21857346

>not using limits

>> No.21857518
File: 449 KB, 1082x695, 1591646405862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STAstronaut checking in
Comfy level 9/10
Once the Balancer refund hits the comfy level will be a solid 10/10
STA bros are all going to make it

>> No.21857738

they converted to eth already

>> No.21857984

It may be nearer than you all think

>> No.21858710
File: 382 KB, 587x522, Joseph JoeSTA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What am I supposed to get out of this anon am I retarded? What am I missing?

>> No.21858750
File: 8 KB, 222x227, sure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw swingies got priced out

>> No.21858812

That wallet holds the exact amount of WBTC that is due to the refund and some BAL tokens. And has used Disperse.app in the past.

>> No.21858872

The EXACT amount? Bullish. . .

>> No.21858880
File: 28 KB, 400x400, EbLMtQEP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranny TG admin wants STA to DUMP so he can get his STAck back. Stupid dolphin tried to double dip around 10 cents and lost. Do NOT believe any incoming FUD showing up on /biz/! It is 100% from the tranny jannygram!

>> No.21859014
File: 119 KB, 1080x1080, Vp9iLDS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21859081

>arguing on her birthday
>had to leave to cool off

Break up with her now it's already a failure

>> No.21859214
File: 814 KB, 957x912, scottthanos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is balance in destruction........ he he

>> No.21859238

I made a coinbase on Saturday and bought quite a bit of ETH so I could go on uniswap and transfer for STA but THEY WONT FUCKING LET ME FOR 14 DAYS. HOW SCREWED AM I?

>> No.21859275

Feel for you anon. That's shit. takes me 5 minutes to get money from my bank, change to eth, then change to STA. I see a lot of anons in your situation. Must be shit.

>> No.21859362

Stop using coinbase, lol. Find anything else, other exchanges, ATM's, peer to peer, suck dick for ether, whatever but don't use the government boot licking coinbase.

>> No.21859511

Nice FUD convo from PC then mobile, buying more

>> No.21859522

Yeah I already have condemned coinbase but I have a good bit of money stuck there now.
I need to know if anyone thinks Ill be able to make this jump or not in like 10 days

>> No.21859558

Yeah, don't use coinbase, aynthing but them

>> No.21859866

I think we will be much higher in 10 days. Your hope is that btc tanks the whole market.

>> No.21859897

dubs say 5$ eoy

>> No.21859987

Almost anon. Almost.

>> No.21860101

Don't trouble yourself too much, if the hype is to be believed this is a coin we will be holding for years. 10 days here or there won't amount to much down the line. The price might go up in that span but it will inevitably dip at some point so we can all buy more.

Consider leaving some cash deposited in coinbase or whatever you use in the future so you can add more funds swiftly.

>> No.21860148

oh fuck we are fucked

>> No.21860314

take your meds

>> No.21860332

It probably will.

>> No.21860563

Severely underrated and based

>> No.21860594

just bought more now like a bitch. ah well

>> No.21860736

>new statlets know nothing about the refund
but yeah, that's definitely a balancer wallet preparing for refund

>> No.21860932
File: 153 KB, 600x750, 1597521928223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking sick of seeing this picture of this grotesque mongoloid.. what a heinous blasphemy... fuck you for posting it, and most importantly FUCK jannies

>> No.21860972

fuuuug just send it you kikes

>> No.21861021

So what’s a better ‘buy and forget’ coin, this or RSR?

>> No.21861054

RSR is definitely long term, STA is for max gainz

>> No.21861057

Dubs say $4 EOY

>> No.21861073
File: 104 KB, 518x600, 1598293139545.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely this, forget it for a year and you'll make it

>> No.21861112

Statera. If you dont trade, your % of the supply will increase since the supply is decreasing.

>> No.21861131

VERY big news

>> No.21861166

Agreed, although it is only just TG admin, it doesn't matter, but it is besides that, obviously, a very mentally sick person and should consider changing fucking profile pic

>> No.21861210

>a literal fucking tranny admin
>team leader abu bakar of Nigeria
This makes me not want to purchase the token.

