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File: 428 KB, 750x794, 56252D6B-34A4-4890-8B9E-DAFF364A394F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21828323 No.21828323 [Reply] [Original]

100 thousand dollars in stock or crypto gains would be life changing for most. You could pay off your student loans, buy that car you wanted to impress holes, put a down payment on a cuck shed or reinvest it for dividends. Stop pretending like 100k wouldn’t change your life for the better as long as you don’t blow it

>> No.21828446 [DELETED] 

I would have about $500k after taxes (a little over 400k in Euros) and it really is nothing here in Europe.

I need at least 4x during the bullrun to have lifechanging money. $100k in euros is ike 84k euros. That's really nothing.

>> No.21828550

Not everyone is from India pajeet

>> No.21828592

Look buddy. 100k IS a TON of money for the average american consumer. You can buy a lot of neat things with that kind of dough and dig yourself out of heafty debt. Hell maybe you could invest in a rental property or put it into a stock like tesla or apple and see if you can double it. You see buddy you need to understand that its all about what you do with your money. Someone making 40k a year can make it if he invests wisely over time. You can never be passive with investing though. You need to move your money around and shift investments according to trends, external impacts and new opportunities. So stop letting people tell you that 100k isn't worth more than toilet paper to wipe your shit stained ass hole with. Its a good chunk of money that can go far to improve your life.

>> No.21828595

>$100k in euros is ike 84k euros. That's really nothing.
84k is a lot of money. thats a few years of salary. If you put it all in a ETF that will be like a few hundred K in 10-20 years. That's boomer as fuck so a better way is to just have 84k in crypto and it will do an easy x5-10 depending on your portfolio.

compare to me I only 4k in crypto right now your leverage is x21 higher than mine. 84k is a lot of leverage my dude, you're literally 1 bullrun away from never working again.

>> No.21828614

That's not a man

>> No.21828700
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Coke and whoes prices.

>> No.21828712 [DELETED] 

I'm pretty much gambling at this point.

It's not like I feel good about having 600k worth in a fucking crypto, but it's my only shot at retiring before 30 or in my early 30s.

>> No.21828756

poorfags ITT ngmi
100k is fuck all

>> No.21828774

>You can never be passive with investing though
disagree. I got some passive investments in ETFs , my crypto investments are more active however. not daytrading active, but you get the point.

I think if you have over 10k$ and saving up money you need to start diversifying into ETFs too. Honestly if I'd get close to 100k I would have at least 90% into ETFs and 10% into crypto. Not because I don't believe in my investments but I rather live without anxiety knowing that if I fucked up my investments I'm not financially ruined. and still made the 7-ish % gain on my investments where I could then rebalance my investment portfolio at the end of the year to get 10% into crypto again.

Right now im 10% ETF and 90% crypto tho , I have way too little money (5k) to be the other way around.

>> No.21828786

Imagine having that much in a make believe wanna be currency that exists only in cyber space and has no intrinsic value. If I were you I would cash out immediately and buy some blue chip stock that pays dividends

>> No.21828820

>if I'd get close to 100k
>not being even close to 100k
>poorfag things his opinion matters

do the opposite of this retard
muh 90% ETFs
did you install robinhood last week?
go back

>> No.21828830

i have 190k in crypto and i dont feel like its anything either, i really need a new computer and i have not cashed anything out to build one

im still using my used macbook i bought in 2011 for 800 dollars from a literal desperate homosexual i met off cragislist. he even left all his data on the computer, later i fucked one of the girls from the contacts on his facetime lol , damn time sure flies by quick

>> No.21828853

Honestly fuck ETFs you would get far better gains going 40% Apple 40% Microsoft and 20% Tesla

>> No.21828875
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wait can I do this to grow my benis and facial hair?

>> No.21828883
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>It's not like I feel good about having 600k worth in a fucking crypto
You have 600k euros in crypto?? Dude you already made it if you go ahead and live a little frugally. if not throw at least 500k into ETFs and you have a really good source of passive income.....

how much do you think you even need? where you just gonna keep 600k in fiat? the fuck?

>> No.21828917

>buy that car you wanted to impress
>put a down payment on a cuck shed
Or it can pay for the entire thing instead.

>> No.21828939

paying for th entire house? bro youre an idiot. please go watch basic investing videos on youtube.

