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21842172 No.21842172 [Reply] [Original]

/biz/, i just got cucked so hard by the girl of my dreams. We're good friends but today she did something that made me feel like my heart ripped out of my chest. I straight up cried for a minute straight after she left. I genuinely feel fucked. After i stopped crying i could feel a weird buzzing sensation in my head and sort of tinnitus. Plus i'm high as well.

How can i get over utter heartbreak? How am i mean to reconcile the fact that 2 souls are sometimes perfect for each other yet they can end up apart?

Basically, how do i stop being a bitch because i'm seriously thinking about harming myself. I don't cut myself or anything i just go HAM on coke n shit. I don't really wanna be alive. How can i get back all the time i spent longing for her?

I've already started lifting again after 2 years and am struggling but still going. I feel so down that i'm going to save this shitty blog post and set it as a reminder in 6 months. Thanks for being there /biz/. I hope you all find love.

>> No.21842203 [DELETED] 


>> No.21842264

great diary post, anon. buy suicide stack of vidya if you're just going to kill yourself anyway.

>> No.21842278
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Did she make fun of your LINK stack?

>> No.21842296

What did she do?

>> No.21842351

>girl of your dreams
>we are good friends
You were cucked from the start, might as well rope now

>> No.21842363

Go to a park at night, have a fag and listen to sad songs while feeling sad
Always makes me feel better.


>> No.21842371

Nice blog post faggot. All women are whores

>> No.21842381

She probably cucked you because you are a pot-smoking fag with a flabby body

>> No.21842398

>harming yourself because of a cocksleeve
kys unironically you fucking zoomer

>> No.21842408

Dude, it's a state of mind. She treats you exactly how you ask her to treat you. You'll think I'm a wierdo but if you can afford coke, buy a session of Ross Jeffries. You think you're paying for training how to pick up women, but he's really working on making you a better person to yourself. Then make that wench suffer while you take down women she knows are better than her. Then give her a pity fuck every once in a while, but make sure she knows she'll never have more than that.

>> No.21842415


>> No.21842416

I'm actually jealous of people that actually think can fall in love, 'we were meant to be' and all that shit. You really think that is the only person in the world who would make a good gf? Really?

>> No.21842426

>/biz/, i just got cucked so hard by the girl of my dreams. We're good friends but today she did something that made me feel like my heart ripped out of my chest. I straight up cried for a minute straight after she left. I genuinely feel fucked. After i stopped crying i could feel a weird buzzing sensation in my head and sort of tinnitus. Plus i'm high as well.
>How can i get over utter heartbreak? How am i mean to reconcile the fact that 2 souls are sometimes perfect for each other yet they can end up apart?
>Basically, how do i stop being a bitch because i'm seriously thinking about harming myself. I don't cut myself or anything i just go HAM on coke n shit. I don't really wanna be alive. How can i get back all the time i spent longing for her?
>I've already started lifting again after 2 years and am struggling but still going. I feel so down that i'm going to save this shitty blog post and set it as a reminder in 6 months. Thanks for being there /biz/. I hope you all find love.
take it from an oldfag, in 1 year you wont give a fuck about her. girls come and go, but you will always have your chainlink.

>> No.21842431

This. Except maybe don’t rope. Learn to recognise when you have no chance; pro-tip - it’s pretty fucking early on, not after 6 months of being some pussy bff shoulder to cry on shit. Man up.

>> No.21842436
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Read the Bible and grow some balls. Also don't believe anything what girls say. Girls don't even know what they want, they just want to be led by a strong man.

>> No.21842457

I know that feel very well anon so please listen to me. In your post you said
>the fact that 2 souls are sometimes perfect for each other
That isn't right anon. You think like that because you were in love. After some time you'll see that what I was saying is the truth. I'm sure that you'll find someone better suited for you.
Take care

>> No.21842461

>embedding unembeddable vids
take this faggot with you op

>> No.21842499

>he doesn't know

Lmao look at this faggot

>> No.21842522


>> No.21842551

Find someone in your life to talk about this in person. Whether that is a family member, close friend or a therapist. Everyone goes through this stuff.

>> No.21842569

Stop watching porn and fapping, loser.

>> No.21842620

You sound like you’re in your late teens/early twenties. It gets easier the more jaded you become.

>> No.21842647
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she basically arranged a fuck date with some rando right in front of me

>> No.21842667

LOL you weren't even dating her? You get rejected or something? Get over it, it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.21842697

I’m not jealous of them. They are cringe and I hate them.

>> No.21842720

you forgot to tell her about SFX?