>> No.21861230

im pretty sure his name is abu bakr, sirs.

>> No.21861243


>> No.21861252

He is arabic and not from nigeria. He didnt create Statera, scott did.

>> No.21861350

...top 50 wallets are 90% of the supply? is this accurate?

>> No.21861395

nigger do you not know how to DYOR? also yes people are dumping huge bags of this shit on you.

>> No.21861397

Take it as a sign, keep the ETH

>> No.21861412

Top 50 wallets hold 90% of the refunded amount. Not total supply of the coin.

>> No.21861430

1 post ID's all FUD, here you go again, you had whole weekend pajeets, off you go shitting again sad fucks

>> No.21861445

No retard learn to read

>> No.21861453
File: 2.12 MB, 480x270, duncaccino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly based - how did you find this?

>> No.21861473

No, the wallets that received the 50 largest refunds totaled to about 90% of the whole refund.

According to etherscan top 100 holds 63% of the whole supply.

>> No.21861493

Massive fuckin STAggot here. I'll be a STAggot publicly. Constant STAggotry and acts of STAggotry.
My goal price for selling this coin is, no word of a lie, $50. And not for about 9-10 months from now either.

>> No.21861532
File: 106 KB, 859x1024, 1536099073864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Created by a White autistic South Australian Chad with a steely fucking gaze that makes panties melt. The current "team" is full of soft-skill diversity hires. They've been doing a damned good job so far, too. Do you really want marketing and pr handled by the White Devil? In this fucking political climate? Think about it doofus, a trannyfag, a sandnigger, some slants, its perfect! No one sane would DARE not pick up the phone from them.

>> No.21861538

Doesn't even make sense twinsie dubs faggots. Plenty of liquidity you absolute mongoloid halfwits

>> No.21861562



100 wallets (which could be fewer people) controlling 63% of the total supply is still concerning

>> No.21861585

Accumulated a comfy 40k stack, on my way to 50k. A-am I gonna make it?

>> No.21861594
File: 55 KB, 1129x636, 100892174_2946238582161368_8132523894985719808_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries anon idk why these retards jumped to insulting you instead of just explaining. . .

>> No.21861612
File: 214 KB, 1080x1080, 1598086807413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IF YOU KNOW, you know

>> No.21861616


>> No.21861638

If you hold tight for 12+ months, yes

>> No.21861645

I'm curious, do you have examples of coins with similar low mcap with a better distribution of supply? Not knocking your point.

>> No.21861659

people are apprehensive because this board is full of people who either want to pump and dump on you, or who want you to get scared of holding something valuable that you bought for a good price.

it would be nice if people considered what they’re doing to their brotherman taking his money away.

>> No.21861660

You mean south African?

>> No.21861727

>The top 100 holders collectively own 83.79% (837,930,378.39 Tokens) of ChainLink Token

>> No.21861734

I don’t, I just look at Chainlink and I can’t stand the distro/premine situation.

this is certainly better but in the midterm I would want a higher order of magnitude (~333+) of top holders not to control even a majority of coins. guess it will be a while before this gets that way.

BTC I assume is extremely well distributed.

>> No.21861742

TFW only in the top 350

>> No.21861790


I know there are some stinkfags in here but I want it to dump to 00¢ with no survivors

>> No.21861817

BTC is not distributed well at all.

>> No.21861948

>BTC I assume is extremely well distributed.
not even close.
Statera literally have the most well distributed supply in all of defi. Even compared to most coins.

>> No.21861968

>BTC I assume is extremely well distributed
Annnnd all credibilty, which you didn't even had, has gone. BTC is one of the most centralized coin out there. around 4.11% of addresses own 96,53% of BTC. Maybe don't post so much if you are newfag and in crypto for few months, do some reading first..

>> No.21862014
File: 99 KB, 1024x576, 1598328982954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how long until my $1500 stack is worth $25k or more?

>> No.21862176

1-2 months

>> No.21862194
File: 630 KB, 1250x1250, 29B30890-F079-460C-B2C6-320A2B83DB4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see. I just figured because it was the first and because of mining that accumulation was discouraged (generally) and stunted.

is there a site where you can visualize top wallets a la etherscan?