>> No.21828960

Nice bait. $500k is the minimum to have a positive impact on your life.

>> No.21828974 [DELETED] 


No, I'm not doing anything before I am certain that we are in another bullrun. I can sit on this for the next fucking 3-5 years if that is what it takes.

I saw a fucking guy in 2016 who literally had to move with his parents and borrow money from his friends because he was all in Ethereum in 2016. This guy made €40 million just by selling at the fucking top.

>> No.21829037
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>please go watch basic investing videos on youtube.

>> No.21829064

Literally have more than $100k in LINK alone. Chump change.

>> No.21829145

>I saw a fucking guy in 2016 who literally had to move with his parents and borrow money from his friends because he was all in Ethereum in 2016
imagine he sold 1/4 of it in 2017 then he wouldn't have the emotional damage of being a leech from his friends and family and had a stable life as well as 0 anxiety of losing it all. In the end he would still have 30million. Don't go so hard into crypto you can't even afford basic neccesities that's just retarded.

>> No.21829165

no one gives a fuck you stupid fucking gambling mutt.

>> No.21829180


You won’t ever make it faggot. You only make it by specializing and taking risks. I have 4x that in crypto and I don’t worry a bit. Crypto is inevitable, you are just too dumb, lazy, scared to understand.

>> No.21829195

do you fucks really feel good having north of 1 million in real currency in a fucking crypto exchange scam website?

>> No.21829230

is Ethereum even going to moon a second time?

I've never seen ANY crypto moon more than once. And they usually moon before more than a handful of people know about it.

>> No.21829235

>100k is life changing
Maybe if you're a poorfag. 100k is like two years of savings. Not much at all. A Tesla alone is 80k.

>> No.21829246

Just like Ghost was a great investment? Go get fucked you cock gobbling mongrel. You are literally not doing anything but gambling on some fake meme coin that exists only on the interweb.

>> No.21829356

Have fun working for Mr.Goldberg until you're 10 years from death. Retirement is going to be very enjoyable when you can't even walk on your knees.

>> No.21829391

>as long as you don’t blow it
where do I buy the magical crystal ball that accurately predicts whether any given asset, be it crypto or stock, goes up or down over a timespan of X years? Everyone acts like they own this crystal ball.

>> No.21829485

Nigger fucking what? It says per year. If you're 20 years old you need a minimum of 1.2 million to live like a min wage poorfag for the rest of your life ONLY if inflation did not exist.

>> No.21829758

that is if you're an amerimud.
you literally need 1.4k euros a month (min wage) to live a comfy life in europe nothing more.
so you need around 500k - 750k to be very comfy. median salary is around 2200 so with 750k you're above that. 1m is almost 1k above median thats a median software engineer salary. the 1.250k is 4.2k a month which is a senior developer/dentist salary which is high flex.

also the 4% rule takes inflation into account. you really need to look into FIRE if you wanna make it faggot holy shit. Also americans just need a shitload more of money per month so what i said is purely for europeans.

>> No.21829857

>Tesla or Apple
Normie stocks that are at an all time high...baka you guys really do buy high sell low.

>> No.21830278

Umm, so can steroids give me a bigger dick, jaw and full beard?

>> No.21830901

Holy shit how much do you dumb fucks think you need??? You delusional ass clowns not thinking 1 million is enough to never have a mortgage again or any debt and a stream of passive income. You stupid faggots will never make 1 million let alone the 10 million you think that you deserve in your fucked up pea brain sized heads

>> No.21831021


I'm buying a 1 million euro house cash next year. If you can't outperform the stupid trash people on the streets who blindly absorb media fads, guess what?

>> No.21831058

150k in crypto 100 in the bank and 5k in debt. Do you think I give a fuck about your third world idea of making it. now 1 mill is a chunk of change you can get a few rental properties and make half of it work for you while investing the other half. This is fuck you money, wage if you want but the second boss pisses you off then you can say fuck you.

