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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21847222 No.21847222 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.21847262

It looks like someone sold the dip

>> No.21847267
File: 1018 KB, 4726x3190, 1536209252815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i bookmarked this 2 weeks ago and never bought

>> No.21847311

If it's any easier to you, I bought when it was $0.7.
Damn I'm good

>> No.21847357

Never ceases to amaze me how these useless coins go up for no reason, the jadedness and delusion slowly start to creep in more and more, fizzle, sizzle and on to the next one.

>> No.21847380

i bought in at 1$ was trying to get 20k ended up with 1400 cuz im retarded. at the time i knew it was the easiest money ever but it pumped past 2$ one day and i waited for a dip that never fuckin came count ur blessings stake frens appreciate what u have not what could have been

>> No.21847463

185 feels good man

>> No.21847464
File: 28 KB, 594x227, ksaljlhasdfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never ceases to amaze me how these useless coins go up for no reason

Lmao. Vitalik literally said this is going to be used. You realize that OMG, an inferior scaling solution is currently valued close to $1 billion? xDai is going to $1 billion marketcap probably in the next month or so. This is literally the easiest moon mission you will ever have. They are pretty much a shoe in for the reddit competition too.

>> No.21847574

Lol. And there you have it, the whole fucking reason for the spike. Where does he say he's going to use it?

>> No.21847633

fuck austin for suddenly releasing xmoon.exchange
fuck igor for locking the token unlock
fuck vitalik for shilling before bitmax went down

>> No.21847651

Same bro I bought 3k at $1.8 I could have bought 10k,

>> No.21847766
File: 120 KB, 846x1000, bizdoesntdeservethis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally in that post. Evan Van Ness also really likes the project. This could be used for reddit tokens. You have an advantage buying soon because most redditards still think OMG is a sure thing for the victor of the reddit scaling competition...

>> No.21847889

See? The breadcrumbs are there. It’s a good project. Why not take a gamble on a 50 mil market cap coin that is already going toe to toe with OMG and winning when it comes to smart contracts?

If we’re right, easy 20x. If not, oh well.

>> No.21848063

He asks *if* he could, not what *what are you going to do*. What am I missing here.

>> No.21848101

You are so stupid you don't deserve to make it.

>> No.21848129

Not selling a single STAKIE until $40 minimum

>> No.21848217

Spoonfeed me, I see a hypothetical question and answer. Then I see it being recommended as a stopgap. How is this going to 1b?

>> No.21848268

Nah. Just go buy something else. ngmi

>> No.21848292

That's what I thought.

>> No.21848364
File: 29 KB, 640x640, 1598054183472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Optimistic Roll ups won't be ready for quite some time. Also, ETH 2.0 is another 2 years away. The number of ETH users could 10x in that period of time. Also, once ETH 2.0 is live, there will still be demand for some of these scaling solutions as it will reduce costs for those who don't need full security of the base layer. POSDAO (xDai's consensus mechanism) is still secure for most use cases.

OMG is also something that has been put into place while we wait for ETH 2.0 and it has hit $1.2 billion dollars in marketcap. xDai isn't a plasma chain, so unlike OMG, it actually allows you to migrate/deploy smart contracts to it. This will be needed for lots of dApps. This will likely end up being more useful for a lot of developers.

>> No.21848433

Do you think Vitalik will use it though?

>> No.21848565

Vitalik doesn’t have to use it you retard. Other protocols can use xdai if they, for example, want to create a DEX that doesn’t have super high fees. Why is this so hard for you to understand ?

>> No.21848624

I thought he was saying that Vitalik was going to use it, but he was just endorsing it. I'll buy a little bag you guys better not fuck me.

>> No.21849498

This is one of the most undervalued projects in the space. Look at some of the people talking about it lol.