>> No.21862303


>> No.21862405

I meant for BTC. sorry if I’m shitting up the thread boys

>> No.21862534
File: 37 KB, 368x384, EbLMtQEP[2] - Copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


its Megan's tranny grammy they are trying to get his STAck back

>> No.21862588

Don't worry boss its only biz for fuck sake.
Join the Price chat Tele.

>> No.21862604

Which one is the doofus?

>> No.21862618

How true is this ???

>> No.21862648

Not at all

>> No.21862659

I hope this tranny cunt does the 40%

>> No.21862719


STA TG tries to FUD and get hodlers to sell. They want to keep accumulating at lower prices and celebrate everytime it dips. The tranny admin lost his STAck pre pump and has been on a banwave meltdown ever since. Tranny janny white knights trying to FUD and get his STAck back. Be cautious!

>> No.21862784

How can you trust a project whose administrator behaves so childishly?

>> No.21862785

Etherscan is for etherium and all in it.
Here are stats for BTC:

>> No.21862800


admin is a LARP Megan is not on the dev team

>> No.21862809

There's no external FUD coming from the TG. There's only a couple of people celebrating a dump, but mostly out of a desire to just keep a positive outlook.

The sentiment atm is kind of "pump great" "dump ok I guess i'll buy more".

Tranny has been banning though. But not always for the worse. Banned some dumb cunt named Fuzzy who bought high and was gonna sell low and got mad when no one stopped him. Idk what he wanted but I'm glad he's gone.

He's still in 10k USD on STA so if you're reading this Fuzzy. You're a faggot and I hope you sell.

>> No.21862836

just basic TG mod welcoming newfags, I think in future this will be the only fud, some tranny guy in the midstof holders

>> No.21862846

And how do you know this ?

>> No.21862902
File: 298 KB, 646x697, FUD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21862912

He doesn't, he is a fudder as you can see ffs

>> No.21862915

Yes, ducking autocorrect.

>> No.21862943
File: 169 KB, 630x628, trannyfud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


tranny janny wanted the OKEX rumor to die so people wont buy in

>> No.21862955

Unlike Sirgays 65 percent, right? And we all know that didn't go anywhere.

>> No.21862956

Is that what basses for FUD these days?

>> No.21862988


tranny janny spent an entire day melting down about OKEX rumors and banning people for mentioning it / posting the evidence. he wants his STAck back desperately

>> No.21862989
File: 15 KB, 251x242, 1597780168514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God, Fuzzy. I wonder if he roped by now.

>> No.21863053

You did good. We're unironically early. Shit, my avg buy in was 0.2, dca'd from 0.27 when I fomod in like a tard. This is going places, other than long term downwards, kek.

>> No.21863076

IDK maybe he's been told to do that since it's not official yet? Evidence seems pretty clear that it's happening though. . . I've been talking about it in there just fine and never got banned or told not to so. . .

>> No.21863097


admin is a LARP he hasnt been told shit

>> No.21863157

Potential for power trip then? Like remember when Gmod admins would abuse power? He is psychologically defective after all. Let us both just hope he joins with the 40%.

>> No.21863167

Yeah thats not really making me believe you bro, i was hoping for something more conclusive.

>> No.21863195
File: 32 KB, 809x379, 1598284678285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know the feeling, fomo'd 1400€ in at 0.38 two weeks ago, I had a stack before that but man I would have gotten so much more sta if I hadn't crap my pants. My average is still 0.11 so I'm comfy but you live and you learn.

>> No.21863215

They cant confirm what exchange it is before the listing retard.

>> No.21863221

Ironically becoming a STAtistic

>> No.21863231

>Incredibly based - how did you find this?
I am a highly functional autist and have been looking for a wallet holding any of the 5 token holdings periodically

>> No.21863265
File: 16 KB, 515x204, Trannyspeaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


From the horses mouth.

>> No.21863267

I do feel like "it's" getting drunk on the little bit of power "it's" been given

>> No.21863320


yes the "horse"

trying to prevent people from buying the news with OKEX. claiming "ableist" speech to hide the overwhelming listing evidence!

