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File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 0D6160AB-68D8-46E5-BDBC-7E1E669E06C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21843705 No.21843705 [Reply] [Original]

>accidentally click on a girl’s LinkedIn profile from work
>she is notified that I viewed her page
>hr interviews me about it
>says I harassed her for viewing her profile
>my manager called a meeting for tomorrow with just hr and me
I’m so nervous anons. I was already on thin ice because a girl reporting me to hr for asking her on a date. What do I do?

>> No.21843726

Tell them you were working

>> No.21843748

Stop shitting where you eat retard

>> No.21843760

open her page again, message her and said u are sorry.

>> No.21843770

Delete your linkedin it has not helped a single person get a job that wasnt way below their real worth by some piece of shit headhunter.

>> No.21843810

So glad technology will save us

>> No.21843816

It was the biggest mistake of my entire career. And now this. It is over

>> No.21843818


>> No.21843853

Nah not really. Just get another job and don't socialise or flirt like a normie. It's income only, use free time for rest.

>> No.21843858

How much link do you have?
I’m unironically on thin ice at work because of some chick too. We’d been friendly with each other and then she started giving me all these weird signals like something was wrong. I asked her one day if something was the matter and she reported me to hr just for that.

>> No.21843870

you stop working and just trade crypto like DIA and TRB

>> No.21843895

Women in the workplace was a mistake

>> No.21843905

why do people respond to this dumb larp? larp can be fun but this is some real low tier tripe

>> No.21843921

I have 44k btw. Sergey, can you please hurry up a bit? These roasties are getting crazier by the hour.

>> No.21843962

how the fuck are you interacting with women at work? do you not have a normal job?

stick to places men work.

>> No.21843976
File: 96 KB, 702x1024, 04275A51-B1CA-46C6-B3A1-D18E71166AFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be real

>> No.21843977

stop lying to people

>> No.21843984

Even if this is a larp, which I doubt, I guarantee there are men in America for whom this is a reality. Trump has made women absolutely insane imo.

>> No.21844021

What do you do so that there’s no women? I’m serious. If it’s not garbage collector, I may try to move towards that industry.

>> No.21844029

yeah there's no fucking way it was this simple, stop lying to yourself and stop being a fucking creep. chad could get away with "clicking her linkedin" and a LOT more than that with no problem. learn how to be a chad.

>> No.21844034

bring a gum to the office and shit on her desk.

>> No.21844047

I guess I was in a similar situation with the signals. We would hang out outside of work a bunch. She would come over and we would watch football games and movies at my house. I read online that this was an indicator of interest so I risked it and asked her out. I don’t understand women sometimes.
>t. 10k link holder

>> No.21844054
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sounds like a self defense situation

>> No.21844095

>just alter your physiognomy bro

>> No.21844109


This is probably no LARP. I have been in a similar situation.

>> No.21844114

How does clicking accidentally go to asking her out on a date? Yeah office people are fucked though

>> No.21844117
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>says I harassed her for viewing her profile

>> No.21844124
File: 77 KB, 499x499, NJoab89cKrRR2-qTiYJg-CVi4FZszmGaysk7GpgpLNw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmfao, I'm a GED drop out with over mid 6 figures worth of LINK, haven't worked a real job in over a year, haven't had sex in over 2 years!
I live with my parents and get drunk every day after checking my local coinstar machines.

>> No.21844142

Bro just make up some story about wanting to compare colleagues LinkedIn to yours to make sure yours was on par and up to snuff. Don't do it again.

