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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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21836169 No.21836169 [Reply] [Original]

Do people not realize that the only reason btc ltc and eth pumped so hard was because it was the only onramp to crypto on coinbase in 2017? Now that theres a million shitcoins for normies to fomo on available on coinbase bitcoin will literally never see a rise to that insanity again. Same for eth. Same for ltc. Same for btc cash or whatever the fuck other scams they had on coinbase at the time.

>> No.21836216

that's not the only reason retard. ICO mania and Tether manipulation played big roles in it too

>> No.21836245

normie fomo on coinbase was definitely the main driving factor.

>> No.21836251

the eternal alt season

>> No.21836292

Then sell faggot

>> No.21836321

Wait till boomers into crypto
>only bluechips
Alt season cancelled

>> No.21836320

I hold 0 bitcoin and eth lol, people just still believe the 21 btc meme and still think stacking eth will ever make it and i wince at the thought of it.

>> No.21836334

Thats not how it works

>> No.21836400

you can still make money on low traction shitcoins. i never bought any because i thought it was a scam (it is a scam) but look at the retards who bought DFO at $0.01 or less and rode it to $2-4.

>> No.21836419

That's literally exactly how it works. I have been here from the start. I've seen it all.

>> No.21836474

yeah that's about the only way though, it's pretty gambly. Rugs are getting stealthier by the day. Chinks scamming everyone. I don't like the uncertainty of it. I'm all in link since 14 cents though, but that I was certain would be #1 cmc one day.

>> No.21836486

Boomers are almost fucking dead and threw their wealth away on Corvettes, boats, wine tasting, B&Bs and now they’re investing in the old folks home where they’re going to to fuck off and die alone.

They’re not active investors anymore.

>> No.21836629
File: 44 KB, 500x687, B5B87943-0003-4A56-BA6F-4C5F902AB90B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically. No meaningful amount of 60-70 y.o. boomers will start buying crypto

>> No.21836905

They'll have no choice
>USD brrrrred into oblivion
>ohnono my stonks what do
>liquidate equities and 401ks
>liquidate boats, second homes
>devastating firesale haircut
What then are their options?

>> No.21837355

Allow me to rephrase
>most overlevered generation ever
>obscenely decadent living standards
>passive income guarantees vanish
What then is their play?
Austerity after a lifetime of excess?
Or FOMO into the last game in town, desperate to claw back their luxury lifestyles?

>> No.21837445

>Austerity after a lifetime of excess?

>> No.21837747

>>USD brrrrred into oblivion
>>ohnono my stonks what do

stocks are a hedge against inflation, you're retarded

>> No.21837817

>Venezuelan stock market new ATHs!
Inflation and hyperinflation are two separate worlds

>> No.21838007

You are goint to learn the hard way. It always was and will be about stacking sats

>> No.21838250

I took a screencap of it for future keks.

>> No.21838321
File: 215 KB, 1181x866, old_people_redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be silly, boomers won't be forced into austerity. Notice all the REEEEing over Trump suggesting temporary tax cuts that would take money out of Social Security in order to give workers more take home pay? Boomers get to keep the prosperity while their children and grandchildren and great grandchildren get the austerity.

>> No.21838339


>> No.21838371

That may have been the case in 2016 but it's no longer relevant.

>> No.21838416

What part of THEY WILL BE DEAD didn’t you understand fren?

>> No.21838933

Entirely agree austerity is out of the question. They expect better than modest living standards, therefore le REEEE when social security is inflated into irrelevance. Guarantees delivered, prosperity terminated. What do then with the fraction of wealth they manage to retain once pressured with steeply negative real rates?
>historically high life expectancy