STAbros we are in this together DO NOT BELIEVE FUD

>> No.21863323


>> No.21863327
File: 165 KB, 728x546, 1514421155647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you one better, I put like 250 bucks into ZZZ around 1000, because I thought it would continue its upwards step. It's been bleeding like a stuck pig ever since. It's only 250, so I staked it and I'm gonna leave it, see if it goes to zero.

I' m pretty new to crypto, but I think I already understand why I should never fucking buy when I really, really want to buy. When trading you're playing against human psychology, essentially. And the really good players already know where your mind is trying to take you, so they will fuck you for it.

>> No.21863356

Yeah not a fan of the tranny thought it was just because I'm a horrible bigot. Maybe I had a point though.

Fuck trannies and most importantly fuck jannies.

>> No.21863364


tranny janny is a LARP he is not on the dev team brainlet

>> No.21863383
File: 2 KB, 479x34, STA investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screenshoot from months ago and spinned in your favor without posting full convo. That TG admin doesn't know more than any other member except group in which I am. They will be new listings soon, top 25 at least. and you are just sad larper.
Source:pic related


>> No.21863391

I think the more important thing is that the CEX news is weeks if not days away whatever it is is going to cause a big pump.

>> No.21863410

Some of you people read waaaayyyyy too much into things, looking for hidden meanings and clues in every single post, lmao

Just enjoy the ride, and I'll see you all @ $50 dollhairs

>> No.21863412

10 posts all FUD, are you that invested in project, weekend wasn't enough for you?

>> No.21863426


screenshot from a couple days ago rajesh your FUDding is weak STA is going to go to the moon with or without your BS

>> No.21863440

How do you join that group do you need to have 250k + STA or something ?

>> No.21863477




>> No.21863516

No how do you join the "investors group" ?

>> No.21863528

Why'd you tag me faggot. Screenshot is from like yesterday btw so at least tell the truth.

>> No.21863565
File: 36 KB, 728x483, 1598015679948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When trading you're playing against human psychology
So much this fren, got first in crypto this spring and I've made several mistakes as such. Bought fomo pumps and watched my investment fall into the shitter few hours later. I'm on the green but lost many Eth worth just out of fear. Trying to buy at pre determined times now, regardless of the price and let the dca do it's thing but it's hard

>> No.21863593

I don't get you, you are for STA actually now that I think about it but you are still fuding and saying that TG mod is spreading fud ,which he isn't becuase as I said, he knows as much as the next guy. Just shut up already.

We are small group that donated (no small amount) of money for project development. Statera has its "Development project funding" address in which you can donate. Of course, I guess majority of us are whales, although you can donate even 100$. It is decentralized immutable community project after all and devs as we know now have less than 1% after refund.

>> No.21863641

I'm a hodler whale yet in the dark, could you send me an invite to that Discord? I knew it was public, just very inactive compared to the telegram.

>> No.21863665


i'm team STA no FUD allowed we are going to launch past the moon without you double dippers. megans STAck is gone. janny STAcks are gone. we will never see 10 cents again. better luck next time swingies!

>> No.21863680

Contact @bakreemah on TG, all I can say, he will take it from there and ask questions

>> No.21863718

So one admin is so skilled at fudding that the others don't notice?

>> No.21863725

Like you are seriously retarded person

>> No.21863763

Discord is probably not very active, although I haven't been on it for a month so...TG is all you need

>> No.21863775


retard join the tranny gram and stay for at least 15 minutes you will see someone get banned for mentioning OKEX or someone celebrating a wallet dumping

rajesh and shit FUD memes also keep swarming every STA thread the second it gets linked over there

they know what they are doing

>> No.21863965

take meds

>> No.21864547

If this is true then surely this makes you bullish ?

>> No.21864591 [DELETED] 

>I was banned for absolutely nothing FUD

John is that you?