>> No.21844162

>working with women


>> No.21844201

Tell them LinkedIn suggested her as a potential connection. You clicked on her profile BUT DID NOT SEND AN INVITATION. Because you don’t know her that well and it’s not a connection that you thought would advance your career. And look dude, you’re doing something wrong here. Not in the sense that there’s something wrong with you, but you’re misreading the vibe at work. I’ve been working since I was 14 (42 now), and I’ve never hooked up with anyone at work. It’s not worth it. As you now know. By the way, I’m a lawyer, and it’s fucking ridiculous for anyone to suggest that viewing a coworker’s LinkedIn profile is harassment. Asking the other girl out was an honest mistake and you shouldn’t get in trouble for that. It’s only harassment if they tell you to stop and you persist. If you care about the job find an employment lawyer and speak to them before the meeting. Ask them whether they should be at the meeting or on the phone during the meeting. Finally, know this about HR: they are all washed up failures and cowards. They refuse to fire the worst employees (protected class), refuse to take quality legal advice (yes you can fire a pregnant woman if she fucking sucks and it’s documented), and can only survive by forming the exact kind of catty girls network that HR is intended to prevent. And I bet they’re all female communication majors who weren’t smart enough for business school (undergrad mind you) and fags. Good luck anon. Don’t be a pussy.

>> No.21844226

There's no way people actually believe this story

>> No.21844285

No way can viewing a profile be considered workplace harassment

>> No.21844310

That is what happened. She was a suggested contact on LinkedIn and I clicked her profile. I didn’t send a connect request.

>> No.21844317

not surprised biz neets and zoomers believe this retarded larp

>> No.21844341

I used to be the only man in an office of 15+ women.. one time i rolled the dice on a 10/10 new girl. Riskyyy as fuck bros

>> No.21844352

Nah they really do. The only people who believe this are NEETs who don't even have a linkedIn or never worked a real professional job in their lives.

shitty larp and shitty thread off yourself opie

>> No.21844384

Seems extremely unlikely, I get linkedin requests non-stop from everyone at my company. That's the whole point of the site.

>> No.21844491

Kek at accuracy. Special place in hell for HR employees

>> No.21844503

>viewing public profile

sue her fucking tits off. fuck that bitch

>> No.21844514

You know you can make it so people cant see that you viewed their profile on LinkedIn right?

>> No.21844536

DO NOT show guilt like you did something wrong. Once you show guilt it’s fucking over. If they try to find out why, like it’s their business, just say you were going to add her for networking but decided not to.

If you’re not weird or bother this girl in the work place it will likely just go away. But I suggest after this little episode you move on to a new company.

But you were probably yanking it to LinkedIn so lol. Buck up fuck head. You’re not going to jail for looking at a LinkedIn profile.

>> No.21844556


>> No.21844558

tren hard and get a decent fucking haircut is a start

>> No.21844573


>> No.21844647

Here’s a point to go along with your larp. When HR asks to meet you it’s never good. If they needed something simple they’d send you an email (e.g a benefits matter) 9/10 times come to HT means you’re fired. It’s happened to me like 9 times. kek no not really.

>> No.21844656

Literally any trade job

>> No.21844672
File: 425 KB, 1221x850, its happening according to 4chan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you go in and you put down your cell phone and say "this discussion will be recorded for my protection"

then you sit down and listen to what they have to say and the only things that come out of your mouth should be as follows:

What company policy did I break?
Am I fired or on probation and if so for which policy?
Are we done?

That's it you little shit. THATS IT. Dont you dare say anything else.

also if you are a nigger neck yourself.

>> No.21844684

first laugh in a while, never change /biz

>> No.21844688 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 735x120, B49470C7-C7DE-4515-BAD6-53A1ED662DA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some proof

>> No.21844711

I'm not even an office fag and I know there's a setting that disables the notification

>> No.21844715

This would never happen to Chad

>> No.21844742

I as a NEET refuse to believe this is real.

>> No.21844746

Listen to this guy

>> No.21844753


the very first setting I looked for the moment I saw notifications of ppl looking at my profile.

>> No.21844779

Start with saying you were just browsing LinkedIn and just happened across her page, wondering why it was still up if she's supposedly happy with her current job and that it caused you to wonder. Tell HR nobody keeps their profile up if they're not satisfied with their current employer. They could ask what you were doing on the site to begin with if that's the case, in which case try to spin it to where you may have been looking for anyone that may be interested in working for the company in some fashion. If you for sure know you're getting fired, lean heavy into the first talking point and at least be able to walk out the door leaving them a mess to clean up.