>> No.21831131

>buying a new car
lol imagine being a retard, always buy used clunkers or fix up old clunkers, cars and car payments are the worst investment ever

>> No.21831149

big penis haver here

Trust me, you don't want a big penis. It's not as awesome as it's cracked up to be. Being good in bed without effort is the ONLY upside. Getting your penis's skin chaffed from walking around in hot weather, unless you are wearing compression shorts (which are VERY uncomfortable in that kind of heat) is very unpleasant, and every erection comes with noticeable heart palpitations which scares the shit out of me. You also can't wear shorts with boxers without being very conscious of the placement of your penis when sitting down in a public place, worrying otherwise about being arrested for indecent exposure. I have to do this thing where I try to shift my penis upward very subtly with my hands, like "I'm just itching my hip" kind of gesture, before sitting down within eyeshot of anyone, every time. I also have to use the stalls in public restrooms because strangers like to stare and that's just uncomfortable. My giant penis was only an asset in my "reckless fun" years of college when that sort of thing mattered, but nowadays I pray that some medical genius invents a significantly safer method of penis reduction surgery than the options that currently exist (all of the ones now come with frightening risks of complications that I'm not brave enough to take).

>> No.21831260

Because 99% of the people who say they're investing 600 gorillion dollars in [insert shitcoin here] are talking out their ass or just larping.
If anyone with a brain makes 100k off crypto they're going to realize it and re-invest it into something that isn't in danger of crashing to 0 on an hourly basis.

>> No.21831302
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but every pajeet is from india

>> No.21831440
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>If anyone with a brain makes 100k off crypto they're going to realize it

>> No.21831587

>YOu're dumb because 1m is more than enough , youre ngmi
thats literally what im saying faggot. I literally say that with 500k you can stop working. with anything more its luxury and 1.25 million is enough to get a monthly salary of a dentist. are you fucking thick? whats your problem

>> No.21832160

altcoins my ningen

>> No.21832376

isn't altcoin just a synonym for any crypto currency?

>> No.21832572 [DELETED] 

Not true, 4% withdrawal accounts for inflation

>> No.21832877

>save up money and invest in stocks and crypto
>spend hours every week researching for a year(s)
>finally pays off $8k initial is now $100k
>cash it all out spend on 10% house downpayment

ok boomer

>> No.21832940

Having such large amounts in meme tokens makes me feel like a madman and feel alive.

>> No.21832965

but im a socially inept retard how else will I get pussy without a new car

>> No.21833024

I have over $100k of gains and have zero intention of cashing out at this point.It's not even a year salary.

>> No.21833179

>I've never seen ANY crypto moon more than once. And they usually moon before more than a handful of people know about it.
ethereum mooned from ~0.50-1$ all the way to 100$. you missed out then? no because it still did a massive 15x then.

>> No.21833218

If you stole 100k from any of these faggots that pretend like it isn't a lot of money, they would instantly change their tune and say that it IS a lot of money.

>> No.21833358

It's only a lot because everyone is poor. You can get a house with $5k down, <1months pay. Why would anyone buy a fancy car when they haven't made it yet? $100k is awesome, don't think I wasn't stoked as hell when I finally got there. I was realistic about it though, it's just the first small step to becoming financially independent. I have about 900k in crypto now. You can be happy about it but what does it really get you nowadays in western countries? Anyone with sense would rebalance back in boomer ETFs so the ratio is closer to 20% crypto but I want to catch another bullrun, without losing everything this time. I'm very close to making it and already see about $1.5k/mo generated in shitcoins on top of any appreciation/depreciation. I have my sell targets and with any luck will be fucking around at home retired and working on my own projects. I don't just want a life change, I want a life. Investing is the only way there for most of us turbo autists.

>> No.21833660

>100 thousand dollars in stock or crypto gains would be life changing for most. You could pay off your student loans OR buy that car you wanted to impress holes OR put a down payment on a cuck shed OR reinvest it for dividends. Stop pretending like 100k wouldn’t change your life for the better as long as you don’t blow it.

>> No.21833847

Because /biz/ is full of larpers wishing they had 100k to start with.

>> No.21833945
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Imagine how good life would be if you had 100k to toss into crypto. Peak comfy

>> No.21834023

100k isn't even enough for a downpayment in some countries. How can it possibly be lifechanging? Even being fully homeless you won't be living on 100k for 10 years.

>> No.21834076

Which countries lol? It definitely is if you live literally anywhere other than the west coast

>> No.21834096


100k is something to be proud of though. It's a good base for getting to 200k and then the next leg up.

It's a sign that you're on the right path.

Don't let a bunch of bitter faggots who will never be happy for someone else influece self-valdiation of success

>> No.21834195

Sorry dude. Not sure if you're intentionally presenting a weak argument or actually believe this.