>> No.21864742

most of them were paid in STA so they have been spamming to get the price back up from 0.005$ or wherever they tanked the price to. it's not a very interesting idea for a token, sort of shit actually. it's not actually an index fund, not by any definition of index fund I've ever heard of. STA isn't even in the pool because the token isn't ERC-20 compliant

>> No.21864755

>the admin is a literal sjw banning people for "ableism"

im out

>> No.21864818

Well this just isn’t true and joining the TG would prove that.

Don’t take my word for it anons. Please go check for yourselves.

>> No.21864843
File: 11 KB, 205x245, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21864999

I got kicked without a reason at all. So there's that

>> No.21865206


>> No.21865436

None of your business

>> No.21865494

Right so you’re lying ok.

>> No.21865671
File: 187 KB, 1280x768, STATERA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has come to my attention that the STAtesmen and STAggots alike are under threat of the telegram tranny jannies. Therefore I propose a chat of our own where biz anons alike are safe from scrutiny and tyranny of r*dditors.

>> No.21865712

TG drama. Kek. Is that even real FUD?

>> No.21865750

One of the TG jannies decided to ban a few anons and called us basically incels for memeing. Little does he know he's absolutely powerless.

>> No.21865758

Make one. I don't know who's worse the tranny mod or that ZV1980 boomer weirdo. ZV might actually be retarded and Megan has aspergers

>> No.21865786

I was thinking the same, but honestly I doubt much STA discussion would even happen there and it would just be a shitflinging retardchat since god knows that I won't moderate shit if I ever threw one up. Plus I'd have to figure out how to use bots and all that jazz.

>> No.21865813

This type of shit is why I don't use TG or Discord. Bunch of dumb zoomers LARPing as savvy investors.

>> No.21865920

I'd make one if I knew anything about making one and managing one. If a fellow biz anon could make it that knows how to use TG for that stuff, that would be a win for us.

>> No.21866098
File: 124 KB, 650x415, Untitl4354354353d-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you spend time, energy and money promoting your social media then kick people out for no reason at all
It's going to be an "Umm no, Sweetie." from me, Ranjesh.

>> No.21866176

EOY price prediction?

>> No.21866266


>> No.21866307

Over 9000.

>> No.21866367

He says no reason at all and yet won’t say who he was. Could be “Fuzzy” for all we know. And Fuzzy got what he deserved.

>> No.21866368

One of the mods are LARPing as a janny with power over biz anons in a TG chat.

>> No.21866375
File: 171 KB, 600x600, 8237648763.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3 EOY

>> No.21866439

I'm guessing the 1-2 dollar range

>> No.21866489

god I wouldn't want to mod that, I mean side discussion is one thing but ffs so much is completely unrelated.
and bon is roleplaying just as someone to disrupt btw not sure how you guys haven't noticed that and keep talking to him

>> No.21866491
File: 185 KB, 1074x390, 1588660919874.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21866585


>> No.21866920

I mean, there's not much too it, just have to uncheck a couple permission boxes to make sure users cant run amok. Telegram's pretty basic.

>> No.21866958
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont be dumping on you anons, I want you all to make it!

>> No.21866985
File: 325 KB, 600x428, 1586264723057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21867052

Is there any interest in making a new TG group with moderation that is more in the spirit of the game (none).

>> No.21867112

Yes anon link it here if you make it.

>> No.21867145

the mod LARPer got warned a few times for posting biz rumors and then did a 180 after pretending to be a mod and started saying stuff like the STA dev team sucked and everyone clapped

tranny grammy is all FUD without megan and his minions this coin would be at a $1 by now DO NOT SELL

>> No.21867167

I think I need at least one other persons contact to start a group so someone join t(dot)me/stagang so I can get an actual group rolling.

>> No.21867170

Hell, I'd join. The mods are on a power trip, its fucking annoying.

>> No.21867192
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>> No.21867215

I'm tryiong nigger, but I can't find anything

>> No.21867296
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I literally bought more STA because OP has trips. I now have a 20K STAck. Love you bros. We are going to make it. All of us.

>> No.21867329
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trips dont lie

>> No.21867337

Link to group is t(dot)me/staggots
No reason to join channel now.

>> No.21867390

Quints don't lie either.
Keep the prophecy floating around for all to see.

>> No.21867400
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Classic /biz/nessman. STAbros are going to make it.