>> No.21842732

Dude there’s no

>> No.21842737

ok so you can either brush it off, be confident around her and maybe fuck some day
ghost her because she is no longer worth your time

but don't resign yourself to the life of a simp with these lofty fantasies of romance

>> No.21842760
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I once felt this way about a woman, and once a woman felt this way about me but in both instances it wasn't reciprocal.
I'm with my actual soulmate now and it wasn't either of them that I ended up with. I'm going to assume you're about 19 - 23 years old and if you stick through it with even a slight positive attitude, shit does get better.
Take that coke and head out for the night. Share with some friends. Make new ones if you don't already have some, if you can't make friends with free cocaine then you should start there instead of worrying about your "perfect" partner. Don't go on a bender, just get it out of your system and move on from her.

>> No.21842801
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That makes the whole situation super easy man. You just never speak to her again and pursue other women.

>> No.21842802

that's because she sees you as a friend
would you be afraid to arrange a date in front of one of your guy friends?
that's what you are to her
there is no sexual attraction
focus your energy on something else

>> No.21842806
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I can't man. I'm really lonely and she was my friend/crush. I KNOW she had/has feelings for me. It'd take hours to write it all down. You know how sometimes shit goes wrong early on and then it seems to be getting better but you realise that certain things always have to be "paid back"? I think i caused her heartbreak in the past and this is karma's way of making me realise it.

The most hurtful thing is that i still care about her and wish her well. I just wish i wasn't such a beta bitch. It's hard for me to process these emotions. I don't open up with my family and my close friends. I feel alone when i'm with any of them.

I'm in my late 20s

Thank you man, i appreciate you. Thanks for the vibes

You're right. Maybe it was just something i use to justify the fact that she understood me better than no other.

>> No.21842867

I'm thinking of the 2nd option.

I've ghosted her in the past. She has abandonment issues i think. She said she hated me for it but obviously she seemed to enjoy spending time with me each day.

This time i probably won't full on ghost her forever. I'm thinking of drip feeding replies every few days until we both cease all communication. Fucking hurts typing it out but i know it's the way forward.

t. beta heartbroken cuck

>> No.21842961
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How can you be so emotionally involved with a girl you haven't even been romantic with? This is some serious beta shit. And this bitch is in her late 20s too I'm guessing? You think this is the first random fuck session she's ever booked? At her age she's probably taken 100+ dicks, many of them long and black.

Stop crying about some used-up roastie and buy some LEND SNX and BZRX.

>> No.21842965

The point of ghosting isn't to psychologically torture her into fucking you... its to cut contact and never speak again. If you want to keep a relationship with her, you need to change your attitude big time. The passive aggressive approach you are suggesting is probably the last thing you should do.

>> No.21842997

Look up the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is you.
Your value to women right now as a romantic partner is low, but you don't realize it yet, because, you are a total incompetent and have no basis for realistic self-assessment.

Fortunately for you, the only way from here is up. Get your life together and make yourself into something a woman might actually be attracted to. Fix up your career -- all women love money -- and get your ass in shape. Cut processed food and soda from your diet and limit booze to expensive stuff that'll impress chicks. Start working out, at least an hour a day. Women are attracted to guys with muscle and stamina. Next, find yourself a gay bro who can give you honest feedback on how badly you dress and improve your style and maybe fix your haircut.
The next step is tough but essential: find pursuits in life not related to sex that inspire and motivate you. Being passionate about something attracts women. Particularly if it's not anime or gaming. This might also have the benefit of winning you non-sexual friends, which also impresses women.
Speaking of which you also got to get yourself platonic female friends. Pick women you don't find at all physically attractive, but still enjoy spending time hanging with. You have got to make yourself a student of the female psyche. Learn what motivates and inspires and repels women. Ok, you understand the repels part already, but not the rest.
After you've done all the above, you might just understand that everybody has a different set of weird kinks and tastes and preferences for partners, and for whatever reason, you don't fit this particular lady's bill. That's not a bad thing at all, that's just random chemistry and early childhood programming, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it, no matter how awesome you make yourself.

>> No.21843036
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>> No.21843038
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What the fuck are you doing anon look at yourself wasting away doing drugs and feeling sorry for yourself. You're basing your happiness on a fucking cock sleeve. Live for you, make yourself better. Be your own source of happiness you fucking retard. We believe in you faggot.

>> No.21843042

remeber this feeling anon. and better yourself to a point where you are never made to feel it again

>> No.21843067


Ah you're fucking right man. I think i need to lift and meet new people and stop investing time into her thinking it's gonna lead to anywhere.

I love you guys so much it's unreal. I've been on 4chan since 2007 and i've not been on it properly the last 5 years but it's truly something special. When i think back, i realise how much i've grown as a (shit)poster. I'm trying to fully feel this emotion in my heart so it doesn't leak into my sleep and give me nightmares.