>> No.21844801
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>> No.21844824

You have literally done nothing wrong by viewing her profile and I would say you have grounds to sue. When signing up for LinkedIn, users do have an option to opt-out of appearing as recommended connections. It's in their terms of services that other people can go to your page, view it and choose to connect with you or not. This is the most disgusting thing I've heard and that girl needs her ego checked. For the future, you can set your page to anonymous - which means you don't know who views your profile, but you can stalk people without fear that they'll know you've viewed their profile.

>> No.21844858

"I was making connections on linkedin. clicked her profile - don't know her, didn't so request connection"

>> No.21844903

No way that's real. If it is, I don't want to live anymore.

>> No.21844941

>accidentally get poo on my first and second fingertips after masturbating immediately after pooing at work
>go to hottest girl in offices desk to say hi because we get along
>touch her upper arm at computer after making joke about something on screen
>dispersion of faeces smell about as rapidly as a fart from someone with gangrenous bowels
>literally sprint to my desk
>three HR staff arrive within minutes
>set down in meeting room and told I have sexually assaulted Jennifer
>notice that they have put the police on speakerphone
>develop previously non existent stutter
>say something like ‘nnnnnn nananana n n n no’
>told that I smeared human faeces all over her in sexually suggestive manner
>can’t inhale due to panic and can’t move my hands
>two minutes of silence
>robotically rise knocking chair down
>police voice asks if everyone is ok
>move legs to exit room and walk out into street onto bus and arrive home with no memory of that
What do I do now guys?

>> No.21844963

this. evrn if you asked her out once its not harassment. they can eat a bag of dicks

>> No.21844982

I swear if this isnt a troll, im glad i dont work in an office

Imagine clicking on someones profile and getting fired for harassment even when you didnt say anything or physically touch her. LOL

>> No.21844987

>also if you are a nigger neck yourself
If that had been the case OP would have fucked her

>> No.21844999

Even if it's a LARP, this exact same scenario has either happened, is happening, or is going to happen. The metoo shit turned every woman's "muh harassment" card from a common land into a mythical creature with trample. You can't summon a wall strong enough for it.

>> No.21845019

Wait? They get notifications when you view their page. Holy fuck...................... I can't go into work tomorrow omg I've been compulsively masturbating to the ladies in marketing for the past few weeks

>> No.21845030
File: 7 KB, 240x232, 1467657091603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be honest op you were jerking off to her picture at 3:15am

>> No.21845060

Just turn off the alert setting you fucking moron. That’s the first thing everyone does. They just get notified that someone viewed their profile.

>> No.21845083
File: 60 KB, 1150x1084, 1564974367803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck Linkedin

>> No.21845084

I literally got in trouble for non-sexual harassment for asking a girl on a date...a word of advice is not to do it over text. If it is verbal you can deny that it happened. Unfortunately with this LinkedIn thing there is proof that it was me who clicked her profile

>> No.21845088

Show them a picture of Sergey and your LINK stack. They won't touch you.

>> No.21845135
File: 136 KB, 406x406, 1588786565450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no shit

I know what im talking about.

OP is a cuck if he does anything different.

Any communication must be either recorded or in writing regarding this whole ordeal.

And for any of you cocksuckers that run into this situation and are asked WHY? Say this:

"for my own protection because I am not an expert in labour law"

then watch them squirm

>> No.21845140

View the person's profile without being logged in.

>> No.21845179

what actually happened is that youre a fucking creep stalker that goes to her page every single day

have sex incel and kys

>> No.21845198

Not even that. There’s a privacy setting where you just keep yourself anonymous. They’ll just get a notification that someone viewed their profile. They won’t know it’s you.

I thought everyone knew this.