>> No.21867452

hwere the fuck do you even buy STA

>> No.21867465

Today I could had been scammed out of 10 ETH. Thank you Statera for making me HODL.

>> No.21867519
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>> No.21867536
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>> No.21867543

How did you almost get scammed? Almos sold?

>> No.21867593

any of those sites have the same gay ass EU requirements for buying shit like most major markets do for non US/EU residents?

>> No.21867598

Has the team received any updates from Balancer Labs regarding timing for the refund? It's been 1.5 weeks since they finalized the list.

>> No.21867605

wow are chinks actually using Hoo to buy STA? i feel like STA's origin should appeal to chinks.

>> No.21867669

balancer wallets that have sent out BAL tokens to different pools are filled with the correct amount of statera refund tokens. everything is in place so its only a matter of time. up above in this thread, someone linked the balancer wallet with the WBTC that will be sent to us. brace yourselves frens, we're probably pumping very soon.

>> No.21867723
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>> No.21867838
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>Uniswap v2 24H volume: $216,869,499
>OKEx 24H volume: $1,440,353,861

>OKEx:Uniswap v2= 6.64
>AVG STA 24H volume for 8/2020 (CV): $1,249,875
>Potential 24H volume from addition of OKEx alone (PV): $8,299,170

>CV+PV= total potential 24H volume (TV)=$9,549,045
>Without the inclusion of price vibrations and only the first burn event: (0.01)(9,549,045)=Potential 24H token burn (PB)=95,490

>NOTE: there is an inverse relationship between TV and PB where as time approaches infinity and PB leads to a decrease in total supply, there will be a negative pressure on TV, however for the purposes of this example this relationship is negligible in the order of 1 year.

>Assumption: OKEx reaches optimal TV/potential by 01/2021 for simplicity and until then there will only be a 15% PB for Q4 of 2020 leaving the supply of STA on 12/2021 as 37,395,986

>37,395,986 STA tokens left by 12/2021 only from the OKEx listing
>The AVG ratio of vol:mcap with reflective peaks and nadirs is 10.7
>with the TV above this would equate to a peak mcap of 102,174,781

peak estimated mcap/supply (12/2021)= $2.73 EONY
>not including price vibrations
>not including other listings
>not including arbing bots/STHANOS
>not including pooling/unpooling traffic
>not including LINK, ETH, BTC, SNX price fluctuations
>not including the DeFI bubble/upcoming BTC 2021 bullrun

The rock bottom minimum price of STA EONY is $2.73 without ANY of the above factors. The price as of 8/24/2020 1959 is $0.19. You do the math.

>Now imagine if BTC does a 4x from its last peak (8x) current market for all coins.
>Now remember that these effects are exponential in terms of demand so it is NOT $2.73 * 4 BUT $2.73^4

This is $55 EONY with JUST the OKEx listing and BTC reaching $80,000.

This is the most conservative, rock bottom, minimum price for EONY with these two factors alone IF demand simply maintains with the current total market trajectory.

>> No.21867879
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If the above is the most conservative, rock bottom, minimum price for EONY with these two factors alone IF demand simply maintains with the current total market trajectory, then consider the following over the next 10 to 20 years...

>coingecko defi listing
>4 new exchange listings
>wrapped STA finished and CEX listings
>top CEX listings: kucoin, huobi, binance
>balancer listing on coinbase
>statera integration into coinbase defi pools
>statera on coinbase
>statera integrated into digital index funds for Vanguard, Fidelity, SPDR, Schwab
>all major portfolios in financial tech over $250k is balanced in an index fund with STA as the industry standard balancer
>Supply is less than 1 million tokens while volume taps into the entire derivatives market
>price per 1 STA token $1,000,000,000
>there are no major owners of STA since the beginning similar to BTC as it is truly the most decentralized, immutable, trustless utility token.

>> No.21867926

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that trades done on OKEx (or any CEX) will not burn STA

>> No.21867962

Yes, I got my STA refund. Waiting on the other 4 from Balancer Labs. Would be nice if they ever communicated about expected timing.