I'm going to be normal with her. Go out as usual, have fun. I'm just gonna stop being so available for her. I don't wish anyone hurt.

>> No.21843098
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>remeber this feeling anon. and better yourself to a point where you are never made to feel it again

genuinely shed tears at this. i'm a mess

>> No.21843160
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Just stfu and lift faggot. Also learn to treat women like dogs.

>> No.21843203


This anon gives some good advice OP

>> No.21843227
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>> No.21843230
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bro, it aint worth it.
the whole be normal with her/go out as usual..
don't do that.
the rest is ok.

you are not available to her, she has an army of meat that caters to her.
she won't give a fuck about you within 2 weeks.

you don't understand women.

>> No.21843241

Do whatever you think is best. But realize there truly is no reason to let her dictate how happy you are, especially given how little she respects how you feel. All the best OP

>> No.21843267

One of the biggest thing PUA guys will say, is that if you want to fuck a woman you can't shame her for her sex life. You need to be open, accepting and fun. But idk man, I wish you the best but she doesn't seem like relationship material. I hope that some day you can get in her pants, that would be a good consolation prize.

>> No.21843325


>> No.21843343
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I’m sorry.

>> No.21843381

>How am i mean to reconcile the fact that 2 souls are sometimes perfect for each other yet they can end up apart?
No such thing. Most people just end up with the fir.s roastie they knock up. Just look for a good one that ticks enough boxes for you and lock her down.

>> No.21843429


you’ll get over it in 5 years

>> No.21843448

1. you need to change on the inside.
3. let yourself feel like shit and be depressed because cmon it's the right thing to do and you know it
4. those feelings will change you. the pain your actions feelings mistakes put you into WILL change you. nothing else will.
5. don't lift if you don't feel like it. negligible chance you'd have kept her if you were 5 times this ripped. working out is good for you but now you need to focus on the inside.your personality needs to adapt.

>> No.21843454

>don't be available
This will show who she really is. Was in a similar situation as OP before I nutted up and moved on. Dont have malice simply stop reaching out. She will hate you for it but never show malice or anger. Just know that its not worth your time and just move on.

>> No.21843489

You should just drop her completely. Put your time into better pursuits and stop wasting your thoughts on her.
I had a relatively similar situation years ago with a chick I grew up with. The only way I was able to get over her completely was to cut her out entirely and never speak with her again. Trust me, it'll fucking suck for the first year, but it's ultimately worth it. Don't worry about "hurting her" because she's obviously hurt you. Refocus and rebuild yourself by looking at yourself objectively.
Good luck, king, and stay strong.

>> No.21843501

>I'm going to be normal with her. Go out as usual, have fun. I'm just gonna stop being so available for her. I don't wish anyone hurt.

>> No.21843519
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>every night for the next month OP has to visualize his soulmate getting absolutely destroyed by some rando’s massive cock
>could literally be happening right now while he is shitposting his diaries on this Nigerian quail-taming board

>> No.21843532

Move on as quickly as possible. Don’t actively avoid her but don’t hang around places she goes either. If you see her, be cool & polite. Try to have somewhere else to be heading to, or something else you should be doing. Fill your time, keep an open mind and relax.

>> No.21843534

No he won't.

>> No.21843556

>I've been on 4chan since 2007
4chan ain't shit. this is /biz/. only /biz/. you fell out w 4chan, you will never fall out with /biz/ for more than a few months. this is the best place on this planet in the early 21st century.

>> No.21843579

Holy shit you are the biggest faggot ever. Jesus Christ the cringe. We really need to bring bullying back. The state of men today....

>> No.21843590



Must read for men:

The Game
Sperm Wars
The Selfish Gene
Wild at Heart
The Bible

Men are the gambler and women are the casino.

>> No.21843598

this anon is, sadly right. but you can change anon.
simp enablers need to exterminated or mankind is over.

>> No.21843605
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>tfw married with pregnant wife
>roasties throwing themselves at me every time I go out to the bar with bros now
>have to turn them down because I’m a principled man
Wtf is it bros? I thought it was a meme but the amount of women I’ve had approach me since getting married is insane. The other day a girl stopped walking in the middle of the street as I was talking with bros, game over to me and told me “I was one of the most handsome men she’s ever seen in her life” and she asked me for my contact info (I refused)
I don’t even wear a wedding ring. Do you emit a special pheromone once you’ve gotten a wife and stopped being beta? I’m not even that attractive.

>> No.21843606
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>> No.21843691

This thread was moved to >>>/trash/32357729