You can't buy a house in specific city in the world so there is ZERO WAY it can change your life? jfc

Firstly, it's possible to move cities and countries. For example, I have zero desire to retire in NYC or SF, so the prices there do not matter to me at all.

100k isn't where you stop. It's great progress though and can be parlayed into much more.

>> No.21834240

Found the middle schoolers.

>> No.21834352
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This should get me to $100k eoy. $9 initial.

0.25m possible?

>> No.21834405

I'll see your miserable ass on the moon

>> No.21834453

nice larp poor fag.

>> No.21834481
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>student loans
>buy that car
I'm 147% sure you are mutt.

>> No.21834495

trash portfolio. Toss everything but dfo and eth

>> No.21834592

>100k isn't even enough for a downpayment in some countries
Where? Fucking Malta?

>> No.21834644

First five look good, don't know anything about the last 2

>> No.21834731

I have 100k in link and it doesn't feel like much. I'm not touching it until its at least 5 million (so basically 1k eoy).

>> No.21834770

Don't bother. This dude with never be happy or positive

>> No.21834783

I'll keep posting this whenever I see this pop up but statera is a scam coin they have a large group spamming this board from their telegram with threads 24/7 and using psy op tactics like portfolios with statera in it, if you're not retarded you can see it has super low volume and trending downwards they're just trying to dump on you

>> No.21834868

This is a classic poor (nigger) vs perma middle class (Boomer) vs wealthy (silent generation) difference of opinion taking place in this thread
Poor people get 100k and spend it on a luxury car, fashion, vacation
Perma middle class get 100k then take it out to hold cash or buy muh etfs
Based wealthy elites make 100k then turn it into 100m over the next decade with cryptos

>> No.21834950

He probably pays 5k a month for a 1 room apartment in San Francisco and thinks he is getting a good deal since he only has to give 200 BJ's a month to make rent

>> No.21834976

It literally doubled in price today

>> No.21835002

Let's say you make $2k a month doing some low end job, that's 12k a year. Meaning you reached 100k in less than 9 years. If the total of 9 years of wage cuck slavery where you need to constantly think of what you're spending is "a lot", then my perspective of life must be really fucked

>> No.21835021

yeah on 500k trading volume, also zoom out nigger. if you want to try to be king pajeet and pick up a quick 2x be my guest but don't act like this shit is a safe long play

>> No.21835039

How many of the males in his contacts did you fick?

>> No.21835091

I now have 100k in crypto and it hasn't changed anything for me at all since for me the whole point of crypto is to reach at least one mil so I can live off passive income. It's all paper money until then and could go to zero tomorrow, I wouldn't even care. Buying a new car is such a coonsoom cvck thing.

>> No.21835111

lol, I am way up because I didn't ignore the threads and got in early. It sucks for you if you bought the top and sold the bottom, but if you would have just held you would be back in the green in a few days or weeks. It was just one whale dumping.

>$10 gas fees
>hur dur but the volumes!!1!

>> No.21835155

oh shut the fuck up you're just another telegram nigger, if you got in early you are way down. it had one major pump and the rest of it is bagholders trying to dump on each other hte last 2 weeks, we can all see the same charts dumbass

>> No.21835159

I literally just bought a house with $10k down... You do know what a first time homebuyer is right? You do also realize that most people are living in $200k~ houses not $1mil+ right (as I said, literally everywhere but the west coast)?

You're just so wrong it's ridiculous

>> No.21835170

imagine being this cunt and coping this hard kek

>> No.21835362

You clearly haven't looked at the chart. I can't even imagine why you have such a chip on your shoulder about a coin that you clearly know nothing about. I got in at 2.7c, and it is now at 18c, so please explain how I am down.

>> No.21835371

$100k after taxes in my bank account would be life changing. it would put me several years ahead of my savings goals and allow me to make a considerable down payment on a house. anyone thinking in terms of buying a tesla or using it to invest in a 10x shitcoin scamtoken is a nigger destined for a lifetime of poverty.