>> No.21845200

Thanks attorney anon

>> No.21845288
File: 6 KB, 249x245, tux neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck LinkedIn, I refuse to use one

>> No.21845343

you are better off. shit's useless. Nothing but headhunters looking to scalp 20% of your paycheck

>> No.21845368

Sue her and your company for slander. She has no expectation of privacy on a site like linkedin and it wasn't harassment

>> No.21845482

open everyones linkedin. Start with a few, then amp it up, then 10 times a day script it so your boss gets views from you every day

>> No.21845568

This, do it

>> No.21845603
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this is the only logical course of action

>> No.21845635
File: 240 KB, 1329x1429, 1597161444616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just sodomize your boss to assert dominance. Slap the Linkedin whore on the ass, give her a cheeky wink and ask her who's a lucky girl then?

>> No.21845791

Sounds comfy I havent had sex in 3 years holy shit kill me

>> No.21845882

>after checking my local coinstar machines.


>> No.21845943

Better question is why does OP LARP like this? For what purpose

>> No.21845983

I literally sent a picture of my erect cock to a co-worker on Snapchat and she said I had a pretty penis. She changed in front of me in our mutual office last month too. Man the fuck up and stand behind your decisions.

>> No.21846001

I barely used Linkedin, but decided I better fix this up on my profile. Fucking where? All googling it tells me is how to do it on their UI from like five years ago

>> No.21846039

Imagine the smell.

>> No.21846261

You know that her changing in front of you means that she’s completely disinterested in you and thinks of you like one of her girlfriends, right? Like you’re so asexual to her you might as well not exist

>> No.21846347

fuck this gay earth, thats not even remotely harassment . if u grt canned file unrmplohment and call a lawyer about suing

>> No.21846356
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>I read online that this was an indicator of interest

>> No.21846376

Honestly, you may be right. However, my main point was that much more obvious sexual harassment can occur and noone gives a shit.

>> No.21846419


>> No.21846558

Unfortunately that’s exactly what that means. Also, she could easily get you fired if she saved evidence of you sending her dick pics. If she chose to she could easily have your balls in a vice. Tldr: your to stupid too post here

>> No.21846739
File: 38 KB, 500x425, 1574155037844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually coom once per month and when I do I use LinkedIn photos, come at me

>> No.21846798

There is a setting you can toggle so that people cant see that you viewed them - I believe the catch is that if you turn on that setting, it wont tell you whos viewed you either

>> No.21847077

woah now aint nobody tryin to break a sweat

>> No.21847110

post some good linkedIn profiles

>> No.21847475

Op is the definition of a 10k link holder, which I find hard to believe since almost no one has 10k

>> No.21848183
File: 8 KB, 250x202, 1596390328961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shoot up the office. It's the only action that could reciprocate the level of insanity thus being justified.

>> No.21848274

Can confirm. I hold 10k LINK and that sounds like something I would do :(

>> No.21849016


This is not a larp.

Worked in office environment, literally everyone a liberal pussy. Had this coworker that would flirt with me every day. I had enough one day when she wore the shortest miniskirt she could possibly wear without displaying her pussy and my girlfriend was being a cunt so it was time to get a plan b going in case I needed to break up with the gf. I told the office roastie to follow me. I took her to the elevator and then moved towards her and said "are we going to do this?" Elevator door starts opening and she pulls away. We go separate ways and end up back at the office shortly. I resume working on my laptop. When it comes time for her to leave she gives me a look like I should be ashamed of myself, 'how could you have done that anon'. I projected an unflappable poker face indicating to her that I was 100% sure I had literally done nothing wrong. 1 week later she asks me to go running with her at lunch. We start making out. Next week I had my hand in her pussy on a nature walk. The following week I was fucking her.

This is the power of being a Chad my lads. Get fit, get good, and fucking believe in yourself for fuck's sakes, you will never fear HR again.

>> No.21849249

Wtf does linkedin notify when I even just click on someone’s profile wtf? I was going through a bunch of girls in my major fuck

>> No.21849293

Hahaha is something like this legitimately possible/ happens today?
t. Tradechad

>> No.21849477

yeah bring gum

>> No.21849499

>Worked in office environment
>being a Chad
Oh I am Laughing

>> No.21849546

Why are you posting this on biz, is mommy home yet?

>> No.21849753

This can only happen in the US. Meanwhile I'm openly flirting with my female coworkers all the time. I actually fucked 3 of them already as well. Feels good not being Amerishit.

