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File: 58 KB, 640x634, 798A4C62-6715-407F-B801-BE2EF7768E9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21843270 No.21843270 [Reply] [Original]

>excels at his craft
>early bitcoin investor
>hot wife
>big dick
Why aren’t you as successful as Johnny Sins anon?

>> No.21843284

who is that? coinbase founder?

>> No.21843291

Shaves his chest. Very homo

>> No.21843317

My girlfriend (female) enjoys my chest shaved.

>> No.21843314

Because when he invested in Bitcoin i was in like middle school.

>> No.21843338

yeah pretty sure he also fucks and sucks dudes

>> No.21843347

My girlfriend (male) enjoys my chest shaved.

>> No.21843394

My girlfriend (hand) enjoys my chest shaved.

>> No.21843432

Good for you. Doesn’t make it any less homo. Add the selfie in the mirror. Super straight to do that.

>> No.21843564

>taking a picture of yourself means you are homosexual
found the ugly person

>> No.21843601

The amount of insecurity and jealousy mixed with self loathing in this post is awe inspiring.

>> No.21843639

>not a billionaire
>doesn’t have 12 kids
>shitty bathroom with drapes not glass
>no bath tub
>toilet right next to shower so wife stinks it up while you shower

Kys pleb

>> No.21843659

No. It doesn’t mean your homo. I use the term homo as a generic pejorative, like retard.

This specific photo suggests narcissism and likely a sociopath.A douchebag to avoid.

>> No.21843680

does he also fuck traps? HA WHAT A FAG

>> No.21843685

You seem to be seething tho

>> No.21843689

That's a hotel room but yeah

>> No.21843779

I don’t think anyone in this thread is seething, by definition: “Boiling with rage”

Seems pretty under control in here. Just having fun shit posting on a guys photo

>> No.21843826

damn you must look ugly as fuck

>> No.21843859


>> No.21843874

Now you’re seething. That was easy.

>> No.21843886

>t. virgin

>> No.21843887

Doesn’t girlfriend imply (female)? I’m almost more suspicious that you’re fucking a tranny now than I would been otherwise.

>> No.21843897


Anyone who puts ANY effort into taking a picture of themselves is scum. Pure vanity.

>> No.21843912

I’m naturally hairless on my chest like all true white people. Maybe he is too

>> No.21843924

>this specific photo suggests narcissism and likely a sociopath
this specific posts suggests that you're a fat disgusting faggot.

>> No.21843957

Seething hairlet

>> No.21843960
File: 98 KB, 287x198, 1569062564097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't this skinhead a porn star?

>> No.21844028

t. low test fag

>> No.21844079

>t. Kareem Abdul Shitstain

>> No.21844116
File: 189 KB, 1280x592, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe more twink. Nords have strong body hair growth

>> No.21844123

>like all true white people
like all subhumans

>> No.21844207

I mouse raised in a barn is not a horse Khalid

>> No.21844232

If I market buy VRA daily and work out daily can I look like this man?

>> No.21844252

My (male) hand prefers zur chest (female) shaved.

>> No.21844261

That's a woman

>> No.21844336

damn he's actually pretty shredded. good on him. one of the more decent male pornstars. weird how we get these johnny sins threads on occasion, though.

>> No.21844338

The sad thing is Nords are going extinct and your truly beautiful culture and society will be all Muslim immigrants in 1 or 2 generations. All that was built by Nordics erased from history. What a tragedy. Sigh

>> No.21844803

that's a hotel bathroom not his. between the metal door, array of towels, layout, and the fact that he's a pornstar.
something in the holiday inn price range based on the mirror and shower curtain.

t.consultant who lived on the road in hotels across america


>> No.21844830

t. insecure virgin taking tranny pills in a desperate attempt to maintain his norwood 2

>> No.21844911

His wife is bogged and does porn.

>> No.21845099

Who cares they're dead. Grow up and get your head out of your past

>> No.21845120

>All that was built by Nordics
Like what? lmaoooooo

>> No.21845148

I have bigger dick and i excel in my craft arguably better than him, but he wins in every other category

>> No.21845182

He looks like an agent 47 clone and I have seen bald guys that look identical to him and are usually sexual degens

>> No.21845415

Kek, Retked!

>> No.21845700

Yea, i'm sure that this guy isnt a sexual degen at all...

>> No.21846360

my dicks bigger what now

>> No.21846378

Because I'd like to keep my hair, thanks

>> No.21846406

imagine being bald and thinking that youve made it. guy looks 10 years older than whatever age he is because of no hair

>> No.21846515

Yeah but he's an incel

>> No.21846548

i have a big dick, maybe even bigger desu, and my gf doesnt get fucked on camera by niggers. that makes me the winner

>> No.21846577

that's a hotel room, pleb.

>> No.21846610

porn is human trafficking and a jewish assault on western civilization.
i'd rather have a huge brood of kids, a nice 6/10 wife who is happy, and land.