>> No.21835484

$25/pop, 10 minutes each, work comes to you through small hole in wall, free protein and smells, one hour work day. Sounds pretty sweet if you ask me. But I'm a guy. Girls have it so easy. Shit, I'd just set up a vending machine type deal. Insert $100 and a partition slides up. I'd have a 64oz bottle of silicone lube bolted on the side and me bent over where just my thighs and lower back are visible with straps holding me down for dramatic effect/ensure no kidnappers. Just enough shown to access and see I'm not fat, face hidden so no doxxing, pussy would be taped over so no pregnancy. I'd just shitpost and invest since they won't see me acting disinterested the whole time. Put a ten minute time limit unless they buy more time, maybe eventually upgrade to a card processor so potential user base is expanded. Maybe do some value added shit on the side like dirty panties lottery, 1 in X rides gets free pair of worn panties for just $5 more, sell locks of pubic hair, etc. Just 4 hours a day in the vending machine doing what I normally do for 5 days a week is 876k/yr. Assume I suck at crypto and only catch a 25% per year that's 1,095k/yr. Starting at 18 and going to 24 when I find a good guy to marry and tell I hate/would never do anal with and love the comfii life as a kept woman with 10m in VTSAX. I'd probably feel a little guilty and let him fuck my throat on his birthday every couple years but it's a solid plan. No idea why so many girls just give it up for free. To clarify I would hate this as a guy but if you were a girl haha, just imagine how cool it'd be.

>> No.21835507

yeah cause you're part of the telegram group spamming biz, whales pumped it once, and it has been bleeding dry for the past 2 weeks, with nonstop spam shill threads, no discussion about what the token actually does, stolen memes, and lots of "I'm getting rich/this is the next link!"

>> No.21835715
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>> No.21835878

also unironically read the whitepaper, I'm not even an expert in crypto and that shit is a fucking joke, 30 pages with large font and pictures with relentless comparisons to bitcoin/link/eth to attract retards, it also conveniently has step by step instructions for newfags to trade for it on uniswap jfc nevermind if anyone is stupid enough to fall for this they deserve it

>> No.21836044

Are you aware that it has been around for nearly three months now? You act like it is brand new, but clearly you missed the first two months where it was mostly sub-5c

It's ok though, we are better off without low-IQ tards in our project, so please, don't buy and keep running your cock-holster calling it a scam when we break 50c soon enough

>> No.21836060
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stop trying to argue against the pajeets. Its the same group that promoted the BSV scamcoin and they wont stop in the near future till half of the newfags are infected

>> No.21837133

ill bite off your whole asshole with bladeteeth

>> No.21837349
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>> No.21837912

god i wish that was my tomato in her mouth

>> No.21838032

That’s a man

>> No.21838132

>life changing
what's life changing about $100k? I can drive a better car? That's not life changing retard. I don't give a shit about my car or my clothes, or even where I live for that matter, $100k wouldn't do shit for me.

Life changing is when you have so much money that you can fly on a private jet every week, dine at the nicest restaurants every day, be connected with the most influential people in the world, and so on. $100k doesn't ket you do any of that, not even $1,000,000. The fact I don't have a mortgage is not life changing, it's just small convenience

>> No.21838145
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I always been a loser my whole life , fuck you guys When i make 100k/Year im done, literally happy for the rest of my life. If you cant be happy with 100k you just have clinical depression.

T.50k/Year 26yr old trying to make it in my own way

>> No.21838173

if you can't be happy with $50k you won't be happy with $100k

>> No.21838247

Was momentarily at 200k before my coins dipped and now I’m around 100k. This spring before I got into crypto 40k was all I had saved and I was very sad about losing 10k due to corona and my stupid panic selling. Back then 200ks seemed really life changing but now that I actually could have had it I realized how little it actually is.

>> No.21838277
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I'm sure a luxury apartment/Car, designer clothing, 2 holiday vacations/year , and shopping at Publix/Wholefoods every week would help. Literally a 100k Lifestyle is a whole new world to someone who makes 50k/Year. some of You guys just always want more and more and more until you are empty inside

>> No.21838351

Judging by the way you responded, you're always going to be a sad faggot.
>Maybe i would stop being edgy if I had designed clothes and shopped at the cool grocery stores!! Shut up mom!

