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21853104 No.21853104 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread about how there's clearly no such thing as a second wave once COVID-19 passes through the population?

This has been the case for every country that didn't lockdown properly. The top of that list being the UK (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/uk/ and Sweden (https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/sweden/)) and even New York. In countries that did a bit better, such as Italy, Spain, Germany and France, they did see a "second wave" but it was very small, is no almost over, only among the young, and lead to no increase in deaths.

The US is seeing / saw a second wave as a whole but once you go to a state-level data no states are seeing second waves. It hit the coasts of the US first, and the into the middle/South. By every metric the virus is now receding in the US.

India and South America which were hit the hardest are now seeing cases/hospitalisations/deaths start to plateau. No doubt they will follow the path of other hard-hit countries and decrease as those without immunity either via infection, t-cell, or other become less and less.

It's pretty obvious that COVID is basically about to be over. In the UK almost everything is open now.

So that said, why aren't we all rotating into travel and leisure stocks?

>> No.21853171
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I bought some EASYJET shares yesterday.

They're best placed to rebound in regards to travel in my opinion. The vast majority of their customers & flights are young holidaymakers looking to go for European city or beach breaks. Of my friends, a number have instantly gone away to France/Greece/Croatia etc as soon as they could. They don't care about COVID.

Lots of room to grow imo, especially when compared to some stocks which have fully rebounded.

>> No.21853199

It isn't fully clear what happens in the winter. Scientists have conflicting views on COVID R numbers relation to temperature. If it acts anywhere close to a normal coronavirus, COVID-19 will come back strong in the regular flu season.

Also, until vaccine isn't there yet, as soon as restrictions get relaxed, the cases will rise again.

>> No.21853238

ok dude just give it up already, there is no fucking china virus.

>> No.21853255

DUUURRRRRR what is even a hemisphere.

Fucking Yanks are so fucking stupid.

>> No.21853259

Just like flu spreads, if people don't lock themselves in their homes.

>> No.21853285

I do accept that this is mostly my opinion that is does pass through the population no matter temp etc. And yes the fucking useless scientists don't have a clue, and they all have different opinions.

I want this thread to be under the assumption that we are basically back to normal in 12 months time. Even if there is a small winter effect, there's simply no possible way that this time next year will be worse. In fact, it'll be totally normal imo.

So I'm looking for value travel and leisure stocks that should go back to recent ATH levels.

Lets not argue about waves etc. Lets assume life is normal in 12 months time.

Now what do we buy?

>> No.21853316
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Whitbread are probably the largest UK leisure and hospitality stock and are part of FTSE 100.

Lots of headroom here.

>> No.21853368
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I have lived in Australia. The winters rarely reach below 0 C. Even now, the daily temperature is almost the same as in large parts of EU. They have an official 'flu season' but its almost nonexistent compared to the northern hemisphere.

I am not a yank, but you are a retard who doesn't understand time zones though. Its the middle of the night in the US.

>> No.21853395
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The FTSE is currently doing a corona, I'm taking this a sign to buy more stocks.

>> No.21853400

You'll see what happens as soon as people are indoors and indoor heating is on.

There will be hysteria because of the flue alone, and then + this coronameme

>> No.21853422

You’re an idiot

>> No.21853504
File: 64 KB, 925x750, 1588124065590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poor short-sellers detected. It's a fucking cough and a sneeze kek.

>> No.21853580

Ignore the /pol/ doomers posting on /biz/ lately, they're just jelly we're making money while they're wageslaving.

>> No.21853966


What stocks do you have anon?

>> No.21854039

You realise the the northern hemisphere and Southern Hemisphere run in different seasons?

The Southern Hemisphere has lived through winter with covid. Nothing unusual happened

>> No.21854062
File: 15 KB, 612x574, zero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your reading comprehension, pic related

>> No.21854162

vaccines are a scam
the only time i ever caught flu is when i was tricked into being vaccinated for it

>> No.21854373

fuck you retards so much, you have been parroting this bullshit FOR SO LONG and ruined this summer for all of us while countries like fucking SWEDEN didnt have a lockdown and they're fucking fine and dandy. you know why? because the fucking virus was a nothing burger all along.

>> No.21854887

There was never a first wave because the virus doesn't exist but when winter rolls around i guarantee that every cough and sniffle will be diagnosed as COVID-19 and every death from Flu will also be COVID-19. We can expect a particularly bad flu season because people have spent the best part of a year living in a state of stress/fear, sterilising everything and constantly washing their hands, wearing masks that inhibit oxygen intake, all of which has been destroying their immune system in the process. I expect the second wave propaganda to ramp up as we come into late October/early November. There might be another market crash at this point and we will be back in to lock down mode by the time December rolls around. There is no going back to normal people this is the Great Reset/UN Agenda 21 in action and it's only just begun.

>> No.21855250
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>> No.21855518

>when winter rolls around i guarantee that every cough and sniffle will be diagnosed as COVID-19 and every death from Flu will also be COVID-19
mmhmm you can take that to the bank

>> No.21855626

OP, what about just tracking the whole industry? Do they have ETFs for that sort of thing in Bongistan? I know things are different in the EU. I think some of you guys can't buy SPY and stuff, right?