>> No.21849871

Not anymore. Diversity cunts everywhere taking all the good leaning on shovel contracts.

>> No.21849929


Now... You live.

>> No.21849931

Scandi master race here.

Ive never had this particular problem but ive had similiar fuckin retarded work related issues and to me it always worked to be aggressive and say its insane and that i dont have time for this shit. Dont now if us is different maybe but if you assert that the whole situation is fuckin retarded everyone except your accuser will side with you. Ive helped coworkers with this tactic aswell, very rare that HR or management care for shit like this unless they are some crazy feminazi.

>> No.21849984

Open a bunch of other coworker’s pages, add them, say you are networking, simple as.

>> No.21850005


>a welshman and his sheep

>> No.21850037

I’m a miner, no wowen, six months off per year, 100k+ salary. Yeah I’m pretty comfy

>> No.21850107

bad advice

>> No.21850214
File: 234 KB, 487x650, random-shite-2020-03-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earn their trust. take a game of twister along, then halfway through this meeting, subtly begin shitting in your manager's mouth.

>> No.21850256

God I fucking hate clownworld. This is how men are forced to live nowadays. Just a few generations ago we were sailing around the world cooming in whatever pussy we wanted and having swordfights. Now we have to stare at a screen for 10 hours a day and if we even make eye contact with a woman we can lose our entire livelihood.

>> No.21850290

Well you have shit job security then. You can't stay young forever! Other than that it sounds like a dream job

>> No.21850295

like a boss

>> No.21850462

The mine I work at still as 15 years to go, I think I’ll be fine, by that time I’ll already have my own island. All I do all day is drive around with a pickup and pretend to work it’s not hard on me at all.
Typing this from said pickup

>> No.21850499
File: 65 KB, 492x1000, 1598195276308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has wageslaved for 28 years
>has never fucked a coworker

>> No.21850562
File: 16 KB, 450x333, 1598298612421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read online that this was an indicator of interest so I risked it and asked her out.

>> No.21850729

here's what you do OP

Go through the Linkedins of several male coworkers
Then tell HR you were simply looking at the LInkedins of everyone in the office to know what to put on yours

If they don't believe you tell them they can ask around with other employees that you probably looked at theirs too. Nothing special about the girl.

In fact also try to add your colleagues on Linkedin

>> No.21850813

Tell them you are gay and report her for HR for assuming things about you which you find offensive

>> No.21850877

This. Fight them with their own weapons

>> No.21850883

I'm assuming you're in burgerland?
Be honest, do you look creepy? This is hard to imagine something hr would look into if you are not a grade a creeper.

>> No.21850900
File: 183 KB, 900x860, EHBPseDXkAMA9XC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did men become so cucked

>> No.21850903

Have you tried not being so fucking ugly? I have heard stories like yours all the time and 100% of them were told by gross uggos.

>> No.21850912

>checking my local coinstar machines

>> No.21850918

Got any more of those big titties

>> No.21850931

link holders are not exactly the pinnacle of masculinity. it's either neet or some IT cuck cubicle job for them

>> No.21850962

Only to be harassed and buttfucked by gay supervisor afterwards

>> No.21851024

Say ure bi lol and call a meeting with just hr her and you ;-)

>> No.21851089


This. Fucking be a man and double down. There is no job worth working for people that might punish your behavior in this instance. Out of principal I'd tell them to fuck off and if she doesn't like Linked In's policy of open profiles she should fucking delete/alter it. Chad isn't just physical appearance although that gives the impression of Chad without actually being one. Chad is a mindset and demeanor/actions that goes along with it. I'm fucking angry for you if this is real. Seriously, slam these faggots into a wall(figuratively) and shame them for even considering this is harassment. It feels so good being free of work drama, crypto is a fucking Godsend truly.

Pre plan what you are going to say and be firm and aggressive. Go in as if you have nothing to lose and that their employment means nothing to you, and it shouldn't. Be a man and rather struggle a bit potentially finding other work while wrecking these retards verbally.

>> No.21851121

Haha, incel.