>> No.21838381

You are Depressed and you know it

>> No.21838494

it literally wouldn't. You'd be seething every day about not making $500k

>> No.21838563
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What do you need in life that 100k/Year cant do for you ? Perception is the issue not lack of wealth. Unless you literally want to retire or Drive a Lambo in Iberia while fucking whores on coke you can have a comfy life with 100k. Again if you want more I'm not going to scoff at it I understand but for people like me its enough

>> No.21838645

I don't think you get it, you're the one bitching about what you can do with 100k but not 50k. Your whole mindset is off. The key isn't the amount per year but not having to waste your time for someone else so you can survive. The fact that a luxury apartment/car, 2 holiday vacations, and shopping at some faggy grocery store is your idea of making it is kind of pitiful.

>> No.21838648

? What are you doing here then faggot start building your billions and live your rockstar dream

>> No.21838656

> thinks 100k is a lot of money
> lists consoomer shit you can buy
> has student loans
> wants to impress fuck holes

You are literally ngmi with this mentality. The average salary is like 50k. At a 20% savings rate you could have 100k in 10 years if you literally did nothing to grow your capital at all. This is also not including raises. If you are not investing then you are just a retard, so you could actually have it in like 5-7 years working. 27 if you started your career at 20.

>> No.21838735
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Its good enough for me to be comfortable, Just because you have 7 figure wealth does not mean some of us can be happy with less. Easy to kick the small guy when hes down though. Financial Freedom is the ultimate goal for everyone but very few will achieve it. Wish you the best fren if thats what your gunning for

>> No.21838755

>Get $100k
>Immediately buy a flashy car


>> No.21838787

I'm a dicklet and despite your lengthy blog post I still want a big dick. Your inconveniences are mostly physical daily stuff, it's something that you notice but not groundbreaking or anything. Compare that with the permanent feeling of inferiority because everyone around you including the media makes you aware of your sexual worthlessness. If we were living just 50 years prior it wouldn't have been a problem, but now that the female pleasure has been put on a pedestal your very existence is a threat to their sexual well being. And you can't have that

>> No.21838878

Who among us isn't? Normal well adjusted people don't gamble on shitcoins hoping for another bullrun. Normal happy well off people don't even invest in stocks. They're quite content in their own little world leasing cars and going out for brews and steaks every night and putting their new wardrobe and vacation on one of their many credit cards. I think it's dumb but I also envy their lifestyle and ability to enjoy the moment.

>> No.21838887

Sorry Fren, At least you make more money than me

>> No.21838890

because it's a game to me, it's fun to find exploits

>> No.21838916

Meanwhile I'm going through a crisis every time I almost buy a coke while getting gas because $1.59 adds up if I buy one every day for 10 years and factor in ~8% annual returns from a conservative mutual fund. $10,019.30 for a coke? I won't even remember the sensation an hour from now. I can't afford this nor deserve it. Then I feel sad because it's such a creature comfort and I remember being a kid and getting so excited about it on the rare occasions I got a treat or they had cokes at the church potluck every couple months. There were even a ritual to savor every part. On first opening and the volatile gasses are released I would inhale. It kind of burned but it also left an imprint of the notes to come. I would sip it slowly so I had more time with it. I would be so careful not to knock it around or cause a vacuum in the bottle that knocks the carbonic acid out of solution when the container snaps back to the nondeformed shape with pressure equalization to atmosphere. I remember a couple occasions I got very upset upon accidentally dropping it and seeing it foam up inside the bottle I was so careful with as to replace the cap and tighten after each sip. The torturous hissing sound it made after opening post drop want heart wrenching. I wasn't even poor poor, like I had handmedowns from other people in church, we always had food even if it was just potato soup with bread and no cheese. Parents were hyper religious and homeschooled me so everything I like was evil and autism in demonic possession so they enjoyed striking my ass with implements frequently, but others have it worse. Yet I'm still me and feel sad from my perspective and situation. Life is confusing and difficult but normalfags were born with cheatcodes to happiness. It's quite unfair, like most things in life.

>> No.21838929

>The fact I don't have a mortgage is not life changing, it's just small convenience
People slave their entire lives just to have a fully paid off house, shitbox car, and (((401k))). I'm not arguing against your main point about $100k not being massively life changing, but having no mortgage is a life goal for tons of people.

>> No.21838946

pretty sure that was pasta. if you've been with enough girls, besides having enough girth and not being a micro penis size really doesn't matter, guys care way more about that shit. some sloots like big ones for novelty but they're usually uncomfortable for actual fucking (you don't give a girl an orgasm by poking her cervix). girls also think cut dicks are prettier, and that's just as fucked up, don't let this shit infect your brain.