>> No.21867992

The trades won't burn STA, but any transfers off the exchange will burn it.

>> No.21868144
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>> No.21868197
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>> No.21868364

This is correct but it will affect price via wrapped STA. Remember that while the transaction will not burn it, the act of trading STA for wrapped STA to get into the CEX or get out of the CEX will burn STA. That is why the development of wrapped STA was so important before jumping onto a CEX. Also note that CEX CAN burn STA IF they decide to integrate this HOWEVER, this is easier said than done and the wrapping method was the path of least resistance and a proof of concept. If everything runs smoothly (I wish; AKA balancer) then they can allow for burning in the future directly with STA. Also note that none of this will affect the pooling with Delta which will also need to utilize STA from wrapped STA from the CEX.

>> No.21868409
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>> No.21868442

Sure, and that will definitely add to the total amount burned, and DEX volume is still going to be a thing
I'm just saying that getting listed on OKEx isn't going to increase the burn rate by a large factor
But that's totally ok. STA is designed to burn mainly through balancing liquidity pools. We don't need to burn through 70% of the supply in a year

>> No.21868573

I really don't think OKEX is happening any time soon, people need to stop getting carried away so much

Statera is still pretty early, there's plenty of time for the big exchanges

>> No.21868579
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>> No.21868887

It gives normies access to STA and its ecosystem. That's important. Look how many anons still need an infographic to explain how to transfer their funds off Coinbase and then buy STA on Uniswap. There's a ton of brainlets out there.

>> No.21869072

where can you set limits for something like STA?
might be a brainlet I only have used (uniswap) for STA

>> No.21869120

>Feel for you anon. That's shit. takes me 5 minutes to get money from my bank, change to eth, then change to STA. I see a lot of anons in your situation. Must be shit.

>> No.21869161

why is this mental disorder involved in a solid project

>> No.21869553

This is actually the Balancer wallet they use to send the weekly BAL tokens. The amount of wBTC is almost exactly the same that it is in the exploiter’s wallet (https://etherscan.io/token/0x2260fac5e5542a773aa44fbcfedf7c193bc2c599?a=0xbf675c80540111a310b06e1482f9127ef4e7469a))

Also worth noting that the wallet that originally purchased the BTC did so 37 days ago but only transferred them to the Balancer wallet today. Things are about to happen very soon I would guess.

>> No.21869597
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>> No.21870200
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>> No.21870969

So far this is holding true

>> No.21871343

The prophet. Im starting to think him and detective anon are right.

>> No.21871491

Statement: master I think tonight this meatbag of a coin is going to pump to 26c.

>> No.21871661

Unlikely. We need some actual news, haven’t had them in a while. Rumours only get you so far.

>> No.21871758

If the market stops bleeding

>> No.21872457

Hella sliw day

>> No.21872885

Who is eligible for the refund tokens? Is it every wallet containing STA or are there conditions to be met?

>> No.21873026

dont worry about it, just know its good

>> No.21873074

Why would it be every wallet with STA? Absolute brainlet.

>> No.21873097

If you were in the alpha pool when it was drained you will get your pooled tokens back.

If you weren’t, just enjoy the ride.

>> No.21873190

You're gonna get maybe 4-5x from here with STA. Come join a similar project with more interesting fundamentals. You'll the first ones in and could see 100-1000x in coming months. www.xmmtoken.com

>> No.21873248

Oh look it’s you again. Every STA thread. Gtfo.

>> No.21873432

Nope, need to let the good people who were scammed by STA know about an upcoming quality project. The first of many to come. STA is made by fake, scammy "devs", XMM is made by a real software developer.

>> No.21873459

Nothing more cringe than shilling your shitcoin in another project's thread.

>> No.21873469

Ill suck her dick if it reaches a dollar

>> No.21873474

Shhhh, let him be. Desperate copycats are a good sign of our upcoming success.

>> No.21873573

>XMM is made by a real software developer.
Yes I could see that just by looking at the website.

>> No.21873612

how to get into this group?
i hold 100k sta, that enough?

>> No.21873695

It might have more to do with how much you're willing to pay for the privilege, lol.