>> No.21838970

I think because most people's goals are to make enough money to live off the interest and retire safely. 100k is not going to accomplish that goal, but it's a step in the right direction.

>> No.21838986

>100 thousand dollars in stock or crypto gains would be life changing for most
So what you mean is literally no dollars at all.
You never have dollars in crypto or stocks.
Once you exchange currency for assets you ONLY HOLD THE AQUIRED ASSET. No, you do not hold currency anymore.
And no, 100k US dollars isn't much money since it doesn't really buy you any liveable shelter and a livable environment. Let alone much of other things.

>> No.21839032


>> No.21839086

literal 12yo

>> No.21839166

>If you put it all in a ETF that will be like a few hundred K in 10-20 years.
Your "few hundred K" in "10-20 years" will buy you as much if not less than 84k€/100k$ now.

>> No.21839187
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Most Americans have 5 Figure Credit Card Debt, Negative Net income and barely make above 60k/ Year. What you're describing is true. However With 100k a Year, Having 50% of fixed expenses paid for by your partner Hypothetically a semi-disciplined budget plan you would still be liquid with no debt and still afford to lease/Mortgage a condo + Eating out/ Luxury Clothing/ Vacations and have some to invest. Only reason my goals are that of a zoomer faggot on Tik-Tok is because I never got the ability to even obtain those things. Thats why everyone wants more money is to become what they saw with such things. for you it might be 5M , Owning several properties ect. The reason you want your goals is because you NEVER were able to obtain them.
What im worried about is if I ever Achieve 100k Annually is becoming Jaded and not being able to be content with life. Becoming bored of what I have and not being able to just enjoy the moment.
Money is everything to me but eventually you want to just take a break and say " Yeah I'm doing just fine"

>> No.21839201

>you can get a house with $5k down, <1 months pay

>> No.21839220

Bro just buy the soda its ok

>> No.21839241

>You can get a house with $5k down,
Fucking where, Nebraska?

>> No.21839264

Top kek

>> No.21839273

Jelqing works, research it
It won't work miracles and you have to go slowly and invest time, but it's not out of the question to add 1 or 1.5" of length and 1/2" of girth

>> No.21839308


A shit dentist makes 200k. Returns on boomer stocks are ~7% at the very best. 70k is not 200k.

>> No.21839348

Not having a mortgage is essential. It is the ultimate status symbol among wagies. It shows you do not have to live by their rules. But you choose to. You're flexible. And you get good nights rest.

>> No.21839377

Only Valid reason to want more than 100k

>> No.21839435


Muh property taxes. Muh maintenance.

>> No.21839489

> luxury apartment/Car, designer clothing, 2 holiday vacations/year , and shopping at Publix/Wholefoods every week
perpetual debtslave in the flesh. you will die poor and stupid.

>> No.21839549

muh sleepless nights

>> No.21839550

See >>21839187
100k you wont have debt doing those things, Post Tax of course fren

>> No.21839586

>not blow it
>all of that gay shit you listed
Try again

>> No.21839718
File: 147 KB, 600x800, 1589766598126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ill be honest with you I just want to Flash money to fuck whores and do drugs.
Pic related is me cooming with a whore

>> No.21839728

Everyone ITT is talking about having 100k on hand and using that to become a millionaire. You are talking about being a white collar wageslave and living a suburban lifestyle on a $100k per year salary.

>> No.21839792

Having a big dick is real overrated. It's not more important than looking attractive.

>> No.21839800

Yes fre

>> No.21839807

No, it wasn't pasta. I really do have an annoyingly large dong, and even though I don't necessarily want a tiny penis like >>21838787
, I would very much like it if I could just pay a surgeon and make it just merely average-sized without any risk of complications. It's medically possible, but the technique isn't quite "there" yet like, say, laser eye surgery is, so it's more likely to have problems than not.

The only real solution I have is maybe strengthen my abdominal core, that supposedly pulls your penis inward at least an inch (or more, genetics and height depending). Joe Rogan was complaining about how his dick got tiny after he got bulky and muscular so maybe there's truth to that.

>> No.21839836

bro stop bragging about your huge dick nigger

>> No.21839878

This thing is an interruptive nuisance every waking second of my being

>> No.21839920
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>implying thats not literal normie chad mode

>> No.21839935

I'd rather have a gigantic bank account (I'm a poorfag) than a gigantic penis. I'd take a Faustian deal for that kind of tradeoff from the Devil himself without even hesitating about it.

>> No.21840003
File: 157 KB, 765x988, 1594245528547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Naw , Imagine having a 7 inch coomer , you know what you could do with that shit? instead of having to pay for pussy its literally thrown at you as long as your not ugly, literally entire stacy circles will go through you. Imagine having to literally be wealthy to fuck 8/10+ kek

>> No.21840113


Imagine not wanting to own property in a good location. Imagine not being prepared for a financial crash, inflation. Imagine not expecting some catastrophe to burn up some of your money and planning for it.

>> No.21840210
File: 242 KB, 891x1195, 1593015399031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine not wanting to own property in a good location. Imagine not being prepared for a financial crash, inflation. Imagine not expecting some catastrophe to burn up some of your money and planning for it.

>> No.21840325

I have 100k AUD in crypto right now.
I estimate that with a conservative frugal lifestyle I could live off 30k AUD a year.

Realistically I would need atleast 1.5mil to retire

>> No.21840393

lmao retard, that 5k should be going into uniswap for a 5-10x

>> No.21840419

Ofcourse you pay for the entire house, then you get a HELOC on top of it for 0.01% intrest. And then you use that money to buy a yacht and get a ELOC on that for 0.01% intrest...
Mony is still in YOUR FUCKING POCKET NIGGER, jew the jew fuck pol i am biz

>> No.21840445

>Why do so many Anons on here say that 100,000 usd isn’t a lot of money?
Because ita not enough to never worry again. The bar most of us are trying to get to here is that, within whatever each anon thinks is reasonable, is that money...a safe place to live, provide for family, is never a question again. A 100k is not this in the united states.

>> No.21840500

insanely cringe

taste of based

>> No.21840571

1 million could be enough if you live a frugal life. You guys all think you can pull 8-10% returns non stop are misguided...

>> No.21840914

Bud it's no big deal. Being alive costs money over time. Having a coke is fine bro.

>> No.21840984


>> No.21841042

Bruh if you spontaneously made $100k and had $100k in student loans, DO NOT PAY THEM OFF IN ONE LUMP SUM. Definitely set up a payment plan to aggressively pay it off but for the love of god use a good portion of that money to reinvest and enjoy life

>> No.21841197

>2 years of savings
Where the fuck does all the money go? The absolute state of americans. I can survive 9 years on that money.

>> No.21841399

100% agree with this. I'm also poor as shit. Got the nice pee pee though.

>> No.21841627
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if you consider bumfuck nowhere, usa to be your desired locatation for a fulfilling living off of 100k$ minus the cost of purchase of the property...

>> No.21841981

Based post

>> No.21842177
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>> No.21842246
File: 100 KB, 1771x1417, ret_sp500_medallion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck ETFs
>just buy these stocks
>im smarter then all fund managers in the world
>majority fund managers cant even beat the index

>> No.21842320

This is why you are poor and will remain poor.

>> No.21842382

>got some passive investments in ETF
ETF strat is flawed.

>> No.21842484

>you get a HELOC on top of it for 0.01% intrest
what are you talking about. where can uyou get a HELOC for 0.01%? My HELOC is ~3.5% while my interest rate is 2.74%.
Since my interest rate is so low (less than official inflation numbers, much less the shadowstats ones if you'd rather believe those) i'm better off NOT paying my mortgage down.

>> No.21842627

Until you need medical care.

>> No.21842745

Well, I have €84k and I try to make a living out of that with stock investments.
Idk if it will work.
€84k really isnt a lot

>> No.21842912

Because that's basically what I make in 1 year, well a little less. 100k is worth nothing in the modern economy. That's just how it is. If I made 1 million I would probably leave to another country.

>> No.21842960

>better off not paying off mortgage
depends if you can write off the interest you pay on mortgage and/or HELOC

>> No.21843031

because this board is full of lazy neets who don't want to work and 100k isn't enough for that

>> No.21843175

>You need this much invested
in what?

>> No.21843211


>> No.21843245

>few years salary
ngmi poorfag mentality

>> No.21844260

I bought a bunch at the bottom of the dip.
I’m up about 10%. No intention of holding. Just want to cash out if it ever goes about 1$ again.

>> No.21844504
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>> No.21844796

>few years salary